Read Casanova's Adventure of a Lifetme Page 10

  Chapter 9: Romance Begins


  Days pass as the crew heals. Cap delivers what’s left of his cargo up the Eastern Seaboard, as the crew spends their days telling stories of heroism. There are whispers from some of the dissatisfied crew members how they plan to relieve the captain of his command. This sunny day seems to dim their demand, as the “Virgin Queen” rides upon calmer waters.


  Cass, on the other hand, is thankful to be alive. He spends his time enjoying the scenic colonial coastline bustling with passing ships. The next few days he turns his wondrous gazing towards the passing miles of salty marshes littered with pelicans, cranes, and swooping storks. This also gives his crate crushed hand time to mend.


  It’s the first of September as the “Virgin Queen” navigates the narrow channels to the “Port of Norris” in “New Jersey.” The fresh scent of the salty sea is left in the “Delaware Bay” as it is gradually replaced with the marshy smell of the channel. Its late morning as the ship moors to the dock. The last hot days of summer bake the marsh into a most unsavory mud cake. The only things liking the stench and drenching heat are the gurgling crabs coming out of their muddy caves to dance above the murky water.


  The church bells “ring” twelve bells as Miss Lucy is greeted by the Cap. The men helping to carry her two large heavy trunks hurdle over the downed branches left by the fast moving hurricane. Her rather large traveling attire suggests she’ll be with Cap awhile.


  Some of the men on ship greet her from afar with their affectionate compliments and adoring whistles. She proudly crosses the gangplank wearing her colorful feathered plumes that sway across her robust chest with each bounce of the plank.


  “Hello boys. Thought you saw the last of me,” she politely proclaims.


  She brings her witty humor aboard as each crew member rushes to greet her. The men

  respectfully bow before her, as they announce over their competing voices how happy they are to

  see her. Each battle to get closes to Lucy without actually touching her. That space is reserved for only one person-the Cap.


  He stands just behind her, warning the crew with his smiling clenched teeth not to get too close. Miss Lucy defies this procedure by her attempt to “cheek kiss” each of the crew. The partially revealed Cap lifts his upper lip to show his forced pleasure in this matter. The crew fearfully honors her gracious offer, but keeps one eye on the loathing Cap.


  The crowd parts in front of Miss Lucy to reveal the ecstatic Cass. He has no regard for Cap’s unwritten protocol. He lifts large Lucy, and then twirls her around in his huge embracing hug.


  “I really missed you second momma!”


  She savors his captivating arms and words.


  As he sets her down she whispers, “How’s my big boy been?”


  The crew humorously snickers, but Cass is not embarrassed in the least. Cass raises his hand to his head alerting them of his incoming thought.


  “Oh, I have a present for you. I forgot to bring it, but I’ll give it to you later.”


  Her face fills with excitement and her heart with motherly love to know he’d care so much. But, her attention immediately turns towards his injured bandaged hand.


  “You come with me! I want to take a look at that hand.”


  As they walk across top-deck she asks, “Who fixed you up?”


  She tries to unravel the dirty bandage while she scornfully looks over her shoulder at the rest of the crew. She stares at them while waiting for Cass’ response.




  With a grim face she broadcast, “He’s the cook!”


  She ogles with her irritated face at the crew warning them, “I’ll have a talk with him later!”


  The top-deck is silent after the couple descends below deck. They know it’s just them and the Cap now.


  He breaks the monotony by ordering, “Back to work!”


  That evening, Cass invites Miss Lucy “port-side” to share the beautiful rainbow colored sunset.


  He tells her, “Closes your eyes, I have a big surprise.”


  She humbly obeys as he retrieves the box in his rear pocket with his fumbling hand.


  “Keep em closed momma.”


  He gently slides the necklace over her head.


  “You can open them now.”


  Her face strains to look down, as her cautious hand gently lifts the dainty locket.


  “It’s made from the finest silver north of Spain. If you open the locket, you’ll find a surprise inside.”


  It sparkles in the last of the evening light as she opens the tiny treasure. She can barely read the petite inscription, so Cass helps.


