Read Casanova's Adventure of a Lifetme Page 8

  Chapter 7: A Day to Remember


  Cass checks through the cupboards to see there is nothing to eat, except what he's brought. Miss Avery cleans off Becky’s fruit covered face. And, Rico closes the half eaten bakery boxes before bringing them over to the kitchen counter.


  Cass proclaims, “Rico, Becky, and I are going on an adventure today.”


  Miss Avery brushes Becky’s hair and is startled by his command. She abruptly stops what she’s doing.


  He continues speaking while walking towards her, “You need a quiet day of rest if you’re going to get better.”


  Normally she would never trust a stranger with the children, but Cass seems to be no stranger at all. Against her better judgment, she allows him by cautiously shaking her head slowly up and down in agreement.


  ”You children behave Cass and do exactly what he says.”


  She hugs Becky, and then quickly swishes Rico’s hair.


  “Be good children.”


  Cass brings her the cough syrup right after lighting the stove.


  “Take this. It seems the steam is also helping you.”


  He returns to the kitchen, and then fills a glass with water. He also fills the pot that was on the stove. He places it back on the stove, and then politely hands Miss Avery the glass.


  She finishes swallowing the unsavory syrup. Immediately, she grabs the glass and begins to sip. Cass bends and stares at Becky’s tiny face.


  He tells her, “You look lovely.”


  He lifts her up and holds her on his side.


  “Come on Rico. We’re burning daylight.”


  Cass smiles at Avery just before leaving.


  “You get some sleep.”


  Steam starts filling the air as Cass closes the door.


  The last thing he hears before walking away is, “Thank you angel.”


  They make their way up town. As they pass by the store fronts, Cass watches the children’s faces. Every shop window is decorated with attractive displays filling their small minds with wonder.

  “How much money do you have left Rico?”


  The boy struggles to keep pace while his hand searches through his pocket.


  “I have five dollars and forty five cents.”


  Cass veers right and stops in front of a second hand clothing store.


  “I think you kids need some new clothes.”


  He enters the store while holding the door open for Rico. The children are not use to seeing what is on the other side of the display window. Rico dashes to the right, counting all the isles of clothing along his way. Cass lifts Becky, and then places her on his shoulders so she can see the entire store too. Her tiny eyes marvel as she stares over top the many rows of beautiful attire. He realizes how this simple outing is a real adventure for the children. Rico returns as his sister returns back to earth.


  As Cass sets her down, Rico proclaims, “There are seven isles.”


  Cass mentions, “Well, I guess they should have something decent for both of you to wear.”


  He softly grabs Becky’s tiny hand while ushering the children along. He finds Rico two

  pair of trousers, three shirts, socks, and a pair of shoes. Cass helps Becky choose two nice dresses for herself. She decides to pick a pretty flower pattern, and then a purple one with white lace. He finds a nice pair of shoes that match both her dresses. Becky's smile agrees with his choice.


  Cass says, “I figure we’ve spent about two dollars and seventy five cents.”


  Before paying, Cass sees a nice dress about Miss Avery’s size. It's real pretty. He grabs it, and then holds it up for the children to see. They all agree it would look real nice on Miss Avery. Cass notices the price is a whole dollar.


  He puckers and then squishes his lips before asking the children, “Do you think Miss Avery is worth a whole dollar?”


  Becky nods up and down as Rico says, “I think she’ll love it.”


  Cass stands while saying, “Well then, I guess we’ll have to buy it.”


  Cass pays for the clothing as the children watch the merchant carefully fold each article. Cass lifts Becky up to his side so she can have a better view. The merchant places several nicely folded articles neatly into the bag. Cass stops him after he folds Miss Avery’s dress.


  “Might it be possible to wrap that dress?”


  The merchant responds, “Normally there’s a five cent charge for special wrapping. Since you bought so much, and you spent so much on the dress, the gift wrapping is free.”


  The pleasing news places smiles on everyone’s faces. The merchant wraps some pastel tissue paper around the dress, and then some brown shipping paper around that. Becky delightfully stares at him while listening to the thick brown paper as he creases it. He ties a string around the finished product as the merchant watches her eyes follow his nimble fingers.


  After he finishes, he hands the bag of clothes to Cass, which he in turn hands to Rico. The

  merchant then hands the brown wrapped package to Cass. The nice man leans under the counter,

  and returns with two “candy canes.”


  “I reserve these treats only for very special customers.”


  He hands them to the children; which cheerfully accept.


  Cass thanks the merchant for the kind gesture. The merchant just winks, and then smiles.


  They walk out of the shop just in time to hear the clock tower “bonging” its tenth and final time.


