Read Carnival of Doom, Book 1: The Angry Ghost Page 5

  Chapter Five

  As Sarah and Steve approached the capital, they had to stop off the path a couple of times for guards to run past them. They were heading towards the mountain, probably to see why it had fallen apart like that. The two of them approached the tall wall that surrounded the capital to keep enemies out. There was a small crowd of people trying to get in and the two of them got stuck waiting for a while.

  Finally it was their turn. The guard looked them up and down carefully.

  "What happened to you two?" He asked.

  "We got caught in that mountain collapsing." Sarah said, trying to wring out her hair.

  The guard's eyes shot up, "Then you need to speak to the captain. He's trying to piece together what happened. We'll escort you."

  Another guard appeared behind Steve, "Come with me, please."

  Steve hoped Sarah telling the guards the truth would work in their favor. They were taken past the rest of the crowd trying to get in. Some people shot them dirty looks but Steve ignored them. There was a small door off to one side and the guard led them through it.

  Steve felt his mouth open and knew he probably looked foolish but he couldn't help it. The capital city was gorgeous. He felt as if diamonds, rubies and emeralds were shining from everywhere. People were bustling about, stopping to look in at store windows as well as carts that sold food and other goods. The buildings were so tall that it hurt Steve's eyes to look up that high. He had heard tales as a kid about the capital city but none of them truly lived up to what he was seeing.

  The capital city used to house the King. But when the King Rebellions broke out and the King was banished from the city, it was supposed to be turned into just a regular city. However, the people who lived here where so used to the king holding court and the finer things in life that the city was the only place in the Over World that ended up being exactly like before, minus the King.

  And Steve saw that all of that was true. He doubted there was anywhere else in the Over World that looked this lovely. The guard began to lead them down Main Street. Sarah's eyes were wide and more than once did she get distracted by a gorgeous sword or a well-crafted shield. The guard soon took them off of Main Street and down a smaller road. Here Steve saw homes, well made and larger than any others he had seen before. There was a smaller house that was three stories tall which the guard stopped in front of. He unlocked the door and they trailed after him.

  They found themselves in the guard's quarters. A fire was burning brightly on one end and bookshelves lined the room. There was a crafting table in one corner. On the wall above it was a diamond sword in a glass case. The guard followed Steve's eyes and nodded.

  "That is the sword from the founder of the Guards here in the capital," He told Steve, "He forged it himself. When he fell in battle in the King Rebellions, his sword was found and now we keep it as a reminder of our duty."

  "It's gorgeous." Steve said, wishing he could go look over at it but the guard was already taking them to a smaller room off to the side.

  He knocked twice on a door and someone told them to come in. An older yet dignified looking man was sitting behind a desk. He was wearing diamond armor and had a severe look to his face.

  "Ser Arnold," The guard said, nodding his head, "These two claim to have been by the mountain when it broke."

  "Really?" Ser Arnold replied and beckoned at two chairs in front of them, "You two look cold."

  He stood up as they sat down and started a fire in the fireplace. Steve felt grateful for the warmth. His clothes were still damp and clinging to him and there was a chill in the air here from the sea being so close that he wasn't used to.

  Ser Arnold sat back down, "So, why don't you explain just what happened?"

  Steve launched in the story, about how they were climbing, the creepers and then the fall into the river. The story was a lot shorter than it had actually felt and when he finished, he shifted awkwardly in his chair.

  Ser Arnold looked thoughtful, "Creepers falling off of the mountain? Never heard of such a thing."

  Steve glanced at Sarah who shot him a look to keep going so he cleared his throat, "Actually, Ser, my sister and I came to the capital to try to find out more about...something. Maybe from a doctor."

  "Are you sick?"

  "No, I just - well my village was under attack recently."

  "Under attack?" Ser Arnold replied, alarmed, "From what?"

  "Herobrine, ser."

  There was a long pause in the air, heavy now. It felt as if it was sitting on Steve's chest. Ser Arnold had seemingly froze in place.

  "You said Herobrine?"

  "Yes, this carnival claimed to have caught him and brought him into town and he escaped-"

  "You need to talk to the mayor. I'll take you there right now."

  "Right now?" Sarah said, "Can't we at least dry off or change or something?"