  “It just says ‘Love, Cass’.”


  Her eyes fill with tears.


  “It’s beautiful son.”


  Her comment causes him to lift and twirl her around. His school boy enthusiasm overtakes Miss Lucy.


  She holds the chain as her twirling body erupts with a, “Wee...!”


  Cass sets the dizzy Lucy down after her fourth spin. Both jubilant hearts lean on the “port-side” railing to relax. They watch as the Sun dunks below the horizon while the first star of the evening twinkles.


  In their moment of meditation, Cass asks, “Do you believe in fate?”


  Lucy senses there is more to this conversation than just fate.


  She wisely asks, “Do you think that’s what saved you during the storm?”


  He shrugs his shoulders?


  “I’ll tell you what I do know. One day we will all step into eternity. When you get there, ask Him.”


  This is not the answer he was looking for. His face turns sad. She shuffles close to him, and then wraps her arm through his.


  She states, “I believe in wishes. I also believe in prayers being answered.”


  Cass releases a puff of his breath.


  Lucy knows this is also not the answer he seeks. She pulls him tight, and then leans her head against his arm.


  “I do believe in ‘love at first sight’.”


  Cass immediately begins to smile.


  “I heard about your heroic effort in French Polynesia. Your Uncle Jared told me about that girl you briefly met.”


  Cass’ shy face turns down towards the passing water.

  She confirms her belief by giddily whispering, “That how I met Captain Ron Dedmen.”


  Cass slowly turns his head towards her face.


  She shakes her smiling face with fast short strokes up and down while proclaiming, “I’ll

  tell you about it sometime.”


  He forms his boyish smile once again that’s being influenced by her confirming revelation.


  She smiles and says, “I believe that was the answer you were searching for.”


  Humorously delighted, he replies, “I’m happy to know what our Cap’s full name is. All these years I thought it might be Rumpelstiltskin.”


  Laughing Cass turns and
tickles her.


  After a minute of frolic, they both return their eyes to the last act of the evening sunset. There’s a sort of magic in the air tonight. The appearing stars seem to be twinkling a little brighter than usual, but not as bright as the twinkle in Cass’ eyes.


  Two days later, the “Virgin Queen” steams through the Great Panama Canal. Unks watches Cass attend to his mundane duties, scrubbing the top-deck while completely ignoring this marvelous man-made wonder.


  “Laddie, think you can take a break from what you’re doing?”


  Unks sees his approaching nephew concentrating on the thoughts in his head rather than on the path he is taking. Cass kicks over his pale of water. He slips as he tries to step over the puddle. He catches himself and just smiles childishly at his mishap.


  Unks states, “The Cap said anyone wanting to go on shore and meet the ‘Virgin Queen’ at the last lock of the canal is welcome to leave ship.”


  Cass swipes off the legs of his trousers that water accidentally splashed on.


  “I’m fine Unks. I think I’ll just stay on board and clean deck.”


  Unks knows both of them need some fresh air, and a change of scenery. It’s been two

  weeks since they’ve been off ship.


  “Come, help your Unks pick some souvenirs out, and we’ll get some lunch along the way.”


  Cass seems reluctant, but Unks reminds him of his need to send Miss Avery a postcard.


  “She and the kids are probably worried about you after that storm.”


  The pair spends the next few hours walking the canal while exploring several gift shops along the way. Unks was right. The walk and talk relieves some of Cass’ pent-up emotions. They buy several postcards and send them away before re-boarding the “Virgin Queen.”


  Cass thinks Rico will love the picture of the canal on the front of the card. Unks thinks Mrs. Guvenossie might get angry at his card. It has a picture of a pretty smiling senorita introducing the great canal with her slim extended arm and tempting open hand.


  Unks says, “I sure hope she doesn’t think she is my new girlfriend.”


  The next week, Unks keeps Cass’ mind occupied with sailor stories and revealing childhood memories of momma. Unks refers over and over to her as his sweet sister. They both grow closer each passing mile that brings them nearer Nuku Hiva. Cass’ last day before the French port seemingly drags on for forever.


  The Cap sounds the whistle as the ship approaches port.


