Read Captain Fracasse Page 15


  If the Duke of Vallombreuse had been furious after his unsuccessfulvisit to Isabelle, the Baron de Sigognac was not less so, when, upon hisreturn that evening, he learned what had taken place during his absence.The tyrant and Blazius were almost obliged to use force to prevent hisrushing off, without losing a minute, to challenge the duke to mortalcombat--a challenge sure to be refused; for de Sigognac, being neitherthe brother nor husband of the injured fair one, had no earthly rightto call any other gentleman to account for his conduct towards her; inFrance all men are at liberty to pay their court to every pretty woman.

  As to the attack upon the baron on the Pont-Neuf, there could be nodoubt that it was instigated by the Duke of Vallombreuse; but howto prove it? that was the difficulty. And even supposing it could beproved, what good would that do? In the eyes of the world the Baronde Sigognac, who carefully concealed his real rank, was only CaptainFracasse, a low play-actor, upon whom a great noble, like the Duke ofVallombreuse, had a perfect right to inflict a beating, imprisonment, oreven assassination, if it so pleased him; and that without incurring theblame, or serious disapproval, of his friends and equals.

  So far as Isabelle was concerned, if the affair were made public, nobodywould believe that she was really pure and virtuous--the very fact ofher being an actress was enough to condemn her--for her sake it wasimportant to keep the matter secret if possible. So there was positivelyno means of calling their enemy to account for his flagrant misdeeds,though de Sigognac, who was almost beside himself with rage andindignation, and burning to avenge Isabelle's wrongs and his own, sworethat he would punish him, even if he had to move heaven and earthto compass it. Yet, when he became a little calmer, he could not butacknowledge that Herode and Blazius were right in advising thatthey should all remain perfectly quiet, and feign the most absoluteindifference; but at the same time keep their eyes and ears very wideopen, and be unceasingly on their guard against artful surprises, sinceit was only too evident that the vindictive young duke, who was handsomeas a god and wicked as the devil, did not intend to abandon his designsupon them; although thus far he had failed ignominiously in everythinghe had undertaken against them.

  A gentle, loving remonstrance from Isabelle, as she held de Sigognac'shands, all hot and trembling with suppressed rage, between her own soft,cool palms, and caressingly interlaced her slender white fingers withhis, did more to pacify him than all the rest, and he finally yielded toher persuasions; promising to keep quiet himself, and allow, things togo on just as usual.

  Meantime the representations of the troupe had met with splendidsuccess. Isabelle's modest grace and refined beauty, Serafina's morebrilliant charms, the soubrette's sparkling vivacity and bewitchingcoquetry, the superb extravagances of Captain Fracasse, the tyrant'smajestic mien, Leander's manly beauty, the grotesque good humour of thepedant, Scapin's spicy deviltries, and the duenna's perfect actinghad taken Paris by storm, and their highest hopes were likely to berealized. Having triumphantly won the approbation of the Parisians,nothing was wanting but to gain also that of the court, then at SaintGermain, and a rumour had reached their ears that they were shortly tobe summoned thither; for it was asserted that the king, having heardsuch favourable reports of them, had expressed a desire to see themhimself. Whereas Herode, in his character of treasurer, greatlyrejoiced, and all felt a pleasant excitement at the prospect of sodistinguished an honour. Meanwhile the troupe was often in requisitionto give private representations at the houses of various people of rankand wealth in Paris, and it quickly became the fashion among them tooffer this very popular style of entertainment to their guests.

  Thus it befell that the tyrant, being perfectly accustomed to that sortof thing, was not at all surprised, or suspicious of evil, when onefine morning a stranger, of most venerable and dignified mien, presentedhimself at the hotel in the Rue Dauphine, and asked to speak with himon business. He appeared to be the major-domo, or steward, of some greatnobleman's establishment, and, in effect, announced to Herode that hehad been sent to consult with him, as manager of the troupe, by hismaster, the Comte de Pommereuil.

  This highly respectable old functionary was richly dressed in blackvelvet, and had a heavy gold chain round his neck. His face was slightlysunburnt; the wavy hair that fell upon his shoulders, his thick, bushyeyebrows, heavy mustache, and long, sweeping beard were all white assnow. He had the most patriarchal, benevolent air imaginable, and a verygentle, yet dignified manner. The tyrant could not help admiring himvery much, as he said, courteously, "Are you, sir, the famous Herode Iam in quest of, who rules with a hand as firm as Apollo's the excellentcompany of comedians now playing in Paris? Their renown has gone abroad,beyond the walls of the city, and penetrated even to my master's ears,on his estate out in the country."

  "Yes, I have the honour to be the man you seek," the tyrant answered,bowing very graciously.

