Read Carmen's New York Romance Trilogy Page 19

  "They had to do their job," Kurt said. "You would have annoyed the hell out of them. I'm sure they didn’t want to get you – they wanted your brother."

  "When I was fourteen my brother came home and handed me the car keys and told me to tell the police that I was driving his car," Carmen said. "The police were hard on his heels. I balked at this one, something about it made me more anxious than usual. I didn’t even have a driver's license. But my mother told me to do as he said. That time I got sent to juvenile detention for six months for a hit and run felony."

  Kurt was frowning at her.

  "What? Don't you believe me?"

  "Of course I believe you," he said. "I just don’t understand what your mom was thinking. And I thought my mom was bad."

  "Ah, well," Carmen said. "You would have to understand the Hispanic culture in relation to the importance of boy children perhaps, and the fact that we were missing a father. As the oldest and only male, Carlos was the head of the family. There was also the ongoing issue that my mother was a barely functioning alcoholic. Yeah, there were a few rocky shoals to navigate, but I did okay."

  "I think you're a miracle," Kurt said.

  "Really?" Carmen grinned, feeling a bubble of joy at this unexpected praise. Kurt's voice had a tone of admiration in it, and again Carmen felt overwhelmed by how intoxicating his respect for her was.

  "You are an amazing person, Carmen," Kurt said. "You're such a survivor. You're smart, funny, a top student, and let's not forget – you're spectacular in bed."

  Carmen giggled. "I often wondered how girls learn to masturbate," she said, apropos of nothing. As long as she was telling Kurt things she figured she would go all the way, especially as he was taking it all so well. This ability to speak about the unspeakable was incredibly liberating and uplifting. Kurt took everything in his stride. Nothing had freaked him out yet.

  "I've never gotten up the nerve to ask anyone," she explained. "I mean I know how I learned, my brother taught me. You wouldn’t think a six year old has the hormones to climax, but there you are – I certainly could. Actually I was obsessed with sex from such a young age." She gave him a sheepish grin. "I'm still a little obsessed."

  "Another thing I really like about you, Carmen," Kurt said, suggestively raising his eyebrows. Carmen laughed.

  "You know I remember as a kid praying to God to get me to stop masturbating," she said. "I swear I played with myself until I came at least fourteen times a day."

  "Hey," Kurt said, shaking his head with a laugh. "Try being a teenage boy. It's more or less the same thing, honestly."

  Carmen felt so fantastic. I told him, she thought. And Kurt listened and understood and wasn't disgusted. How did this happen? How did I find this wonderful guy? A trustworthy friend and a lover - it doesn't get better than that.

  "So you don’t think it is terrible what I did with my brother?" she asked.

  Kurt shrugged. "You appear to have gotten over it. I wouldn't go around telling everyone, but I'm glad you told me. Bad things happened but everything has made you into the amazing person you are Carmen. You had that experience and it sounds like you felt a lot of guilt and shame over it, but I dunno. To me you seem pretty well adjusted. You still like sex. You still masturbate." His voice lowered, "I saw that for myself."

  Carmen giggled. "Yeah, those early habits die hard. Blow-jobs and masturbation - I have both of those things down pat."

  "I'd be happy to beat the shit out of your brother for you," Kurt said, "But you told me before that you still like him?"

  "Yeah. Stupid, huh?" Carmen said. "Logically I hate his guts. Yet in my heart he is still my older brother, someone I always looked up to and who made me laugh in an environment where there was not a hell of a lot to laugh about. Carlos really is charming. I read the definition of sociopath once and it freaked me out because it fit Carlos to a tee. I just keep away from him now, but I can't hate him."

  "And your mother?"

  Carmen snorted. "I like her even less than my drop-kick brother."

  Kurt smiled. "Well there's another thing we have in common. My mom is an heiress who lives in a total universe of one. Since my ex took me to court, she has called me like a hundred times. Every time she calls she says, "Kurtie darling, how could you do this to me?" It's like she thinks I tried to get sued by my ex-girlfriend. Everything is all about her. Anyway, I tolerate her and I don’t want her to be unhappy, but it's my grandmother and grandfather that I love. They raised me and they are the ones that feel like my parents."

