Read Carmen's New York Romance Trilogy Page 3

  For a moment she felt her clitoris pulse inside him, pounding away at the same pace as the rapid beat of her heart. Then without warning he bit her hard, chewing her tender nub with his teeth.


  She shrieked with shock from the sudden sharp hurt in such a sensitive area. Her swollen clitoris throbbed with pain. But then he soothed her abused nub, his soft tongue stroking, licking, and suckling her distended aching flesh.

  "You taste so fucking sweet," he growled, lapping along her slit and tantalizingly dipping from time to time deep into her empty hole. Carmen's trembled as her whole body was bombarded with sensation.

  "I'm going to eat you right out."

  "Oh, ah, please, please," she sobbed at this erotic threat, not quite sure of what she was pleading for. His tongue slipped between her folds, rimming her slit, as he licked her again and again and again. And all the while he made deep male sounds of satisfaction and arousal.

  "Red, and wet and swollen," he said. "Your horny little cunt is gaping wide, just begging for my cock."

  "Yes! Yes! Yes!" she shrieked.

  Those coarse words! she thought. The way he speaks, the way he takes over, satisfying himself. It's as if I exist solely for his pleasure. Fuck it's so hot.

  Carmen moaned, in fact she seemed to be constantly keening in a soft, guttural "Uh, uh, uh, God. Uh, uh, uh." Somewhere in the back of her brain she was aware of what was happening, but she couldn’t control anything or change it. She was under Thor's spell, and felt incapable of even speaking.

  Carmen could only comply with his demands, and ride out the pleasure.

  If his hands hadn’t been holding her thighs fast against the wall Carmen would have been thrashing and arching into him. As it was she gripped his head for support as he tongued every part of her feminine folds, her slit and the bundle of throbbing nerves of her swollen, aching nub.

  "Oh, God! OhGodOhGod!" she began to moan louder. "Oh please, please, please!"

  With consummate proficiency he brought her close to orgasm again and again – which admittedly didn't take much – but with skillful attentiveness, he never let her go over. Carmen became aware that her needy frantic sounds changed pitch whenever she got close. Tongue driving into her most feminine hole, stroking her sensitive tissues as if wanting to lick up every drop of her glistening essence, Thor hummed with pleasure as he ate her out.

  Ruthlessly he worked her, slowing down or speeding up. Manipulating her clit with his blunt fingers, and stopping. Finger and tongue fucking her and then stopping.

  It was frustrating… and cruel… and oh so utterly arousing.

  Everything he did added a new layer of sensation. Carmen experienced constant, short, sharp pulsing contractions in her womb that gave her no relief from her building orgasm.

  He was making her head spin.

  Somewhere in the back of her brain she was aware that she was blathering, jabbering and begging like an idiot. It was a little game of torture that he was playing, bringing her to the edge of ecstasy, and then letting her slide back again.

  Carmen wasn't sure just how much more she could take. This man knew exactly how to arouse a woman, and his every touch seemed calculated to madden her.

  Will this torment of pleasure never end?

  5. Exposed

  When she was weak and shaking with an overload of euphoric sensation he stood up. His hard male body molded against her, naked flesh to naked flesh.

  "Put your hands on my waist," he said with calm authority. Carmen lowered them from his neck and did as he demanded.

  "Good girl," he said, and then with a wry smile he added, "you're going to need the stability."

  Her whole body was trembling, quivering with raw desire, but there was nothing she could do about it. This dominant man was in complete control. There was no need to think at all, which was just as well. Like geese in wintertime, Carmen felt as if her brain cells had flown far, far south and may not be back for some time.

  Utterly craven, a slave to her sexual desire, and her instinctive need to please, Carmen could only do as he said. Lucky for her, that was exactly how she liked sex best.

  Thor's large hand moved back to the hollow of her throat and jaw, holding her there tightly, pressing her against the wall, making her uncomfortably meet his sharp scrutiny. Could he feel her heart racing under his palm? It wouldn't surprise her if he could hear it too, because it was thudding so loudly inside her chest.

  She instinctively looked down, unable to expose herself so completely to him.