  “Come on children, there’s someone I like you to meet.”


  Cass walks towards the market square thinking how he might introduce the children to Mr. Burnito; especially Rico. They enter the bustling square while Cass warns Rico to stay close. He thinks this maybe the first time the children have ever ventured the market and been able to enjoy its ambiance.


  Becky looks and listens intently to all the vendor’s voices sing out their special prices as they try to attract business.


  Rico hurries to keep pace. As he walks, he leans his head back slightly to smell the multitude of competing smells coming from all the steamy food, fragrant flowers, and aromatic goods. They finish making their way through the shifting crowd of patrons before reaching Mr. Burnito’s kiosk.


  Becky stares down at the shimmering trinkets while whispering in Cass’ ear, “They’re so beautiful.”


  He smiles up to her saying, “You’re right honey. It’s a treasure fit for a king.”


  Rico is timid and remorseful. He tries hiding behind Cass, hoping Mr. Burnito didn’t notice his face yesterday. From behind Cass, he sees the merchant welcome them.


  “Glad to see you’ve returned. And who are these handsome children with you?”


  Cass informs Mr. Burnito how special these children really are to him. Little Becky squeezes his neck as she holds on tighter to every complimenting word out of his mouth.


  Cass says, “And, this is my very pretty Becky.”


  She kisses Cass' cheek before blushing.

br />   Mr. Burnito instructs the group to come around the table to his side.


  Cass reaches behind and shoves Rico ahead.


  “And, this is Rico. He is a fine young man whom I have great respect for.”

  Rico looks up at Cass and begins to cry. The emotional bond in this moment will change Rico’s young life forever. For, he has never felt so proud, or so loved by any man. Cass tries to explain how special he is, but he is interrupted by the honest conscience conflict rising up in Rico.


  “Sir! I am so, so sorry, but I am the one who stole from you yesterday. I will always regret doing that.”


  Mr. Burnito’s face turns stern, and then it moves up to Cass’ appealing face. Mr. Burnito takes a moment to respond. His gaze returns to Rico as he responds,


  “That is a fine thing you just did. If honest Cass can trust you, I surely will forget it ever happened.”


  Cass proudly looks down at Rico. He sees a boy turn into a fine young man right before his very eyes. He nods down his approval to recognize Rico for his bravery and honesty. The tiny herd then proudly ventures around the table to the merchant's side.


  Mr. Burnito reaches under the table and retrieves two velvet boxes. He holds them out just as Cass meets him on his side of the table.


  “Here’s that special present I told you about.”


  Cass does not like to take anything for free, or for just doing something honest. He stands

  a second looking into Mr. Burnito’s eyes. He stares, dumbfounded as to what to say.


  Burnito's face turns very serious as he waves his right hand in the air, informing Cass, “I insist; you take these. You will disrespect me by turning my offer down.”


  Cass respectfully takes the boxes. He hands Rico one to hold on to while he lifts the other up to open it.


  “You shouldn’t have Mr. Burnito.”


  Both Becky and Cass marvel at the beautiful shiny silver necklace. He lifts it out of the box as Becky’s tiny fingers slide over the smooth crushed velvet container. Becky seems just as amazed at the soft shimmering box as the glimmer of the silver necklace.


  Mr. Burnito says, “Open the locket Cass.”


  He carefully obliges Burnito's request to find the tiny words inscribed inside. They simply say “Love-Cass.” He takes a moment to reflect how much effort Mr. Burnito must have taken to elegantly write these tiny intricate words.


  He informs Cass, “Oh, the other box says the same thing.”


  Cass stands there sliding his his face side to side while saying the only thing he can say.


  “I just don’t know what to say Mr. Burnito.”


  Cass very carefully places the fine necklace back into the box.


  Burnito tells him, “A ‘thank you’ would be nice.”

  Cass replies, “This is way beyond a ‘thank you.’ I know two special women whom will treasure these.”


  In his mind Cass envisions his second momma, Lucy, proudly trying on this fine present.

  His mind now dreams of beautiful Brand’s eyes as she opens the box for the first time.


  “Yes Burnito, I truly do thank you.”


  Mr. Burnito asks for the boxes with his waving hand while stating, “In that case, I need to specially wrap your presents.”


  Cass hands them back, and then looks down at Rico. The boy attempts to place his arm around Cass as everyone watches Mr. Burnito.


  He pulls out a roll of golden ribbon, and then carefully cross wraps each box before exquisitely tying unique decorative bows on top each box. He places each one in the exact right size brown cardboard box. Lastly, he places these treasures into a single larger box before stuffing it with pink tissue paper.


