Read Carmen's New York Romance Trilogy Page 33


  "Good. Use it at any point." Kurt removed his hand from her neck and his voice changed to the steely commanding tone of an implacable Dom. "Now go and position yourself on the cross, Carmen."

  "Yes, Master," she said.

  Firm-lipped, Kurt nodded to her as she gracefully walked toward the X frame.

  Kurt hadn’t expected her to call him master, and yet she looked calm as she said it. Perhaps she felt safer thinking that she was his slave. He let the appellation ride. This was her show. She had to face this as best she could, and he would be here to help her through it.

  Kurt cuffed Carmen to the St. Andrew's Cross, face down and naked. The X frame was custom made, and tilted to a 70 degree angle. There was a resting place for the sub's head, and soft padding for ankles, wrists, and neck. She was hyperventilating.

  "Slow your breathing, Carmen," Kurt said.

  "Wait, um, Yankee's," she said.

  "What is it?" Kurt asked.

  "I only just remembered," Carmen said and her face showed the shock of surprise. "Robert didn’t use cuffs. He used straps. The straps were very tight. Man, I had blocked that out completely until just now. He… he strapped me firm and fast, because I was struggling. I can't believe I forgot that."

  Kurt ran his fingers across her cheek. "That's great, sweetheart. Okay, we'll change it, to make it closer to the exact event."

  André, who had overheard this conversation, offered him some strapping.

  "Here we go." Unfastening the cuffs, Kurt fastened her to the St. Andrew's cross, constraining wrists, and ankles. He wrapped the thick bindings fairly tight, but not enough to cut off circulation.

  Face flushed, Carmen's breathing was elevated and her pulse rapid. She looked at him with panic in her big dark eyes. Tears were already welling and trailing down her face. Was it fear? Shock? Overwhelming emotions?

  Kurt had to let it go. They were going to go through with this no matter what. Kurt trusted André, and André had said that this would help his girl get over her demons.

  When he finished constraining her, Kurt gave Carmen a heartfelt kiss, putting every bit of affection, strength and care he could into it. "You know that I love you, right?"

  "Yes, Thor," she said with a wry attempt at humor, her breath hitching. "I would never have done this unless you asked me to. I can only face this because of you… because you are here with me. You give me strength and courage."

  Kurt shook his head. "You are the bravest person I know." He took one step back, his eyes still locked on hers, and nodded to André.

  André raised his flogger.


  Carmen body flinched when she felt the first strike. She gasped, and her whole body quaked and trembled. Her face screwed up and she was immediately wracked with heart rendering tears.

  Carmen began to cry, and cry and cry.

  34. Whipped

  It was killing him.

  Kurt wanted to release Carmen from the cross, pull her into his arms and cuddle and soothe her. He wanted to wrap her in cotton and keep her safe and never ever make her face anything ever again.

  André shot him a sympathetic look of understanding, and Kurt made his body keep still, curbing an overwhelming impulse to go to her.

  Over and over André had warned him about the likelihood of Carmen's heart-rending tears. He had said they would be healing, and to ignore them. But how was he supposed to do that? When the girl he loved sounded like her heart was breaking?


  This session had to be positive, and André knew just how to ease a woman into anything. The many tailed flogger made a soft swishing sound through the air followed by a thud as it connected with flesh. Swish, thud; swish, thud; swish, thud.

  André, a consummate professional had rolled his sleeves up, and was moving around Carmen, working with attentive interest and skill. The Frenchman deciphered Carmen's body language, watching her reactions and the reddening color of her skin. Right now his strokes were gentle, like soft kisses to her flesh.

  They couldn’t possibly hurt.

  Kurt knew Carmen's body should be experiencing a relaxing sensual sensation, the rhythm and patterns giving her back and buttocks a warm, seductive glow. Yet Carmen, tense, emotional and frightened, was resisting the normally enticing call of the flogger.

  After twenty minutes of this, she finally stopped crying. Kurt saw Carmen sigh, saw her body relax and her fists unclench. Five minutes later there was no question in Kurt's mind.