  "The Comte de Pommereuil greatly desires to have you give one of yourcelebrated representations at his chateau, where guests of high rank aresojourning at this moment, and I have come to ascertain whether it willbe possible for you to do so. The distance is not very considerable,only a few leagues. The comte, my master, is a very great andgenerous seignior, who is prepared to reward your illustrious companymunificently for their trouble, and will do everything in his power tomake them comfortable while they are under his roof."

  "I will gladly do all that I can to please your noble master," thetyrant replied, "though it will be a little difficult for us to leaveParis at present, just in the height of the season; even if it be onlyfor a short absence."

  "Three days would suffice for this expedition," said the venerablemajor-domo persuasively; "one for the journey, the second for therepresentation, and the third for the return to Paris. There is acapital theatre at the chateau, furnished with everything that isrequisite, so that you need not be encumbered with much luggage--nothingbeyond your costumes. Here is a purse containing a hundred pistoles thatthe Comte de Pommereuil charged me to put into your hands, to defraythe expenses of the journey. You will receive as much more beforeyou return, and there will be handsome presents for the actressesforthcoming, of valuable jewels, as souvenirs of the occasion."

  After a momentary hesitation, the tyrant accepted the well-filled pursetendered to him, and, with a gesture of acquiescence, put it into hispocket.

  "I am to understand then that you accept, and I may tell my master thatyou will give a representation at the chateau, as he desires?"

  "Yes, I place myself and my company at his disposition," Herode said,smilingly. "And now let me know what day you want us to go, and which ofour pieces your master prefers."

  "Thursday is the day my master designated; as for selecting the play,that he leaves to your own good taste and discretion."

  "Very well; and now you have only to give me directions as to the roadwe must take to reach the chateau. Be as explicit as you can, I prayyou, so that there may be no danger of our going astray."

  The agent of the Comte de Pommereuil accordingly gave the most minuteand exact directions possible, but ended by saying, "Never mind, youneed not burden your memory with all these troublesome details! I willsend you a lackey to serve as guide."

  Matters being thus satisfactorily arranged, the charming old major-domotook leave of Herode, who accompanied him down the stairs and acrossthe court to the outer door of the hotel, and departed, looking back toexchange a last polite sign of farewell ere he turned the corner of thestreet. If the honest tyrant could have seen him as he walked brisklyaway, the moment he was safely out of sight, he would have beenastonished at the way the broad, stooping shoulders straightenedthemselves up, and at the rapid, vigorous step that succeeded to theslow, rather infirm gait of his venerable visitor--but these things ourworthy Herode neither saw nor suspected.

  On Wednesday morning, as the comedians were finishing the packing oftheir chariot, which stood ready for departure in the courtyard of thehotel, with a pair of fine spirited horses
before it that the tyrant hadhired for the journey, a tall, rather fierce-looking lackey, dressedin a neat livery and mounted on a stout pony, presented himself at theouter door, cracking his whip vigorously, and announcing himself asthe guide, sent according to promise by the considerate major-domo, toconduct them to the Chateau de Pommereuil.

  Eight clear strokes rang out from the Samaritan just as the heavyvehicle emerged into the Rue Dauphine, and our company of players setforth on their ill-fated expedition. In less than half an hour they hadleft the Porte Saint Antoine and the Bastile behind them, passed throughthe thickly settled faubourg and gained the open country; advancingtowards Vincennes, which they could distinguish in the distance, withits massive keep partially veiled by a delicate blue mist, that wasrapidly dispersing under the influence of the bright, morning sunshine.As the horses were fresh, and travelled at a good pace, they soon cameup with the ancient fortress--which was still formidable in appearance,though it could not have offered any adequate resistance to theprojectiles of modern artillery. The gilded crescents on the minarets ofthe chapel built by Pierre de Montereau shone out brightly, as if joyousat finding themselves in such close proximity to the cross--the sign ofredemption. After pausing a few minutes to admire this monument ofthe ancient splendour of our kings, the travellers entered the forest,where, amid the dense growth of younger trees, stood a few majestic oldoaks--contemporaries doubtless of the one under which Saint Louis, thatking of blessed memory, used to sit and dispense justice to his loyalsubjects in person--a most becoming and laudable occupation for amonarch.

