Read Can't Get Enough Page 7

  “Ailean?” the human female said from the front of the stables.

  Shalin realized it was the blacksmith from earlier and she growled, causing the woman to step back.

  “Uh…” the blacksmith stammered, “…you said you wanted to see the blade as soon as it was done.” She held up something long and wrapped in soft cloth. “I have it here if you’d—”

  “Yes, yes. I’ll look at it now.”

  “You’re leaving?” But he hadn’t finished what he’d been saying! Good because what? Good because what? Dammit!

  “I’m not flying to the suns, dragoness. I’ll be back.”

  And he thought she’d still be here?

  He walked away, heading toward the blacksmith and Shalin jumped down from the stall door. She looked at the horse. “Would you like to teach me how to ride?”

  In answer, Nightmare slowly lowered himself enough for her to easily mount him.

  “Oh,” she sighed, “if only they were all like you.”

  Once he’d approved the blade, Ailean walked back to the stables. His body almost vibrated with the thought of getting inside Shalin. Teaching her exactly how enjoyable a human body could be. To be the first to do so.

  Still, that little voice of doubt wouldn’t shut the hell up. Constantly asking him if he should do this with someone he’d sworn to protect. Would that turn him from Ailean the Whore to Ailean the Right Bastard?

  Ailean stepped in front of Nightmare’s stall and stared blindly inside.

  When one of the stable boys walked past, Ailean asked, “Where’s Mistress Shalin?”

  “She took Nightmare out a few minutes ago.”

  He turned on the boy and yelled, “And you let her?”

  “Well…she didn’t actually ask my permission.”

  Ailean snarled and went to Dragon’s Gold, his fastest mount. It wasn’t that Shalin had walked away from their conversation. It was that she’d rode away with that demon horse. It was one thing for her to feed him and groom him, but riding that big bastard was another matter altogether. If he threw her and she landed the wrong way, her human neck could snap.

  He saddled and mounted his horse quickly and took off after Shalin, using her scent to guide him. It didn’t take him long to find her. Typical dragon. She’d gone to the lake. To water. Something his kind were elementally drawn to.

  “Have you gone mad?” he demanded, dismounting before the horse had even stopped.

  She’d already dismounted and stood staring out over the lake at the next coming storm. He, too, could see the dark thunder clouds approaching, which fit his mood quite nicely.

  “He could have killed you.”

  “Well, you know us virgins. We just run off half-crazed.”

  “I can’t believe you’re still upset about that.”

  “Upset that you were discussing my intactness with your kin?”

  “It wasn’t like that, Shalin.” Well…not much like that.

  She waved him off. “At the moment, I really don’t care.”

  Ailean gently swiped a hand down her back. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. I’ve just…” She let her hands fall at her side. “I’ve just never seen that before.”

  He followed her line of sight before returning his gaze to her face. “You’ve never seen storm clouds?”

  “Of course I’ve seen storm clouds. I’ve just never seen storm clouds.”

  “Perhaps we should get you inside, Shalin.”

  “Don’t be dull,” she said before walking away from him.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “You heard me. I don’t want to go inside. Nothing is wrong with me.”

  Ailean entertained the idea she might be right until she took off running and did a somersault—for no apparent reason.

  “In fact,” she announced, “I feel amazing. At least a hundred years younger.”

  “Shalin, you’re not old.”

  “No. I just feel like it most days.” She suddenly did a handstand and Ailean briefly closed his eyes and groaned. He couldn’t help himself once he realized she was completely naked under that dress.


  “You know,” she flipped forward and landed on her feet, “I don’t do anything. I go where they tell me. Do what they tell me.” She put her hands on her hips and said, “I almost handed myself over to the Northland dragons because I thought it was the right thing to do. I’m tired of living for others.”

  “Then don’t.”


  “Don’t. Gods know, I don’t.”