  "Don't," he commanded. "Look at me."

  Carmen's gazed up into his intense, hungry expression and he gave her a curt nod, acknowledging her compliance.

  Jesus, he's beautiful, she thought, utterly mesmerized. The man is hard and so very male, but those eyes! Luminous green with flecks of yellowish light – they're stunning. Yet too intense, too intimate. Why is it I feel that those eyes can see right through me?

  He was too close!

  Thor's firm strength pressed ruthlessly against her, flattening her breasts upon his muscular chest. The man smelled amazing. What was that scent anyway? Pheromones? Testosterone? Or simply the whiff of fresh, clean, turned on male?

  While his eyes penetrated hers, his other hand lowered back between her legs, stoking in a soft, delicate, sensual caress. She mewled and her eyes drifted shut, absorbed by the astonishing bliss of it.

  "Keep them open," he snapped, waking her from her sexual fog.

  She opened her eyes wide and stared at him. Thor held her gaze in a dominant, possessive manner, a demanding way that made her virtually dissolve into a puddle of arousal.

  He had stripped her bare from more than her clothes. This man saw her – she had no ability to hide… and she didn't want to either. She felt a strange combination of exhilaration and panic at such personal exposure.

  Carmen felt unable to refuse him anything, he controlled her so fully. Hands down this man was the best lover she had ever had.

  "Do you want to come for me, Carmen?" he asked in a deceptively mild voice.

  "Yes, oh, God, please," she begged, her heart pounding in her chest. "Yes, yes!"

  Halleluiah, she thought. Fuck yes! I need to come. I'm on sensual overload here. It's all far too much.

  It was the way he spoke, the deep, seductive sound of him saying her name, and the harsh look on his implacable face. It was the feel of his teasing, erotic touch between her legs, and his beautiful green eyes smoldering with desire. The sensation of being dominated, of him holding her exactly as he wanted her – it was the combination of all these things that made her body explode with frantic need.

  His lips twitched but he didn't smile.

  "You will keep your eyes open and remain looking at me as you climax," he said.

  "Yes," she managed, panting and desperate.

  Carmen would have fallen to the floor if he wasn't holding her up. Sweet Jesus. Thor was not the 'God of Thunder' – he was the 'God of Sex.' His steamy erotic commands alone were enough to give her an orgasm.

  "Don't even try to hide anything."

  With the strength of his hand against her neck and jaw, Carmen couldn’t even nod. Instead she said, "Alright."

  Thor's eyes captured hers as he stroked and fingered her with expert skill. She was already almost there. These final sensations, combined with the way he was holding her, pinning her against the wall with his body, trapping her in his gaze, and binding her to his will, put her right on the edge of the abyss.

  "Come, Carmen," he said. "Come now."

  One last thrust of his fingers pushing up into her sweet spot, the hard press of his thumb onto her clit, and his commanding demand pushed her over. Carmen's cunt pulsed in a pre-orgasmic clench on his fingers and she gave a deep, guttural moan.

  It was the calm before the storm.

  "That's right," Thor said gruffly. "There's a good girl. Come for me. I want to see it."

  Carmen tried to thrash but trapped against him, she couldn'
t move. She felt her face contort into a fierce, no doubt repulsive grimace but she had no control over that either. Her mouth opened wide like a landed fish as she panted breathlessly.

  "Ah, ah, ah," she cried as her cunt contracted and sucked his fingers in tightly, gripping them hard, clenching in waves of spasms with savage, urgent force. Her vision blurred and there was a hum in her ears. Thor had her held against the wall so firmly that she was unable to move, yet the shockwave of sheer, blinding, orgasmic pleasure overwhelmed her.

  Such rapture! Carmen screamed long and loud.

  Then she burst into tears.

  She couldn’t believe the incredible release of it.

  There was such a backlog of emotion and need there, in her body, in her mind, and her spirit. Carmen had exposed it all to him. What was it about being dominated that made it so easy for her to be open and vulnerable during sex? Being under a Dom's control made her feel beautiful and powerful. It set her spirit free.

  Carmen stared at him, feeling every eternal moment of their honest connection.