  The road was so little used that it was grass-grown in many places, andthe chariot rolled so smoothly and noiselessly along over it that theyoccasionally surprised a party of rabbits frolicking merrily together,and were very much amused to see them scamper away, in as great a hurryas if the hounds were at their heels. Farther on a frightened deerbounded across the road in front of them, and they could watch itsswift, graceful flight for some distance amid the leafless trees.The young baron was especially interested in all these things, beingcountry-bred, and it was a delight unspeakable to him to see the fields,the hedgerows, the forest, and the wild creatures of the wood once more.It was a pleasure he had been deprived of ever since he had frequentedcities and towns, where there is nothing to look at but dingy houses,muddy streets and smoky chimneys--the works of man not of God. He wouldhave pined in them for the fresh country air if he had not had the sweetcompanionship of the lovely woman he adored; in whose deep, blue eyes hesaw a whole heaven of bliss.

  Upon emerging from the wood the road wound up a steep hill-side, so thehorses were stopped, to rest a few minutes before beginning the ascent,and de Sigognac, profiting by the opportunity thus afforded him, said toIsabelle, "Dear heart, will you get down and walk a little way with me?You will find it a pleasant change and rest after sitting still inthe chariot so long. The road is smooth and dry, and the sunshinedeliciously warm--do come!"

  Isabelle joyfully acceded to this request, and putting her hand into theone extended to help her, jumped lightly down. It was a welcome means ofaccording an innocent tete-a-tete to her devoted lover, and both feltas if they were treading on air, they were so happy to find themselvesalone together, as, arm in arm, they walked briskly forward, until theywere out of sight of their companions. Then they paused to look long andlovingly into each other's eyes, and de Sigognac began again to pour outto Isabelle "the old, old story," that she was never weary of hearing,but found more heavenly sweet at every telling. They were like the firstpair of mortal lovers in Paradise, entirely sufficient to and happyin each other. Yet even then Isabelle gently checked the passionateutterances of her faithful suitor, and strove to moderate his rapturoustransports, though their very fervour made her heart rejoice, andbrought a bright flush to her cheeks and a happy light to her eyes thatrendered her more adorably beautiful than ever.

  "Whatever you may do or say, my darling," he answered, with a sweet,tender smile, "you will never be able to tire out my constancy. If needbe, I will wait for you until all your scruples shall have vanished ofthemselves--though it be not till these beautiful, soft brown tresses,with their exquisite tinge of gold where the sun shines on them, shallhave turned to silver."

  "Oh!" cried Isabelle, "I shall be so old and so ugly then that evenyour sublime courage will be daunted, and I fear that in rewardingyour perseverance and fidelity by the gift of myself I should only bepunishing my devoted knight and brave champion."

  "You will never be ugly, my beloved Isabelle, if you live to be ahundred," he replied, with an adoring glance, "for yours is not the merephysical beauty, that fades away and vanishes--it is the beauty of thesoul, which is immortal."

  "All the same you would be badly off," rejoined Isabelle, "if I were totake you at your word, and promise to be yours when I was old and gray.But enough of this jesting," she continued gravely, "let us be serious!You know my resolution, de Sigognac, so try to content yourself withbeing the object of the deepest, truest, most devoted love that was everyet bestowed on mortal man since hearts began to beat in this strangeworld of ours."

  "Such a charming avowal ought to satisfy me, I admit, but it doesnot! My love for you is infinite--it can brook no bounds--it is everincreasing--rising higher and higher, despite your heavenly voice, thatbids it keep within the limits you have fixed for it."

  "Do not talk so, de Sigognac! you vex me by such extravagances," saidIsabelle, with a little pout that was as charming as her sweetest smile;for in spite of herself her heart beat high with joy at these ferventprotestations of a love that no coldness could repel, no remonstrancediminish.

  They walked on a little way in silence--de Sigognac not daring to saymore then, lest he should seriously displease the sweet creature heloved better than his own life. Suddenly she drew her arm out of his,and with an exclamation of delight, sprang to a little bank by theroad-side, where she had spied a tiny violet, peeping out from amidthe dead leaves that had lain there all the winter through--the firstharbinger of spring, smiling up at her a friendly greeting, despite thewintry cold of February. She knelt down and gently cleared away the dryleaves and grass about it, carefully broke the frail little stem, andreturned to de Sigognac's side with her treasure--more delighted than ifshe had found a precious jewel lying hidden among the mosses.

  "Only see, how exquisitely beautiful and delicate it is"--said she,showing it to him--"with its dear little petals scarcely unrolled yetto return the greeting of this bright, warm sunshine, that has roused itfrom its long winter sleep."

  "It was not the sunshine, however bright and warm," answered deSigognac, "but the light of your eyes, sweet Isabelle, that made it openout to greet you--and it is exactly the colour too of those dear eyes ofyours."

  "It has scarcely any fragrance, but that is because it's so cold," saidIsabelle, loosening her scarf, and putting it carefully inside the ruffthat encircled her slender, white neck. In a few minutes she took it outagain, inhaled its rich perfume, pressed it furtively to her lips, andoffered it to de Sigognac.