  “It’s easy for you. No one expects anything from you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I mean…” Again she waved her hand like she was waving away a fly. “Why lie? I meant what I said. All they expect from you, from your kin, is to kill on command. That’s your skill. Your gift to our people. When you’re not killing, they really don’t care what you do.”

  “But you…”

  She laughed, but there was no humor in it. “From me, they expect much.”

  “Your life is your own, Shalin. That’s the true beauty of being dragon. Even our gods know not to demand much of us.”

  “It’s not the gods I care about disappointing.”

  “Your father?”

  She nodded. “I love him too much to ever want to hurt him. Failure—my failure—would hurt him.”

  “But, Shalin—your father’s not here. And, based on those clouds, he won’t be here for quite a bit. So, perhaps you can allow yourself a chance to just be. For once.” He grinned. “Who knows what you’ll discover about yourself?”

  She frowned a bit. “I guess I can do that.”

  “You guess?”

  She snorted. “I don’t know how to throw all caution to the wind like you do, Ailean.”

  “Then isn’t it time you learned?”

  “How do you—”

  “You just do it. You simply see what you want and you go after it. That’s what I do. Trust me, Shalin, there’s no one here who will hold you back.”

  “Truly?” And she looked afraid to hope.

  “Truly. You may not always get what you want. But I’ve found it never hurts to at least have tried.”

  Shalin nodded. “All right, then.”

  Then she took off running—right at him. He barely had a chance to stumble back before she slammed right into his chest. If he hadn’t been hit with so many other unexpected things over the years, he’d never have been able to stay on his feet.

  Shalin wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She stared into his eyes for a long moment before she said in no uncertain terms, “I want you to fuck me, Ailean.”

  She couldn’t tell if he looked horrified, appalled, or merely stunned.

  Shalin swallowed and gave him a way out. “You can say no, of course. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to—”

  “Shut up, Shalin.”

  Ailean closed his eyes, and she could hear him gritting his teeth. He looked as if he was in physical pain.

  “What do you want from me, Shalin?”

  That seemed like an odd question, and he seemed so angry, she decided retreat might be her best option. “Nothing, Ailean. Nothing.” She tried to pull out of his arms and he yanked her back. That’s when she felt his erection pushing against her sex.

  “You don’t understand me. What do you want from me, Shalin?” She shook her head, still unclear what he meant. “Are you a romantic, Shalin? Do you need the soft light of candles and the gentle touch of your lover?”


  “Normally, I could give you anything you’d want. I’m known for my versatile skills. But I can’t promise that right now.” He pushed a wind blown lock of her hair behind her ear. “I’ve wanted you too long to be much of a sensitive lover. All I can promise you at the moment is a rough ride right here in the dirt. If you don’t want that, then walk away from—”

  “Put me down, Aile

  He looked so disappointed, she almost felt guilty for how happy that made her.

  With a curt nod, he carefully placed her on the ground and she stepped back. “Give us your shirt.”


  “Your shirt.” She motioned to the linen shirt that fit him perfectly but would hang on her like one of his cousin’s dresses. “Give it to me.”

  Not sure why she wanted it, he still reached back and grabbed up the shirt with both hands, dragging it over his head. He handed it to her and she took it but stopped a moment to simply stare at him. Gods, he had a nice body. And he wasn’t even naked yet.

  Clearing her throat, she shook the linen shirt out and placed it on the ground. “Until you’ve actually had dirt up your bum, you really can’t appreciate how uncomfortable that could get.”

  She stood, brushing off her hands. “Now make sure to get me there.” She pointed at the shirt. “You know, when we actually get to that point.”

  He seemed to struggle between wanting to glare at her and smile. “Did you hear a word I said to you?”

  “Quite clearly. I have excellent hearing.” She moved closer to him and Ailean’s body tensed. “I appreciate the warning, though. It was very sweet of you to give me the option to run away…”

  Ailean’s hands were fisted at his side while he eyed her. She had the feeling he would not make the first move. He needed her to prove that she wanted this.