  Thor concentrated on her every facial expression, carefully watching and ensuring that he had it all, that she held nothing back. He continued to hold her tight, and study her throughout her powerful aftershocks. Yet all the while he was soothing and stroking, murmuring soft, incoherent sounds of praise, approval and encouragement.

  Comforted, she thought. I feel comforted, cared for and safe.

  Carmen blinked a number of times, and her eyelids lowered to half mast – she felt unable to keep her eyes open wide anymore. Not after that amazing climax. Yet she continued to meet his gaze as he had commanded.

  Tears were still running down her face, but her emotions had settled to languid relief, joy and utter gratitude.

  Who was this man, this man who had made such a point to see her? Who had wrung such rapture from her body? Who had all his attention on her, and waited patiently for the completion of her climax?

  Looking at him, as he saw exactly the pleasure he had wrought, was amazing. It was like a bonding, this intense, naked honesty. Carmen felt utterly exposed, and not just because her clothes had been ripped from her body.

  He tore my dress off me with his bare hands, she thought, How hot was that? Jesus what a spectacular climax just from using his fingers. Imagine what it will be like with his cock inside me? Holy fuck. I think he's 'Thor the God of Thunderous Orgasms.' Maybe that's what I'll call him.

  Carmen stared into Thor's green, lust-filled eyes as he grinned approvingly at her the moment she returned from sensual dreamland and had come back to herself. The man was patient. He had been waiting for her ragged breathing to steady, for her heart rate to slow.

  Thor knew when she was done, finished with every spasm, every twitch. Carmen was ready for whatever came next… anything… everything.

  Talk about complete surrender.

  This total stranger hadn't just won the battle – he was the conquering hero who had won the war. Carmen didn't even know who he was. But maybe that unfamiliarity was what made it easier.

  They were still face to face. So close. So intense. Carmen could hide nothing and oddly she didn’t even want to.

  "Damn girl, you really needed that," he said and his voice was rough with hunger and awe. Thor pulled his body back from hers and she weakly sank against him. Strong, firm arms gathered her up.

  "It's my turn, I think," he said.

  6. Instinct

  Christ almighty, Kurt thought. What a fucking hottie.

  He couldn’t believe it. Carmen was fantastic, all soft feminine curves and a responsive little body. She was worth every penny of whatever his friends had paid for her, and was far better than he could have ever imagined.

  Gathering Carmen up into his arms, he strode across the room and put her along the couch on her back, head on the pillow at the end, hands on either side of her. He placed her legs together, both lying toward his right, bent up at the knees, exposing her swollen, soaking sex to him. The scent of her arousal was intoxicating.

  "You'll stay exactly where I put you," he said.

  "Yes," she agreed in a husky feminine voice.

  Her pupils were still dilated, her eyes glazed and heavy lidded from that earth shattering orgasm. Tear tracks shimmered down her cheeks. The woman had that classic "just been laid look" on her face. Carmen's long hair spread out in a dark fan over the end of the couch, and a strand of it was stuck to her flushed and sweating face.

  I did this to her, Kurt thought with smug masculine delight.

  He wanted to take a picture. Carmen looked mussed, utterly satisfied, and damn if that didn't just harden his cock further – if that was even possible.

  His mouth brushed lightly over her jaw, her cheeks and lips, and he tasted the saltiness of her tears. Kurt pulled back slightly to gaze at this soft willing woman, a woman that was open and ready to obey his demands, to satisfy his every desire.

  "You are so sexy," he murmured. "You please me more than I can say."

  "I'm glad," she said. The tip of her pink tongue flicked out, moistening her kiss swollen lips. "I want to please you more than I can say."

  Her sincere wish to gratify him, combined with the sight of her tongue caused his heart to stutter. Jesus. Gently brushing her hair back from where it had been caught on her face, he saw the woman gaze up at him as if he was the only thing in her universe.

  "That's my girl," he said, making his tone soft and caressing. "You are such a treasure."