  "See how sweet it is now! The warmth I imparted to it has reassuredthe little modest, timid blossom, and it breathes out its incomparablefragrance in gratitude to me."

  "Say rather that it has received it from you," he replied, raising theviolet tenderly to his lips, and taking from it the kiss Isabelle hadbestowed--"for this delicate, delicious odour has nothing gross orearthly about it--it is angelically pure and sweet, like yourself, myown Isabelle."

  "Ah! the naughty flatterer," said she, smiling upon him with all herheart in her eyes. "I give him a little flower that he may enjoy itsperfume, and straightway he draws from it inspiration for all sorts ofhigh-flown conceits, and fine compliments. There's no doing anythingwith him--to the simplest, most commonplace remark he replies with apoetical flight of fancy."

  However, she could not have been very seriously displeased, for shetook his arm again, and even leaned upon it rather more heavily than theexigencies of the way actually required; which go
es to prove that thepurest virtue is not insensible to pretty compliments, and that modestyitself knows how to recompense delicate flattery.

  Not far from the road they were travelling stood a small group ofthatched cottages--scarcely more than huts--whose inhabitants were allafield at their work, excepting a poor blind man, attended by a littleragged boy, who sat on a stone by the wayside, apparently to solicitalms from those who passed by. Although he seemed to be extremely agedand feeble, he was chanting a sort of lament over his misfortunes, andan appeal to the charity of travellers, in a loud, whining, yet vigorousvoice; promising his prayers to those who gave him of their substance,and assuring them that they should surely go to Paradise as a reward fortheir generosity. For some time before they came up with him, Isabelleand de Sigognac had heard his doleful chant--much to the annoyance ofthe latter; for when one is listening, entranced, to the sweet singingof the nightingale, it is sorely vexatious to be intruded upon by thediscordant croaking of a raven. As they drew near to the poor old blindman, they saw his little attendant bend down and whisper in his ear,whereupon he redoubled his groans and supplications--at the same timeholding out towards them a small wooden bowl, in which were a fewcoppers, and shaking it, so as to make them rattle as loudly aspossible, to attract their attention. He was a venerable looking oldman, with a long white beard, and seemed to be shivering with cold,despite the great, thick, woollen cloak in which he was wrapped. Thechild, a wild-looking little creature, whose scanty, tattered clothingwas but a poor protection against the stinging cold, shrunk timidly fromnotice, and tried to hide himself behind his aged charge. Isabelle'stender heart was moved to pity at the sight of so much misery, and shestopped in front of the forlorn little group while she searched in herpocket for her purse--not finding it there she turned to her companionand asked him to lend her a little money for the poor old blind beggar,which the baron hastened to do--though he was thoroughly out of patiencewith his whining jeremiads--and, to prevent Isabelle's coming in actualcontact with him, stepped forward himself to deposit the coins in hiswooden bowl. Thereupon, instead of tearfully thanking his benefactorand invoking blessings upon his head, after the usual fashion of suchgentry, the blind man--to Isabelle's inexpressible alarm--suddenlysprang to his feet, and straightening himself up with a jerk, opened hisarms wide, as a vulture spreads its wings for flight, gathered up hisample cloak about his shoulders with lightning rapidity and flungit from him with a quick, sweeping motion like that with which thefisherman casts his net. The huge, heavy mantle spread itself out likea dense cloud directly above de Sigognac, and falling over and about himenveloped him from head to foot in its long, clinging folds, heldfirmly down by the lead with which its edges were weighted--making him ahelpless prisoner--depriving him at once of sight and breath, and of theuse of his hands and feet. The young actress, wild with terror, turnedto fly and call for help, but before she could stir, or utter a sound,a hand was clapped over her mouth, and she felt herself lifted from theground. The old blind beggar, who, as by a miracle, had suddenly becomeyoung and active, and possessed of all his faculties, had seized her bythe shoulders, while the boy took her by the feet, and they carried herswiftly and silently round a clump of bushes near by to where a man onhorseback and masked, was waiting for them. Two other men, also mountedand masked, and armed to the teeth, were standing close at hand, behinda wall that prevented their being seen from the road. Poor Isabelle,nearly fainting with fright, was lifted up in front of the firsthorseman, and seated on a cloak folded so as to serve for a cushion; abroad leather strap being passed round her waist, which also encircledthat of the rider, to hold her securely in her place. All this was donewith great rapidity and dexterity, as if her captors were accustomedto such manoeuvres, and then the horseman, who held her firmly with onehand, shook his bridle with the other, drove his spurs into the horse'ssides, and was off like a flash--the whole thing being done in lesstime than it takes to describe it. Meanwhile de Sigognac was strugglingfiercely and wildly under the heavy cloak that enveloped him--like agladiator entangled in his adversary's net--beside himself with rage anddespair, as he gasped for breath in