  Rico stares at Burnito like he is a world famous magician.


  He tells Mr. Burnito, “That was like magic.”


  Mr. Burnito just smiles at the boy.


  The clock tower sounds again. This time it “bongs” eleven times.


  Cass tells him, “Sorry Mr. Burnito, but we have to go. We have things to do.”


  Mr. Burnito hands the box back to Cass.


  Cass hands the special box to Rico to carry before telling him, “Hold this very tightly.”


  Cass bids Mr. Burnito goodbye, but not before telling him, “I’ll be back tomorrow. There’s something I’d like to ask you.”


  Mr. Burnito tells Cass, “I’ll be here.”


  Before they turn away, Cass informs the children, “Tell Mr. Burnito 'good day'.”


  Both children wave their hands toward the kind man while saying, “Goodbye Mr. Burnito.”


  They walk off wiggling their way through the crowd once more as Mr. Burnito continues

  to wave goodbye to them.


  Rico asks, “Where are we going now?”


  Cass replies, “To meet two special people. One is my Uncle Jared.”


  All the excitement forces Rico to respond with a very simple, “Oh.”


  They arrive at the front door of Mrs. Guvenossie's just as the town clock tower “bongs” out for the twelfth time. He waits a second for the final faint resounding “bong” to stop before knocking on the wooden door. Cass raps his knuckles several times. The swinging sound of the “peephole” cover lets Cass and the children know the door will be opening soon. Cass smiles as Unks appears in the doorway.


  Unks asks, “Who do we have here?”


  Before Cass has a chance to explain, Unks places his hand behind Rico and ushers him inside.


  “Come on in everyone. We’re about to eat noon supper.”


  Cass grabs the box from Rico as he “shoos” him towards the dining table. He sets the bag down just inside the front door, and then the box atop the bag.


  Unks walks towards the dining area as he announces, “We have three more guess for supper.”


  Mrs. Guvenossie walks out from the kitchen wiping her hands with a “tea towel.” She immediately sees the confusion and excitement on the children’s faces. She comes over to Becky, and then bends down.


  She comforts Becky by proclaiming, “Don’t worry honey. Aunty Mable won’t hurt you.”


  Her warm smile entices Becky to trust her.


  Cass tells her, “It’s alright Becky. She’s nice”


  His confirmation changes Becky’s attitude towards this strange lady. Becky accepts her invitation by reaching out with open arms towards her new Aunty.


  Mrs. Guvenossie grabs her while stating, “It’s been quite some time since this old house has been graced with the presence of children.”


  Everyone finds a spot at the dining table, including Becky.


  Mrs. Guvenossie says, “You get the special seat Becky. You sit next to me.”


  Becky sticks one of her nervous fingers in her mouth as Mrs. Guvenossie serves supper. Unks leads us into a quick prayer of thanksgiving before everyone begins eating the steamy stew and the fresh baked bread.


  During supper, Cass explains all that has h
appened the last two days. He discreetly emphasizes the dire need this family has beyond what he mentioned at last evening's dinner. Unks and the kids’ new Aunty sincerely sip their stew during all the important details. Mrs. Guvenossie and Unks faces' respond with disbelief by shaking their heads side to side, but they don’t interrupt Cass’ one way conversation. After he finishes, Unks wipes his mouth with his lap napkin.


  Mrs. Guvenossie responds with, “You poor babes.”


  She slowly leans down towards Becky, and then gently grabs her tiny hands.

  “We’re just going to have to do something about your situation.”


  She retrieves one of her hands grasping Becky, and then slides it comfortably along Becky's tiny soft cheek.


  After noon supper, Cass tells the kids, “We should be going.”


  Mrs. Guvenossie returns from the kitchen with a filled paper bag. She says, “I want you

  to take this with you. I hope you can carry everything.”


  Cass informs Rico his new job will be to hold his sister’s hand.


  “I’ll carry everything else.”


  Cass takes the brown box off the stack by the front door, and then hurries to place it in his

  bedroom. He returns to see Mrs. Guvenossie returning upright from her “goodbye” kiss to Becky. Cass’ heart is glad to see she has taken so kindly to the children. Unks grabs his pipe while following them out the front door.


  He whispers to Cass, “Let’s see if your old Unks can help you.”


  Cass waits a second as Unks replies, “You go on now. I’ll talk with you this evening.”


  He lights his pipe as they move pass the picket fence. Mrs. Guvenossie joins Unks and watches them until they disappear around the corner.


  She tells Unks, “I put a little something special in the bag.”


  “Oh woman, aren’t you something.”


