Read Can I Have A Second Chance Page 10


  Marriage was the farthest thing from Mike’s mind. He had just graduated from Bible College and he was the new pastor in a church with sixty members. Sixty members is not that many when it means that they have to pay for a pastor full time. But the church deacons felt that they were going to be growing and with the growth they were expecting, they would need a full time pastor.

  When Mary Jane Culpepper walked through the front door of the church in the third week of his ministry, Mike thought that he would melt before he could deliver the sermon. She was beautiful and with those long eyelashes and deep tan, he could not take his eyes off her, even when he gave his sermon. As was his custom, he would gaze at the people on the right then he would gaze at the people on the left. Each time he looked to the right, she was staring straight at him. She was either falling in love with him, or she was intently interested in his sermon. Since he was a college graduate and he did study really hard for each and every sermon, she must be totally engulfed in what he was saying, he surmised.

  If Mike had known what was going on in the mind of Mary Jane, he would have passed out right there at the pulpit. When Mary Jane first walked in the door to the church and saw Mike, there was that feeling and that premonition that some girls have when they meet “Mr. Right.” That was the feeling Mary Jane had. When she took her seat and watched Mike talk to the song leader and the head deacon, she was thinking of all the different ways she could catch his attention.

  She acted as if she was reading the church bulletin, but she was really looking over the top of the bulletin and watching every move that Mike made. The thoughts that were rolling around in her head about a June wedding and the idea of three or four children made her drift into a fantasy world that most women go into when they know that they have found the man of their dreams.

  Mary Jane was interested in the sermon. She had been a Christian almost all her life. Her folks went to the church about five miles down the road. Mary Jane had told her folks that their home church was full of almost all couples and older singles. She needed a change and she needed a church where there were some younger people. Her mom asked where she was going to church Sunday and she said that she had heard that there was a new pastor at First Haven Community Church and she wanted to go and see if he was any good or not.

  Mike’s sermon was on the subject of salvation by works. His key verse was found in Ephesians 2:8 & 9 - 'For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God--Not of works, lest any man should boast.' Mike gave the message in a three point outline, just like he had learned in Bible College. To the amazement of Mary Jane, she thought it was one of the best messages she had ever heard. As she thought about the message, she started thinking about the idea of Mike becoming one of the greatest preachers in the country. She wanted him to excel beyond both of their wildest dreams. But, then she came back down to earth and had to realize that perhaps that was not the best for Mike.

  With the services over, Mike stood at the door greeting everyone as they left. One of the last to leave was Mary Jane. When she walked out of the door, they both reached out to shake hands. As their hands touched, their eyes met, also. That first touch sent tingles all the way down to Mike’s toes. He couldn’t believe how soft her hand was and how beautiful her eyes were. He tried to think of something to say, but the only thing that came out of his mouth was his name. He also said he hoped she would be back that night or maybe on Wednesday.

  Mary Jane had the same feelings that Mike had just experienced. The only difference was that, when a woman knows that the man she just met is going to be her future husband, she starts to plan all kinds of strategies to catch him. Mary Jane knew that she was beautiful, but she did not flaunt her beauty. On the other hand, she would do things that would get men interested very quickly. When she reached out to shake hands with Mike, she blinked her eyes three quick times, and for Mike, that just about did him in. With those green eyes, and with that red hair, was almost too much for Mike to take. She always knew that one day the Lord would lead a Christian man into her life. It was just a matter of when and where they would meet. She never once thought that it would be a pastor.

  Gene was living within two miles of Mike’s church. He had heard that Mike was the pastor there. He also had determined that one day he would go to church there and visit with Mike.

  In the office where Gene worked, there were a number of very beautiful young and single women. They did not know a thing of his past reputation. If they had, they probably would not have gone out with him. Each girl he went out with, he attempted to take to bed. Some were very willing to go to bed with someone that was as handsome as he was. But there were a couple of girls that had more on their minds than going to bed with Gene. These girls were both looking for “Mr. Right” and they both knew that Gene was “Mr. Wrong.”

  Four months after Gene had begun to work there, a new young woman started to work in the office. Her name was Roxann Rhodes. For Gene, it was love at first sight. Roxann was not one to be taken in by good looks. She had won many beauty contests and she was also the Homecoming Queen at the college she graduated from. Each time Gene would talk to her, he was always complimenting her on what she was wearing or on how good she looked. Sometimes, he made her sick on his overbearing approach.

  One day, Gene finally got the nerve to ask her out. The answer was, “No, never!”