his stifling prison, andrealized that this diabolical outrage must be the work of the Duke ofVallombreuse. Suddenly, like an inspiration, the thought flashed intohis mind of using his dagger to free himself from the thick, clingingfolds, that weighed him down like the leaden cloaks of the wretchedcondemned spirits we read of with a shudder in Dante's Inferno. With twoor three strong, quick strokes he succeeded in cutting through it, andcasting it from him, with a fierce imprecation, perceived Isabelle'sabductors, still near at hand, galloping across a neighbouring field,and apparently making for a thick grove at a considerable distance fromwhere he was standing. As to the blind beggar and the child, they haddisappeared--probably hiding somewhere near by--but de Sigognac didnot waste a second thought on them; throwing off his own cloak, lest itshould impede him, he started swiftly in pursuit of the flying enemy andtheir fair prize, with fury and despair in his heart. He was agile andvigorous, lithe of frame, fleet of foot, the very figure for a runner,and he quickly began to gain on the horsemen. As soon as they becameaware of this one of them drew a pistol from his girdle and fired attheir pursuer, but missed him; whereupon de Sigognac, bounding rapidlyfrom side to side as he ran, made it impossible for them to take aim athim, and effectually prevented their arresting his course in that way.The man who had Isabelle in front of him tried to ride on in advance,and leave the other two to deal with the baron, but the young actressstruggled so violently on the horse's neck, and kept clutching sopersistently at the bridle, that his rider could not urge him to hisgreatest speed. Meantime de Sigognac was steadily gaining upon them;without slackening his pace he had managed to draw his sword from thescabbard, and brandished it aloft, ready for action, as he ran. It istrue that he was one against three--that he was on foot while they wereon horseback--but he had not time to consider the odds against him, andhe seemed possessed of the strength of a giant in Isabelle's behalf.Making a prodigious effort, he suddenly increased his speed, and comingup with the two horsemen, who were a little behind the other one,quickly disposed of them, by vigorously pricking their horses' flankswith the point of his sword; for, what with fright and pain, theanimals, after plunging violently, threw off all restraint andbolted--dashing off across country as if the devil were after them, andcarrying their riders with them, just as de Sigognac had expectedand intended that they should do. The brave young baron was nearlyspent--panting, almost sobbing, as he struggled desperately on--feelingas if his heart would burst at every agonizing throb; but he was induedwith supernatural strength and endurance, and as Isabelle's voicereached his ear calling, "Help, de Sigognac, help!" he cleared with abound the space that separated them, and leaping up to catch the broadleathern strap that was passed round her and her captor, answered in ahoarse, shrill tone, "I am here." Clinging to the strap, he ran alongbeside the galloping horse--like the grooms that the Romans calleddesultores--and strove with all his might to pull the rider down outof his saddle. He did not dare to use his sword to disable him, as theystruggled together, lest he should wound Isabelle also; and, meantime,the man on horseback was trying his utmost to shake off his fierceassailant-unsuccessfully, because he had both hands fully occupied withhis horse and his captive, who was doing all she could to slip from hisgrasp, and throw herself into her lover's arms. Loosing his hold on therein for a second, the horseman managed to draw a knife from his girdle,and with one blow severed the strap to which the baron was clinging;then, driving his spurs into the horse's sides made the frightenedanimal spring suddenly forward, while de Sigognac--who was not preparedfor this emergency, and found himself deprived of all support--fellviolently upon his back in the road. He was up again in an instant, andflying after Isabelle, who was now being borne rapidly away from him,and whose cries for help came more and more faintly to his ear; but themoment he had lost made his pursuit hopeless, and he knew that it wasall in vain when he saw her disappear behind the thicket her ravish
erhad been aiming for from the first. His heart sank within him, and hestaggered as he still ran feebly on--feeling now the effects of hissuperhuman exertions, and fearing at each step that his feet would carryhim no farther. He was soon overtaken by Herode and Scapin, who, alarmedby the pistol shot, and fearing that something was wrong, had startedin hot pursuit, though the lackey who served them as guide had done allthat he possibly could to hinder them, and in a few faltering words hetold them what had occurred.

  "Vallombreuse again!" cried the tyrant, with an oath. "But how the devildid he get wind of our expedition to the Chateau de Pommereuil? or canit be possible that it was all a plot from the beginning, and we arebound on a fool's errand? I really begin to think it must be so. If itis true, I never saw a better actor in my life than that respectable oldmajor-domo, confound him! But let us make haste and search this grovethoroughly; we may find some trace of poor Isabelle; sweet creature thatshe is! Rough old tyrant though I be, my heart warms to her, and I loveher more tenderly than I do myself. Alas! I'm afraid, that this poor,innocent, little fly is caught in the toils of a cruel spider, who willtake care never to let us get sight of her again."

