Read Captain Blood Page 25


  Captain Blood was still in that disgruntled mood when he sailed fromTortuga, and still in that mood when he came to his moorings in the bayof Petit Goave. In that same mood he greeted M. le Baron de Rivarol whenthis nobleman with his fleet of five men-of-war at last dropped anchoralongside the buccaneer ships, in the middle of February. The Frenchmanhad been six weeks on the voyage, he announced, delayed by unfavourableweather.

  Summoned to wait on him, Captain Blood repaired to the Castle ofPetit Goave, where the interview was to take place. The Baron, a tall,hawk-faced man of forty, very cold and distant of manner, measuredCaptain Blood with an eye of obvious disapproval. Of Hagthorpe,Yberville, and Wolverstone who stood ranged behind their captain, hetook no heed whatever. M. de Cussy offered Captain Blood a chair.

  "A moment, M. de Cussy. I do not think M. le Baron has observed thatI am not alone. Let me present to you, sir, my companions: CaptainHagthorpe of the Elizabeth, Captain Wolverstone of the Atropos, andCaptain Yberville of the Lachesis."

  The Baron stared hard and haughtily at Captain Blood, then verydistantly and barely perceptibly inclined his head to each of the otherthree. His manner implied plainly that he despised them and that hedesired them at once to understand it. It had a curious effect uponCaptain Blood. It awoke the devil in him, and it awoke at the same timehis self-respect which of late had been slumbering. A sudden shame ofhis disordered, ill-kempt appearance made him perhaps the more defiant.There was almost a significance in the way he hitched his sword-beltround, so that the wrought hilt of his very serviceable rapier wasbrought into fuller view. He waved his captains to the chairs that stoodabout.

  "Draw up to the table, lads. We are keeping the Baron waiting."

  They obeyed him, Wolverstone with a grin that was full of understanding.Haughtier grew the stare of M. de Rivarol. To sit at table with thesebandits placed him upon what he accounted a dishonouring equality.It had been his notion that--with the possible exception of CaptainBlood--they should take his instructions standing, as became men oftheir quality in the presence of a man of his. He did the only thingremaining to mark a distinction between himself and them. He put on hishat.

  "Ye're very wise now," said Blood amiably. "I feel the draught myself."And he covered himself with his plumed castor.

  M. de Rivarol changed colour. He quivered visibly with anger, and wasa moment controlling himself before venturing to speak. M. de Cussy wasobviously very ill at ease.

  "Sir," said the Baron frostily, "you compel me to remind you that therank you hold is that of Capitaine de Vaisseau, and that you are inthe presence of the General of the Armies of France by Sea and Land inAmerica. You compel me to remind you further that there is a deferencedue from your rank to mine."

  "I am happy to assure you," said Captain Blood, "that the reminder isunnecessary. I am by way of accounting myself a gentleman, little thoughI may look like one at present; and I should not account myself thatwere I capable of anything but deference to those whom nature or fortunemay have placed above me, or to those who being placed beneath me inrank may labour under a disability to resent my lack of it." It was aneatly intangible rebuke. M. de Rivarol bit his lip. Captain Blood swepton without giving him time to reply: "Thus much being clear, shall wecome to business?"

  M. de Rivarol's hard eyes considered him a moment. "Perhaps it will bebest," said he. He took up a paper. "I have here a copy of the articlesinto which you entered with M. de Cussy. Before going further, I have toobserve that M. de Cussy has exceeded his instructions in admittingyou to one fifth of the prizes taken. His authority did not warrant hisgoing beyond one tenth."

  "That is a matter between yourself and M. de Cussy, my General."

  "Oh, no. It is a matter between myself and you."

  "Your pardon, my General. The articles are signed. So far as we areconcerned, the matter is closed. Also out of regard for M. de Cussy, weshould not desire to be witnesses of the rebukes you may consider thathe deserves."

  "What I may have to say to M. de Cussy is no concern of yours."

  "That is what I am telling you, my General."

  "But--nom de Dieu!--it is your concern, I suppose, that we cannotaward you more than one tenth share." M. de Rivarol smote the table inexasperation. This pirate was too infernally skillful a fencer.

  "You are quite certain of that, M. le Baron--that you cannot?"

  "I am quite certain that I will not."

  Captain Blood shrugged, and looked down his nose. "In that case,"said he, "it but remains for me to present my little account for ourdisbursement, and to fix the sum at which we should be compensated forour loss of time and derangement in coming hither. That settled, we canpart friends, M. le Baron. No harm has been done."

