Read Casanova's Adventure of a Lifetme Page 12

  Chapter 11: Springtime in Lisbon


  Flower blossoms cover the bay as the “Virgin Queen” cuts a path through spring’s welcoming gesture. Warm sunshine cast a yellowish halo over the ships jockeying for position near dock. The midday sensation wonderfully overtakes the crew. The warmth, the sounds, the view, and the sweet aromas overwhelm each sailor. Each of their sucking breath's turns into a delighted smile. Each nose, tongue, ear, and eye tastes the bountiful bouquet of steamy stews, savory searing meats, fresh baked breads, and fragrant pedals floating across the harbor. The town tower “bongs,” bringing to life the sights and sounds of this bustling port. Nothing is as sensational as the sight of Cass’ adopted family frantically waving towards the nearing ship.


  Cass is fixed on Miss Avery. She holds Becky’s hand with her long white glove. Their free hands wave to Cass, like little flags welcoming their hero home from war.


  Rico wears a suit and tie, and an eager smile. He stands a handsome head higher than Ava. Cass proudly stores this vivacious memory in the diary of his heart as he thinks about how much more beautiful they’ve all become.


  Cass carries his duffel bag over his shoulder.


  He walks behind Unks who whispers over his should, “Don’t they all look lovely Cass. This sure is swell.”


  Cass finishes crossing the gangplank as Miss Avery hugs the chuckling jolly Uncle Jared.


  He softly announces, “I hear someone is having a wedding.”


  Ava squeezes him a little tighter as Becky politely proclaims, “Yesss, Ava is.”


  Cass nudges Unks off to the side to allow him a chance at a greeting.


  Becky fearlessly leaps onto the bending Cass.


  “Poppa, you’re home!”


  Cass jiggles and giggles in her embrace. He pushes her out to arm distance and holds her



  “Let me take a look at you.”


  He sets her down, and then begins rubbing his chin. His eyes' start at her feet, and then slowly work their up to her smiling teeth.


  “Yep, yep, you’ve gotten bigger.”


  Her smile turns harshly confused. Cass knows she is expecting much more from the “compliment department.”


  He slowly slides his hands to her sides and tickles her.


  “Did I tell you? You’ve become more beautiful.”


  This is the treasure she’s been anxiously waiting for.


  She hugs him once more and shyly replies, “Oh poppa, I’m so glad you’re home.”


  Ava graciously ushers Becky aside as Rico offers his welcoming handshake. Cass snatches it, and then acts if Rico is crushing his hand in their manly embrace. Rico laughs and forgoes the formal procedure. He lunges to hug Cass, and then pats him on the back.


  Cass comments, “Boy, you sure have grown.”


  Rico replies, “I’m six feet three, and still a little more to grow.”


  Cass is not so intimidated as to swish his hand around Rico’s hair a few times. Rico leaps a half a step towards Cass, faking his playful assault. Cass responds with his own immanent stance of devastation. Both freeze and declare victory through their laughter.


  Rico hugs Cass again and whispers, “I’m sure glad your home.”


  He steals the duffel bag off Cass’ shoulder while demanding to carry it to the cottage. The

  parting Rico frames a hesitant Ava tapping her shoe with both arms on her sides. Cass instantly

  changes her act of anger.


  He shakes his gawking head side to side while telling her, “He sure is going to be one lucky fellow. You sure are a feast straight from the tabernacle of beautiful.”


  She melts as always in his presence, as she tries to wrap her arms around her “knight in shining armor.”


  Cass has to pry himself loose from her warm never ending embrace.


  He whispers before pushing her away, “Congratulation on all your success, and on picking such a fine man.”


  She is subtly overjoyed, but strangely saddened to hear these words from him. Part of her is so happy to know how proud he is of her. But strangely, another part of her feels like it is being sentenced to death. She knows in her heart this will mark the end of any hope of being with the real love of her life. She can only half smile as her reward for his most sincere compliment.


  Cass asks, “How about some lunch?”


  The forgotten Unks interrupts the group.


  “No thanks. My supper approaches.”


  All heads turn towards the approaching Mrs. Guvenossie. Her salutation arrives just before she does.


  “Welcome... sailors.”


  It sounds as if she’s caught herself before pronouncing the word “home” between the words of her salutation. Everyone knows how much she wants her sailor to call this place home one day. They all watch Unks delightfully hug her, as she girlishly giggles aloud in her embarrassing embrace.