  The command, “At the ready!” is given.


  Every sailor stands in position to toss and receive the ship’s mooring ropes. The “Virgin Queen” slowly stops as the ropes are tossed to the dock-hands.


  Cass hurries to tighten the slack in his rope, just as the ship’s “wheelhouse” bell “rings.” He knows the Cap is preparing the final instructions before releasing the crew on shore leave. Cass darts “mid-deck” in time to see the Cap light his pipe on the “wheelhouse’s” balcony. A ring of smoke lifts skyward as Miss Lucy appears at the Cap’s side. She looks down to find Cass, and then fondles her new necklace. She knows how special this trip is for her adopted son. She stares at his joyous face, filled with anticipation, as she kisses the locket. Cass nods his head in recognition.


  All the commotion suddenly settles as the crew comes to attention. The quiet deck loudly echoes with the Cap’s instructions.


  “You will have three days in port, including today. I expect you to be civil sailors.”


  He continues with his list of “do’s” and “don’ts” before releasing the men.


  “My final command is: stay out of trouble. You’re released!”


  The mad shuffle to get ready is on.


  Unks and Cass stand aside to let the rushing crew pass below deck. Cass listens to their parting laughter caused by friendly insulting gestures. Each one proclaims how many pretty girls they’ll be dining and dancing with by the night’s end. Unks respectively tips his cap as the last sailor passes by. He thinks this is a good time to give his nephew some private advice.


  He signals Cass to follow him over to the “port-side” railing. After leaning on the rail, Unks removes the new cap Mrs. Guvenossie gave him as a parting present.


  He scratches his head while saying, “You’ve grown too quick laddie. That kind of scares me.”


  This compassionate comment confuses Cass.


  “What I mean is, you’ve grown into a 'man’s man.' You’re the kind of man women adore, and the type of man we all strive to be.”


  Cass smiles while hanging down his embarrassed red face.


  “What I really mean is; I don’t want to lose you. But, I know you’ll be leaving one day



  Cass states, “I’m not leaving you.”


  Unks somberly says, “When a man finishes growing tall, he grows outward to find his own path in life.”


  This prophetic proclamation saddens both men.


  “I know if your sweet momma were here she’d be awfully proud of the man you've become. I just want you to know, no matter how far the water maybe between us, you’ll always be in my heart.”


  This bombardment of sentimental remarks uncomfortably overpowers the mighty Cass. Unks notices him fighting back tears. Cass turns his head away to a more defensible position. Unks pats his back before leaving him to his emotional state.


  “Go have a good time. And, kiss her once for me.”


  Unks last comment brings a smile to Cass’ face. He stands alone reflecting on Unks' words, while hiding Unks high regards in the corner of his heart dedicated to special memories. Cass feels he’s a little taller than he was just a minute ago.


  He listens to the last of the men's voices drifting slowly away towards town. He stands on deck tucking his shirt in while now hearing only the brushing sounds of the swaying palm trees. A warm summer evening breeze brings him a hideous thought.


  “Is it possible Brandy might have forgotten all about me?”


  His mind warns him it’s been two years. He leans on the ship’s railing, debating if he should hold on to her wonderful memory, or risk the pain of embarrassment, or even rejection. The possible loss of another woman in his life is an unbearable thought. His logic insults him with the notion he dreamed this whole romance up. Time and distance may have led his longing heart on an imaginary adventure. The weight of these heavy thoughts force his weary head down towards the ship’s wavy reflection dancing between the passing crests of orange ribbons. What looked to be a celebration has become a sudden nightmare. He briefly stares onshore to see the village lights appearing. He looks a little higher to see they match the number of dreamy stars above the purple horizon. He lowers his head and stares once again into the calming water.


  The imminent darkness dims the flicker of hope his heart was fanning just moments ago. Cass turns sadly away from the railing with his sulking breaking heart. His heavy steps shuffle across the metal deck back towards the stairs leading below. This is the second darkest moment in his young life.