  Carmen was beginning to enjoy it.

  A woman who could climax from a hard spanking could certainly take pleasure from a flogger. Kurt found he also began to unwind from a tension he hadn’t even been fully aware of.

  This is going to be alright, he thought. We're through the worst. Carmen is beginning to float away, off into sub space.

  This session would be an assault on Carmen's senses. The three of them would dominate her completely, overpowering her, mastering her for her pleasure and theirs. Kurt became achingly erect at the thought.

  André changed floggers, to one a little harder and with more sting. This one had fewer tails and less thud, but included a number of extra deer hide tails which created a fairly low level sting. Kurt knew what Andre was doing. He was gradually moving from thud to sting through a number of different floggers until it was time for the bite of the whip.

  Master Chase who had thirty years of daily practice and experience would apply the single tail whip.

  André graduated to another flogger and Kurt took his eyes off Carmen for a moment to watch him work his magic. Looking like a skilled dancer, André was up on his toes, twisting, swaying and skipping to an erotic beat of his own while applying the lash. His thick dark brows were drawn down with intense concentration as he worked, utterly connected to Carmen.

  Was any man anywhere as talented and devoted to a woman's pleasure as André Chevalier was? Kurt didn't think so. With elegant, almost choreographed movements, André danced gracefully around Carmen and the X frame,

  Kurt figured all three Doms were going to hit Dom space over this amazing scene. What could be better than taking a beautiful, frightened and vulnerable woman, and watch her fear turn into sensual pleasure? Seeing her willingly submit despite all resistance? Such was a primitive male desire that came instinctively. Kurt was hard as rock.

  Carmen was sighing and moaning. She was in another realm already, unaware of anything except the sound and kiss of the flogger on her skin and the burning trails of ecstasy they were causing.

  "Check her now, mon ami," André said, his chest heaving from exertion after his fourth change of flogger.

  "Carmen?" Kurt asked, standing near her. When she didn't respond he rested a hand on her shoulder, his thumb tracing the edge of her collar.

  "Ummmm?" she said.

  "How do you feel?"

  "Oh," she said dreamily. "Like I'm floating. It's lovely."

  "I want to use the whip on you now, are you ready for that?"

  "Sure," she said.

  André stood beside him, his eyes assessing Carmen. He spoke volubly in French and then explained. "Merde. This is why I do not use the safe word. II est inutile. Pointless. Safe, sane and consensual, such is ineffective at this level, do you see? RACK rules, Risk Aware Consensual Kink is best. The Master must know the slave."

  Kurt frowned. "Do you think she is too far under?"

  "Non," André said, "and yes. But we will not harm her. Try if you will to bring her somewhat back to herself, to obtain her consent. She would deny you nothing in any case. And still, I wish for her for be as alert as possible, to experience the pain and the pleasure of the whip. Stimulate her sexually, make her desire climax but do not let her reach orgasm."

  Kurt spent some time talking to Carmen, but André was right. She was off in sub space. Maybe even outer space.

  "The whip, sweetheart," he gently chided. "We are going to use the whip like Robert Ellis used on you. Understand?"

nbsp; Carmen frowned. "Huh. I forgot about that. Well, okay."

  Kurt pulled on both of her nipples hard and twisted. Carmen sucked in her breath. "Owww," she said.

  Once he got her attention he began to play with her clit and cunt, teasing and masturbating her exactly as he had watched her masturbate herself. Carmen was dripping already, but she began to arch and moan, pressing against him, trying to fuck his fingers.

  Kurt laughed and pulled his hand away. "Carmen, we are going to use the whip now."

  She looked up at him and smiled. It was a beautiful, trusting smile and it made him melt to see it. "Do whatever you think best. I'm yours, Master. I belong to you." Kurt took hold of her collar, and gave it a tug just the way he knew she liked.

  Carmen moaned and her eyes closed for a moment. Kurt nodded to Master Chase and stepped back. "She's ready."

