Read Captain Fracasse Page 8


  The next morning Bellombre drew Blazius aside, and untying the stringsof a long leathern purse emptied out of it into the palm of his hand ahundred pistoles, which he piled up neatly on the table by which theywere standing; to the great admiration of the pedant, who thought tohimself that his friend was a lucky fellow to be in possession of solarge a sum--absolute wealth in his eyes. But what was his surprise whenBellombre swept them all up and put them into his own hands.

  "You must have understood," he said, "that I did not bring out thismoney in order to torment you in like manner with Tantalus, and I wantyou to take it, without any scruples, as freely as it is given--orloaned, if you are too proud to accept a gift from an old friend. Thesepieces were made to circulate--they are round, you see--and by this timethey must be tired of lying tied up in my old purse there. I have nouse for them; there's nothing to spend them on here; the farm produceseverything that is needed in my household, so I shall not miss them, andit is much better in every way that they should be in your hands."

  Not finding any adequate reply to make to this astonishing speech,Blazius put the money into his pocket, and, after first administering tohis friend a cordial accolade, grasped and wrung his hand with gratefulfervour, while an inconvenient tear, that he had tried in vain to winkaway, ran down his jolly red nose. As Bellombre had said the nightbefore, affairs were brightening with the troupe; good fortune hadcome at last, and the hard times they had met and struggled againstso bravely and uncomplainingly were among the things of the past. Thereceipts of the previous evening--for there had been some money takenin, as well as plentiful stores of edibles--added to Bellombre'spistoles, made a good round sum, and the chariot of Thespis, sodeplorably bare of late, was now amply provisioned. Not to do things byhalves, their generous host lent to the comedians two stout farm horses,with a man to drive them into Poitiers, and bring them back home again.They had on their gala-day harness, and from their gaudily-painted,high-peaked collars hung strings of tiny bells, that jingled cheerilyat every firm, regular step of the great, gentle creatures. So ourtravellers set out in high feather, and their entry into Poitiers,though not so magnificent as Alexander's into Babylon, was still invery fine style indeed. As they threaded their way through the narrow,tortuous streets of that ancient town, the noise of their horses' ironshoes ringing out against the rough stone pavement, and the clatter oftheir wheels drew many inmates of the houses they passed to the windows,and a little crowd collected around them as they stood waiting foradmission before the great entrance door of the Armes de France; thedriver, meanwhile, cracking his whip till it sounded like a volley ofmusketry, to which the horses responded by shaking their heads, andmaking all the little bells about them jingle sharply and merrily. Therewas a wonderful difference between this and their arrival at the lastinn they had stopped at--the night of the snow-storm--and the landlord,hearing such welcome sounds without, ran himself to admit his guests,and opened the two leaves of the great door, so that the chariot couldpass into the interior court. This hotel was the finest in Poitiers,where all the rich and noble travellers were in the habit of alighting,and there was an air of gaiety and prosperity about it very pleasing toour comedians, in contrast with all the comfortless, miserable lodgingsthey had been obliged to put up with for a long time past. The landlord,whose double, or rather triple chin testified to bountiful fare, and theruddy tints of his face to the excellence of his wines, seemed to be theincarnation of good humour.

  He was so plump, so fresh, so rosy and so smiling, that it was apleasure only to look at him. When he saw the tyrant, he fairly bubbledover with delight. A troupe of comedians always attracted people to hishouse, and brought him in a great deal of money; for the young men ofleisure of the town sought their company, and were constantly drinkingwine with the actors, and giving dainty little suppers, and treats ofvarious kinds, to the actresses.

  "You are heartily welcome, Seignior Herode! What happy chance bringsyou this way?" said the landlord, smilingly. "It is a long time since wehave had the pleasure of seeing you at the Armes de France."

  "So it is, Maitre Bilot," the tyrant answered; "but we cannot be givingour poor little performances always in the same place, you see; thespectators would become so familiar with all our tricks that they coulddo them themselves, so we are forced to absent ourselves for a while.And how are things going on here, now? Have you many of the nobility andgentry in town at present?"

  "A great many, Seignior Herode, for the hunting is over, so theyhave come in from the chateaux. But they don't know what to do withthemselves, for it is so dull and quiet here. People can't be eatingand drinking all the time, and they are dying for want of a littleamusement. You will have full houses."

  "Well," rejoined the tyrant, "then please give us seven or eight goodrooms, have three or four fat capons put down to roast, bring up, fromthat famous cellar of yours, a dozen of the capital wine I used to drinkhere--you know which I mean--and spread abroad the news of the arrivalof Herode's celebrated troupe at the Armes de France, with a new andextensive repertoire, to give a few representations in Poitiers."

  While this conversation was going on the rest of the comedians hadalighted, and were already being conducted to their respective rooms byseveral servants. The one given to Isabelle was a little apart from theothers--those in their immediate vicinity being occupied--which was notdispleasing to the modest young girl, who was often greatly annoyedand embarrassed by the promiscuous, free-and-easy way of gettingon, inseparable from such a Bohemian life. She always accepted theinevitable with a good grace, and never complained of the vexation shefelt at being obliged to share her bed-chamber with Serafina or theduenna, or perhaps both; but it was a luxury she had scarcely dared tohope for to have her room entirely to herself, and moreover sufficientlydistant from her companions to insure her a good deal of privacy.

  In a marvellously short space of time the whole town had becomeacquainted with the news of the arrival of the comedians, and the youngmen of wealth and fashion began flocking to the hotel, to drink a bottleof Maitre Bilot's wine, and question him about the beauty and charms ofthe actresses; curling up the points of their mustaches as they did sowith such an absurdly conceited, insolent air of imaginary triumph, thatthe worthy landlord could not help laughing in his sleeve at them ashe gave his discreet, mysterious answers, accompanied by significantgestures calculated to turn the silly heads of these dandified youngcalves, and make them wild with curiosity and impatience.

  Isabelle, when left alone, had first unpacked a portion of her clothing,and arranged it neatly on the shelves of the wardrobe in her room, andthen proceeded to indulge in the luxury of a bath and complete changeof linen. She took down her long, fine, silky hair, combed itcarefully, and arranged it tastefully, with a pale blue ribbon entwinedartistically in it; which delicate tint was very becoming to her, withher fair, diaphanous complexion, and lovely flush, like a rose-leaf, onher cheek. When she had put on the silvery gray dress, with its prettyblue trimmings, which completed her simple toilet, she smiled at herown charming reflection in the glass, and thought of a pair of dark,speaking eyes that she knew would find her fair, and pleasant to lookupon. As she turned away from the mirror a sunbeam streamed in throughher window, and she could not resist the temptation to open the casementand put her pretty head out, to see what view there might be from it.She looked down into a narrow, deserted alley, with the wall of thehotel on one side and that of the garden opposite on the other, so highthat it reached above the tops of the trees within. From her window shecould look down into this garden, and see, quite at the other end of it,the large mansion it belonged to, whose lofty, blackened walls testifiedto its antiquity. Two gentlemen were walking slowly, arm in arm,along one of the broad paths leading towards the house, engrossed inconversation; both were young and handsome, but they were scarcely ofequal rank, judging by the marked deference paid by one, the elder, tothe other.