  After that rude reply for a date, he sat down to analyze what he had done wrong with this beautiful hunk of woman. He decided the best way to get her to want to go out with him was to act as if she did not exist. If he was in a crowd with other workers and she brought up a point or wanted to put in her opinion, he would totally ignore her. Also, if she said anything to him, he would act as if he did not hear her. The tactic started to work, although very slowly. He also acted as if she did not exist when they were at office parties or other get-togethers.

  After two months of the cold shoulder, Roxann finally broke the ice and started a conversation, nose to nose with Gene. He tried to side step her or to say that he was needed someplace else, but she was not going to be given the snub again. After a lengthy talk, they decided the best thing to do was to get to know each better. Within two months, they were dating and the talk soon started to center around getting married.

  Roxann was the type of woman that made men stop and look when she would walk by. Most men would take a double glance at her and then they would stand and stare at her. She was like Mary Jane. Although, she knew she was very good looking, she did not make a big issue about it. She knew that one day her future husband would come into her life; when and where she did not know. If she had known that Gene was going to be her future husband and if she had known what type of husband he was going to be, she would have told him good-bye from the start.

  Gene finally asked Roxann to marry him and without a hesitation in her voice, she accepted. She said she always wanted to be a June bride and she set the date for June 12. The plans were all made and Gene gave her a little surprise of his own. They were going to Las Vegas for their honeymoon. At Vegas, he could do a little gambling and they could attend all the shows. Roxann was the happiest woman in the state of Washington that day.

  Mike was sure he wanted to know more about Mary Jane and about her life. When he found out that she was single and a very devout Christian, his interest grew even more. He asked around and found out that she liked the church very much and that she wanted to get more involved with the church. However, down deep, Mary Jane had one thing on her mind and that was marriage.

  After four weeks, Mike decided it was time to see if there was just a little interest in him. After church one night, the young adult group planned to go to the local miniature golf course and play a round or two. Mike asked if Mary Jane would be interested in going with him as a “sort of date”

  She wanted to know exactly what he was asking, so she asked,
“You mean a date?”

  Mike stammered around and said, “Yes, a date.”

  At the miniature golf course, Mary Jane acted as if she had never held a golf club before nor even knew how to swing it. Mike demonstrated how to hold the club and how to swing it. Mary Jane, on purpose, made mistake after mistake until Mike had seen enough. He told her to put the club in her hand and he would show her exactly what he was talking about. He then stood behind her and put his arms around her and took a hold of the club. With both of their hands on the club, Mike thought he was holding heaven in his arms. He looked over her shoulder and that is when it hit. Mike took one breath of the perfume and he about died. Mary Jane was wearing his favorite perfume, Estee Lauder's White Linen. That one smell took him back to the third grade when he first discovered that girls smelled completely different than boys. Not only did they smell different, but he liked the smell.

  Mike thought about his third grade teacher, Mrs. Hayre. She always wore Estee Lauder. The day that he remembered was the day that he did not make a very good grade on his English paper. She asked him to come to her desk so she could explain why his grade was so low. Standing beside Mrs. Hayre, he bent down and that is when he took a big whiff of the perfume. He could not imagine what that smell was, but he knew one thing, it was the best he had ever smelled.

  Mike then came back to reality at the miniature golf course. He showed Mary Jane how to swing the club with his hands on top of hers. He thought to himself how smooth and soft her hands felt in his and how nice her completion was. Just looking at her that night made him want to put his arms around her and press his lips against hers and give her the most passionate kiss he had ever given any girl. All the way through the rest of the course, Mike had only one thing on his mind, that being Mary Jane Culpepper.

  After that first date, they could be seen everywhere together. Mike let Mary Jane know from the beginning that he had fallen in love with her the moment he had laid eyes on her and he was praying that she felt the same way. To his astonishment, she told him the first day that she went to church there, and when she saw Mike, she knew that he was going to be her husband. Mike asked Mary Jane to marry him and she accepted even faster than Roxann had said yes to Gene. Mary Jane also wanted to get married in June.

  June was not that far off, but when two people are in love and they want to get married, it seems as if time just crawls by. But June did arrive and on the 5th, Mike and Mary Jane became man and wife. Their honeymoon wasn’t anything fancy, like going to Hawaii or to Acapulco. They decided to go to Idaho for five days. The scenery of the mountains, the brisk cool mornings, and the way the sun would set in the evenings were irresistible for a couple that had only love on their minds.

  One week later, Gene and Roxann were married and off to Vegas they went. Once at the hotel, they made all their plans on where they were going to gamble and which entertainers they wanted to see. Even though Gene had one of the most beautiful women in Vegas, he still liked looking at the other beauties. His eyes were roaming each and every crowd for the next woman that he considered to be out of this world.

  During his honeymoon, Gene did not try to put the move on any other woman. He was married and he was very much in love with Roxann. But all honeymoons must come to an end, or at least that is what Gene always thought. If he had been a Christian, he would have known that the honeymoon lasts year after year, and the love that two Christians have continues to grow until the Lord takes one of them home to be with Him.