  "I will crush him," said de Sigognac, striking his heel savagely on theground, as if he actually had the spider under it. "I will crushthe life out of him, the venomous beast!" and the fierce, determinedexpression of his usually calm, mild countenance showed that this was noidle threat, but that he was terribly in earnest.

  "Look," cried Herode, as they dashed through the thicket, "there theyare!"

  They could just discern, through the screen of leafless but thicklyinterlaced branches, a carriage, with all the curtains carefully closed,and drawn by four horses lashed to a gallop, which was rapidly rollingaway from them in the distance. The two men whose horses had run awaywith them had them again under control, and were riding on either sideof it--one of them leading the horse that had carried Isabelle andher captor. HE was doubtless mounting guard over her in thecarriage--perhaps using force to keep her quiet--at thought of whichde Sigognac could scarcely control the transport of rage and agony thatshook him. Although the three pursuers followed the fugitives, as fastas they could run, it was all of no avail, for they soon lost sight ofthem altogether, and nothing remained to be done but to ascertain, ifpossible, the direction they had taken, so as to have some clew to poorIsabelle's whereabouts. They had considerable difficulty in making outthe marks of the carriage wheels, for the roads were very dry; and whenat length they had succeeded in tracing them to a place where four roadsmet they lost them entirely--it was utterly impossible to tell whichway they had gone. After a long and fruitless search they turned backsorrowfully to join their companions, trying to devise some plan forIsabelle's rescue, but feeling acutely how hopeless it was. They foundthe others in the chariot waiting for them, just where the tyrant andScapin had left them, for their false guide had put spurs to his horseand ridden off after his confederates, as soon as he became awarethat their undertaking had proved successful. When Herode asked an oldpeasant woman, who came by with a bundle of fagots on her back, howfar it was to the Chateau de Pommereuil, she answered that there was noplace of that name anywhere in the country round. Upon being questionedclosely, she said that she had lived in the neighbourhood for seventyyears, knew every house within many leagues, and could positively assurethem that there was no such Chateau within a day's journey. So it wasonly too evident that they were the dupes of the clever agents of theDuke of Vallombreuse, who had at last succeeded in getting possessionof Isabelle, as he had sworn that he would do. Accordingly, all of theparty turned back towards Paris, excepting de Sigognac, the tyrant andScapin, who had decided to go on to the next village, where they hopedto be able to procure horses, with which to prosecute their search forIsabelle and her abductors.

  After the baron's fall, she had been swiftly taken on to the other sideof the thicket, where the carriage stood awaiting her; then lifted downfrom the horse and put into it, in spite of her frantic struggles andremonstrances. The man who had held her in front of him got down alsoand sprang in after her, closing the door with a bang, and instantlythey were off at a tremendous pace. He seated himself opposite to her,and when she impetuously tried to pull aside the curtain, so that shecould see out of the window nearest to her, he respectfully but firmlyrestrained her.

  "Mademoiselle, I implore you to keep quiet," he said, with the utmostpoliteness, "and not oblige me to use forcible means to restrain socharming and adorable a creature as your most lovely self. No harm shallcome to you--do not be afraid!--only kindness is intended; therefore Ibeseech you do not persist in vain resistance. If you will only submitquietly, you shall be treated with as much consideration and respect asa captive queen, but if you go on acting like the devil, struggling andshrieking, I have means to bring you to terms, and I shall certainlyresort to them. THIS will stop your screaming, mademoiselle, and THISwill prevent your struggling."

  As he spoke he drew out of his pocket a small gag, very artisticallymade, and a long, thick, silken cord, rolled up into a ball.

  "It would be barbarous indeed," he continued, "to apply such a thing asthis to that sweet, rosy mouth of yours, mademoiselle, as I am surethat you will admit--or to bind together those pretty, delicate, littlewrists, upon which no worse fetters than diamond bracelets should everbe placed."

  Poor Isabelle, furious and frightened though she was, could not butacknowledge to herself that further physical resistance then wouldbe worse than useless, and determined to spare herself at least suchindignities as she was at that moment threatened with; so, withoutvouchsafing a word to her attendant, she threw herself back into thecorner of the carriage, closed her eyes, and tried to keep perfectlystill. But in spite of her utmost endeavours she could not altogetherrepress an occasional sob, nor hold back the great tears that welledforth from under her drooping eyelids and rolled down over her palecheeks, as she thought of de Sigognac's despair and her own danger.