  Ava tells everyone how much a blessing Mrs. Guvenossie’s been.


  “She’s helped plan my wedding. She’s helped me pick my gown. And, she is going to make her grandmother’s special secret recipe for desert. It’s going to be wonderful.”


  Both ladies warmly gaze into each other's eyes as Mrs. Guvenossie winks. Ava returns her own assuring wink of gratitude.


  Everyone walks towards the town center as they pair off into two separate groups.


  Cass yells to the departing Unks, “We’ll see you both later!”


  Unks speaks no words. He proceeds alongside Mrs. Guvenossie, confirming Cass’ suggestion by his waving hand.


  The rest of the day is spent with Cass catching up on all that has happened. It starts over several cappuccinos and a meal at the café. Unks enjoys a warm homemade lunch and the afternoon companionship of his dear friend.


  The first couple days on “ship leave” are dedicated to personal time with each family member. The next week is left to placing the finishing touches on the wedding. Cass, Becky, and Ava occupy their days with playful family antics while shopping for the exciting day fast approaching. Cass’ nights are spent sharing his adventures and virtues with Rico over a game of checkers. The pair can often be caught battling with and evening “arm wrestling” match. Rico’s growing physic is still no contest for the superior expanses of Cass’ huge biceps. They both cherish every competitive second while daring and insulting one another as to who has superior strength.


  The days are too long for Rico. He loves dealing with the customers over Mr. Burnito’s jewelry table, but his heart impatiently waits for the special evenings he’ll spend with Cass. Each precious remaining night is becoming quickly too short for Rico.


  Three days before the wedding, the family prepares to receive the retiring naval captain

  Steven Black. This evening, a telegram is delivered that Ava reads aloud.


  “Her majesty’s flagship, the ‘HMS Cornwallis,’ is on schedule. Stop. It is due to arrive in the “Port of Lisbon” at 1300 hours tomorrow. Stop. I am looking forward to greeting all of you. Stop. Cordially: Captain Black.”


  The message inspires Ava to hug Cass. The revelation of the captain’s elevate stature slightly intimidates Cass though. He now understands this man is much more of a captain than he was expecting.


  “Wow Ava, I’m impressed.”


  They sit on the cottage floor near the fireplace as Ava fills Cass in on everything surrounding her gentleman sailor. She pours each of them a small glass of Spanish sherry before explaining how they met. A half hour later, Cass agrees with Ava on how fate played a whimsical part in their chance meeting.


  Her delight becomes Cass’ ache. Each morsel of her encounter forces loose a suppressed memory of beautiful Brandy. He lies with each of his confirming smiles on how happy he is to hear her next exciting words. Each romantic memory Ava relives with Captain Black brings to life Cass’ sweetheart; who he thought he lost and buried a thousand leagues under the sea. Seven years hence, and seven different seas still have not put enough distance between him and the love he still feels.


  Becky soothes him by stroking his exposed scars. Cass has not told any of them about Dakar. He feels this is not the time. He leaves Becky to wonder where these burns came from as they lay under the glow of the evening fire.


  The flames warmth slowly dies as the glow of Ava’s great expectation finishes. Cass

  gently lifts the comfortably tired Becky in his strong arms. Ava brings along a warm blanket from the sofa. After he settles her in bed, Ava tucks the soft blanket around her. Cass stands near the bedroom entrance as Ava kisses her head. Cass dims the light as Ava moves into the lit hallway. Both take a moment to recall how big of a girl she has grown into, and how beautiful she is becoming.


  Cass softly says to Ava as he closes the door, “One day she’s going to need a bodyguard to keep all the sailors away from her.”


  Becky’s closed eyes smile right before she rolls on to her side.


  She whispers, “Goodnight poppa and Ava,” just before falling deeply asleep.


  Captain Steve Black pulls in harbor on time. His magnificent gray giant waits for no ship as it pulls straight into dock. “Whistles” blow fifty feet above the dock calling its crew to assembly. The stampeding of an army of feet on the metal deck strike like a thousand drums. A complete silence follows, as the dock-hands roll the “docking stairs” up to the ship. A muffled voice flows over the quiet vessel, mixing within the sounds of passing ships and seagull’s squawking. The dock-hands “clang” the tall stairs just to left of the royal navy emblem near the proud ten feet high name “HMS Cornwallis.”


