Read Canonsfield 1 Page 10


  The Teds had stayed at Halidons and were probably conscious that the police were keeping an eye on them. The fingerprint powder told its own story. Elizabeth McGregor had attended a Watch Committee meeting and a surprised Trubman heard her voice supporting a motion to 'let the police do their work.'

  Martin DeVere had accompanied Compton on a trip to London where they told the mother of Elsie Vine, the murder victim that her daughter was dead. The father was out at the pub and she had declined an offer to fetch him.

  "He has not been any use to us before and he won’t help now."

  When he saw the look on Martin’s face afterwards Compton said, "Patience...patience. There are girls with them and when they do decide to get up to mischief, I have got my ears and eyes watching and then you and I will pay a visit."

  The Village Hall was finished and ablaze with light. The stucco on the walls gleamed again and the roof was newly tiled. Inside the walls were painted in different pastel colours and the stage boasted new curtains which had been pulled aside to show the small band that was playing dance music.

  Compton was there with Nancy dressed for the occasion and Guy Denson had brought Caroline. Nancy Compton had hinted very strongly that Martin should bring Laura, and as a result of her urging Martin persuaded his mother to look out some of her old party clothes and climb in to the old car.

  Celia Denson was there with one of her well dressed consorts but her mother declined the invitation claiming that she had a cold.

  Martin was acutely conscious of his blazer and flannels when he saw the evening dress that Caroline’s escort wore. They were sitting at the edge of the dance floor and Caroline had noticed his interest. She leaned over to say quietly in his ear, "This is when clothes definitely don’t make the man."

  In a pleased reaction he put his hand on her shoulder and said, "How did you know what I was thinking?"

  She replied, "If you look at the way my sister and I are dressed we do not think alike and often how you dress will show that."

  Martin looked more closely at Celia then and noticed the low cut evening gown and then the pencilled eyebrows and the mascara. He turned back to Caroline. "I am pleased that you do not try to make yourself look artificial."

  She gave his arm a squeeze of relief. She had wrestled long and hard with the temptation to use all the cosmetics that were available to her but then decided on a very faint foundation and a white blouse and a short black skirt.

  "One of these days Martin I will really dress up and put on the glitz and we will do something together."

  They watched as Daniel Compton led his wife around the dance floor and Guy Denson had asked Laura DeVere to dance.

  "Come on Martin there are enough people on the floor so that we will not be noticed." She stood up and held out her arms.

  He was definitely clumsy at first until he got used to where to hold his hands and to time his steps with the slow beat of the music. Caroline moved with demonstrated confidence and encouraged him when he missed a step.

  Later when they played one of the catchier tunes and some young couples started to jitterbug, he stood up and said "Let’s try it!"

  Caroline was really surprised at the way he picked up the footwork that he had been watching and how he took her hand now and then to whirl her around so that her skirt flew out.

  They were dancing near to Celia and her escort who was putting a silver flask back into his pocket. He pointed at them and laughed.

  Caroline saw this first and as Martin saw it and started to pull away, she pulled him to her with a strength he didn’t realise that she possessed and reached her face up to his.

  "Don’t do it. He is not worth it and it will only get you in to trouble. You can go and find me a nice soft drink please." Compton had also noticed the by play and had started to move across the dance floor.

  He turned back and said to Nancy, "I think that girl has got her wits about her. She is going to be good for him because I think she knows what he is thinking before he does."

  Nancy gave him a wide smile. "In case you didn’t notice it’s a gift that all we women have."Compton shrugged his shoulders in resignation. "I should have known that it is the female who selects the male."

  This time she really laughed, "You like your garden and nature. Look at the animal kingdom. The males posture and try to impress, but the females just watch and pick out the mate that they want and it’s not always the one with the best feathers," she nodded at Celia’s date as she said it.

  "So what does your mind reading tell you about tonight Nancy?"

  She had seen the volunteer leave the phone and start making her way towards them. "You have been on pins waiting for a call about something to do with your case and I think young Martin is going to disappoint Caroline in the same way that I will miss you tonight."

  Then looking up at him seriously, "Be careful and don’t take any chances."

  They did not show their feelings in public but he bent over and kissed her. He listened to the message and then walked over to the couple and said with genuine sympathy. "I’m afraid I’m going to take him away again Miss DeVere. I am truly sorry."