  He kisses her cheek, and then turns to walk away.


  Mrs. Guvenossie asks, “Where are you going?”


  “I got some special business to attend to, but I’ll be back by dinner time.”


  She stares at his puff rings following him up the street as he disappears towards town.


  Cass and the children make it to the apartment building in time to hear the third “bong” coming from the clock tower. Rico leads Becky up the stairs, as Cass follows carefully just behind. The noise of their steps alerts Miss Avery of their return. She peers out the window and looks down. Seeing Cass’ hands are full, she hurries to open the door and assist them. Miss Avery makes it into the hall just as the children appear in the stairway doorway.


  Cass juggles the clumsy load that is blocking his vision of the remaining step. But, he

  manages to catch himself right before entering the doorway. Miss Avery looks as if she has taken

  some time to pretty herself.


  Cass passes her and says, “Looks like you’re feeling better.”


  She coughs once, and then tells him, “Thanks, I needed just a little more rest.”


  They all make it inside the apartment as Rico sings, “WE GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU!”


  Miss Avery’s face fills with surprise. Not expecting anything, she responds with, “I wonder what that could be?”


  Cass sets the bags down as Becky quickly snatches the bag from off the top. She rushes to Avery and holds it out. Miss Avery is startled. She expected a small souvenir from their day of adventure. Not a real package.


  Cass informs her, “It’s from all of us. Everyone helped pick it out.”


  She begins to weep while saying, “I can’t remember the last time I got a real present.”


  She pulls the string bow slowly loose, and then carefully removes the brown paper. She delicately removes the pretty wrapping as the excited children wait for her response.


  Miss Avery stops unwrapping while replying, “I wonder what it could be?”


  Little Becky warns her that she’ll like her present.


  Cass and Rico make a, “Shhh's” sound, alerting the little darling to be patient.


  “Maybe I should guess what it is?”


  She looks at the children’s impatient straining faces as she slowly proceeds unwrapping.


  “I’ll bet it’s a sweater, or maybe a blouse.”


  She does not have to remove much of the decorative pink tissue paper to see it is something much more beautiful. She hurries unwrapping her present the rest of the way. She

  holds the dress up as it unravels. Her jaw drops as she begins to cry.


  “This is really, really beautiful.”


  She clutches the dress to her chest, and then stares at the three smiling faces.


  Swaying Becky asks, “Do you like it?”


  Miss Avery smiles while shaking her sobbing head side to side, “No honey, I love it.”


  She jumps to her feet, and then runs to the bathroom to try it on.


  Cass grabs Mrs. Guvenossie’s bag and places it on the makeshift table.


  “Let’s see what goodies Mrs. Guvenossie may have packed for you. Rico, why don’t you and your sister try on some of your new clothes while I look through this bag?”


  The children hurry through their bag to retrieve their clothes before dressing themselves.


  Cass removes a small box from the top of Mrs. Guvenossie’s bag and sees two loaves of fresh baked bread, a cherry pie, a folded cardboard container of warm stew, and seven jars of preserved fruits and vegetables. He sets the small box down. He lifts the rest of the supplies out of the bag, and then sets them over on the kitchen counter.


  He says, “It looks like your cupboard is filling up.”


  He returns to see the children finish dressing.


  Cass places his hands on his sides’ while telling the children, “Don’t you two look spiffy.”


  The small box on the table catches Cass’ eye. He grabs it, shakes it, and then asks, “I wonder what this could be?”


  Curiosity attracts the better part of the children. They nestle next to the kneeling Cass. He unfolds the cardboard flaps to see several bottles of various kinds of spices inside. He notices between the small bottles is a white envelope. Cass digs his fingers in-between the bottles and

  squeezes the parchment between two of his fingers before yanking it out.


  On it are the words “May God bless you as he has me.”


  Just as Cass is about to open the envelope, Miss Avery returns displaying her new dress. All eyes shift from the envelope towards the twirling Miss Avery.


  The children yell, “You look beautiful,” but it seems she is more interested in Cass’ response.


  She continues to spin and spin. His lack of concern forces her to abruptly stop.


  Teasing Cass tells her, “The children are right Avery. You do look very, very beautiful!”


  She again twirls, but with her head flung back and with her delighted arms spread out. Cass’ eyes return to the envelope. He realizes this gift was meant for Miss Ave
ry to open.


  “I have one more present for you.”


  She stops and pleasingly runs to Cass, like a ballerina skipping across stage.

  “Here, this is from a new friend you have not yet met.”