  "What the devil do you mean?" The Baron was on his feet, leaning forwardacross the table.

  "Is it possible that I am obscure? My French, perhaps, is not of thepurest, but...."

  "Oh, your French is fluent enough; too fluent at moments, if I maypermit myself the observation. Now, look you here, M. le filibustier, Iam not a man with whom it is safe to play the fool, as you may very soondiscover. You have accepted service of the King of France--you and yourmen; you hold the rank and draw the pay of a Capitaine de Vaisseau,and these your officers hold the rank of lieutenants. These ranks carryobligations which you would do well to study, and penalties for failingto discharge them which you might study at the same time. They aresomething severe. The first obligation of an officer is obedience. Icommend it to your attention. You are not to conceive yourselves, as youappear to be doing, my allies in the enterprises I have in view, but mysubordinates. In me you behold a commander to lead you, not a companionor an equal. You understand me, I hope."

  "Oh, be sure that I understand," Captain Blood laughed. He wasrecovering his normal self amazingly under the inspiring stimulus ofconflict. The only thing that marred his enjoyment was the reflectionthat he had not shaved. "I forget nothing, I assure you, my General.I do not forget, for instance, as you appear to be doing, that thearticles we signed are the condition of our service; and the articlesprovide that we receive one-fifth share. Refuse us that, and you cancelthe articles; cancel the articles, and you cancel our services withthem. From that moment we cease to have the honour to hold rank in thenavies of the King of France."

  There was more than a murmur of approval from his three captains.

  Rivarol glared at them, checkmated.

  "In effect..." M. de Cussy was beginning timidly.

  "In effect, monsieur, this is your doing," the Baron flashed on him,glad to have some one upon whom he could fasten the sharp fangs of hisirritation. "You should be broke for it. You bring the King's serviceinto disrepute; you force me, His Majesty's representative, into animpossible position."

  "Is it impossible to award us the one-fifth share?" quoth Captain Bloodsilkily. "In that case, there is no need for beat or for injuries toM. de Cussy. M. de Cussy knows that we would not have come for less.We depart again upon your assurance that you cannot award us more. Andthings are as they would have been if M. de Cussy had adhered rigidlyto his instructions. I have proved, I hope, to your satisfaction, M.le Baron, that if you repudiate the articles you can neither claim ourservices nor hinder our departure--not in honour."

  "Not in honour, sir? To the devil with your insolence! Do you imply thatany course that were not in honour would be possible to me?"

  "I do not imply it, because it would not be possible," said CaptainBlood. "We should see to that. It is, my General, for you to say whetherthe articles are repudiated."

  The Baron sat down. "I will consider the matter," he said sullenly. "Youshall be advised of my resolve."

  Captain Blood rose, his officers rose with him. Captain Blood bowed.

  "M. le Baron!" said he.

  Then he and his buccaneers removed themselves from the August and iratepresence of the General of the King's Armies by Land and Sea in America.

  You conceive that there f
ollowed for M. de Cussy an extremely badquarter of an hour. M. de Cussy, in fact, deserves your sympathy. Hisself-sufficiency was blown from him by the haughty M. de Rivarol, asdown from a thistle by the winds of autumn. The General of the King'sArmies abused him--this man who was Governor of Hispaniola--as if hewere a lackey. M. de Cussy defended himself by urging the thing thatCaptain Blood had so admirably urged already on his behalf--that if theterms he had made with the buccaneers were not confirmed there was noharm done. M. de Rivarol bullied and browbeat him into silence.

  Having exhausted abuse, the Baron proceeded to indignities. Since heaccounted that M. de Cussy had proved himself unworthy of the post heheld, M. de Rivarol took over the responsibilities of that post for aslong as he might remain in Hispaniola, and to give effect to this hebegan by bringing soldiers from his ships, and setting his own guard inM. de Cussy's castle.

  Out of this, trouble followed quickly. Wolverstone coming ashore nextmorning in the picturesque garb that he affected, his head swathed in acoloured handkerchief, was jeered at by an officer of the newly landedFrench troops. Not accustomed to derision, Wolverstone replied in kindand with interest. The officer passed to insult, and Wolverstone struckhim a blow that felled him, and left him only the half of his poorsenses. Within the hour the matter was reported to M. de Rivarol, andbefore noon, by M. de Rivarol's orders, Wolverstone was under arrest inthe castle.