  "You are very lucky."

  Kurt smiled, and ran his fingers down her cheek. "I feel lucky, too. Particularly now that I've found you. I have a little crush on you, Carmen. You must be aware of that."


  "I'm deadly serious."

  "Huh," she said and she smiled. "Well then we have a crush on each other, and how fortunate is that?"

  Carmen was happy… joyously, exultantly happy. Kurt Nielsen was mesmerizing and self-assured, with a dangerous dominant edge. Man he was such a hottie. No one had ever turned her on like he did. Yet he was also attuned to her, and alert and caring. He gave and he took, and somehow the exchange was more than even.

  Carmen felt like she had won the lottery.

  There was a knock on the door. Kurt threw on a robe and answered it. A large cart of a number of different dishes was wheeled inside. Astonished, Carmen giggled. No one could consume that much food surely.

  Laughing, they sat down and began to eat, with Kurt doing most of the eating. Carmen was captivated by everything about him. Mainly she watched as he munched his way through steak and prawns, putting away a ridiculous volume. Just looking at his mouth made her flush with desire. She knew where that mouth and those lips had been, and where they may yet be going later.

  The man was beautiful and funny and a knot formed in her stomach just thinking of him.

  There were still so many problems she had yet to deal with. She had to sort out her situation with the DEA, and her psychopathic ex was probably still after her. Not to mention explaining her time as a slave to Kurt.

  Carmen worried her bottom lip while she thought that over. It had been only eight months previously that she had made a conscious decision to be the perfect slave in order to survive.

  Would Kurt get it? Or would that be the last straw? Maybe that part of her past would that be the one thing he couldn’t take. Once again Carmen mentally beat herself up for being so stupid with Robert. She had known that there was something dark and not quite right about him.

  I intentionally trained myself to be Robert's slave, she thought. But it was my only choice, wasn't it? Will knowing that make Kurt run?

  Somehow, no matter what, Carmen knew that she couldn't avoid it.

  She would have to tell him.

  26. DEA

  DEA agents Lois Cohen and Jack Huber sat in the government car, right outside the Ritz-Carlton where Carmen Wilson and Kurt Neilson were staying.

  I really need a cigarette, Lois thought with a sigh from her spot in the driver's seat. I also need to finish this job, fly home, and get laid. Damn, listening to those two having wild monkey-sex made me seriously horny.

  Surreptitiously checking out the bulge in Jack's pants, Lois had an internal smirk. That recording of Kurt and Carmen going at it had also had given her partner an erection. Maybe that was why he was so pissed off.

  "I don’t understand why we don't just go in there and pick her up," Jack said rubbing a hand through his short dark hair. The irritation in his voice was almost palpable. "I bet she's going to run again, and then we'll really look stupid."

  "She is a smart girl, Jack," Lois said. "She knows."

  "So what if she knows?" he said with a frown. "I don't give a rat's, we were doing our job. Anyway, we need to pick her up and find out where she put that ledger before she takes off."

  "Jack, let me play it again. See if you can figure out what I'm getting at." Lois pressed a button and Carmen's voice could b
e heard. It was as if the woman was in the car with them.

  "Hey listen, DEA agents. I really appreciate you not busting in here and all. That choice will go a long way toward getting on my good side. Kurt and I have some catching up to do. You know our room number, I assume. It's 2018 anyway if you don't. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I have figured out what you want from me. If it is what I think it is, I simply have to ask myself how you got that information. The only thing that comes to mind as a possibility… well, let me just say, if what I believe is true - you fuckers owe me big time, I swear to God."

  Lois paused the playback and raised her eyebrows.

  "Yes, yes," Jack said irritably. "So she knows. So what?"

  Lois pressed the button once more.

  "Kurt and I are going to spend the night here tonight, and then tomorrow I'm going to my lawyer. Her name is Terry Bleacher, she is on Broadway in Manhattan. I'll call you from there. Meanwhile this briefcase and your bug are spending the night in another room so this is us signing out."

  "So?" Jack said.