  Wanted this? Gods, she needed this. Perhaps her only chance at getting something she really, truly wanted that had nothing to do with anyone or anything else. No matter how temporary, she needed this.

  Now Shalin stood so close to him their bodies nearly touched. She raised her hand and let her fingers skim along a jagged scar across his upper chest. Ailean’s big body trembled beneath her exploring fingers, and she felt a surge of confidence and lust she’d never known before.

  She moved her fingers to another scar, this one on his shoulder. And while her fingers toyed with that, Shalin leaned in close and licked Ailean’s nipple. His entire body jerked so she did it again. The fists at his side relaxed.

  Shalin laid her hands flat against his chest while she licked his other nipple. Ailean groaned and it reverberated through Shalin’s body, making her feel hot all over, her skin itchy. She wanted to strip and rub herself all over him.

  Big, strong fingers speared through her hair, and Ailean pulled her head back. His eyes roamed over her face and she tried hard not to shrink back from his examination. She was used to shadows. She liked shadows, liked blending into walls. But Ailean and his kin wouldn’t let her. She tried to hide and they only pulled her back out again, but not out of cruelty. Not as a way to hurt her.

  And that was why she kept her eyes on his. Because she wasn’t afraid to meet his gaze, to challenge him as he was challenging her. He looked for fear, and she’d show him none. Not now, not ever.

  Ailean groaned once, and then he kissed her. And Shalin knew she’d made the right decision.

  She wanted him. And not in some shy, innocent way, begging him to lead. When he kissed her, she met him with as much passion as he felt. Her tongue met his, bold and demanding. Her hands slid up to his shoulders and around his neck. She raised herself on her toes, tipping her head to the side to get a better angle. For a dragoness who’d never been with a male as human, she seemed to know her way around. He truly thought she’d be lost without her tail.

  Shalin’s small hands reached for his leather leggings, tearing at them, trying to get them off. Her passion for him making her as rough as he’d threatened to be. Ailean pushed her hands away, so he could deal with her dress, doing his best not to rip it in the process. It was so large, it took no effort to push it off her shoulders and down her body. Once the dress cleared her arms, Shalin went right back to removing his leggings, sliding them over his hips. As she lowered them, she went along, crouching in front of him, her lips leaving a delicious trail down his naked hip and thigh.

  His cock sprang free of his clothing, clearly begging for her mouth. And when she licked her lips, Ailean knew he had to get control of this situation or come before it even truly started.

  “No,” he said simply before digging his hands back in her hair and yanking her to her feet. He pulled her tight against his body and took her mouth again. Only now it was flesh against flesh and nothing had ever felt so wonderful to him. Gods, there had been so many others, but none like Shalin.

  He didn’t understand it. Maybe it was that innocent honesty. No lies or deceits. No seduction. Simply knowing what she wanted and making it clear. Now it was his turn to know what he wanted and to make it clear.

  Ailean released her hair and slid his hands under her ass. Lifting Shalin up, he dropped to his knees and placed her on the shirt she’d laid out, careful not to slam her head into the ground.

  Moving down her body, he kissed and licked her flesh, pinning her to the ground with his hands against her waist. Sliding between her thighs, Ailean pushed her legs apart and nuzzled her sex until she growled and grabbed hold of his hair.

  “Don’t pull,” he warned.

  “I’ll pull every hair from your head if you don’t—if you don’t—”

  “If I don’t what?” He gently ran his finger along the already wet slit, her body jerking from the light touch. “If I don’t what? Tell me.”

  He grinned, waiting to see her struggle with the words. But his little innocent grabbed his hair as firmly as any soldier during battle, yanked his head up, and snarled, “Fuck me with that tongue, Ailean the Whore, or I swear by all the dark gods you’ll be bald before nightfall.”