  Off in the distance, he hears the sweet song of a nightingale. He fights the urge of this mysterious music luring him back up the stairwell. The hard part
of him warns him to proceed downward. But, the wondrous music begs his adventurous part “come listen.” His hesitation is his undoing. He becomes addicted to this melody of fate.


  Once again, Cass returns to the “port-side” railing. There is only one thing occupying his mind at this moment. He closes his eyes to absorb this soothing song settling his heart. The magic drifts up and away with the shrinking song of the nightingale. Once more, Cass is left all alone in the dark. He turns slowly away and gazes above at the stars.


  He whispers to them, “Oh, the power you have over innocent hearts. Your twinkle has no power over me.”


  The unusual brushing sound of the palm branches alerts his ears on this very quiet night.


  A silhouette whispers between the moonlit shadows of the palm trees, “Casanova, is that you on board?”


  Cass instantly freezes. He cautiously turns towards the voice, praying his ears are not

  playing tricks on him, or it is not a siren imitating Brandy’s voice, tempting his sanity. He stares at the swaying silhouette as it draws nearer the “Tiki” torches lining the dock. Cass sees a bright pair of piercing eyes penetrating that dark part of his soul. Again, her voice craves his spirit.


  “I heard you’ve come back Cass.”


  He stands and shakes in the darkness as his racing heart pounds out his tears of adulation.


  The dark feminine figure utters, “I’ve been waiting for you.”


  He hurries to rub the wetness covering his cheeks, and prays the darkness hides his unmanly eruption of ecstatic emotion. He returns to the railing to see the apparition drawing curves in the sand with her right shoe. She looks up towards him, revealing the light the moon has painted over her beautiful face. But, Cass only notices the brightness coming from her mysterious hypnotic eyes.


  Her soothing voice sings once more, “Are you coming down, or should I come up?”


  Cass fumbles to tuck his lose shirt in while stumbling towards the gangplank.


  He nervously stutters, “Wait! I’m coming down Brandy!”


  She smiles as he races to meet her. Cass trips on the gangplank. She attempts to hide her humorous laughter as he bounces upon it several times.


  “Don’t rush sailor. I’ll wait for you.”


  As he regains his composure Brandy thinks, “I have, and I always will wait for you.”


  Cass tries to control his emotions as he slowly nears her. He dedicates one of his hands to re-combing his hair, and the other to re-tucking his shirt. Brandy hides his embarrassment as her face concentrates on the shoe continuing to draw curves in the sand.


  Cass’ eyes are instantly captivated by other curves that flow through her blowing dress.

  He stands in front of her waiting to see her eyes once more.


  She slowly looks up over his tall muscular stature. Her captivating smile turns humbly awestruck. She “tingles” at the sight of his mighty appearance, but her melting romantic heart quickly extinguishes any flame of fear. No words are exchanged; just the dreamy silence that comes from the mutual desire of adoration.


  His eyes burns into her soul, as her eyes become entranced upon his infectiously handsome face. Time races, or does it stand still? Neither knows. This is the one second both would trade their very lives for. This is that one minute they’d revisit at the cost of an eternity in Hell. For, they feel this surely is the Heaven they’ve only dreamed of.


  Brandy quietly tells him, “My father told me your ship was coming in port.”


  Cass’ smile comes to attention as his face becomes reverent.


  “I went to every restaurant to see if you were there. But, I could not find you.”


  Cass’ apologizing hands tenderly grip her fingers. His imposing gesture gently “shocks” her through with his electrifying touch of titillation.


  With a nervous voice she smiles and says, “I searched and searched, but there was no Cass to be found anywhere.”


  Cass rubs the backs of her hands with his soothing thumbs.


  She continues, “I was worried something happened to you. That’s when I came to the ship to find you.”

  Every doubt Cass experienced moments earlier are exuberantly exchanged for the desires of his heart. Brandy guides him along his heavenly cloud into her delicious welcome home kiss. He throbs under the spell she’s placed on him. Her control comes from her unexpected show of affection.


  Enjoying her pretentious power, she states, “That was for finding you.”


  She leans up and slowly presses her lips once more.


  “And, that one was for finding me.”