  We will call this friendly pair Orestes
and Pylades for the present,until we ascertain their real names. The former was about one or two andtwenty, and remarkably handsome and distinguished--strikingly so--witha very white skin, intensely black hair and eyes, a tall, slender, lithefigure, shown to advantage by the rich costume of tan-coloured velvethe wore; and well-formed feet, with high, arched insteps, small anddelicate enough for a woman's--that more than one woman had enviedhim--encased in dainty, perfectly fitting boots, made of white Russialeather. From the careless ease of his manners, and the haughty grace ofhis carriage, one would readily divine that he was a great noble; oneof the favoured few of the earth, who are sure of being well receivedeverywhere, and courted and flattered by everybody. Pylades, thougha good-looking fellow enough, with auburn hair and mustache, wasnot nearly so handsome or striking, either in face or figure, as hiscompanion. They were talking of women; Orestes declaring himself awoman-hater from that time forward, because of what he was pleased tocall the persecutions of his latest mistress, of whom he was thoroughlytired--no new thing with him--but who would not submit to be thrownaside, like a cast-off glove, without making a struggle to regain thefavour of her ci-devant admirer. He was anathematizing the vanity,treachery, and deceitfulness of all women, without exception, from theduchess down to the dairy-maid, and declaring that he should renouncetheir society altogether for the future, when they reached the end ofthe walk, at the house, and turned about to pace its length again.

  As they did so he chanced to glance upward, and perceived Isabelle ather window. He nudged his companion, to direct his attention to her,as he said, "Just look up at that window! Do you see the delicious,adorable creature there? She seems a goddess, rather than a mere mortalwoman--Aurora, looking forth from her chamber in the East--with hergolden brown hair, her heavenly countenance, and her sweet, soft eyes.Only observe the exquisite grace of her attitude--leaning slightlyforward on one elbow, so as to bring into fine relief the shapely curvesof her beautiful form. I would be willing to swear that hers is a lovelycharacter--different from the rest of her sex. She is one by herself--apeerless creature--a very pearl of womanhood--a being fit for Paradise.Her face tells me that she is modest, pure, amiable, and refined.Her manners must be charming, her conversation fresh, sparkling, andelevating."

  "The deuce!" exclaimed Pylades, laughingly, "what good eyes you musthave to make out all that at such a distance! Now I see merely a womanat a window, who is rather pretty, to tell the honest truth, but notlikely to possess half the perfections you so lavishly bestow upon her.Take care, or you will be in love with her directly."

  "Oh! I'm that now, over head and ears. I must find out forthwith who sheis, and what; but one thing is certain, mine she must be, though it costme the half, nay, the whole of my fortune to win her, and there be ahundred rivals to overcome and slay ere I can carry her off from them intriumph."

  "Come, come, don't get so excited," said Pylades, "you will throwyourself into a fever; but what has become of the contempt and hatredfor the fair sex you were declaring so vehemently just now? The firstpretty face has routed it all."

  "But when I talked like that I did not know that this lovely angelexisted upon earth, and what I said was an odious, outrageousblasphemy--a monstrous, abominable heresy--for which I pray that Venus,fair goddess of love and beauty, will graciously forgive me."

  "Oh, yes! she'll forgive you fast enough, never fear, for she is alwaysvery indulgent to such hot-headed lovers as you are."

  "I am going to open the campaign," said Orestes, "and declare warcourteously on my beautiful enemy."

  With these words he stopped short, fixed his bold eyes on Isabelle'sface, took off his hat, in a gallant and respectful way, so that itslong plume swept the ground, and wafted a kiss on the tips of hisfingers towards the new object of his ardent admiration. The youngactress, who saw this demonstration with much annoyance, assumed a cold,composed manner, as if to show this insolent fellow that he had made amistake, drew back from the window, closed it, and let fall the curtain;all done calmly and deliberately, and with the frigid dignity with whichshe was wont to rebuke such overtures.

  "There," exclaimed Pylades, "your Aurora is hidden behind a cloud; notvery promising, that, for the rest of the day."

  "I don't agree with you; I regard it, on the contrary, as a favourableaugury that my little beauty has retired. Don't you know that when thesoldier hides himself behind the battlements of the tower, it signifiesthat the besieger's arrow has hit him? I tell you she has mine now,sticking in under her left wing; that kiss will force her to think ofme all night, if only to be vexed with me, and tax me with effrontery--afault which is never displeasing to ladies, I find, though they dosometimes make a great outcry about it, for the sake of appearances.There is something between me and the fair unknown now; a very slight,almost imperceptible thread it may seem at present, but I will so manageas to make from it a rope, by which I shall climb up into her window."

  "I must admit," rejoined Pylades respectfully, "that you certainly arewonderfully well versed in all the stratagems and ruses of love-making."

  "I rather pique myself upon my accomplishments in that line, I willconfess," Orestes said, laughingly; "but come, let's go in now; thelittle beauty was startled, and will not show herself at the windowagain just yet. This evening I shall begin operations in earnest." Andthe two friends turned about and strolled slowly back towards the house,which they presently entered, and disappeared from sight.

  There was a large tennis-court not far from the hotel, which waswonderfully well suited to make a theatre of; so our comedians hiredit, took immediate possession, set carpenters and painters to work,furbished up their own rather dilapidated scenery and decorations, andsoon had a charming little theatre, in which all the numbered seatsand boxes were eagerly snapped up, directly they were offered to"the nobility and gentry of Poitiers," who secured them for all therepresentations to be given by the troupe, so that success was insured.The dressing-room of the tennis players had to serve as green-room, anddressing-room as well for the comedians, large folding screens beingdisposed round the toilet tables of the actresses, so as to shut themoff as much as possible from the gentlemen visitors always loungingthere. Not a very agreeable arrangement for the former, but the bestthat could be done, and highly approved by the latter, of course.

  "What a pity it is," said the tyrant to Blazius, as they were arrangingwhat pieces they could play, seated at a window looking into theinterior court of the Armes de France, "what a great pity it is thatZerbine is not with us here. She is almost worth her weight in gold,that little minx; a real treasure, so full of fun and deviltry thatnobody can resist her acting; she would make any piece go off well--apearl of soubrettes is Zerbine."