  Ailean pulled back a bit and for one horrible second she feared he’d walk away, leaving her to teeter on this precipice. Her fear almost had her begging until Ailean smiled. His hands slid under her backside and lifted, her legs going over his shoulders. She watched his face disappear between her thighs. His tongue slid inside her and Shalin’s eyes crossed.

  To say this dragon had talent would be a gross understatement. This wasn’t a talent. This was a gift from the gods.

  Blindly, she dug her hands into the soft soil around her, panting as Ailean’s tongue stroked and flicked and teased her beyond anything she’d ever felt before. While his tongue played there, his nose helped out in other areas until Shalin shook beneath him. She could feel the explosion coming, her breathing harsh and uncontrolled. Then, while keeping her legs on his shoulders, Ailean’s arms slid under her hips and around her waist to her chest. His fingers took firm hold of her nipples, pulling and rolling until Shalin’s climax crashed into her. Her screams of release echoing around the lake, the horses nearby restlessly pawing the ground.

  Shalin’s hands dug into Ailean’s hair and held his head in place, her back lifting from the ground as another wave cut through her, ferociously stronger than the first, her screams turning to pitiful cries.

  After several moments, her grip on him weakened, and Shalin dropped back to the ground. Before she even had a chance to get her breath, Ailean was there, on top of her, his hands now in her hair, his lips against her neck.

  “Shalin…I’m sorry…I can’t…”

  Shalin knew what he needed. It was what she needed. She opened herself to him and said, “Don’t wait, Ailean. Please.”

  He didn’t. He entered her with one brutally hard thrust. Shalin gasped seconds before his mouth covered hers and he drove into her again and again, giving her the rough ride he’d promised. She didn’t care. She loved every second of it, holding him tight as he took her.

  His lips moved from her mouth and down her jaw to her neck. She felt his teeth press against the skin and then he bit down, sending her flying over the edge again as he climaxed with her, his body pinning her to the ground as he emptied himself inside her.

  Ailean couldn’t move. Wouldn’t. Why should he when he’d never been so comfortable before in his life?

  Cool hands stroked his back, his hair; her soft voice sighed in his ear.
br />   “Are you all right?”

  Ailean laughed in surprise. No one had ever asked him that before. “I’m fine.” He lifted up a bit so he could look into her face. “And you?”

  She tried to hide her smile but she snorted, which started her laughing with him.

  “I’m doing quite well, thank you,” she finally managed.

  “Good.” He kissed her neck and felt the first drops of rain on his back. “Damn.”

  She ran her hand down his cheek. “We better get in. I got ill once while human—” her eyes rolled, “—took me days to recover.”

  Ailean chuckled. “Well, we can’t have that, now, can we?”

  Slowly, he pulled out of her, both of them groaning when he did. Unfortunately, once Ailean was out, all he wanted to do was get back in. Steeling his resolve, Ailean stood on shaky legs and reached down to help Shalin to her feet. She gripped his forearms and he sensed her legs were as shaky as his.

  Making sure she could stand without him, Ailean then grabbed Shalin’s dress and carefully pulled it over her head. “Will you be all right to ride?”

  “Of course. Nightmare takes very good care of me.”

  Ailean grunted, suddenly feeling jealous over a bloody horse.

  “He should still have a saddle,” he said while pulling her arms through the armholes of the dress.

  “I’ll not put a saddle on him, Ailean.”

  “But, Shalin—”

  “Is he mine or not?”

  Ailean raised an eyebrow. “I certainly don’t want him,” he informed her before pulling on his clothes.

  “Then he’s mine to manage as I see fit.”

  “‘Then he’s mine to manage as I see fit,’” he mimicked back to her in a high-pitched voice that had her slapping at his shoulders in a pitiful attempt at an assault.

  Laughing, Ailean grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close again. “You have quite the temper, don’t you?”

  “Don’t sound so mocking. I do have quite the temper. Few, though, make me angry enough to show it.”

  “I’ll have to work on that. I’d like to see you truly angry.”