  "After the nervous excitement comes the moist stage;" said her maskedguardian to himself, "things are following their usual and naturalcourse. I am very glad of it, for I should have greatly disliked to beobliged to act a brutal part with such a sweet, charming girl as this."

  Now and then Isabelle opened her eyes and cast a timid glance at herabductor, who finally said to her, in a voice he vainly strove to rendersoft and mild:

  "You need not be afraid of me, mademoiselle! I would not harm you in anyway for the world. If fortune had been more generous to me I certainlywould never have undertaken this enterprise against such a lovely,gentle young lady as you are; but poor men like me are driven to allsorts of expedients to earn a little money; they have to take whatevercomes within their reach, and sacrifice their scruples to theirnecessities."

  "You do admit then," said Isabelle vehemently, "that you have beenbribed to carry me off? An infamous, cruel, outrageous thing it is."

  "After what I have had to do," he replied, "it would be idle to deny it.There are a good many philosophers like myself in Paris, mademoiselle,who, instead of indulging in love affairs, and intrigues of varioussorts, of their own, interest themselves in those of other people, and,for a consideration, make use of their courage, ingenuity and strengthto further them. But to change the subject, how charming you were inthat last new play! You went through the scene of the avowal with agrace I have never seen equalled. I applauded you to the echo; the pairof hands that kept it up so perseveringly and vigorously, you know,belonged to me."

  "I beg you to dispense with these ill-judged remarks and compliments,and to tell me where you are taking me, in this strange, outrageousmanner, against my will, and, in despite of all the ordinary usages ofcivilized society."

  "I cannot tell you that, mademoiselle, and besides, it would do youno sort of good to know. In our profession, you see, we are obliged toobserve as much secrecy and discretion as confessors and physicians.Indeed, in such affairs as this we often do not know the names of theparties we are working for ourselves."
br />   "Do you mean to say that you do not know who has employed you to committhis abominable, cruel crime?"

  "It makes no difference whether I know his name or not, since I am notat liberty to disclose it to you. Think over your numerous admirers,mademoiselle! the most ardent and least favoured one among them wouldprobably be at the bottom of all this."

  Finding that she could not get any information from him, Isabelledesisted, and did not speak again. She had not the slightest doubtthat the Duke of Vallombreuse was the author of this new and daringenterprise. The significant and threatening way in which he had said "aurevoir, mademoiselle," as he quitted her presence after she had repulsedhim a few days before, had haunted her, and she had been in constantdread ever since of some new outrage. She hoped, against hope, that deSigognac, her valiant lover, would yet come to her rescue, and thoughtproudly of the gallant deeds he had already done in her behalf thatday--but how was he to find out where to seek her?

  "If worst comes to worst," she said to herself, "I still have Chiquita'sknife, and I can and will escape from my persecutor in that way, if allother means fail."