  "Yes, she is a rare one," Blazius replied, with a deep sigh, "and Iregret more and more every day our having lost her. The devil fly awaywith that naughty marquis who must needs go and rob us of our paragon ofwaiting-maids."

  Just at this point they were interrupted by the noise of an arrival, andleaning out of the window saw three fine mules, richly caparisoned inthe gay Spanish fashion, entering the court, with a great jingling ofbells and clattering of hoofs. On the first one was mounted a lackeyin gray livery, and well armed, who led by a long strap a second muleheavily laden with baggage, and on the third was a young woman, wrappedin a large cloak trimmed with fur, and with her hat, a gray felt witha scarlet feather, drawn down over her eyes, so as to conceal her facefrom the two interested spectators at the window above.

  "I say, Herode," exclaimed the pedant, "doesn't all this remind you ofsomething? It seems to me this is not the first time we have heard thejingling of those bells, eh?"

  "By Saint Alipantin!" cried the tyrant, joyfully, "these are the verymules that carried Zerbine off so mysteriously. Speak of a wolf--"

  "And you will hear the rustling of his wings," interrupted Blazius,with a peal of laughter. "Oh! thrice happy day!--day to be marked withwhite!--for this is really Mlle. Zerbine in person. Look, she jumps downfrom her mule with
that bewitching little air peculiar to herself, andthrows her cloak to that obsequious lackey with a nonchalance worthy ofa princess; there, she has taken off her hat, and shakes out her raventresses as a bird does its feathers; it delights my old eyes to see heragain. Come, let's go down and welcome her."

  So Blazius and his companions hastened down to the court, and metZerbine just as she turned to enter the house.

  The impetuous girl rushed at the pedant, threw her arms around his neck,and kissed him heartily, crying, "I must kiss your dear, jolly, ugly oldface, just the same as though it were young and handsome, for I am soglad, so very glad to see it again. Now don't you be jealous, Herode,and scowl as if you were just going to order the slaughter of theinnocents; wait a minute! I'm going to kiss you, too; I only began withmy dear old Blazius here because he's the ugliest."

  And Zerbine loyally fulfilled her promise. Then giving a hand to each ofher companions, went up-stairs between them to the room Maitre Bilot hadordered to be made ready for her. The moment she entered it she threwherself down into an arm-chair standing near the door, and began todraw long deep breaths, like a person who has just gotten rid of a heavyload.

  "You cannot imagine," she said after a little, "how glad I am to getback to you again, though you needn't go and imagine that I am in lovewith your old phizes because of that; I'm not in love with anybody,Heaven be praised! I'm so joyful because I've gotten back into my ownelement once more. Everything is badly off out of its own element, youknow. The water will not do for birds, nor the air for fishes. I am anactress by nature, and the atmosphere of the theatre is my native air;in it alone do I breathe freely; even its unpleasant odours are sweet tomy nostrils. Real, everyday life seems very dull and flat. I must haveimaginary love affairs to manage for other people, and take part in thewhirl of romantic adventures to be found only on the stage, to keep mealive and happy. So I've come back to claim my old place again. I hopeyou haven't found any one else to fill it; though of course I knowthat you couldn't get anybody to really replace me. If you had I shouldscratch her eyes out, that I promise you, for I am a real little devilwhen my rights are encroached upon, though you might not think it."

  "There's no need for you to show your prowess in that way," said thetyrant, "for we have not had any one to take your role, and we'redelighted, overjoyed, to have you back again. If you had had some of themagic compound Apuleius tells us of, and had thereby changed yourselfinto a bird, to come and listen to what Blazius and I were saying alittle while ago, you would have heard nothing but good of yourself--arare thing that for listeners--and you would have heard some veryenthusiastic praise besides."

  "That's charming!" the soubrette exclaimed. "I see that you two are justthe same good old souls as ever, and that you have missed your littleZerbine."

  Several servants now came in, carrying trunks, boxes, portmanteaus,packages, no end of baggage, which Zerbine counted over and foundcorrect; and when they had gone she opened two or three of the largerchests with the keys she had on a small silver ring. They were filledwith all sorts of handsome things--silks and velvets, laces andjewels--and among the rest a long purse, crammed as full as it couldhold of gold pieces, which Zerbine poured out in a heap on the table;seeming to take a childish delight in looking at and playing with hergolden treasure, while laughing and chattering merrily all the time.

  "Serafina would burst with rage and envy if she should see all thismoney," said she gaily, "so we will keep it out of her sight. I onlyshow it to you to prove that I didn't need to return to my profession,but was actuated by a pure love of my art. As to you, my good oldfriends, if your finances happen to be not just as you could wish, putyour paws into this and help yourselves; take just as much as ever theywill hold."

  The two actors thanked her heartily for her generous offer, but assuredher that they were very well off, and in need of no assistance.

  "Ah well!" said Zerbine, "it will be for another time then. I shallput it away in my strong box, and keep it for you, like a faithfultreasurer."

  "But surely you haven't abandoned the poor marquis," said Blazius,rather reproachfully. "Of course I know there was no question of hisgiving you up; you are not one of that sort. The role of Ariadnewould not suit you at all; you are a Circe. Yet he is a splendid youngnobleman-handsome, wealthy, amiable, and not wanting in wit."

  "Oh! I haven't given him up; very far from it," Zerbine replied, with asaucy smile. "I shall guard him carefully, as the most precious gem inmy casket. Though I have quitted him for the moment, he will shortlyfollow me."

  "Fugax sequax, sequax fugax," the pedant rejoined; "these four Latinwords, which have a cabalistic sound, not unlike the croaking of certainbatrachians, and might have been borrowed, one would say, from the'Comedy of the Frogs,' by one Aristophanes, an Athenian poet, containthe very pith and marrow of all theories of love and lovemaking; theywould make a capital rule to regulate everybody's conduct--of the virileas well as of the fair sex."

  "And what under the sun do your fine Latin words mean, you pompous oldpedant?" asked Zerbine. "You have neglected to translate them, entirelyforgetting that not everybody has been professor in a college, andknight of the ferule, like yourself."

  "Their meaning," he replied, "may be expressed in this little couplet:'If you fly from men, they'll be sure to pursue, But if you follow them,they will fly from you."

  "Ha! ha!" laughed Zerbine, "that's a verse that ought to be set tomusic." And she began singing it to a merry tune at the top of hervoice; a voice so clear and ringing that it was a pleasure to hear it.She accompanied her song with such an amusing and effective pantomime,representing flight and pursuit, that it was a pity she had not hada larger audience to enjoy it. After this outburst of merriment shequieted down a little, and gave her companions a brief, history of heradventures since she had parted from them, declaring that the marquishad invariably treated her with the courtesy and generosity of a prince.But in spite of it all she had longed for her old wandering life withthe troupe, the excitement of acting, and the rounds of applause shenever failed to win; and at last she confessed to the marquis that shewas pining for her role of soubrette.