  Several “Royal Navy” sailors' race down the stairs to check on the ship’s dozen mooring ropes. A few gulls seem amused. The birds stare at the gray behemoth blocking their warm sunny spots. The upset gulls sit atop their wooden pedestals daring the approaching sailors to try and “shoo” them away. One sailor mumbles something unmentionable as he pulls the slack from the thick long rope. He swipes his soiled hands on his navy uniform while saying another unmentionable phrase.


  Becky’s laughter alerts the sailor to quickly tip his hat, and then apologize for his rude

  comments. He bows before the family, and then races up the stairs to join his fellow sailors on



  Squawking gulls return to the scene of their crime, bringing along dozens more of their curious feathered friends. A few take revenge by marking their spot's on the taunt thick curved ropes twisting up the tall ship.


  Cass looks towards his adopted family. He smiles at them as they continue to delight in this orchestra of antics unfolding before their excited eyes.


  Rico’s concentration is rather committed to another bite of pastry; compliments of Isabella and Sherry.


  Ava swipes a spot of confectionery sugar from Rico’s suit jacket while saying, “Careful now.”


  Cass bends down before Becky, and then polishes the fallen sugar from off her shiny black shoes.


  From his unique vantage point he says, “Don’t you all look picture perfect.”


  Ava sees Rico’s hair needs immediate attention. She retrieves her brush and straightens the back of his hair.


  Rico carefully stuffs the last bite in his mouth, as Ava returns her brush to her sparkling purse.


  She straightens Rico’s tie while proclaiming, “Now we look perfect.”


  The quiet deck of the ship erupts with stampeding shoes. A thousand pounding legs charge down the staircase, and then formally dance and shuffle along the wooden surface of the dock. Five hundred scuffing shoes slide to their final resting place. Every sound in the harbor mysteriously disappears. Even the curious gulls cease their gossiping chatter.


  A man appears at the top of the staircase. He draws his arms to his side, and then takes

  one step back, spins half way backwards, and then one more step back. Methodically, he lifts his arm. He “toots” his high pitched whistle as a bearded man dressed in a formal white naval suit appears at the top of the steps. The harbor becomes deafeningly silent. No sound dares to interfer with his meticulously descent downward.


  Rico’s ears silently count each of his cold steely steps, as Ava stands in awe, looking at her sailor.


  The Captain stops for a moment, winks to the family, and then resumes his timely powerful pace.


  The whole of the town’s people quietly comes to investigate why all the sound in the harbor has mysteriously vanished.


  One sailor wearing many medals rushes to join the Captain standing on dock. Everyone seems intimidated by the captain's authority.


  Ava looks mildly perplexed to learn the influence of the man she’s marrying.


  Another loud whistle “blows.” This time it comes from the front of this silent serious formation. The sailor with all the medals marches in unison just behind Captain Black. Both proceed towards the front of the formation facing away, as each stride strikes twice as loud. Every ear, every eye, and every thought is commanded to give its full undivided attention to the honorable Captain Steven Black. The “Royal Captain” speaks.


  “As you know men, I am here to be married to the lovely and honorable Miss Avery Bonacelli. The ceremony will commence promptly at twelve hundred hours two days hence. I will not order you to attend, but hope to see all you there. Formal 'Dress White” uniform is required. There will be free food, libations and entertainment at the celebration. Do not exceed

  your mental capacity to function gentlemen.”


  Every sailor quietly sucks in their bellies and expands their elated chest to accept his

  announcement. He continues on.


  “All are welcome to attend. This includes those civilians in the distance of my voice.”


  He smiles as the dock explodes with thunderous applause. Ships stationed off dock “toot” their whistles and “blow” their loud horns in appreciation.


  Captain Black raises his hands, and then waves down the jubilation, returning the port to its uncanny silence.


  “I have one more declaration. There is a man among you like no other man. He is more of a man than any I have ever known, or ever heard of. I wish to thank him for risking his life many times to save others.”


  Eyes shift side to side hoping to glimpse this hero.


  “For many years I have heard stories on this man’s heroics. Every port I’ve visited speaks large tales a
bout this mythical figure.”


  A soft mummer of voices from the crowd guesses who this man might be.


  “He is more than a man. He is legend!”