  For two long hours she sat motionless, a prey to sad and terriblethoughts and fears, while the carriage rolled swiftly on withoutslackening its speed, save once, for a moment, when they changed horses.As the curtains were all lowered, she could not catch even a glimpse ofthe country she was passing through, nor tell in what direction she wasbeing driven. At last she heard the hollow sound of a drawbridge underthe wheels; the carriage stopped, and her masked companion, promptlyopening the door, jumped nimbly out and helped her to alight. She casta hurried glance round her, as she stepped down, saw that she was in alarge, square court, and that all the tall, narrow windows in the highbrick walls that surrounded it had their inside shutters carefullyclosed. The stone pavement of the spacious courtyard was in some placespartly covered with moss, and a few weeds had sprung up in the corners,and along the edges by the walls. At the foot of a broad, easy flight ofsteps, leading up to a covered porch, two majestic Egyptian sphinxeslay keeping guard; their huge rounded flanks mottled here and there withpatches of moss and lichens. Although the large chateau looked lonelyand deserted, it had a grand, lordly air, and seemed to be kept inperfect order and repair. Isabelle was led up the steps and into thevestibule by the man who had brought her there, and then consignedto the care of a respectable-looking majordomo, who preceded her upa magnificent staircase, and into a suite of rooms furnished withthe utmost luxury and elegance. Passing through the first--which wasenriched with fine old carvings in oak, dark with age--he left her in aspacious, admirably proportioned apartment, where a cheery wood fire wasroaring up the huge chimney, and she saw a bed in a curtained alcove.She chanced to catch sight of her own face in the mirror over anelaborately furnished dressing-table, as she passed it, and was startledand shocked at its ghastly pallor and altered expression; she scarcelycould recognise it, and felt as if she had seen a ghost--poor Isabelle!Over the high, richly ornamented chimney-piece hung a portrait of agentleman, which, as she approached the fire, at once caught and rivetedher attention. The face seemed strangely familiar to her, and yet shecould not remember where she had seen it before. It was pale, withlarge, black eyes, full red lips, and wavy brown hair, thrown carelesslyback from it-apparently the likeness of a man about forty years of ageand it had a charming air of nobility and lofty pride, tempered withbenevolence and tenderness, which was inexpressibly attractive. Theportrait was only half-length--the breast being covered with a steelcuirass, richly inlaid with gold, which was partly concealed by a whitescarf, loosely knotted over it. Isabelle, despite her great alarm andanxiety, could not long withdraw her eyes or her thoughts from thispicture, which seemed to exert a strange fascination over her. Therewas something about it that at the first glance resembled the Duke ofVallombreuse, but the expression was so different that the likenessdisappeared entirely upon closer examination. It brought vague memoriesto Isabelle's mind that she tried in vain to seize--she felt as if shemust be looking at it in a dream. She was still absorbed in reveriebefore it when the major-domo reappeared, followed by two lackeys, inquiet livery, carrying a small table set for one person, which theyput down near the fire; and as one of them took the cover off anold-fashioned, massive silver tureen, he announced to Isabelle thather dinner was ready. The savoury odour from the smoking soup was verytempting, and she was very hungry; but after she had mechanically seatedherself and dipped her spoon into the broth, it suddenly occurred to herthat the food might contain a narcotic--such things had been done--andshe pushed away the plate in front of her in alarm. The major-domo, whowas standing at a respectful distance watching her, ready to anticipateher every wish, seemed to divine her thought, for he advanced to thetable and deliberately partook of all the viands upon it, as well as ofthe wine and water--as if to prove to her that there was nothing wrongor unusual about them. Isabelle was somewhat reassured by this, andfeeling that she would probably have need of all her strength, did bringherself to eat and drink, though very sparingly. Then, quitting thetable, she sat down in a large easy-chair in front of the fire to thinkover her terrible position, and endeavour to devise some means of escapefrom it. When the servants had attended to their duties and left heralone again, she rose languidly and walked slowly to the window--feelingas weak as though she had had a severe illness, after the violentemotions and terrors of the day, and as if she had aged years in thelast few hours. Could it be possible that only that very morning she andde Sigognac had been walking together, with hearts full of happiness andpeace--and she had rapturously hailed the appearance of the first springviolet as an omen of good, and gathered the sweet little blossom tobestow upon the devoted lover who adored her? And now, alas! alas! theywere as inexorably and hopelessly separated as if half the globe laybetween them. No wonder that her breast heaved tumultuously with chokingsobs, and hot tears rained down over her pallid cheeks, as she weptconvulsively at the thought of all she had lost. But she did not longindulge her grief--she remembered that at any moment she might have needof all her coolness and fortitude--and making a mighty effort, like thebrave heroine that she was, she regained control over herself, and droveback the gushing tears to await a more fitting season. She was relievedto find that there were no bars at the window, as she had feared; butupon opening the casement and leaning out she saw immediately beneathher a broad moat, full of stagnant water, which surrounded the chateau,and forbade any hope of succour or escape on that side. Beyond the moatwas a thick grove of large trees, which entirely shut out the view; andshe returned to her seat by the fire, more disheartened and castdown than ever. She was very nervous, and trembled at the slightestsound--casting hasty, terrified glances round the vast apartment, anddreading lest an unseen door in some shadowy corner should be softlyopened, or a hidden panel in the wall be slipped aside, to admit herrelentless enemy to her presence. She remembered all the horrible talesshe had ever heard of secret passages and winding staircases inthe walls, that are supposed to abound in ancient castles; and themysterious visitants, both human and supernatural, that are said to bein the habit of issuing from them, in the gloaming, and at midnight.As the twilight deepened into darkness, her terror increased, and shenearly fainted from fright when a servant suddenly entered with lights.

  While poor Isabelle was suffering such agony in one part of the chateau,her abductors were having a grand carouse in another. They were toremain there for a while as a sort of garrison, in case of an attackby de Sigognac and his friends; and were gathered round the table ina large room down on the ground floor--as remote as possible fromIsabelle's sumptuous quarters. They were all drinking like sponges, andmaking merry over their wine and good cheer, but one of them especiallyshowed the most remarkable and astounding powers of ingurgitation--itwas the man who had carried off the fair prize before him on his horse;and, now that the mask was thrown aside, he disclosed to view thedeathly pale face and fiery red nose of Malartic, bosom friend and"alter ego" of Maitre Jacquemin Lampourde.