  "Can't you hear it?" Lois said. "Carmen Wilson isn't running anymore, Jack. Honestly, sometimes I think men can be so blind. You're just thinking with your dick."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Didn't you consider that Mr. Nielsen overreacted when he threw you up against a wall because of your negative comments? Why did he go through all that trouble to run the woman's fingerprints? What about Carmen Wilson? She said she really appreciated that we have left her and Mr. Nielsen alone. Can't you hear it in her voice? These reactions are not about sex, buddy."


  Lois smiled. "Yes. I don’t exactly know how it happened, but I really think those two are in love," she said, and then she laughed out loud.

  End of Part Two

  Carmen’s New York Love

  1. Kurt

  "Deceit is a barrier to intimacy. There must be trust and open communication between Dom and sub. If you cannot be honest with your sub, you do not deserve her. If your sub cannot be honest with you, she does not deserve you. If you are both dishonest, bon! You deserve each other! D/s is a process of self discovery, but first as a Dom determine the secrets you keep and the lies you tell to yourself. What do you need and desire? What do you feel you must hide? What do you fear? These truths exposed and addressed will lead to fulfillment and pleasure for both Dom and sub."

  --- André Chevalier, conversation with Kurt Nielsen

  Kurt and Carmen exhausted themselves. They talked and ate and made love countless times, fast and hard, or slow and sweet. Neither of them seemed to be able to get enough of each other.

  Eventually, when they were physically worn out, they lay cuddled in bed together chatting. Carmen had drifted off to sleep first when Kurt had been relating some long winded sort of gibberish about his little sister Stella and his gramma Annie. He couldn't even recall what he had been saying by then.

  They had both fallen asleep by midnight.

  At 3am, Kurt opened his eyes, wondering what had awakened him. He heard the continuous hum of traffic noise and the sound of the hotel air-conditioning, but that had been a constant since he had arrived. Surprisingly, Kurt found himself achingly aroused.

  Damn, he thought. After all the sex I had one would think my dick would be happy to have a good night's rest.

  They had closed the blackout curtains on the windows so that it was very dark, yet the digital clock gave just enough light for him to see a shadowy outline of Carmen. She was turned toward him, twitching and whimpering.

  Ah, he thought. A bad dream.

  Kurt reached over and began to stroke her arm. "Carmen?" he said softly. "Wake up, sweetheart. Wake up."

  Carmen woke with a gasp. "Kurt?"

  "Shush, shush, I'm here," he said, and pulled her on to his chest, cupping the back of her head so that it rested on his shoulder. He rubbed and caressed down the rippled, irregular scarred skin of her back. Kurt had kept his temper for her sake, but he definitely wanted to kill the bastard who had hurt her.

  "You were having a nightmare," he soothed. "Are you okay?"

  Carmen expelled a long breath, and the tension in her body relaxed as she naturally curled into him. "Yes, thank you," she said in a raspy sleep-filled voice. She was barely awake. Kurt patted and calmed her with soft, gentling strokes.

  "Want to talk about it?"

  "Not really." Carmen gave him a huge yawn and unconsciously rubbed her eye with a closed fist, much as a child might do. These innocent, pragmatic movements made him catch his breath. She was just so damn soft and feminine and cuddly and cute!

  Feeling incredibly tender and loving toward her, Kurt whispered, "You're so tired, sweetheart, you're half asleep. It's only been three hours since we both nodded off. Roll over." When she did he spooned against her, his front to her back, his right arm banding around her waist and his hand along her flank, carefully avoiding her breast.

  This was about comfort, not about sex.

  Carmen was too tired for him to selfishly go starting anything, which is what he really wanted to do. The poor woman needed her rest after the sexual marathon they had undertaken together. Kurt really liked this woman. While his body was thinking of sex, he was content to just hold her while she fell back asleep

  Carmen began to giggle after they spent a few moments in this position.

  "Jeez, Kurt," she said. "Even that has to sleep sometime." She was apparently alert enough to be aware of the hard length of his erection against her backside.

  "You would think so," he said. "Don't blame me. I think it's a Carmen proximity detector. My dick gets hard when you're nearby, and the damn thing knows you're right here in this bed with me."