  Brandy leads her moonlit sailor through the adventure of this most exotic night. It begins in the romantic setting of the finest port restaurant. Brandy begins the conversation as Cass stares into her big baby blue eyes. He absorbs every mystifying morsel of her life through the flicker of the candle flames. She savors Cass’ adventures as she politely devours every delicious detail of his life. Hours pass; that feel like minutes.


  The waiter quietly reminds them that they’ll be closing shortly.


  He then ask, “Might you like some desert?”

  The unwelcome interruption forces Brandy to glance at her sparkling jeweled wristwatch. Cass notices the dancing colors of its gems shimmer on the tablecloth.


  “I see he’s right. It’s nearly one in the morning.”


  Her confirmation upsets Cass’ hungry heart. Sadness overtakes him with the thought this night could possibly end.


  Brandy asks, “Check please.”


  She looks around and sees they’re the last ones still here.


  “Where has the time gone?”


  Cass reaches in his pockets while wondering if he’ll have enough to pay for what must be a very expensive dinner. Brandy notices the concern on his face.


  She places her hand on top the one balancing him on the table while softly saying, “I won’t have any of that.”


  Her words remind him of something he would normally say. He smiles as she smiles. She

  places her shiny purse on the table and unclasps it.


  As she reaches inside, she asks, “You know the night doesn’t have to be over?”


  Brandy gazes seductively at him and states, “Hey big boy, want to go dancing?”

  Cass faces a dilemma. He desperately desires to scream “yes,” but he is ignorant in the knowledge and skill to perform such a feat. He is left dumbfounded on how he should respond to her request.


  Her mental power to detect what he might be thinking leads her to asks, “I’m a great teacher. That’s if you trust me to teach you?”


  His changing anguish now lets him gladly asks, “You’d teach me?”


  Brandy slowly smiles, revealing all of her pearl white teeth. She clasps her shiny purse closed, and then nods her head speedily up and down several times. The surprised Cass is excitedly whisked away by the guiding hand of the beautiful lady with a purpose.


  Cass quickly learns the basic steps as they twirl under a canopy of stars. Sailor's clear the dance floor as Cass constantly forgets anyone is even around.


; Brandy loves his antics, and hearing him slowly reveal his desires. She is surprised by his ability to learn so quickly, and how easily he trusts her with his heart.


  They spend the remaining hours dancing and talking. By night’s end, Cass has become better than just a student. He’s moved from the basic footwork of the “waltz,” to experiencing the excitement of the “Latin Tango.” Cass could not have asked for a more perfect teacher than the enthusiastic Brandy. From all he’s learned this night, holding her in his arms has been his greatest accomplishment.


  The approaching dawn bids them one last dance. She wraps her arms around him as they both try holding back the hands of time. Brandy feels her romantic soul bond with his heartbeat, pounding in her ear that’s presses tightly against his chest.


  The proprietor interrupts this endless moment with, “We’re closing!”


  This long slow dance ends much too soon.


  They return to the dock and share the sunrise. Cass wraps his arm around Brandy as they sit on its edge, comfortably swinging their legs over the passing water. The cool colors gradually turn warmer as the pink Sun starts to peek above the horizon. No words are spoken. There are just the sounds of distant gulls mixed with the soothing splashes kissing the shoreline. An unimaginable peace envelopes them as they enjoy the most wondrous sunrise imaginable. Though neither is tired, or eager to leave, the risen Sun and the waking village suggest otherwise.


  One of the “Virgin Queen's” crew members sees the pair locked in their romantic embrace. He whistles his sexist whistle, alerting Cass their private time is at an end.


  Cass turns and looks at beautiful Brandy.


  He whispers, “You know, your eyes could steal a sailor from the sea.”

  She smiles while slowly swiping his hair away from his eyes. She stretches her mouth to his lips, and then slowly presses them against his. Her heart desperately wants to believe his words, but she knows she barely knows him. The couple slowly rises as the rising sunlight reveals both of their beauty.


  Brandy compliments his advice. “I guess only time will tell.”


  Cass hugs her while saying, “I have two more days.”


  Brandy whispers, “Maybe we can meet for dinner? Say, around six.”