  The next year went like a fairy tale for Mike and Mary Jane. Their love was growing day after day and also the church was growing. They made plans for their coming family and they wanted to start that family as soon as possible.

  The honeymoon for Gene and Roxann was over and their next year was totally different than that of Mike and Mary Jane. They loved each other, but that feeling of two people that would be willing to die for one another just wasn’t there. They had decided they wanted to start a family very quickly, also. Gene said he wanted five children and he would like to have them within eight years and then stop having kids and watch each one grow up to be an adult.

  On September 3, the doctor’s office called and said the tests were back and Roxann was pregnant and she could expect the baby about the middle of March. Roxann couldn’t wait for Gene to get home, so she called and told him that she would be by for lunch. That is when she told him he was going to be a daddy. Gene almost choked on his hamburger. After the near accident, he was so excited he wanted to get a book with names in it and find a name for their coming baby.

  That same month, Mike and Mary Jane found out that they were going to have a baby in the month of March, also. They started picking names, but they wanted to know what the meaning of each name was. They knew if they picked a name that had a good meaning, the Lord would bless that child. Mike remembered what the Lord said in Proverbs 22:1 - 'A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.'

  Each month came and went, until March. With each family looking forward to a new arrival, March just crept by until Roxann told Gene she thought they had better go to the hospital.

  That same day, Mary Jane called Mike at the church and said it was time. Mary Jane wasn’t due for another two weeks, but you know how children are. When they decide it is time to come into the world, you can’t stop them.

  At the hospital, Mike and Gene ran into each other. Gene thought for sure that someone was dying since Mike was there. When Mike told Gene that his wife was having a baby, he could hardly believe that he and Mike were going to have a baby in the same month and maybe even on the same day. Both women were in labor for three hours and both husbands were told that they were new fathers. To their amazement, both babies were boys.

  Gene went in to see Roxann and their new son. One of the nurses asked if they had come up with a name? Gene smiled and said that they both had decided that their new son would be named after his dad. “His name is Gene Alexander Pittman, Jr.”

  The nurse said, “Those are nice names and they do have a ring to them.”

  Mike and Mary Jane had already picked out names. If it was a girl, she would be Rachel Elisabeth. Rachel is the name of Jacob’s second wife in the book of Genesis and Elisabeth was the mother of John the Baptist. If the baby was a boy, his name would be Joseph Daniel, after the prophet Joseph, the son of Jacob, and the prophet Daniel. The first time Mike saw Joseph, he was really proud that he was the father of a really big boy.

  After a couple of days at the hospital, it was time to go home and start being a parent. For Gene and Roxann, they had already started making plans for their next child. They decided they wanted to have another baby within one year. Well, they did not get their wish, but Roxann did get pregnant and had the second son within fifteen months.

  The first time Mike and Gene got together after they started their families, other than at the birth of their first sons, was when the boys were one year old. As you remember, they were both born on the same day. Roxann and Mary Jane had everything planned out for the boys. There was one very large birthday cake, and there were so many gifts that they covered the corner of the family room.

  Mike stood just looking at the two boys playing on the carpet. He thought back to the great days that he and Gene had when they were little boys. He thought about all the things they had gotten into and the adventures they had and the times they slept out at night. The more he thought about all of those things, the more his heart was feeling sad for the things that Gene’s father had taught him. One small tear trickled down his check from the thought of his friend going to Hell forever. Before anyone could see the tear, he wiped it away. He remembered old man Bishop. That day when he scared them to death and the day that Mr. Bishop died were uppermost on Mike’s mind. He remembered how Mr. Bishop talked with Gene and begged him to accept.

  The more he thought about all the go
od times that he and Gene had, the more he wondered if their sons would be as close. He was hoping they would be even closer. It may be that, if they became really close, Gene, Jr. would accept, and just maybe, he would be the one that would lead all of the other family members to Christ.

  Mike remembered the conversation just before they went off to college when Gene told Mike that he did not think that they would be close like they were when they were children. Possibly, all those years of memories came to Gene and now, perhaps, he would want that closeness once again.

  It was amazing to Mike, even now, that Gene promised he would be in church the following Sunday. Maybe the Lord was going to perform a miracle or maybe Gene was having second thoughts about his future home, Heaven or Hell. Mike knew, besides having a son, Gene was wanting at least three or four more children. It may be that he wanted his children to have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe, even if he did not choose that for himself. Mike could only pray.

  But as you will see, Gene’s children followed their parents and went down a road of destruction. Mike’s children, on the other hand, were raised in a God fearing home where the Lord was worshiped.