  The Baron had just sat down to dinner with M. de Cussy when the negrowho waited on them announced Captain Blood. Peevishly M. de Rivarol badehim be admitted, and there entered now into his presence a spruce andmodish gentleman, dressed with care and sombre richness in black andsilver, his swarthy, clear-cut face scrupulously shaven, his long blackhair in ringlets that fell to a collar of fine point. In his right handthe gentleman carried a broad black hat with a scarlet ostrich-plume,in his left hand an ebony cane. His stockings were of silk, a bunch ofribbons masked his garters, and the black rosettes on his shoes werefinely edged with gold.

  For a moment M. de Rivarol did not recognize him. For Blood lookedyounger by ten years than yesterday. But the vivid blue eyes under theirlevel black brows were not to be forgotten, and they proclaimed him forthe man announced even before he had spoken. His resurrected pride haddemanded that he should put himself on an equality with the baron andadvertise that equality by his exterior.

  "I come inopportunely," he courteously excused himself. "My apologies.My business could not wait. It concerns, M. de Cussy, CaptainWolverstone of the Lachesis, whom you have placed under arrest."

  "It was I who placed him under arrest," said M. de Rivarol.

  "Indeed! But I thought that M. de Cussy was Governor of Hispaniola."

  "Whilst I am here, monsieur, I am the supreme authority. It is as wellthat you should understand it."

  "Perfectly. But it is not possible that you are aware of the mistakethat has been made."

  "Mistake, do you say?"

  "I say mistake. On the whole, it is polite of me to use that word. Alsoit is expedient. It will save discussions. Your people have arrested thewrong man, M. de Rivarol. Instead of the French officer, who used thegrossest provocation, they have arrested Captain Wolverstone. It is amatter which I beg you to reverse without delay."

  M. de Rivarol's hawk-face flamed scarlet. His dark eyes bulged.

  "Sir, you... you are insolent! But of an insolence that is intolerable!"Normally a man of the utmost self-possession he was so rudely shaken nowthat he actually stammered.

  "M. le Baron, you waste words. This is the New World. It is not merelynew; it is novel to one reared amid the superstitions of the Old. Thatnovelty you have not yet had time, perhaps, to realize; therefore Ioverlook the offensive epithet you have used. But justice is justice inthe New World as in the Old, and injustice as intolerable here as there.Now justice demands the enlargement of my officer and the arrest andpunishment of yours. That justice I invite you, with submission, toadminister."

  "With submission?" snorted the Baron in furious scorn.

  "With the utmost submission, monsieur. But at the same time I willremind M. le Baron that my buccaneers number eight hundred; your troopsfive hundred; and M. de Cussy will inform you of the interesting factthat any one buccaneer is equal in action to at least three soldiers ofthe line. I am perfectly frank with you, monsieur, to save time and hardwords. Either Captain Wolverstone is instantly set at liberty, or wemust take measures to set him at liberty ourselves. The consequences maybe appalling. But it is as you please, M. le Baron. You are the supremeauthority. It is for you to say."

  M. de Rivarol was white to the lips. In all his life he had never beenso bearded and defied. But he controlled himself.

  "You will do me the favour to wait in the ante-room, M. le Capitaine.I desire a word with M. de Cussy. You shall presently be informed of mydecision."

  When the door had closed, the baron loosed his fury upon the head of Cussy.

  "So, these are the men you have enlisted in the King's service, the menwho are to serve under me--men who do not serve, but dictate, and thisbefore the enterprise that has brought me from France is even under way!What explanations do you offer me, M. de Cussy? I warn you that I amnot pleased with you. I am, in fact, as you may perceive, exceedinglyangry."

  The Governor seemed to shed his chubbiness. He drew himself stifflyerect.

  "Your rank, monsieur, does not give you the right to rebuke me; nordo the facts. I have enlisted for you the men that you desired me toenlist. It is not my fault if you do not know how to handle them better.As Captain Blood has told you, this is the New World."

  "So, so!" M. de Rivarol smiled malignantly. "Not only do you offer noexplanation, but you venture to put me in the wrong. Almost I admireyour temerity. But there!" he waved the matter aside. He was supremelysardonic. "It is, you tell me, the New World, and--new worlds, newmanners, I suppose. In time I may conform my ideas to this new world, orI may conform this new world to my ideas." He was menacing on that. "Forthe moment I must accept what I find. It remains for you, monsieur,who have experience of these savage by-ways, to advise me out of thatexperience how to act."