  Surprise fills her face as she slowly peels open the envelope. Her legs give way beneath her, as she views its contents. Cass catches her collapsing body as she places her hand over her excited mouth. At a loss for words, she shoves the open envelope to Cass. He suddenly realizes there is money inside. Flipping his thumb across the top of the currency, he counts fifty five dollars total. He tells Avery the amount, which causes her to weep. She leaps against Cass, and then hugs him. The confused children show their support and join the hugging huddle. They seem unsure to what is happening, but they are committed to showing their emotional support.


  Becky begins to cry which alerts Miss Avery.


  She swipes her tiny head and whispers to Becky, “I’m crying because I’m so happy. Big people do that sometimes.”


  Becky’s anguish slowly turns into elation to see Miss Avery is really happy. Her little arms hug even tighter as she begins giggling.


  Cass knows what this fortune is worth to this family. He thinks how much sacrifice this is costing Mrs. Guvenossie.


  He tilts his head slightly backward, and then speaks softly skyward, “What a wonderful lady my Unks has picked for a friend. Thank you Lord.” Cass hears the distant sound of the clock tower. He counts the “bongs” that finish at five.


  “I got to go everyone.”


  Cass’ sudden announcement startles the group.


  “I really got to go. Unks and Mrs. Guvenossie are expecting me.”


  They all give Cass one tighter hug before releasing him; all except Becky. She refuses to let go of him. Amazingly, tiny Becky clings to his shirt under her own strength as Cass stands up.


  Her little voice cries out, “I won’t let you go!”


  Cass has to actually use some of his strength to pry her away.


  He holds her up in front of his face and tells her, “No matter where I go, or where I am, you will always, always be in my heart. We’ll never really be apart.”


  He pulls her in as they hug once more.


  He whispers, “So, will you let me go for now? I’ll be back tomorrow. I promise.”


  Cass looks over at Miss Avery as she pulls Rico into her side. Her head leans over top Rico, as her hand returns to her crying mouth.


  “You really, really are a good man Casanova.”


  He sets Becky down, and then kneels down to kiss her.


  “Ok poppa. I’ll let you go.”


  Cass' heart forces him to say those words so hard for sailors. But, in this instance it becomes a pleasure.


  “I love you too honey.”


  Cass exits as the family watches.


  “Till tomorrow then. And, if Miss Avery...”


  He is interrupted by her as she states, “Ava, call me Ava!”


  Cass continues down the steps, and with his conversation.


  “If Miss Ava is up to it, maybe we can go sightseeing and shopping. You can wear you nice clothes!”


  She looks at the children to see what their response will be. Both their faces fill with jubilation and anticipation.


  “Can we, oh can we?”


  She rubs their heads and yells to Cass as he rounds the building, “We’ll be ready bright and early. Bye dear.”


  He smiles, waves, and then disappears.


  Two ladies enter the framework of the buildings as they pass by Cass. They look up to see the source of the tall man's loud conversation. His strong voice finishes echoing between the buildings as they notice the smiling Miss Avery.


  She politely tells them, “Good evening ladies.”


  She turns with the children causing her new dress to swirl.


  The ladies return their evening salutation; along with a compliment on her beautiful dress.


  Her eyes hold back her proud tears as she very slowly, and with much dignity, leads the

  group back inside. This feeling is one she’s never experienced before. She will have many sweet

  dreams this night.


  Miss Avery anxiously wakes early the next morning to prepare for Cass’ arrival. She quietly steps over the sleeping Rico bundled on the floor, and then proceeds to the staircase balcony. She sees the stars in a different light this morning. She smiles while stretching out the remaining sleepiness from her well rested body. Somehow she feels a little more beautiful this morning, and much healthier.


  Bracing her arms on the railing, she watches the last of the night's starry horizon turn slowly indigo blue. Her mind entertains an elegant dream. She delightfully dances in the strong arms of a twirling white suited sailor. She closes her eyes while embracing herself. She wishes this thought would never end, but the cool morning chill causes her to shiver; alerting her to the approaching footsteps coming from the cobblestone street down below.


  Suddenly, she becomes aware of whom this tall dark whistling silhouette is.


  She whispers down, “Morning sailor.”


  He starts up the steps, as she dashes off to get something to wrap around her worn nightgown. She returns wearing a shabby blanket as her night robe. She waits on the balcony as Cass climbs the final steps.


  “I brought some fresh brewed coffee.”


  Miss Avery immediately makes a “Shhs” sound.


  “The children are still sleeping.”


  She smiles at his handsome face that reacts to her motherly command.


  “Sorry,” he whispers back.


  She tenderly hugs his arm and tells him, “That’s alright Cass. Want to share the sunrise

  with me?”