  Without knowing that he was duplicating the gesture Martin stood up and kissed Caroline on her forehead. When the two men had left the hall, Nancy joined Caroline who still could not realise that she was left on her own or that she had been kissed.

  Nancy confided, "It’s something you have got to get used to dear. When you are really enjoying yourself like tonight, or sometimes in the middle of the night they have to go..." and she said quietly almost to herself, "and you hope that they come home in one piece."

  Caroline held her arm. "Do you really think that they can get hurt?"

  "The people they have to deal with sometimes are unpredictable and Daniel has had some knocks over the years. Wartime meant a great deal of danger because of the snipers and the shelling but I often think police work can be just as bad."

  Seeing the look on Caroline’s face she said by way of apology. "I have probably scared you. I should also have said that it takes real men to do the work they do."

  She looked meaningfully at Celia who was trying to get her partner to follow some of her eel-like movements. Caroline said ruefully, "I don’t think that Martin has much interest in girls. His head is always in the work that he does."

  Nancy sniffed, "Or that old car of his. I think that you are wrong. Some men have a real problem in showing their feelings. Wait and see if he surprises you one of these days."

  Martin was completely unprepared for the way that Compton drove the C.I.D car. He heeled it over on corners and put his foot down when the road was clear.

  "Steady on sergeant. The old girl will just grind to a halt if you don’t."

  "Workshops can have her when we are done. We have to get out to Halidon’s while we know the Teds are away. I want to see if their girls are there."

  When they drove up to the old building the lights were on and there was the sound of music. Compton went up to a lighted window and then waved Martin to him as he opened the front door. There were two girls lolling on a couch with glasses on the table in front of them.

  "Who are you?" one asked trying to focus her eyes.

  Compton pushed his hat brim up, "You might say that I am an avenging angel come to punish you for your sins."

  The girl who had spoken turned to her companion and slurred, "What’s he talking about?"

  The other girl was more in command of her senses. "Just who are you to come busting in here?"

  "I am Detective Sergeant Compton and this police officer is with me to listen to what you have to say because I think we are going to have to arrest you for murder."

  The girl sat up quickly at that. "You can’t be serious...Wendy smarten up." Then more slowly, "How can you come out with something like that?"

  "The murder of Elsie Vine girl. You must know that anyone concerned with the people that killed her are equally guilty." The other girl said wit
h a hiccup, "Ted did it. She wouldn’t tell them where Ronnie Squiller was."

  Compton was using a silky tone of voice when he asked, "Now why would he want to find Ronnie Squiller?"

  "He stiffed us on the postal orders didn’t he? Kept the cash and Ted said we can’t let that happen."

  The other girl tried to get to her feet and run but Martin caught her. "Push up that left sleeve son. Aaaah, a nice little tattoo in the shape of a circle. Looks like an astrological sign. But then the lady couldn’t see it too plainly if she was being raped."

  The girl started to sob. "I don’t want any trouble. I was thinking of leaving anyway. They are far too rough and the money keeps running out."

  She wiped her nose on the back of her hand. "What is going to happen to us?"

  Compton said, "The Court always looks a little more kindly if you have helped police."

  She looked shocked, "I couldn’t tell you about the things they have been doing. He would kill us too."

  Compton said quietly, "I think we can make sure that he can’t get at you, but I am going to have the truth for that to happen."

  She was shaking her head, so Compton said, "You must know that whether you help us or not he is going to think that you have." There was a fresh burst of tears as that hit home.

  "Come on ladies. We haven’t got Cinderella’s carriage but we can drive you to the Station instead of getting the police car."

  Bisset was called back into the Station to assist Thompson, and Compton sat the girls in different parts of the office. "Now you are going to write out what these policewomen dictate so that you understand that you have received a proper caution. Then you are going to tell them in your own words what has been going on in that group and the part that you have played in it. Any help that you are looking for depends on how truthful you are."

  The Reserve had seen them come in and he tapped on the door and beckoned Compton outside. "Sergeant Somers wanted you to know that the Teds were making for Ivy’s and the car is keeping their eyes and ears open."

  Compton thanked him, "Tell Angus that if these statements are what I am looking for we will be bringing a few of them in. I would appreciate having some of the lads on call if we need them."

  The Reserve passed on his message and the Sergeant’s craggy face lit up. "It will be a pleasure...a real pleasure!"