  "M. le Baron, it was a folly to have arrested the buccaneer captain. Itwould be madness to persist. We have not the forces to meet force."

  "In that case, monsieur, perhaps you will tell me what we are to do withregard to the future. Am I to submit at every turn to the dictatesof this man Blood? Is the enterprise upon which we are embarked to beconducted as he decrees? Am I, in short, the King's representative inAmerica, to be at the mercy of these rascals?"

  "Oh, by no means. I am enrolling volunteers here in Hispaniola, and Iam raising a corps of negroes. I compute that when this is done we shallhave a force of a thousand men, the buccaneers apart."

  "But in that case why not dispense with them?"

  "Because they will always remain the sharp edge of any weapon that weforge. In the class of warfare that lies before us they are so skilledthat what Captain Blood has just said is not an overstatement. Abuccaneer is equal to three soldiers of the line. At the same time weshall have a sufficient force to keep them in control. For the rest,monsieur, they have certain notions of honour. They will stand by theirarticles, and so that we deal justly with them, they will deal justlywith us, and give no trouble. I have experience of them, and I pledgeyou my word for that."

  M. de Rivarol condescended to be mollified. It was necessary that heshould save his face, and in a degree the Governor afforded him themeans to do so, as well as a certain guarantee for the future in thefurther force he was raising.

  "Very well," he said. "Be so good as to recall this Captain Blood."

  The Captain came in, assured and very dignified. M. de Rivarol found himdetestable; but dissembled it.

  "M. le Capitaine, I have taken counsel with M. le Gouverneur. From whathe tells me, it is possible that a mistake has been committed. Justice,you may be sure, shall be done. To ensure it, I shall myself presideover a council to be composed of two of my senior officers, yo
urselfand an officer of yours. This council shall hold at once an impartialinvestigation into the affair, and the offender, the man guilty ofhaving given provocation, shall be punished."

  Captain Blood bowed. It was not his wish to be extreme. "Perfectly, M.le Baron. And now, sir, you have had the night for reflection in thismatter of the articles. Am I to understand that you confirm or that yourepudiate them?"

  M. de Rivarol's eyes narrowed. His mind was full of what M. de Cussy hadsaid--that these buccaneers must prove the sharp edge of any weapon hemight forge. He could not dispense with them. He perceived that hehad blundered tactically in attempting to reduce the agreed share.Withdrawal from a position of that kind is ever fraught with loss ofdignity. But there were those volunteers that M. de Cussy was enrollingto strengthen the hand of the King's General. Their presence might admitanon of the reopening of this question. Meanwhile he must retire in thebest order possible.

  "I have considered that, too," he announced. "And whilst my opinionremains unaltered, I must confess that since M. de Cussy has pledged us,it is for us to fulfil the pledges. The articles are confirmed, sir."

  Captain Blood bowed again. In vain M. de Rivarol looked searchinglyfor the least trace of a smile of triumph on those firm lips. Thebuccaneer's face remained of the utmost gravity.

  Wolverstone was set at liberty that afternoon, and his assailantsentenced to two months' detention. Thus harmony was restored. But ithad been an unpromising beginning, and there was more to follow shortlyof a similar discordant kind.

  Blood and his officers were summoned a week later to a council which satto determine their operations against Spain. M. de Rivarol laid beforethem a project for a raid upon the wealthy Spanish town of Cartagena.Captain Blood professed astonishment. Sourly invited by M. de Rivarol tostate his grounds for it, he did so with the utmost frankness.

  "Were I General of the King's Armies in America," said he, "I shouldhave no doubt or hesitation as to the best way in which to serve myRoyal master and the French nation. That which I think will be obviousto M. de Cussy, as it is to me, is that we should at once invade SpanishHispaniola and reduce the whole of this fruitful and splendid islandinto the possession of the King of France."

  "That may follow," said M. de Rivarol. "It is my wish that we begin withCartagena."

  "You mean, sir, that we are to sail across the Caribbean on anadventurous expedition, neglecting that which lies here at our verydoor. In our absence, a Spanish invasion of French Hispaniola ispossible. If we begin by reducing the Spaniards here, that possibilitywill be removed. We shall have added to the Crown of France themost coveted possession in the West Indies. The enterprise offersno particular difficulty; it may be speedily accomplished, and onceaccomplished, it would be time to look farther afield. That would seemthe logical order in which this campaign should proceed."

  He ceased, and there was silence. M. de Rivarol sat back in his chair,the feathered end of a quill between his teeth. Presently he cleared histhroat and asked a question.