  He turns towards the sunrise, and then sets two cups on the railing.


  As he quietly twists the thermos knob open, he replies, “That’s what sailors do.”


  As he pours the steamy brew, he requests, “I want to know all about you Ava.”


  This is not a subject she is comfortable discussing. He looks into her eyes as if he already knows what's in her heart and soul. She has no defense against his serious stare or quirky charming smile.


  Ava reluctantly explains how she arrived at this point in time. He learns her life has been one filled with pain and regret, but not with her decision to help these children. Cass just patiently listens. He pours them a second cup as she continues to pour-out her heart. He sees a burden lifting with every word she confesses out of her mouth. He sips and stares as she exposes the last of her ugly past. She finishes by hanging her condemned head down, waiting for Cass’ righteous judgmental reaction.


  Rather, Cass slowly wraps his arm around her while staring at the rainbow of rays on the horizon.


  He leans his head close to her ear, and then whispers, “You’re more beautiful than this sunrise Ava.”


  All Cass notices is the slow bouncing of her remorse
ful body as she quietly releases the sorrow crying from her soul.


  She leans into him while replying, “You’re quite a man Cass.”


  He continues to hold her as they share the warmth of the sunrise, and this eternal moment.


  The morning shadows steadily race across the side of the opposing building; much like a

  ballerina pirouetting from place to place. The revealing light changes each poetic shadow by

  turning them into the ugly reality of this place.


  Cass slowly releases his arm from around Ava while telling her, “Today is a new day.”


  She ponders these words as she sips the last of her coffee.


  Cass turns to go inside, but leaves her with these words, “You’re one special woman. Only a beautiful heart can do what you have for this family. You are the one who is truly amazing.”


  He walks away hearing her crackling voice, “You make me more than I am Cass.”


  As he opens the door, he sees the children beginning to rise.


  “Come on guys, we have something special to do today.”


  Little Becky leaps up, and then stumbles her way over to him.


  He reaches down to grab her while telling her, “Good morning little princes.”


  She rubs her eyes as he lifts her up to his side.


  Rico struggles to stand while telling Cass about his wonderful dream. It was about all of them living together in a nice house. Cass was about to take him fishing right before he woke up.


  Ava walks in as Cass tickles Rico awake.


  Cass states, “Come on buddy, we’re going to visit with my Uncle Jared. He has something special planned for us.”


  Ava offers to take Becky with her outstretched arms while asking Cass, “What do you mean by your Uncle Jared having something special planned?”


  Cass hands Becky to Ava while explaining what Unks told him.


  “It seems he rounded up the crew and told them about your situation. He told me to fetch

  you and meet him at this address at 9 am.”


  Cass pulls out a piece of paper containing the directions and address.


  “Do you think you can find this Ava?”


  He hands it to her. She briefly studies the instruction on it. “Yes, I know exactly where this is.”


  Cass moves to the kitchen while stating, “How about if I make the kids some breakfast while you get ready.”


  Excitement fills everyone’s faces. Ava instructs the children to hurry and get dressed. Cass grabs the milk bottle from the window sill as Ava helps the children decide on what they’ll wear. Afterward, she frantically dashes off with her dress in hand while brushing her hair.


  yells, “I’ll be ready in fifteen minutes. Obey Cass children!”


  Cass humorously stares at her momentarily before setting the bakery box with the remaining pastries on top the makeshift dining table-box.


  “Eat children. We have a big day ahead.”


  Ava’s true to her word. She returns minutes later to see Cass combing Rico’s hair. They all watch as Ava finishes brushing her own hair.


  She asks, “Is everyone ready?”


  She sees Becky’s messy hair, and the jelly on her face from the pastry. Ava quickly attends to her as Cass informs Rico how handsome he looks.


  Cass declares, “It’s time to go!”


  Every smiling face is full of anticipation of what this surprise might be.


  As they make their way up the street, Ava tells Cass about the directions on the paper.


  This address is on the other side of town. I had a friend that lived there who I’d visit as a child. It’s a very nice section of town.”


  Cass tells Ava, “You lead and we’ll follow.”


  They arrive at the address just as the distant clock tower “bongs” for the ninth time. Ava

  sees the quaint school across the street from this tiny, but very cute cottage.


  They enter through the white picket gate as Rico asks, “Who lives here?”


  Cass tells him, “I guess we’ll find out in a minute.”


  Cass knocks on the door several times just to hear the echoing sound of what sounds like an empty house. Rico runs over to the front French bay window to peek inside. He strains to look through the dainty laced curtains just to arrive at the same conclusion they all expected.