  "'Very well,' he said to me, 'you can take your mules and yourbelongings and go in pursuit of the troupe, and I will shortly followin pursuit of you. I have some matters to look after in Paris, that havebeen neglected of late, and I have been too long absent from the court.You will permit me to applaud you I suppose, and truth to tell I shallbe very glad to enjoy your bewitching acting again.' So I told him Iwould look for him among the audience every evening till he made hisappearance, and, after the most tender leave-taking, I jumped on my muleand caught you up here at the Armes de France, as you know."

  "But," said Herode, "suppose your marquis should not turn up at all! youwould be regularly sold."

  This idea struck Zerbine as being so utterly absurd that she threwherself back and laughed until she had to hold her sides, and was fairlybreathless. "The marquis not come!" she cried, when she could speak,"you had better engage rooms for him right away--not come! Why my fearwas that he would overtake me on the road; you will see him very soon,I can guarantee. Ah! you abominable old bear! you doubt the power ofmy charms, do you? You're decidedly growing stupid, Herode, as you growold; you used to be rather clever than otherwise."

  At this moment appeared Leander and Scapin, who had heard of Zerbine'sarrival from the servants, and came to pay their respects, soonfollowed by old Mme. Leonarde, who greeted the soubrette with as muchobsequiousness as if she had-been a princess. Isabelle came also towelcome her, to the great delight of Zerbine, who was devotedly fond ofher, and always trying to do something to please her. She now insistedupon presenting her with a piece of rich silk, which Isabelle acceptedvery reluctantly, and only when she found that the warm-heartedsoubrette would be really wounded if she refused her first gift.Serafina had shut herself up in her own room, and was the only one thatfailed to come and bid Zerbine welcome. She could neither forget norforgive the inexplicable pref
erence of the Marquis de Bruyeres for herhumble rival, and she called the soubrette all sorts of hard names inher wrath and indignation; but nobody paid any attention to her badhumour, and she was left to sulk in solitude.

  When Zerbine asked why Matamore had not come to speak to her with therest, they told her the sad story of his death, and also that the Baronde Sigognac now filled his role, under the name of Captain Fracasse.

  "It will be a great honour for me to act with a gentleman whoseancestors figured honourably in the crusades," said she, "and I onlyhope that my profound respect for him will not overwhelm me, and spoilmy acting; fortunately I have become pretty well accustomed to thesociety of people of rank lately."

  A moment later de Sigognac knocked at the door, and came in to greetZerbine, and courteously express his pleasure at her return. She roseas he approached, and making a very low curtsey, said, "This is forthe Baron de Sigognac; and this is for my comrade, Captain Fracasse;"kissing him on both cheeks--which unexpected and unprecedentedproceeding put poor de Sigognac completely out of countenance; partlybecause he was not used to such little theatrical liberties, but more,because he was ashamed to have such a thing happen in the presence ofhis pure and peerless Isabelle.

  And now we will return to Orestes and Pylades, who, after their eventfulpromenade in the garden, were cosily dining together. The former, thatis to say the young Duke of Vallombreuse, had scarcely eaten any dinner,and had even neglected his glass of wine, so preoccupied was he withthoughts of his lovely unknown. The Chevalier de Vidalinc, his friendand confidant, tried in vain to draw him into conversation; he repliedonly by monosyllables, or not at all, to the other's brilliant sallies.When the dessert had been put upon the table, and the servants hadretired and left them alone, the chevalier said to the duke: "I amentirely at your service in this new affair, of course, ready to helpyou bag your bird in any way you please; shall I go and send out thebeaters to drive it towards your nets?"

  "No, indeed, you will do nothing of the kind; I shall go myself, forthere is nothing I enjoy so much as the pursuit of game, of whateversort it may be. I would follow a deer, or a pheasant, to the ends ofthe earth but what I would have it; how much more a divine creature likethis. It is only after I have captured the flying prize that I loseall interest in it; so do not, I pray you, propose to deprive me of thedelights of the chase; the more difficult it is the better I like it,the more fascinating I find it. The most annoying thing is that womenare always so willing to be caught; if I could only find an obdurate,cruel fair one, who would fly from me in earnest, how I should adoreher! but, alas! such an anomaly does not exist on this terraqueousglobe."

  "If I were not so well acquainted with your innumerable triumphs, Ishould be obliged to tax you with conceit," said Vidalinc, "but as itis I must admit that you are justified in what you say. But perhaps yourwish may be gratified this time, for the young beauty certainly didseem to be very modest and retiring, as well as positively cold andforbidding in her manner of receiving your little act of gallantry."

  "We will see about that, and without any delay. Maitre Bilot is alwaysready and glad to tell all he knows whenever he can secure a goodlistener, and he is sharp enough to find out very quickly pretty muchall that's worth knowing about his guests in the hotel. Come, we'll goand drink a bottle of his best Madeira; I will draw him out, and get allthe information he can give us about this fair inmate of his house."

  A few minutes later the two young gentlemen entered the Armes de France,and asked for Maitre Bilot. The worthy landlord came forward at once,and himself conducted them into a cosy, well-lighted room on the groundfloor, where a bright fire was burning cheerily; he took the old, dustybottle, with cobwebs clinging about it, from the waiter's hands, drewthe cork very carefully, and then poured the amber wine, as clear as atopaz, into the delicate Venetian glasses held out for it by the dukeand his companion, with a hand as steady as if it bad been of bronze.In taking upon himself this office Maitre Bilot affected an almostreligious solemnity, as though he were a priest of Bacchus, officiatingat his altar, and about to celebrate the mysterious rites of the ancientworshippers of that merry god; nothing was wanting but the crown ofvine leaves. He seemed to think that this ceremoniousness was a sortof testimony to the superior quality of the wine from his well-stockedcellar, which needed no recommendation, for it was really very good,worthy of even a royal table, and of wide-spread fame.

  Maitre Bilot, having finished his little performance, was about towithdraw, when a significant glance from the duke made him pauserespectfully on the threshold.

  "Maitre Bilot," said he, "fetch a glass for yourself from the buffetthere, and come and drink a bumper of this capital wine to my health."

  This command, for such it was in reality, was instantly obeyed, andafter emptying his glass at a single draught, the well-pleased landlordstood, with one hand resting on the table and his eyes fixed on theduke, waiting to see, what was wanted of him.