  The sweetness of her absolute surrender made his blood boil. Kurt's jaw tightened and his lips compressed from her captivated, watchful look. It wasn't an act – he would be aware if it was. Carmen was submissive - her joy came from pleasing her partner. This was her natural desire, to be taken over by a man during sex. What Dom wouldn’t love to be the object of such devotion?

  Was that what was so compelling about her?

  Kurt couldn't recall ever experiencing such overwhelming sexual chemistry with anyone ever before. Something primal flared inside, making every dominant male gene he had stand up and pay attention. This woman really did it for him, in a way that no woman ever had. He wanted to keep her, and cherish her, and take her in every single way possible – even in ways he hadn't yet thought of before.

  To take her in every way was reasonable. But to keep her? To cherish her? Kurt didn't even know her. Such desires were completely irrational and came from some primitive male urge, he supposed.

  Yet he couldn't deny the instinctive pull he felt toward the woman.

  Watching her burst into tears of relief had been amazing. Where had all that emotion come from? The raw carnality of her massive sexual release blew him away. Carmen had been so transparent to him, exposing herself completely - unable to hold back or hide a thing. The woman was vulnerable, needy and frantic. Not to mention generous, grateful and accommodating.

  So, so perfect.

  He had taken his time, letting her come down from her climax, rubbing and soothing until she had finally stopped trembling. She had brought out his protective instincts, making him want to bundle her up and take her home.

  But why would a sex worker be so sexually desperate?

  "I want your hands placed, one around each breast," he said, taking each small, feminine palm and placing them where he wanted them. "Hold those big, soft tits up toward me. Yes, good, offer them to me." Kurt cleared his throat and smiled. "Nice. Keep your hands there."

  Carmen's instant, eager obedience thrilled him. Christ, was there anything she wouldn't do? She wanted to comply, she enjoyed his control, and that provoked his raging desire even further.

  How could a prostitute be so damn horny? Didn’t they have sex all day or night long? An idea struck him and he thought it over. Perhaps Carmen was a sex addict? Kurt had read about that, when someone simply couldn't get enough.

  When Kurt was young he wondered if he had a sexual addiction, but he figured that all teenage boys did. Yet a sex compulsion could explain her ravenous sexual
hunger, and her choice of employment. A working girl was the perfect occupation for someone who couldn’t get enough sex.

  Kurt liked her, call girl or not. And who was he to judge anyway?

  He gave an internal snort, wondering how many men would be more than happy to be a gigolo – if only they could get paid work in that area!

  And still, Kurt sensed vulnerability in the woman. A little crack of weakness. An open wound to her heart, or her soul.

  "I won't hurt you," he said impulsively, immediately wanting to bite his tongue off. Whatever had compelled him to say that? Except he had seen an aspect there in her face or expression. Some pain that resonated with him. An existing anguish that was not unlike his own.

  The woman's dark eyes widened with surprise, and something else. Gratitude? Understanding? Something even deeper?

  "Thank you," Carmen said softly, and her eyes shone. Tears were welling again, Kurt knew. But she seemed happy enough, and a soul searching chat was the last thing he was after.

  He gave her a curt nod to cut off any pursuit of that subject. He didn't want to talk.

  Right now he wanted to fuck her.

  7. Tease

  On his knees on the couch, Kurt's jutting cock throbbed and twitched as he positioned himself near her entrance. Carmen's legs and thighs were closed firmly together. He had done that on purpose to make her needy pussy even tighter. She was already incredibly wet.

  A tight wet ride would be damn near perfect.

  Kurt grabbed a condom and put it on, aware of how she was still dutifully holding her breasts out to him. Could anyone look more sexy? Carmen was so soft, so female and so ready for him.

  He recalled when he had first touched her breasts, and how her nipples had instantly hardened beneath his palms. Shaped just like pencil erasers, they felt fantastic against his tongue. A wave of intense physical craving flowed through him and he felt his cock thicken and his taut abdominal muscles contract. He guided himself back to just outside her entrance, gliding along the rim of the sensitive nerves of her slit.

  Carmen made a sweet, needy little sound when the rounded head of his erection touched her. She had just had a climax but she wanted more. God was there anything better than a woman who adored cock?