  “It’s empty Cass! I only see a fireplace and an oval rug.”


  It seems Becky and Ava are just as anxious to see inside. Cass holds Becky up to peer through the porthole window on the front door. She shares the view with the competing curious Ava.


  Cass asks, “What do you see ladies?”


  Ava responds, “Beautiful hardwood floors in the hallway leading towards a backdoor. There is definitely no one living here.”


  She turns her head and looks very confusingly at Cass.


  “Why would your Uncle send us to an empty house?”


  Cass just shrugs his shoulders?


  Clamoring voices march up the street as Cass ventures to see what all the commotion is coming in this direction. He stares down the street as a smile gradually appears on his face.


  “Come here guys,” he tells Ava and the children.


  Cass yells to the approaching man and lady leading the precession of furniture toting



  “‘Good morning’ Unks and Mrs. Guvenossie, and ‘good morning’ to you fellows!”


  He pulls the family over to his side to view the parade forthcoming.


  Ava confusingly asks, “What’s going on?”


  Cass has an idea, but he does not want to spoil the surprise.


  Instead, he whispers, “Patience is a virtue.”


  Cass guides the bewildered Ava and children away from the path leading up to the cottage.


  Unks states, “Morning laddies and lassies. Mrs. Guvenossie decided she’d talk to a few friends about the present situation. I told the crew to muster up some of their hard earned savings and give it to a good cause.”


  Unks places his pipe in his mouth as Mrs. Guvenossie places her arm through the hole between Unks bent arm resting on his hip. He leads her up the stone path while puffing rings into the fresh morning air.


  The crew passes by the family who are still trying to figure out what is going on. Unks unlocks the front door and instructs the crew to enter by pointing his arm inside.


  The couple stands aside as Unks waves his pipe holding hand, “This way, gentlemen.”


  Ava asks Cass, “Do we know the persons moving in?”


  Cass just smiles towards each passing team, while greeting each and every crew member with their assigned nicknames.


  Ava tugs Cass’ arm demanding some information.


  Cass tells her, “Alright! It’s you silly.”


sp; Ava’s face swells up with instant tears. As she falls to her knees, Cass catches her. He

  pulls her up amidst her overwhelming weeping. The children are spontaneously overwhelmed with joyous emotions.


  Rico grabs his sister’s tiny hand while telling her, “This is our wonderful new home. Let’s

  go explore around the cottage.”


  Ava angrily cries, “We can’t afford this place. It’s way too expensive. You're just setting the children up for a big disappointment!”


  Cass clutches Ava, as Unks leads Mrs. Guvenossie back towards Cass.


  Unks tells Ava, “We won’t have none of that young lady. God knows you’re a good woman Miss Avery. He knows what you’ve been through and what you've done for these kids. We’re trying to help you.”


  His words comfort her, but she still realizes her financial inability.


  Mrs. Guvenossie rubs Ava’s hunched back while saying, “Dear.”


  She bends her head in position to look Ava in her eyes before speaking again.


  “We don’t want to impose on you. I heard Cass say you lost your job. Well, I’m good friends with Mr. Papleon. I think you may have heard of the ‘Port of Sea’ restaurant?”


  Mrs. Guvenossie nods her head up and down waiting for Ava to acknowledge her request.


  Ava cries, “That is the most exclusive restaurant in all Lisbon.”


  Mrs. Guvenossie continues, “It seems he is in need of a new waitress that he can train to take over the head maître d' position. The pay is fair, but the tips are excellent.”


  Ava asks, “What are you saying?”


  Mrs. Guvenossie firmly replies, “You can start as soon as you feel well enough.”


  Ava leaps away from Cass to wrap her arms around Mrs. Guvenossie, and continues crying in her embrace, “How can I ever, ever repay you?”


  Mrs. Guvenossie whispers, “You just did.”


  The children race back to Ava while screaming, “You got to see this place. There’s a

  swing and a sandbox out back next to a large stack of firewood.”


  They each grab one of Ava’s Arms’ and begin pulling on her to come join them. She continues to cry, but these tears are joyous. Ava turns her head to see if Cass might come along.


  He waves them on and tells Ava, “I’ll join you in a minute.”


  Ava then stops the children, bends down, and then asks, “Who wants to skip?”


  She stands up, and then proceeds to skip along with the children around the side of the house.


  Cass, Unks, and Mrs. Guvenossie stand there watching them frolicking while hearing them sing, “This is our new home,” over and over.


  Wrong Way Wong and Cowboy Dan struggle to fit the bed through the front door. Cass, Unks, and Mrs. Guvenossie stare at them after Dan lets a curse word slip out of his mouth.