  The whip made a beautiful yet frightening sound. It just touched the skin on Carmen's back softly, leaving a tiny welt. Carmen's eyes flew open and she screamed. Was that from shock or surprise or pain? Kurt made a stop motion to Master Chase, and his hand went around her nape, to reassure her.

  "What happened?" he said. André stood beside her to listen to her reply.

  Carmen shook her head and that fresh jolt of adrenaline made her much more alert. "It is so strange. For a moment I thought I was back there, right there with Robert Ellis. The vision was so vivid."

  She inhaled in a deep breath. "I'm okay," she said. "This is now and that was then. The whip stung but didn’t hurt much. It was the sound and the feel of that intense memory. It really freaked me out."

  "Très bon," André said. "It goes very well, mon ami. The memory shows itself to be in the present. Now we banish it to the past."

  Kurt smiled. "Ready?"

  "Yes," she said.

  Kurt nodded to master Chase and he continued, this time working his magic. That man knew what he was doing. Initially there was pain, yet before long Carmen's countenance was serene once more.

  "It is enough now," André said.

  All three men helped release Carmen from the cross. Then Kurt laid her on her stomach on the wooden floor. Kurt spread her legs, lifted her hips and pushed himself inside. She was flooded, aroused and ready for him. He then began to fuck her hard, grunting and pounding into her, just as that bastard Robert Ellis had done.

  "Carmen?" he panted, knowing he wouldn’t last long. "Do you want to come for me?"

  "Oh, hell, yes," she murmured.

  "You have faced the cross, and the whip my brave and beautiful girl," Kurt murmured huskily, sitting on the very edge of release. "You deserve this pleasure. We both do. Come for us both, Carmen. Come now."

  Simultaneously they cried out, climaxing in overwhelming pleasure, release and relief. On her own, Carmen could never have done it. She confronted her fears for she hadn't been alone.

  Kurt and Carmen had faced them together.


  Kurt placed her on the bed, and rubbed cream on her back, soothing and kissing. Wrapped in each other's arms, exhausted by the physical, mental and emotional stresses of the day, they both drifted off to sleep. When they woke, Kurt got out of bed and stood up.

  Carmen jumped out of bed then, in that graceful manner she had, and dropped to her knees in front of him.

  "Master, I am yours," she said earnestly, her dark eyes shining with devotion and love. "I will always be yours. I belong to you."

  Kurt watched her, his heart tightening in his chest as Carmen lowered her body, sliding her head forward. With a gentle caress, she pressed her lips to his feet.

  What Kurt did next was instinctive and automatic.

  Scooping Carmen up into his arms, he sat her on the side of the bed.

  Humbled, Kurt knelt down in front of her. He felt only gratitude that she was here with him. So, so grateful for the fact that this brave, generous, and amazing woman was in his life. How had he come to deserve her? Was it fate? Or karma? Perhaps he did something really good in a previous life.

  Maybe there was a God and he or she made the perfect someone out there for everyone. Kurt hoped so. He wanted every person in the world to experience the euphoric sense of fulfillment and happiness that he felt right now.

  To keep Carmen safe, if he had to, Kurt would never return to New York.

  Someone else could manage his company. He would figure it out, because he didn't intend to live even one day without her.

  Carmen belongs to me.

  "I swear to cherish and protect and love you forever, Carmen," he said. "I am yours as you are mine." Kurt lowered his body, sliding his head forward.

  Then, with a heart full of joy and love, he kissed her tiny feet.


  In his office at work, Jack Huber studied the L.A. Times on-line news on his computer, feeling extraordinarily pleased with himself.

  "Police report finding the successful Los Angeles property developer, Robert Ellis, dead in his home. Anonymous sources say his brutally mutilated body was found handcuffed to a device known as a St. Andrews Cross. The manner of his death suggests assassination by the La eMe Mexican drug cartel, signifying the possibility that his murder may have been the result of a drug transaction gone wrong."

  Huber studied the forensic account on his desk, and then viewed the colorful photos of the dead man, who had reportedly died in a 'cleverly concealed basement-come-bondage-room' in his home.