  Cass lets go of her hands and replies, “How about if I treat you tonight?”


  She smiles and agrees, “Six it is then. I’ll meet you here.”


  Cass remains reluctant to leave her. He stands fast watching her dress slide side to side as

  she strolls away. Brandy carries her “high heel” shoes that bounce off her slim wiggling hips as

  she crosses the beach. She peeks over her shoulder to see if he’s left yet. But, Cass’ eyes seem to desire so much more. She smiles as she proceeds around the corner; intentionally wiggling her hips a little more.


  His anticipation, mixed with the unusually quietness of the ship, cause him to toss and turn. Cass sleeps only a few hours. He wakes and spends time preparing for this evening’s encounter. Afterwords, he spends his remaining time pacing the ship’s top-deck. He thinks of the time he’ll have, of the things he might say, and the things his heart wants to share. Each thought is tempered by the notion he’ll be back at sea in two days.


  The rest of his pacing wrestles with the unfair idea of how this might hurt Brandy. His logic thrust another dagger deep into him. He’s married to the sea. Brandy deserves a better man. She deserves a man that can treat her like a queen. A man that is able to give her the desires of her heart, and a man that will be there for her.


  He asks himself, “Can I possibly be that man?”


  His mind races for all possible solutions to fix these problems. But alas, there are none. He is only left with one solution. It is to distance himself, to protect her heart.


  He watches the turning colors of the late day sky, knowing there’s a coming change in the season. He ponders how he couldn’t wait to see her the last two years. How he’s fallen so deeply in love with this stranger, and how crazy this all seems. But the worse of it is, the terrible thought of having to be no more than just friends. His heart’s in torment thinking of how to hide his true affection towards her. He cannot allow her to fall any deeper than she has for him. He knows this is the right thing to do.


  The warm September sunset paints the dock shades of crimson. His eyes are drawn down to his distorted reflection in his shiny black shoes. The approaching sounds of heels begin “tapping” on the wooden dock, alerting him to look up. Her stunning dress is only outdone by her gorgeous smiling face. She walks towards him girlishly with her hands clasped behind. She stares into his distant eyes as she methodically extends each long legs as she steps.


  She asks, “Do you remember this dress?”


  A vision returns to him of that day two years ago.


  Softly Cass says, “Yes. How could I ever forget?”


  He casually ventures across the gangplank to meet her.


  She extends her inviting arms towards the serene Cass. He raises his arms, and then gently grabs her arms' from underneath. She smiles a moment as he politely smiles back. She senses something is different in his embrace. Touching her causes his heart to throb, his desires to ignite, and his passion to explode. But, he tightly wraps another chain around his heavy heart and chokes it. He’d rather die a thousand deaths than to do what he must do.


  He turns away while sliding his long rough arms along her smooth soft skin.


  As their hands meet, he caresses them, and then says, “Come with me.”


  Cass walks towards the ship’s gangplank, tenderly pulling her along.


  Brandy asks, “I thought you were taking me to dinner?”


  Cass stops half way up the crossways and states, “But I am.”


  He proceeds while listening to her heels rhythmically tapping the song of castanets. He turns around on top-deck as his arm draws her onto ship. The scent of her perfume reaches Cass a second before she kisses him. She feels his chest slowly expand into hers as he whiffs her essence.


  She asks, “Do you like it?”


  He replies, “Its sweet, like you.”


  They leisurely stroll pass the “living quarters” as he explains each section of the ship. Cass suddenly remembers something.


  He tells her, “Wait her a second. I have to get something.”


  She comments as he rummages through his footlocker, “Is this the area you sleep in?”


  Cass finds his present.


  He slides the tiny box into his pocket, and then says, “No. This is where we live and sleep.”


  Her face looks surprised to learn that so many men could live in such a small area. Cass holds her hand, and then leads her towards the “mess galley.”


  Right before entering he announces, “I promised you dinner. Well, here it is.”


  In the center of the “galley” is one table different from the other three. The others shine with their polished cold steel reflection. The one in the middle is covered with a maroon table cloth, a set of brass domes, silverware for two, and one warm burning candle. Cass looks to her for her approval.