  But Ser Arnold was already standing up, "No, you must go see him now."

  They were on the move again. Steve felt tension in his chest. He didn't like the look of Ser Arnold's face when he had mentioned Herobrine. No one else had seemed to know who Herobrine was but this man did and it didn't seem to bring up anything good. They were back onto the streets now but Ser Arnold avoided the Main Street, instead taking them through quiet streets in the back. Steve saw kids playing and fountains splashing water around. He still couldn't believe how luxurious everything was.

  And then they broke through the tall homes suddenly and Steve was staring at the castle. Both he and Sarah stopped, staring at it. It was tall, shimmering in the sun, sprawling across their vision.

  "Is this your first time at the capital?" Ser Arnold asked them as they gawked.

  "Yes, ser." Sarah mumbled in awe.

  Ser Arnold looked up at the castle, "The mayor and other city officials stay here now. Some wealthy families live here as well. Since there are no more kings or royalty, the castle is open to everyone. Only the Mayor's floor is well guarded. Come on now."

  They followed him up to the gate blocking access to the castle. Once Steve imagined it was barred shut but now it was wide open, with people trailing in and out. They walked through the gate and into the gardens. People were sprawled along them - some were reading, kids were playing and others were just walking with their loved ones. Steve tried to imagine this all hidden from the public and felt glad that everyone was getting to enjoy it.

  Ser Arnold took them past the gardens and through the main castle doors. No one stopped him but instead nodded at him instead, barely glancing at Steve or Sarah. The first room in the castle had a spiraling staircase to the left and multiple doors to the right.

  "It's a ways to walk to the top floor." Ser Arnold said and then walked over to the staircase.

  He was right. Climbing the stairs felt as if it took forever and each time they came to a new floor, they ever saw anything too interesting. Each hallway was styled mostly the same with people buzzing about but Steve never got to look as long as he wanted before they walked up to the next floor. After ten minutes, Sarah was huffing.

  "There isn't like a secret passage to the Mayor's office or something?" She said in between gasps for air.

  "I don't think they'd show us it even if there was." Steve mumbled back.

  Another five minutes and they were finally at the top floor. Ser Arnold was barely breathing hard but Steve was out of breath too. Sarah looked like she wanted to sit down forever. He took them down the hallway and stopped in front of giant set of doors.

  "Is Mayor Rebecca busy?" He asked the guard posted there.

  "Never too busy for you, Ser Arnold."

  Ser Arnold opened the heavy doors and Steve and Sarah trailed in after them. They were in a small waiting room with a door in front of them and another one on the left. Ser Arnold asked them to sit and then he walked through the door in front of them. Sarah was looking around.

  "Do you think we made a mistake coming her
e?" She asked him.

  "Little late to think about it," Steve shrugged, "We already told them about Herobrine."

  "Yeah but his reaction wasn't very comforting. I can't help but wonder what we are missing about this ghost."

  "I don't know. I mean he helped me when the wither skeleton was coming down on me. But then he tried to get rid of us on the mountain. So why the sudden change? Is it because we're coming here?"

  "If Herobrine doesn't want us coming to the capital then we have to be doing something right." Sarah said, her words matching Steve's own thoughts.

  "Not sure if Ser Arnold sees it that way."

  The door opened suddenly and Ser Arnold came out with Mayor Rebecca behind him. She was tall with her brown hair swept up out of her face and a slightly sleepy look to her eyes. She introduced herself and then sat down across from them.

  "Ser Arnold tells me that you believe to have seen the spirit of Herobrine. He also mentioned something about you looking for a doctor."

  Steve nodded, "Yes, ma'am."

  "Do you know much about Herobrine?"

  "No, ma'am." Both Sarah and Steve replied.

  "Herobrine was a rare breed. A sorcerer of great power. Not much is known of his life before he came to the capital. But his role in the King Rebellions was great."

  "Really?" Sarah asked, "We never heard of him before."

  "What I am about to tell you is something you won't find in any books," Mayor Rebecca said, "But it is the truth. What I ask from you back is full disclosure, do you understand?"

  Sarah glanced at Steve who replied with, "Yes, ma'am. Absolutely."

  "Fine," She nodded, "Then I will tell you about Herobrine."