Read Casanova's Adventure of a Lifetme Page 2

  Chapter 2: Uncle Jared and the “Virgin Queen”


  There is no glue known by man that is able to mend a broken heart.


  Rain pours down hiding the tears coming from Cass’ eyes. But, he does not care to hide his emotions. He just wants momma to hold him, hug him, and comfort him once more. Instead, the only thing he feels is the cold wet rain. He stands near the clothesline that has given him so many wonderful adventures. These poles now mark the area where his adoring momma’s ashes will be spread.


  A harsh raspy voice alongside him asks, “Son, did your mom ever tell you about me? I’m your Uncle. I’m your mother's brother Jared.”


  Cass is unmoved by his introduction. He just stares across the countryside. A tall man dressed in black speaks a type of poem as he shakes momma’s dusty remains over the ground. Jared bends slightly down and stares at Cass.


  He quietly states, “I see you get your pretty face from your father.”


  Cass abruptly turns and kicks the stout fellow in the shin before angrily running off.


  A heavy set lady standing alongside Jared says, “Well, you better go after the tike.”


  Uncle Jared remains steadfast. He mumbles, “I don’t think young Cass truly appreciated my compliment. I’ll give him some time to come to himself, and then I’ll go get him.”


  He watches as the steaming Cass disappears over the distant hill, blurred by the mist of the cold rain.


  Eventually, Cass’ short legs give way under the weight of this enormous burden. He falls just in front of the tree that momma named the “Tree of Mathematics.” This is the spot she used to demonstrate her geometry principles. This place comforts Cass. It feels like momma might still be here. He pulls himself to his knees and yells towards Heaven.


  “Momma! God, give her back to me!”


  His bent sobbing head only sees the warm steam rising up from his chilled body.


  He yells once more, “Give me your answer!”


  Cass slams his head forward into the cold clammy mud that his shaking knees have created.


  A shadow moves over Cass. This black cloud causes the rain to stop. A peaceful darkness settles down on him as his exhausted body drifts off into unconsciousness.


  Uncle Jared tells the heavy woman, “Lucy, I think I’ve got my hands full.”

  He tucks the remainder of his worn “pea coat” around Cass before hoisting him over his shoulder.


  Lucy remarks, “Maybe, but I just got this feeling about him. He’s going to be something special.”


  Cass slowly wakes to the “clanging” of metal approaching through a warm vapor of steam. He rubs his crusty eyes while attempting to sit up. He sees an eerie apparition drifting towards him through the moist warm mist-carrying something.


  Cass asks, “Is that you momma?”


  He leans a little closer into the fog and hits his head on something hard. As he rubs the spot throbbing, his prior question is answered.


  “That is lesson number two young fellow. Never jump up on a ship bunk. First, is learning how to take a compliment.”


  Uncle Jared moves in plain view of Cass, handing him a tin container of something steaming hot.


  “Here’s some of the ‘Captain’s Special,’ and a spoon to boot.”


  Uncle Jared shoves the tin onto Cass’ lap. Cass immediately jiggles the hot container

  between his knees. He stares at Jared as he fumbles for a section of blanket to tuck between the hot concoction and the bare skin of his legs. Uncle Jared stops short of handing Cass a spoon, and then pulls it back before his eyes. As he stares at the spoon, Jared pulls out a dirty looking rag from his pocket.


  “Ahhh, the stupid 'mess orderly' missed a spot.”


  Uncle Jared spits on the spoon and rubs the spot off with his filthy rag.


  “Here you go son. It’s as good as new.”

  Cass reluctantly takes the spoon and proceeds to eat the stew.

  “That’s a good sailor,” Jared laughs.

  Cass thinks this is some kind of trial from the crude scruffy man. If this is a contest, Cass is determined to win it. It seems the events of the last several days have toughened his tender heart. Cass stubbornly chews twice, and then swallows the bland stew.


  Jared says, “In case you’re wondering, I took the liberty of finding you some new duds.”


  Cass suddenly realizes he is naked under the blanket.


  “Here are some clothes and some clean skivvies. I threw your old wet clothes away. You have a new life son, and the proper attire to address it.”