  "Have you many strangers in your house now?" asked Vallombreuse, "andwho and what are they?" Bilot was about to reply, but the young dukeinterrupted him, and continued, "But what's the use of beating about thebush with such a wily old miscreant as you are, Maitre Bilot? Who isthe lady that has the room with a window, the third one from the corner,looking into my garden? Answer to the point, and you shall have a goldpiece for every syllable."

  "Under those conditions," said Bilot, with a broad grin, "one must bevery virtuous indeed to make use of the laconic style so highly esteemedby the ancients. However, as I am devoted to your lordship, I willanswer in a single word--Isabelle."

  "Isabelle! a charming and romantic name. But do not confine yourself tosuch Lacedaemonian brevity, Maitre Bilot; be prolix! and relate to me,minutely, everything that you know about the lovely Isabelle."

  "I am proud and happy to obey your lordship's commands," the worthylandlord answered, with a low bow; "my cellar, my kitchen, my tongue andmyself are all at your lordship's disposition. Isabelle is an actress,belonging to the celebrated troupe of Seignior Herode, stopping atpresent at the Armes de France."

  "An actress!" exclaimed the young duke, with an air of disappointment."I should have taken her for a lady of rank, from her quiet, dignifiedmien, or at least a well-bred bourgeoise, rather than a member of a bandof strolling players."

  "Yes, your lordship is right; any one might think so, for hermanners and appearance are very lady-like, and she has an untarnishedreputation, despite the difficulties of her position. No one understandsbetter how to keep all the gallants that hover about her at a respectfuldistance; she treats these would-be suitors for her favour with a cold,reserved, yet perfect politeness that there is no getting over."

  "What you say pleases me," interrupted Vallombreuse, "for thereis nothing I so thoroughly despise as a fortress that is ready tocapitulate before the first assault has been made."

  "It would need more than one to conquer this fair citadel, my lord,though you are a bold and successful captain, not used to encounteringany serious resistance, and sweeping everything before you; and,moreover, it is guarded by the vigilant sentinel of a pure and devotedlove."

  "Oh ho! she has a lover then, this modest Isabelle!" cried the youngduke, in a tone at once triumphant and annoyed, for though on the oneside he had no faith in the steadfast virtue of any woman, on the otherhe was vexed to learn that he had a successful rival.

  "I said love, not lover," continued the landlord with respectfulpersistency, "which is by no means the same thing. Your lordship is toowell versed in such matters not to appreciate the difference. A womanthat has one lover may have two, as the old song says; but a woman wholoves, with a pure love, and has that love returned in every sense,it is impossible, or at least very difficult, to win away from it. Shepossesses already everything that you, my lord, or any one, could offerfor her acceptance."

  "You talk as if you had been studying the subject of lovediligently--and Petrarch's sonnets as well; but notwithstanding allthat, Maitre Bilot, I don't believe you th
oroughly understand anythingoutside of your own wines and sauces, which, I am bound to admit, arealways excellent. And pray, who is the favoured object of this Platonicattachment?"

  "One of the members of the troupe," Bilot replied, "and it is not to bewondered at, for he's a handsome young fellow, and very different fromthe rest of them; far superior, more like a gentleman than an actor; andI shrewdly suspect he is one," added the landlord, with a knowing look.

  "Well, now you must be happy!" said the Chevalier de Vidalinc tohis friend. "Here are unexpected obstacles in plenty, and a perfectnone-such of a prize. A virtuous actress is a rare phenomenon, not to befound every day in the week. You are in luck!"

  "Are you sure," continued the young duke, still addressing the landlord,and without paying any attention to the last remark, "that this chasteIsabelle does not accord any privileges secretly to that conceited youngjackanapes? I despise the fellow thoroughly, and detest him as well."

  "Your lordship does not know her," answered Maitre Bilot, "or I shouldnot need to declare, as I do, that she is as spotless as the ermine. Shewould rather die than suffer a stain upon her purity. It is impossibleto see much of her without perceiving that; it shines out in everythingthat she says and does."

  Hereupon a long discussion followed as to the best manner of conductingthe attack upon this fair citadel, which the young nobleman became moreand more determined to conquer, as new difficulties were suggested. Theworthy landlord, who was a shrewd fellow and had made a just estimateof Isabelle's character, finished by advising his noble interlocutorto turn his attention to Serafina, "who was very charming, and not lessbeautiful than Isabelle, and who would be greatly pleased and flatteredby his lordship's notice." This, because he felt sure that the dukewould not succeed with Isabelle, in spite of his exalted rank, handsomeperson, and immense wealth, and he wished to spare him an inevitabledisappointment.

  "It is Isabelle that I admire, and will have," said Vallombreuse, ina dry tone that put an end to the discussion. "Isabelle, and no other,Maitre Bilot."

  Then plunging his hand into his pocket, he drew forth a goodly number ofgold pieces, and throwing them down carelessly on the table, said, "Payyourself for the bottle of wine out of this, and keep the balance."

  The landlord gathered up the louis with a deprecating air, and droppedthem one by one into his purse. The two gentlemen rose, without anotherword, put on their broad, plumed hats, threw their cloaks on theirshoulders, and quitted the hotel. Vallombreuse took several turns upand down the narrow alley between the Armes de France and his own gardenwall, looking up searchingly at Isabelle's window every time he passedunder it; but it was all for naught. Isabelle, now on her guard, did notapproach the window again; the curtain was drawn closely over it, andnot a sign visible from without that the room was occupied. Tired atlast of this dull work, the duke slowly withdrew to his own mansion,feeling highly indignant that this inappreciative little actress shouldpresume to slight the attentions of a great and powerful noble likehimself; but he found some comfort in the thought that when she cameto see and know him she could not long hold out against his numerousattractions. As to his rival--if the fellow ventured to interfere withhim too much, he would quietly suppress him, by means of certain stoutruffians--professional cut-throats--he had in his employ, to do allthat sort of work for him; his own dignity not allowing him to come intopersonal contact with such cattle as actors. Though Vallombreuse hadnot seen anything of Isabelle at her window, he himself had been closelywatched, by jealous eyes, from a neighbouring casement that commandedthe same view. They belonged to de Sigognac, who was greatly annoyed andincensed by the manoeuvres of this mysterious personage under Isabelle'swindow. A dozen times he was on the point of rushing down, swordin hand, to attack and drive away the impertinent unknown; but hecontrolled himself by a strong effort; for there was after all nothingin the mere fact of a man's promenading back and forth in a desertedalley to justify him in such an onslaught, and he would only bring downridicule on himself; besides, the name of Isabelle might be draggedin--sweet Isabelle, who was all unconscious of the ardent glancesdirected at her window from below, as well as of the burningindignation, because of them, of her own true lover close at hand. Buthe promised himself to keep a watchful eye for the future upon thisyoung gallant, and studied his features carefully, every time his facewas raised towards Isabelle's window, so that he should be sure torecognise him when he saw him again.