  Cass and the family stare anxiously from behind the formation at the captain. One man suddenly exits the formation of sailors, and then ceremonially marches forward.


  “Ahhh” sounds come from the crowd as this man is revealed. He finishes his march by facing Captain Black. This sailor comes back to attention, and then slowly salutes Captain Black. Mysteriously, this sailor lifts up a box. The captain removes the lid and its contents. The sailor returns the empty box to his side, and then comes alongside the captain. The captain continues.


  “But alas, it is not until this very day have I been given the opportunity to thank him for

  the many lives he's saved.”


  The crowd returns to their gossiping. They suddenly realize this man’s identity has not yet been revealed. The Captain lifts chest high a gold medallion adorned with a blue and white ribbon.


  “I have been authorized by Her Majesty to give this to that man, if, and whenever I find this myth. This honor is reserved for only the bravest of men. Years before, he saved many drowning men from a murk death. These men were part of the merchant marines enlisted in Her Majesty’s service. Without thought to himself, he dove ten fathoms down and freed these trapped souls.”


  Each new heroic revelation releases sounds of “ewe's” and “ahh's” from the anticipating crowd.


  “Many times since, he’s risked life and limb to help others around the globe.”


  The captain raises this “medal of honor” high for all to see.


  “Recently he charged a burning village to save dozens of children from a certain fiery death.”


  Captain Black nods his head up and down several times to agree with the exulting crowd.


  “I wonder how many more heroic deeds he has performed that we know nothing about. This world is a better place because of him.”


  A knot forms in the pit of Cass’ stomach. Humble Cass has kept his secret life hid from his family. He does not want to worry them while he’s out to sea.


  “A good friend of mine: Captain Alexander Trousi, of the ‘Lord Byron’ revealed to me this hero’s identity. This hero is here today amongst us lesser men.”


  The captain gives the command, “Formation, about face!”

  Five hundred feet “stamp” simultaneously, and then five hundred heads abruptly “snap” around.


  He orders, “Present arms!”


  Five hundred hands reverently rise together to salute.


  “I tell you: for surely this legend does live.”


  From behind this family, a single set of hands begin slowly clapping. Unks reveals himself from behind as his tearful eyes walk forward. He continues “clapping” as Mrs. Guvenossie’s proud red face follows alongside. The family is in a state of confusion.


  They wonder, “What is going on?”


  The captain states, “And, this hero’s name is Casanova Rouseco, ship’s mate first class, of the very, very honorable “Virgin Queen.”


  The captain marches around the formation as the wondering eyes of the crowd follow along. Steady “clapping” begins to fill the dock, which spills over into the harbor. Everyone is eager to see the face of this larger than life hero.


  Miss Avery turns her stare towards the man she only thought she knew. The entire family looks at Cass as the captain reveals this mystery man to the rest of the world. Miss Avery begins to back away due to the “shock” overtaking her. But Cass grabs her arm, and then pulls her back to his side. His glory bleeds over her arm and into her less worthy soul.


  Cass warmly smiles and whispers out the corner of his mouth, “You’re going to help me get through this. After all, he's going to be your husband.”


  Her worth greatly increases as the Captain lowers the heroic medallion around Cass’ neck. Ava’s mouth does not know if it should cry, or remain stuck open in awestruck. Her overwhelming emotions meets somewhere in the middle as her mouth explodes with crying



  Rico shakes his head side to side in disbelief. Becky cries to know how this man she calls poppa received those scars. She also cries to know how this awesome man would care to love her

  so unconditionally. Cass; he just stands in the middle of the frantic sounds of celebration, watching the captain “clapping” in front of him. Embarrassed Cass considers this way too much unnecessary “hoopla.” Yet, he respects all their wishes.


  Captain Black whispers, “May I have the privilege of shaking your hand?”


  Cass obliges as the captain yells over top the celebration, “Give the order to dismiss!”


  The captain’s face again joins the family; this time the formality is replaced with his first real smile.

  He tells Ava, “I’ll meet up with you later.”


  Captain Black quickly kisses Ava’s cheek before turning towards his ship.


  The Captain’s presence is replaced by the pressing crowd of well-wishers. Cass walks the ceremonial gauntlet between the congratulating shoulder pats, thankful back pounding, and attempted handshakes being shoved in front of him. Cass wishes he could hide his face below the crowd and sneak pass. But, the closing crowd, along with his tall stature, won’t allow him to stoop low enough.