  Cass sees his smiling uncle pointing towards the stack of clothes lying at the end of his bunk. Cass grabs it, and then slides the stack under the blanket.


  Jared rips his blanket off while remarking, “There no sense of being modest here. You’re a merchant marine now sonny.”


  Frighten Cass hurries to dress his naked body as he asks, “Are you the captain?”


  Uncle Jared just laughs. “No boy, that tile has avoided me my entire life. I work for a

  living. I’m 22 years a ‘ship’s mate’ first-class.”


  After Uncle Jared very proudly and boldly proclaims his title, he assumes the position of attention.


  “And, I've spent 22 wondrous years aboard this ship, the ‘Virgin Queen’.”


  Cass finishes dressing, and then returns to eating the “Captain’s Special.” He listens as Uncle Jared proceeds with his discussion.


  “Let me share some wisdom with you boy. Always accept a compliment graciously. I meant no disrespect to your dear mother the other day. I too love my sister; although I don’t think she had much regard for the likes of me.”


  Jared’s comment is the first real sign of compassion shown towards momma. Cass truly listens, as he has not before.


  “A quick tongue and a slow mind are the fastest way to get a man hurt. You’ll find more friendships start with a quick mind and a slow tongue. I might not be ever a rich man, but I do have a treasure chest filled with many pearls of wisdom.”


  Cass seems eager to learn more about this once inconsiderate and dispassionate man.


  “Take the compliment. Always take the compliment.”


  Cass slowly and vividly recounts the moments before his shin kick.


  He lifts his head and says, “Thank you Uncle Jared for thinking I am so pretty.”


  Uncle Jared proceeds to slap Cass’ shoulder.


  “You’re most graciously welcome young feller.”


  Both form a gradual smile as Jared winks at Cass.


  “There’s hope for you yet, laddie. Never have I heard a fight start with a compliment.

  That’s your first lesson.”

  Many days will pass before Cass grows into a man. He somehow learns to love his scruffy Uncle, along with all his pearls of wisdom. For, Jared has many.


  In turn, Cass even teaches his Uncle some new things; like basic geometry and helpful phrases in several languages. Both grow wiser as Cass grows larger. Over the next few years, he learns many trades while making many loyal friends on ship.
Cass is always eager to learn something new, and never too busy to help a crew member in need.


  Cass grows taller and taller, and stronger and stronger. By the time he reaches his sixteenth birthday, in the Lord’s year nineteen hundred twenty and four, he is one fathom plus four and one half inches in height. His charming wit though far surpasses his stature; and his muscular physique. Years of working on deck have turned him bronze and brawny. All deck hands part-way to let huge Cass pass by. This is a true sign of respect Cass has earned from years of lifting very heavy shipping containers. The crew fears his imposing figure, but they much more admired his loyal dedication towards everyone on board. That is, everyone accept the “Virgin Queen’s.” captain. For, he is a mean stern man.


  Cass and his Uncle try very hard to stay out of his way. They occupy their days by doing everything expected of them, and then some. This keeps them hid from the grumpy captain’s view. Over time, Cass becomes an expert at knowing where the captain is, and where he is not. In those areas of the ship he is not, the rest of the crew often gathers for recreation. Cass learns many things from these fine fellows. Some are wondrous stories of their adventures. Another, is how to defend oneself from the thugs waiting on the Barbary Coast of North Africa. Many shipmates have brought many, shall we say, talents on board.


  Wrong Way Wong is from the orient. He is well versed in the ancient martial arts of his country. Over time he teaches Cass, and some of the crew, the secret oriental defense that remains hidden from most of the rest of the world. Cass becomes amazed at the things one can do to defend himself. He always excels in learning when his passion is provoked.


  Wrong Way Wong got his name because he thought he was enlisting his services to a Chinese corporation vessel heading back to China from America. He thought he could work his way to pay his fare. The “Virgin Queen’s” mean captain tricked him though. Wong ended up signing on as a shipmate for a seven year tour of the Atlantic. Instead of crossing the Pacific, Wong ended up crossing the opposite ocean. Thus, the name: Wrong Way Wong. This is his new family now.