  Herode had selected for their first representation in Poitiers a newplay, which all the comedians were very much occupied in learning andrehearsing, to be followed by the Rodomontades of Captain Fracasse, inwhich de Sigognac was to make his real debut before a real public havingonly acted as yet to an audience of calves, horned cattle, and peasantsin Bellombre's barn. He was studying diligently under the direction ofBlazius, who was more devoted to him than ever, and who had proposedsomething which was a most welcome suggestion to the sensitive youngbaron. This was for him to wear what is called a half-mask, which coversonly the forehead and nose, but if arranged with skill alters entirelythe wearer's appearance--so that his nearest friend would not recognisehim--without interfering materially with his comfort. This ideade Sigognac hailed with delight, for it insured his preserving hisincognito; the light pasteboard screen seemed to him like the closedvisor of a helmet, behind which he need not shrink from facing theenemy--that is to stay the gazing crowd on the other side of thefoot-lights. With it he would take merely the part of the unknown,concealed intelligence that directs the movements of the marionette, andthe voice that makes it speak; only he should be within it, instead ofbehind the scenes pulling the strings--his dignity would have nothingto suffer in playing the game in that manner, and for this relief froma dreaded ordeal he was unspeakably thankful. Biatius, who never couldtake too much pains in the service of his dear baron, himself modelledand fashioned the little mask, very deftly, so as to make his stagephysiognomy as unlike his real, every-day countenance as possible. Aprominent nose, very red at the point, bushy, high-arched eyebrows,and an immensely heavy mustache drooping over his mouth, completelydisguised the well-cut, regular features of the handsome young nobleman,and although in reality it only concealed the forehead and nose, yet ittransfigured the whole face.

  There was to be a dress rehearsal the evening before the firstrepresentation, so that they might judge of the general effect in theirimprovised theatre, and test its capabilities; and as the actressescould not very well go through the streets in full costume, they were tofinish their toilets in the green-room, while the actor themselves readyfor the stage in the small dressing-closets set aside for that purpose.All the gentlemen in Poitiers, young and old, were wild to penetrateinto this temple, or rather sacristy, of Thalia, where the priestessesof that widely worshipped muse adorned themselves to celebrate hermysterious rites, and a great number of them had succeeded in gainingadmittance. They crowded round the actresses, offering advice as to theplacing of a flower or a jewel, handing the powder-box or the rouge-pot,presenting the little hand-mirror, taking upon themselves all such smalloffices with the greatest "empressement," and vying with each other intheir gallant attendance upon the fair objects of their admiration; theyounger and more timid among them holding a little aloof and sitting onthe large chests scattered about, swinging their feet and twisting theirmustaches, while they watched the proceedings of their bolder companionswith envious eyes. Each actress had her own circle of admiring cavaliersabout her, paying her high-flown compliments in the exaggerated languageof the day, and doing their best to make themselves agreeable in everyway they could think of. Zerbine laughed at them all, and made fun ofthem unmercifully, turning everything they said into ridicule; yet socoquettishly that they thought her bewitching, in spite of her sharptongue, which was like a two-edged sword. Serafina, whose vanity wasoverweening, delighted in the fulsome homage paid to her charms, andsmiled encouragingly upon her throng of admirers, but Isabelle, whowas intensely annoyed at the whole thing, did not pay the slightestattention t
o them, nor even once raise her eyes to look at them; beingapparently absorbed in the duties of her toilet, which she accomplishedas quietly and modestly as possible--having left only the finishingtouches to be given in that public place.

  The Duke of Vallombreuse was careful, of course, not to miss thisexcellent opportunity, of which he had been informed by Maitre Bilot, tosee Isabelle again, and entering the green-room in good season, followedby his friend Vidalinc, marched straight up to her toilet-table. Hewas enchanted to find that, on this close inspection, she was even morebeautiful than he had supposed, and in his enthusiastic delight atthis discovery could scarcely refrain from seizing her in his arms anddeclaring his passion there and then; only the presence of the crowd oflookers-on saved Isabelle from what would have been a most trying andpainful scene.

  The young duke was superbly dressed. He had spared no pains, forhe wanted to dazzle Isabelle, and he certainly did look splendidlyhandsome. He wore a magnificent costume of rich white satin, slashed andtrimmed with crimson, with many knots of ribbon about it fastened withdiamond clasps, with broad ruffles of exquisitely fine lace at throatand wrists, with a wide belt of cloth of silver supporting his sword,and with perfumed gloves on the hands that held his white felt hat, withits long crimson feather. His wavy black hair fell around the perfectoval of his face, enhancing its smooth whiteness; a delicate mustacheshaded, not concealed, his full red lips; his splendid, great blackeyes flashed through their thick, silky fringes, and his neck, whiteand round as a marble column, rose from amid its surrounding of soft,priceless lace, proudly supporting his haughty, handsome head. Yet withall this perfection of outline and colouring, his appearance wasnot entirely pleasing; a repelling haughtiness shone out through theperfectly modelled features, and it was but too evident that the joysand sorrows of his fellow mortals would awaken no sympathy in the ownerof that surpassingly handsome face and form. He believed that he was notmade of common clay like other men, but was a being of a higher order,who condescended to mingle with his inferiors--a piece of fine porcelainamid homely vessels of coarser earthenware.

  Vallombreuse stationed himself silently close beside the mirror onIsabelle's dressing-table, leaning one elbow on its frame all the othergallants respectfully making way for him--just where she could notpossibly help seeing him whenever she looked in the glass; a skilfulmanoeuvre, which would surely have succeeded with any other than thismodest young girl. He wished to produce an impression, before addressinga word to her, by his personal beauty, his lordly mien, and hismagnificence of apparel. Isabelle, who had instantly recognised theaudacious gallant of the garden, and who was displeased by the imperiousardour of his gaze, redoubled her reserve of manner, and did not lifther eyes to the mirror in front of her at all; she did not even seemto be aware that one of the handsomest young noblemen in all Francewas standing there before her, trying to win a glance from her lovelyeyes--but then, she was a singular girl, this sweet Isabelle! At length,exasperated by her utter indifference, Vallombreuse suddenly took theinitiative, and said to her, "Mademoiselle, you take the part of Sylviain this new play, do you not?"

  "Yes, sir," Isabelle answered curtly, without looking at him--not ableto evade this direct question.

  "Then never will a part have been so admirably played," continued theduke. "If it is poor your acting will make it excellent, if it is fineyou will make it peerless. Ah! happy indeed the poet whose verses areintrusted to those lovely lips of yours."