  "Is there anybody else who shares Captain Blood's opinion?"

  None answered him. His own officers were overawed by him; Blood'sfollowers naturally preferred Cartagena, because offering the greaterchance of loot. Loyalty to their leader kept them silent.

  "You seem to be alone in your opinion," said the Baron with his vinegarysmile.

  Captain Blood laughed outright. He had suddenly read the Baron's mind.His airs and graces and haughtiness had so imposed upon Blood thatit was only now that at last he saw through them, into the fellow'speddling spirit. Therefore he laughed; there was really nothing else todo. But his laughter was charged with more anger even than contempt. Hehad been deluding himself that he had done with piracy. The convictionthat this French service was free of any taint of that was the onlyconsideration that had induced him to accept it. Yet here was thishaughty, supercilious gentleman, who dubbed himself General of theArmies of France, proposing a plundering, thieving raid which, whenstripped of its mean, transparent mask of legitimate warfare, wasrevealed as piracy of the most flagrant.

  M. de Rivarol, intrigued by his mirth, scowled upon him disapprovingly.

  "Why do you laugh, monsieur?"

  "Because I discover here an irony that is supremely droll. You, M. leBaron, General of the King's Armies by Land and Sea in America,propose an enterprise of a purely buccaneering character; whilst I,the buccaneer, am urging one that is more concerned with upholding thehonour of France. You perceive how droll it is."

  M. de Rivarol perceived nothing of the kind. M. de Rivarol in fact wasextremely angry. He bounded to his feet, and every man in the room rosewith him--save only M. de Cussy, who sat on with a grim smile on hislips. He, too, now read the Baron like an open book, and reading himdespised him.

  "M. le filibustier," cried Rivarol in a thick voice, "it seems that Imust again remind you that I am your superior officer."

  "My superior officer! You! Lord of the World! Why, you are just a commonpirate! But you shall hear the truth for once, and that before all thesegentlemen who have the honour to serve the King of France. It is forme, a buccaneer, a sea-robber, to stand here and tell you what is in theinterest of French honour and the French Crown. Whilst you, the FrenchKing's appointed General, neglecting this, are for spending the King'sresources against an outlying settlement of no account, shedding Frenchblood in seizing a place that cannot be held, only because it has beenreported to you that there is much gold in Cartagena, and that theplunder of it will enrich you. It is worthy of the huckster who soughtto haggle with us about our share, and to beat us down after thearticles pledging you were already signed. If I am wrong--let M. deCussy say so. If I am wrong, let me be proven wrong, and I will beg yourpardon. Meanwhile, monsieur, I withdraw from this council. I will haveno further part in your deliberations. I accepted the service of theKing of France with intent to honour that service. I cannot honour thatservice by lending countenance to a waste of life and resources in raidsupon unimportant settlements, with plunder for their only object. Theresponsibility for such decisions must rest with you, and with youalone. I desire M. de Cussy to report me to the Ministers of France. Forthe rest, monsieur, it merely remains for you to give me your orders. Iawait them aboard my ship--and anything else, of a personal nature, thatyou may feel I have provoked by the terms I have felt compelled to usein this council. M. le Baron, I have the honour to wish you good-day."

  He stalked out, and his three captains--although they thought himmad--rolled after him in loyal silence.

  M. de Rivarol was gasping like a landed fish. The stark truth had robbedhim of speech. When he recovered, it was to thank Heaven vigorously thatthe council was relieved by Captain Blood's own act of that gentleman'sfurther participation in its deliberations. Inwardly M. de Rivarolburned with shame and rage. The mask had been plucked from him, and hehad been held up to scorn--he, the General of the King's Armies by Seaand Land in America.

  Nevertheless, it was to Cartagena that they sailed in the middle ofMarch. Volunteers and negroes had brought up the forces directly underM. de Rivarol to twelve hundred men. With these he thought he could keepthe buccaneer contingent in order and submissive.

  They made up an imposing fleet, led by M. de Rivarol's flagship, theVictorieuse, a mighty vessel of eighty guns. Each of the four otherFrench ships was at least as powerful as Blood's Arabella, which wasof forty guns. Followed the lesser buccaneer vessels, the Elizabeth,Lachesis, and Atropos, and a dozen frigates laden with stores, besidescanoes and small craft in tow.

  Narrowly they missed the Jamaica fleet with Colonel Bishop, whichsailed north for Tortuga two days after the Baron de Rivarol's southwardpassage.