  My, my, Huber thought cheerfully. Isn't it just terrible the things that go on in today's world?

  La eMe had a well-known ruthless code of honor, and betrayal resulted in the most severe of penalties. It seems that Robert Ellis' genitals were discovered in his stomach at the autopsy. The body parts in question had apparently been forced down his throat while still alive.

  Thanks to Carmen providing the DEA that ledger, many of Robert Ellis' enterprises had already been badly compromised. The Mexican Mafia would have had Ellis under intense scrutiny. In a big organization like that they had to ensure that none of their members were 'on the take,' or snitching to the police in a bid to save their own hides.

  Two days ago the DEA had busted a portion of La eMe's money laundering operation – a business that Ellis had been in charge of.

  Yesterday Huber had met with Peter Gonzalez, a man ostensibly working for Ellis, but who was in fact keeping an eye on Ellis for the Mex Mafia.

  "Tell your boss thanks for the tip," Huber had said as he walked by, handing Gonzales the envelope with $10,000 in unmarked bills in it.

  Less than 24 hours later, Ellis was dead.

  Smiling, Huber leaned back in his chair, and put his feet up on the desk.

  A good day's work, he decided with an absurd sense of optimism. Where was that familiar cynicism of his, huh? Right now it was nowhere to be found. Good guys winning and bad guys getting what they deserved, did it get any better than that?

  Cheerful and lighthearted, Jack Huber felt that all was right with his world.

  Robert Ellis is dead, he thought. It was the least I could do for Carmen Wilson.


  Three months later.

  Carmen still had the occasional bad dream, but after her therapeutic reenactment they were rare and were never as frightening as they had been. She was sleeping better now than ever before.

  As money was no object, Kurt and Carmen had a huge, all out, over the top, New York wedding.

  Brett Jones, Kurt's right-hand man in his construction company was his Best Man. Brett felt that was only fair as he had introduced them after all. True, he and his wife Maria hadn't actually introduced them. In fact what they had done was buy Kurt time with a Call Girl. Yet that had played its part in the extraordinary fate that had brought Kurt and Carmen together.

  André Chevalier went shopping with Carmen for her wedding dress, escorting her to all the top designers and effortlessly obtaining exclusive service wherever they went. André flirted, teased and charmed her throughout, without once stepping over a line. That knowing Frenc
hman always understood everything. Carmen loved him to death – not like she loved Kurt, of course, but what was not to love about André?

  The gown they had chosen had an amazing ten foot train. It was made of delicate ivory lace, silk taffeta, and as Carmen said "about a million tiny white pearls." She felt like a Princess in it.

  As Kurt was her Prince Charming, it certainly seemed appropriate.

  Kurt was also her insatiable and sexually demanding master who could turn her into a shameless slut with just one look or one word – but no one ever need know that.

  André Chevalier was a groomsman at the wedding. Carmen's childhood friend Amber was her Maid of Honor, and Kurt's sister Stella was a bridesmaid.

  Coverage in the New York Times, Celebrity News, and Entertainment Tonight were all extremely positive, without a single snide remark for New York's favorite and now married bachelor. "I have never seen a more beautiful bride," one columnist wrote. "They both look very much in love," said another.

  Kurt's ex girlfriend, Laura Thomas, caught the bouquet.


  Later that same month, Laura Thomas made a guest appearance in "Mad Men," the popular period drama series.

  She was a big hit with the TV viewers.

  The End

  Want More? Try These Other Titles by Nikki Sex:

  Elizabeth’s Bondage Boxed Set

  (Which Includes)

  Elizabeth’s Erotic Bondage (FREE!)

  Elizabeth’s Anal Submission

  Elizabeth’s Pain and Pleasure

  Elizabeth’s Cherry

  Elizabeth’s Love Ties


  Bound and Freed Boxed Set

  (Which Includes)







  Carmen’s New York Series

  (Which Includes)

  Carmen’s New York Climax (FREE!)

  Carmen’s New York Escape

  Carmen’s New York Love


  Amy’s Forbidden Fantasy

  What Wendy Wants

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