  These vague compliments were only such as admiring gallants were in thehabit of lavishing upon pretty actresses, and Isabelle could not withany show of reason resent it openly, but she acknowledged it only bya very slight bend of the head, and still without looking up. At thismoment de Sigognac entered the green-room; he was masked and in fullcostume, just buckling around his waist the belt of the big sword he hadinherited from Matamore, with the cobweb dangling from the scabbard. Healso marched straight up to Isabelle, and was received with a radiantsmile.

  "You are capitally gotten up," she said to him in a low, tone, so lowthat he had to bend down nearer her to hear, "and I am sure that nofierce Spanish captain ever had a more superbly arrogant air than you."

  The Duke of Vallombreuse drew himself up to his full height, and lookedthis unwelcome new-comer over from head to foot, with an air of thecoolest, most haughty disdain. "This must be the contemptible scoundrelthey say she's in love with," he said to himself, swelling withindignation and spite--filled with amazement too--for he could notconceive of a woman's hesitating for an instant between the magnificentyoung Duke of Vallombreuse and this ridiculous play-actor. After thefirst rapid glance he made as if he did not perceive de Sigognac at all,no more than if he had been a piece of furniture standing there; for himCaptain Fracasse was not a MAN, but a THING, and he continued to gazefixedly at poor Isabelle--his eyes fairly blazing with passion--exactlyas though no one was near. She, confused at last, and alarmed, blushedpainfully, in spite of all her efforts to appear calm and unmoved, andhastened to finish what little remained to be done, so that shemight make her escape, for she could see de Sigognac's hand closespasmodically on the handle of his sword, and, realizing how he mustbe feeling, feared an outbreak on his part. With trembling fingers sheadjusted a little black "mouche" near the corner of her pretty mouth,and pushed back her chair preparatory to rising from it--having alegitimate cause for haste, as the tyrant had already more than onceroared out from the stage door, "Mesdemoiselles, are you ready?"

  "Permit me, mademoiselle," said the duke starting forward, "you haveforgotten to put on an 'assassine,'" and touching the tip of hisforefinger to his lips he plunged it into the box of patches standingopen on the dressing-table, and brought one out on it. "Permit me to putit on for you--here, just above your snowy bosom; it will enhance itsexquisite whiteness."

  The action followed so quickly upon the words that Isabelle, terrifiedat this cruel effrontery, had scarcely time to start to one side, and soescape his profane touch; but the duke was not one to be easily balkedin anything he particularly desired to do, and pressing nearer heagain extended his hand towards Isabelle's white neck, and had almostsucceeded in accomplishing his object, when his arm was seized frombehind, and held firmly in a grasp of iron.

  Furiously angry, he turned his head to see who had dared to lay handsupon his sacred person, and perceived that it was the odious CaptainFracasse.

  "My lord duke," said he calmly, still holding his wrist firmly,"Mademoiselle is in need of no assistance from you, or any one else, inthis matter." Then his grasp relaxed and he let go of the duke's arm.

  Vallombreuse, who looked positively hideous at that moment, his facepale to ghastliness and disfigured by the rage he felt, grasped the hiltof his sword with the hand released by de Sigognac, and drew it partlyout of its scabbard, as if he meant to attack him, his eyes flashingfire and every feature working in its frenzy--the baron meanwhilestanding perfectly motionless, quietly awaiting the onset.

  But ere he had touched him the duke stopped short; a sudden thoughthad extinguished his blazing fury like a douche of cold water; hisself-control returned, his face resumed its wonted expression, thecolour came to his lips, and his eyes showed the most icy disdain, themost supreme contempt that it could be possible for one human being tomanifest for another. He had remembered just in time that he must not sogreatly demean himself as to cross swords with a person of no birth,and an actor besides; all his pride revolted at the bare idea of such athing. An insult coming from a creature so low in the social scale couldnot reach him. Does a gentleman declare war upon the mud thatbespatters him? However, it was not in his character to leave an offenceunpunished, no matter whence it proceeded, and stepping nearer to deSigognac he said, "You impertinent scoundrel, I will have every bone inyour body broken for you with cudgels, by my lackeys."

  "You'd better take care what you do, my lord," answered the baron, inthe most tranquil tone and with the most careless air imaginable, "you'dmuch better take care what you do! My bones are not so easily
broken,but cudgels may be. I do not put up with blows anywhere but on thestage."

  "However insolent you may choose to be, you graceless rascal, you cannotprovoke me to do you so much honour as to attack you myself; that istoo high an ambition for such as you to realize," said Vallombreuse,scornfully.

  "We will see about that, my lord duke," de Sigognac replied; "it mayhappen that I, having less pride than yourself, will fight you, andconquer you, with my own hands."

  "I do not dispute with a masker," said the duke shortly, takingVidalinc's arm as if to depart.

  "I will show you my face, duke, at a more fitting time and place,"de Sigognac continued composedly, "and I think it will be still moredistasteful to you than my false nose. But enough for the present. Ihear the bell that summons me, and if I wait any longer here with you Ishall miss my entry at the proper moment."

  He turned on his heel and leisurely walked off, with admirablenonchalance, leaving the haughty duke very much disconcerted, and at adisadvantage, as indeed de Sigognac had cleverly managed that he shouldbe throughout the brief interview.

  The comedians were charmed with his courage and coolness, but, knowinghis real rank, were not so much astonished as the other spectatorsof this extraordinary scene, who were both shocked and amazed at suchtemerity.

  Isabelle was so terrified and excited by this fierce altercation thata deathly pallor had overspread her troubled face, and Zerbine, who hadflown to her assistance, had to fetch some of her own rouge and bestowit plentifully upon the colourless lips and cheeks before she could obeythe tyrant's impatient call, again resounding through the green-room.

  When she tried to rise her trembling knees had nearly given way underher, and but for the soubrette's kind support she must have fallen tothe floor. To have been the cause, though innocently, of a quarrel likethis was a terrible blow to poor Isabelle sweet, pure, modest child thatshe was--for she knew that it is a dreadful thing for any woman to haveher name mixed up in such an affair, and shrank from the publicity thatcould not fail to be given to it; besides, she loved de Sigognac withfervour and devotion, though she had never acknowledged it to him, andthe thought of the danger to which he was exposed, of a secret attack bythe duke's hired ruffians, or even of a duel with his lordship himself,drove her well-nigh frantic with grief and terror.