  There are also a few soldiers from the Great World War on board. Frenchy, of course, fought on the side of France. He is an expert with explosive devices. He is also an expert with his sword and knife.


  Cowboy Dan, who is really from San Francisco, is a “crack shot” with a rifle and firearm. He served on the American side of the war.


  Stymie the Stutter knows every knot known to man. Although he is not a war veteran, his father was a career naval man. Stymie learned a lot about seafaring from him. He is also our ship’s cook. The men gave him his name because he sometimes forgets things, or stutters when he talks.


  Cass calls him buddy and treats Stymie with much esteem. They’ve become the best of friends. When someone addresses Stymie, they do it with the utmost respect. They know the wrath Cass might rain down on them if they don’t. This becomes more than a crew. This is a family whose number one son is Cass.


  One last character to mention is the Professor. It seems he knows everything, or at least something about everything. He’s an odd person to be on a supply vessel. He keeps mostly to

  himself. No crew member really knows how a gentleman of his stature would come aboard to enjoy such a hard rewarding life. Loose conversations whisper he is running from something. Well, everyone on ship has some secrets they’ve left behind. The Professor is not one for idol talk. But, he will discuss anything relating to his extensive body of knowledge.


  Cass learns everything this friend is willing to explain, and everything this motley crew is willing to share. Cass becomes a real learned man quickly, and a wise man in the many years to come.


  Cass has never left the “Virgin Queen.” Uncle Jared thinks it wise not to expose Cass to the dangers awaiting someone so innocent in these mostly unscrupulous ports. Cass only knows adventure through the stories the crew brings back on ship, and the occasional souvenirs they bring him. Cass has a box full of memories he’s collected over the years.


  Oh, Lucy-the heavy lady mentioned earlier. She is the captain’s girlfriend. She is definitely his better half. I believe she is the toughest lady anyone could ever deal with, but she is a gem. I think she’s the only woman in the world that could handle such an angry cuss as the captain. The crew says she is so heavy because God needed someone big enough to hold such a large heart. She sporadically tours the seas with the captain. It’s just a couple times a year though. The time Cass’ momma died was one. It was Lucy whom delivered the news to Uncle Jared of momma’s death. And, it was Lucy who demanded the captain pull in the closes port to allow Jared to fetch the young Cass.


  Over time, Cass has learned to love this heavy woman. He calls her his guardian angel and his second momma. As tough as she is, I think her heart melts inside when Cass pecks her cheek every time they meet. Cass also remembers her birthday. He makes Lucy a special card every year, and then gives her an exotic wood whittling he’s made from the places the ship has visited, or a trinket bracelet and the such that he’s formed from the souvenirs he’s collected. Cass never forgets her birthday. I don’t think Lucy ever forgets that he remembers it either.


  When the crew has a suggestion for the captain, they wait till Lucy comes aboard. When they have a grievance, they do the same. They thank the improvement in their dinning, and the slight increase in their pay that is due to the large lady. Sometimes the crew gets an extra day or two in port-thanks to her expert negotiation ability with the Cap (the captain’s short name that the crew has given him). They once saw him with a black eye after her visit. Somehow, God knows why, she really does love the cantankerous cuss.


  Cap is also a miser. No one has ever seen him leave the ship in all these years; accept in port to sign some shipping papers or “customs” receipts. Only once has the crew seen him venture further. This was at a Swiss “port of call” several years back. They think he’s afraid to spend his money. The crew gets the bare minimum of royalties stated in their contracts. It's a very small percentage of what the Cap must really take-in from the size of the hauls he’s shipped over the years. The Cap gets extra for dangerous ports and hazardous cargo. The crew never gets anything extra though. Some of the crew thinks he’s got a secret Swiss bank account. Some think his treasury is hidden somewhere on board. But, that is another story for another day.


  The next scheduled port lay in the French Polynesia island chain of Marquesas. It is one of the most dangerous navigational ports on Earth. It will take every crew member to help steer the ship through its perilous waters. Sudden change of weather has sunk many of vessels before they reach its dock. But, these are not the only reasons the harbor of Nuku Hiva is so treacherous. The Island has many beautiful women waiting to steal more than the crew’s hearts. This will be Cass’ first adventure off ship since arriving on-board.