  The mildly surprised Brandy states, “Sailor, you sure know how to treat a lady.”


  Cass helps her to her seat before lifting the brass dome covering her fine China plate. She sniffs the steam percolating up as Cass sits across from her.


  Brandy remarks, “This looks and smells wonderful!”


  Cass entertains her with his adventures during dinner.


  Brandy comments that her steak is unbelievably tender and tasty.


  Cass informs her how his buddy Stymie prepared this evening’s celebration as his present to us. For desert, he left the pair his infamous pineapple upside down cake.


  She remarks, “This is also wonderful. You sure your cook is not some world famous



  The hiding Stymie overhears hears her wonderful compliment from his crouched position under the kitchen counter. His plan is to remain close in case they might need anything. But, her ranting causes Stymie to giggle while falling secretly in love with her. Brandy hears the faint laughter. But, Cass goes unaware of his presence.


  Brandy laughs, worries, and even cries a little as Cass recounts his escapades. She tries to go beyond his sailing days, but the pain of his childhood memory won’t let him. Not even the results of several glasses of fine wine will loosen his lips. Rather, they discuss those things they like, and continue their evening conversation with those things they don’t. Brandy explains how her rich heritage brought her here as a child. This is the only place she has ever known as home. The evening conversation slows as she exhausts her memory.


  Stymie slides a record onto the phonograph he also hid under the counter with him. Soft romantic music magically permeates the dim lit “galley.” Cass’ face fills with intrigue on how this could be happening, but Brandy interrupts his thoughts.


  “Would you care to dance?”

  Cass dismisses his curiosity by honoring her outstretched hand. They spend several hours slowly twirling in the vacant area between the tables. Each time the music ends, it miraculously begins all over again. Cass laughs as the needle scratches the album, and as the music mysteriously repeats once more.


  Brandy giggles, “Thank you hidden guardian angel for watching over us.”


  Stymie covers his smile to stop his blabbering mouth after saying, “Your welc...”


  Early in the morning, their night ends. Stymie begins snoring as the music stops.


  The couple move topside to share the panorama of stars. Cass keeps her warmly wrapped

  in his embrace. Not much is said. Just brief mentions of what they dream of for the rest of their lives. It is much more about this moment than the impossible obstacles that lay ahead. Brandy inadvertently yawns; due to the relaxing security of his strong warm comfortable embrace. His chivalry forces him to suggest she retire. So she has no option but to accept.


  Cass holds her one last minute as he lowers the sparkling present from Lisbon around her neck. The starlight shows the little treasure dangling from the bottom of the finely woven chain. She lifts it before her eyes to see the locket.


  Cass whispers, “It holds a tiny message, but don’t open it till I leave tomorrow. Promise me?”


  She places it in the palm of her hand, and then gently closes it around the tiny treasure. She clutches it tightly while pressing her fist against her chest.


  Her eyes turn back towards the stars as she softly says, “Thanks sailor. I promise.”


  She hides her true affection for the petite object. She feels her heart tearing apart, because it knows he is leaving tomorrow.


  As Brandy leaves ship, she suggests they spend this afternoon exploring the many small shops the village has to offer.


  She asks, “About one o’clock?”


  Cass delicately replies, “Sure.”


  Sadly he watches her lovely shaking silhouette disappear into the last part of the dark night. Cass never stops looking at her until she’s long gone. She never lets go of her locket all the way home.


  The afternoon comes as Brandy waits for him. She sits at the quaint café at the edge of town wondering where he could be. The endless minutes turn into hours as she waits for him.

  She watches the returning crew as they pass by, conversing about their escapades. Her wristwatch informs her it is 4:30 pm. Hope is fleeting in her sinking heart, but she still waits for him. The veiled brim of her hat cast checkered shadows over her pretty flowered dress. But, each flower wilts in the heat of the passing afternoon light. She hears the distance sound of a ship blowing its horn and the churning of the distant water. Brandy waits alone with her hidden tears. Yet, she waits for him. She will always wait for him.