  In spite of this untoward incident, the rehearsal went on, and verysmoothly; the theatre was found to be all that they could desire, andeverybody acted with much spirit. Even poor, trembling Isabelle didherself credit, though her heart was heavy within her; but for deSigognac's dear sake, whose anxious glances she strove to meet with areassuring smile, she succeeded in controlling her emotion, and feltinspired to do her very best. As to Captain Fracasse, excited bythe quarrel, he acted superbly. Zerbine surpassed herself. Shoutsof laughter and storms of clapping followed her animated words andgestures. From one corner, near the orchestra, came such vigorous burstsof applause, leading all the rest and lasting longer than any, that atlast Zerbine's attention was attracted and her curiosity excited.

  Approaching the foot-lights, in such a way as to make it appear part ofher usual by-play, she peered over them and caught sight of her marquis,beaming with smiles and flushed from his violent efforts in her behalf.

  "The marquis is here," she managed to whisper to Blazius, who wasplaying Pandolphe; "just look at him! how delighted he is, and how heapplauds me--till he is actually red in the face, the dear man! So headmires my acting, does he? Well, he shall have a spicy specimen of it,then."

  Zerbine kept her word, and, from that on to the end of the piece, playedwith redoubled spirit. She was never so sparkling, so bewitchinglycoquettish, so charmingly mischievous before, and the delighted marquiswas more fascinated than ever. The new play, entitled "Lygdamon etLydias," and written by a certain Georges de Scudery (a gentleman who,after having served with honour in the French Guards, quitted the swordfor the pen, which he wielded with equal success), was next rehearsed,and highly approved by all--without a single dissenting voice. Leander,who played the leading part of Lygdamon, was really admirable in it,and entertained high hopes of the effect he should produce upon the fairladies of Poitiers and its environs.

  But we will leave our comedians now, and follow the Duke of Vallombreuseand his devoted friend Vidalinc.

  Quite beside himself with rage, the young duke, after the scene in thegreen-room in which he had played so unsatisfactory a part to himself,returned to his own home and there raved to Vidalinc about his revenge,threatening the insolent captain with all manner of punishments, andgoing on like a madman. His friend tried in vain to soothe him.

  He rushed wildly around the room, wringing his hands, kicking thefurniture about right and left, upsetting tables and arm-chairs, andfinally, seizing a large Japanese vase, very curious and costly, threwit violently on the floor, where it broke into a thousand pieces.

  "Oh!" he shrieked, "if I could only smash that abominable blackguardlike this vase, trample him under foot as I do this debris, and thenhave the remains of him swept up and thrown out into the dust-heap,where he belongs. A miserable scoundrel, that dares to interpose betweenme, the Duke of Vallombreuse, and the object of my desires! If hewere only a gentleman I would fight him, on foot or on horseback, withswords, daggers, pistols, anything in the shape of a weapon, until I hadhim down, with my foot on his breast, and could spit into the face ofhis corpse."

  "Perhaps he is one," said Vidalinc; "his audacious defiance looks likeit. You remember what Maitre Bilot told you about Isabelle's favouredlover? This must be the one, judging by his jealousy of you, and theagitation of the girl."

  "Do you really mean what you say?" cried Vallombreuse, contemptuously."What! a man of birth and condition mingle voluntarily and on termsof equality with these low buffoons of actors, paint his nose red, andstrut about the stage, receiving cuffs and kicks from everybody? Oh no,Vidalinc, the thing is impossible."

  "But just remember," persisted the chevalier, "that mighty Jove himselfresorted to the expedient of adopting the shapes of various beasts, aswell as birds, in his terrestrial love affairs, which was surely muchmore derogatory to the majesty of the king of the gods than to play in acomedy is to the dignity of a gentleman."

  "Never mind," said the duke, as he rang a small hand bell sharply; "behe what he may, I intend first to have the scamp well punished in hischaracter of play-actor; even though I should be obliged to chastisethe gentleman afterward, if there prove to be one hidden behind thatridiculous mask--which idea I cannot credit."

  "If there be one! There's no doubt of it, I tell you," rejoined hisfriend, with an air of conviction. "The more I think of it, themore positive I am of it. Why, his eyes shone like stars under hisoverhanging false eye-brows, and in spite of his absurd pasteboard nosehe had a grand, majestic air about him that was very imposing, and wouldbe utterly impossible to a low-born man."

  "Well, so much the better," said Vallombreuse; "for if you are right, Ican make his punishment twofold."

  Meantime a servant, in rich livery, had entered, and after bowing lowstood as motionless as a statue, with one hand on the knob of the door,awaiting his master's orders; which were presently given, as follows:"Go and call up Basque, Azolan, Merindol, and Labriche, if they havegone to bed; tell them to arm themselves with stout cudgels and go downto the tennis-court, find a dark corner near by and wait there, untilthe players come out, for a certain Captain Fracasse. They are to fallupon him and beat him until they leave him for dead upon the pavement,but to be careful not to kill him outright--it might be thought that Iwas afraid of him if they did, you know," in an aside to Vidalinc.

  "I will be responsible for the consequences; and with every blow theyare to cry, 'This is from the Duke of Vallombreuse,' so that he mayunderstand plainly what it means."

  This order, though of so savage and fierce a nature, did not seem tosurprise the lackey, who, as he retired, assured his lordship, with anunmoved countenance and another low bow, that his commands should beimmediately obeyed

  "I am sorry," said Vidalinc, after the servant had closed the doorbehind him, "that you mean to treat this man so roughly, for after allhe showed a spirit superior to his position, and becoming a gentleman.Suppose you let me go and pick a quarrel with him, and kill him for youin a duel. All blood is red when it is shed, the lowly as well as thelofty, though they do pretend that the blood of the nobles is blue. Icome of a good and ancient family, if not so high in rank as yours, andI have no fear of belittling myself in this affair. Only say the word,and I will go this instant, for this histrionic captain is, it seemsto me, more worthy of the sword of a gentleman than the cudgels of yourhired ruffians."

  "I thank you heartily for this offer," answered the duke, "which provesyour faithful devotion to me and my interests, but I cannot accept it.That low scoundrel has dared to lay hands upon me, and he mustexpiate his crime in the most ignominious way. Should he prove to be agentleman, he will be able to find redress. I never fail to respond, asyou know, when there is question of settling a matter by the sword."

  "As you please, my lord duke," said Vidalinc, stretching out his legslazily and putting his feet on the fender, with the air of a man who cando no more, but must stand aside and let things take their own course."By the way, do you know that that Serafina is charming? I paid herseveral compliments, which were very graciously received; and more thanthat, she has promised to allow me to call upon her, and appointed thetime. She is a very amiable as well as beautiful young woman. MaitreBilot was perfectly correct in his statements to us."

  After which the two gentlemen awaited, in almost unbroken silence, thereturn of the FOUR ruffians who had gone forth to chastise de Sigognac.