  She snorted, sounding wide awake now. "Are you hoping to get lucky?"

  "Ah," he said, feeling a cheerful little buzz. "Now that is not a bad idea. I thought you were too tired to be up for it, and was feeling a little like an animal actually."

  "You are an animal," Carmen gave a half laugh. "An insatiable one."

  "You know," he said. "Sex would put us right back to sleep. We both need some rest."

  Carmen didn't speak for a moment, and cleared her throat. "I might have a better idea," she said in a tentative voice.


  "I have this little fantasy," she said slowly, as if she was nervous to confide in him.

  "Reeeeally?" Kurt said, drawing out the word. He wished he could see her eyes, to read what was in them, but it was too dark and she still had her back to him. He felt his face stretch automatically into a broad grin. "Do tell. I love fantasies."

  "You do?" she said. "Well then. How about I go back to sleep," Carmen suggested, "and you, a stranger, happen by and see me asleep. How would I know if you took advantage of me?" she asked. "I might be so deeply asleep that you could do anything you wanted, and I might just sleep right through it."

  "Oh, Carmen," Kurt said in a lowered voice. "I could do anything I wanted while you're asleep?"

  "Who would know?" she murmured in a sexy, teasing voice.

  "Just so I get this straight," he said, "tell me the whole fantasy, Carmen. What happens? Where did this come from? I am wide awake and interested, so don’t leave out any details."

  She giggled and turned toward him, placing a hand on his chest, and pressing her lips against his cheek. "Somehow, Kurt, I'm so crazy comfortable with you. I feel like I've known you forever. I've never told anyone this, and where the fantasy came from, I have no idea. Sometimes I masturbate to it."

  "Ummm hummm," he said encouragingly.

  Carmen giggled again and the sweet happy sound of it made Kurt's lower belly and balls tighten. How had this wonderful open girl, this unique pearl of a woman come from such a crappy environment and upbringing? She was such a sweetheart.

  "So," Carmen said. "I am kind of asleep or half asleep - I think that was why I thought of it just now. Anyway, I'm lying, curled onto my side. Then a man comes and he begins to touch me, and play with my body. At firs
t I think I am just dreaming this really intense erotic dream. He is very careful, because he doesn't want me to wake, but he really wants to fuck me. My dream lover speaks constantly; dark, sexy words about how he can't believe that I haven't woken up yet. He also talks about what he wants to do…"

  She gave a little laugh of embarrassment. "I don’t know why the whole scene does it for me, but it really does. I end up with him entering me from behind and that is when I wake up and climax from fantastic sex."

  Kurt swallowed, and found his throat was dry. "Wow," he said. "I think that little scene sounds perfect."

  "You do? Really?"

  Kurt heard a ring of astonished joy in her voice. As if she had thought that maybe he would make fun of her fantasy, or would refuse to play. That would never be a problem with him. Kurt loved games.

  "Yes, really."

  Kurt felt a shiver run through Carmen's body, a little shudder of pleasure. Her big, soft breasts were pressed against his chest and his cock twitched.

  "Roll over, Carmen," he ordered in a no nonsense tone of command. "Go to sleep now."

  Carmen instantly rolled over on to her side. "Goodnight, Kurt," she whispered, her voice a little unsteady. "I'm sound asleep."

  "There's a good girl," he said, pressing his lips between her shoulder and her neck, tracing a finger from her tailbone, right up her spine to her nape. Carmen trembled again, that delicious little quiver of needy excitement. It was a sexual response that he was coming to know very well.

  Yes, Kurt thought happily. I just love a little sex game. The truth is that I can do anything I want with her anyway. The woman is naturally submissive, and would deny me nothing. But I want to enact her fantasy. He pressed soft sensual kisses on the skin of her nape.

  I want to be the man of her dreams.

  2. While I was Sleeping

  Kurt recalled Carmen's resistance to having her clit slapped, and how she willingly surrendered to him despite the fear in her eyes. He had made it well worth her while, which was the whole idea of course, but she hadn't known that then. Not really.