  Ava’s holding hand does comfort him. He watches as Rico valiantly maneuvers his way through the crowd while carrying his sister. He manages to pass the trapped Cass, and then begins politely pushing people aside. The harbor horns continue to “blast” over the dying applause.


  Cass sees that the captain must have ordered his crew to make a safe passage. Sailors

  ahead begin popping up amidst the crowd, and then join arms.


  Rico races into the void and waits. Cass and Ava enter the safe haven. The family quickly rushes away and hides among the unknowing crowd in the market place. They hurry through, and then exit the other side before they finally attain some resemblance of peace and quiet. The seclusion of the street leading to the cottage brings great relief. They stroll securely home with their protecting hero the rest of the way.


  The afternoon is left to Cass explaining all his hidden dangerous adventures. His dignified deity is slowly striped away, and replaced by their suspicions. The man they have grown to love is made of flesh and bone. They demand he make all future effort to restrict himself from any risky endeavors.


  Beck and Ava try and make him promise.


  Rico just raises his eyebrows.


  Reluctantly, Cass nods once up and down.


  Ava and Becky accept his promise with their hugs. Rico knows in his heart Cass lie’s, but he keeps it a secret. Rico instead respects this larger than life man he considers his real father. He nods once into Cass’ staring eyes. This silent pledge confirms their secret.


  Ava asks, “Who wants lunch?”


  She proceeds towards the kitchen as her ears are met by three voices, “Yes please.”


  A more relaxed atmosphere follows them as they enjoy the rest of the day as one large family.


  The wedding is one for all Portugal
to remember. Spring’s fragrance drifts through the “Port of Lisbon.” It magically sprinkles its perfume over this warm perfect day. Miss Avery never looked or felt more beautiful. Cass warns her not to step on her long flowing dress, and then winks at her. She warmly smiles at him.


  The stern captain and the trembling Rico wait patiently in front of a thousand judging eyes.


  Lovely Ava passes a hundred white suits, and then strolls by hundreds of marveling faces

  waiting for their turn at a closer look. Every head follows Ava with their undivided attention.


  Becky’s tenses knees force her to skip in front while sprinkling flower pedals up the long isle of the cathedral.


  Captain Black never flinches from his formal stance, but his eyes are lit with desire.


  The entire cathedral grows silent as Ava reaches the altar. The brilliant robed priest attends to the formalities before Cass gives her away into the happiest day of her life.


  Rico objects to their sealing kiss of devoted love. He comes to Ava, and then slides over her head an expensive necklace with a beautiful locket.


  He whispers, “Inside it reads: ‘We love you momma’.”


  Mrs. Black’s eyes are overwhelmed with joyful tears.


  Captain Black finally receives his sealing kiss just as the cathedral bells “ring,” and Lisbon’s clock tower “bongs.”


  Ava kisses all three of them in the midst of her happy crying. She joins her sailor captain in his locked arm embrace. Captain Steven Black shines with his clean white uniform, and “clinks” as he walks with his numerous dangling medals towards the cathedral’s entrance.


  “Applause, weeping,” and “whistling” sailors follow them out the doors of the church.


  Cass and the children hurry through the side exit, and then race to meet the newlyweds out front.


  Both sides of the street are lined with white living statues. They prevent the curious bystanders a closer look.


  Captain Black holds the carriage door open allowing his new bride to climb inside.


  Six white stallions begin “clopping” on the cobblestone street as Unks, Mrs. Guvenossie, Becky, Rico, and Cass stand on the cathedral steps. They watch with thousands of other wandering eyes as this prince and princess disappear through the drifting blossoms of springtime. This second becomes one more precious memory in the time of their lives.


  One year passes beneath the hull of the graceful aging “Virgin Queen.” The infestation of poison floats from the loudmouth across both of the great seas. The Great Lady becomes no match for his storm threatening the entire world. Waves of tension pour over Europe, drowning entire nations.


  Captain Black is true to his word. He retires and helps his bride in his new endeavor.


  This year causes Cass to wonder. How long might Mr. Black’s retirement last, and how long will they remain safe in Portugal?


  Cass thinks about many things as time passes at sea. There is one question that continues to plague him more than any other.


  “Should I continue in my attempt to hide the love in my heart for Brandy?”


  He drifts on the sea from port to port, searching for answers that only time can tell.