  Instantly, he realizes where he is, and proclaims, “Sorry madam. It won’t happen again.”


  Wong continues to pull the bed inward from inside the cottage, as Dan angrily pushes. He abruptly mumbles something.


  “Hurry up Wong. This is our last day in port. I have a pretty girl I got to kiss before we leave.”


  Dan again realizes his conversation was not appropriate.


  He turns his head while tipping his cap towards Mrs. Guvenossie, and then repeats, “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”


  Mrs. Guvenossie nods her head, and then shakes her scolding finger at Dan while following him into the cottage.


  Unks softly speaks to Cass, “That lady is something. She gave the landlord enough for

  three months’ rent. She then had to bribe Mr. Papleon with her grandmother’s secret recipe for her 'cod fish, potato, and onion casserole. He’s been after her for it for years.”


  Cass reverently stares at Unks as he realizes her sacrifice.


  Unks continues by saying, “That was for the waitress position. The maître d' position cost her grandmother’s ‘secret Arroz Doce’ rice pudding recipe to boot.”


  Cass and Unks venture up the path, meeting the returning Mrs. Guvenossie.


  Cass asks her, “Can I hug you?”


  She smiles her pudgy smile as Cass maneuvers his arms around her. He then lifts her round body gently up to his kiss of thanksgiving.


  He sets her down gently while telling her, “You are one very, very special lady.”


  Ava, Cass, and the children spend the rest of the day putting things away in their new home. Ava is elated, placing everything in its just appropriate place. Cass helps by setting things he retrieved from the old apartment onto the kitchen counter. Ava proceeds to empty the containers and place the items into the cute wooden kitchen cupboard. Ava continues by adjusting the new furniture in the living room as Cass carries in a load of firewood.


  Ava comments, “I just cannot believe how beautiful this cottage is. There's even a nice school house for the children close by.”


  Cass sets some of the wood into the tinder box near the living room fireplace.


  He mentions, “It looks like the children have made some new friends.”


  Ava runs to the kitchen to look out the back window. She sees a little girl with a dolly talking with Becky while sitting on the edge of the sandbox. Rico has two new friends waiting for him to let them have a turn on the swing. Ava covers her mouth to contain her wonderful emotion.


  Cass says, “Mrs. Guvenossie told me to tell you not to be a stranger. She expects you to

  let her know how you and the children are doing.”


  Ava says, “Believe me, I will. The first thing we’re doing after we’re situated is to invite her over for supper. I want her to come every Sunday for supper to show her how much we really appreciative all she’s done for us. She’s part of our family now.”


  Cass hears the town clock tower “bong” five times. He realizes he has to get ready to leave. The “Virgin Queen” is due to pull out at seven tonight, and he has to be there by six to start his duties.


  He listens to the whistle blowing on the tea kettle as Ava asks, “Would you like a cup dear?”


  Cass remains silent as he listens to Rico explain to Becky the rules regarding his room.


  Cass replies, “Yes, I’ll have a cup.”


  He sits in the cottage's bay window waiting for Ava, while enjoying the warmth coming from the fireplace and this home.


  Ava enters as she juggles the tray from the tea set Mrs. Guvenossie gave her. He looks somberly into her eyes, knowing there are things he must still tell Ava. Her face realizes Cass’ apprehension; which turns serious too. Ava sets the tray next to Cass, and then proceeds to pour a cup.


  “I just want to thank you Casanova, 'ship’s mate' second class. I don’t know why you and all your friends would help us lowly people the way you have. But, I do know something.”


  She hands Cass his cup as he eagerly waits to hear.


  “In my heart I know you love another woman.”


  Cass is stunned by her revelation. She looks in his eyes a
nd gently combs his wavy hair

  with her fingers.


  “Women just know these things.”


  She stops, and then lifts his chin up to meet her bent over face.


  “I will always have a place in my heart for you dear. If ever you decided she is not the right woman, I’ll be here waiting kind sir.”


  Cass warmly smiles as she smiles back.


  She announces, “Children, come here. Cass is getting ready to leave.”


  Becky’s tiny feet race along the wooden floor to meet him. She leaps into his lap causing him to juggle his teacup. Ava swipes the back of Becky’s head as she begins to cry.

  “Honey, Cass is a sailor. He lives on the sea.”


  Cass remains silent while wrapping his arm around her little warm body.


  Becky cries, “I don’t want you to go poppa! We will move back to the old house if it makes you happy. Please don’t go.”


  Cass’ heart breaks knowing he has only a few minutes to gather his things and go meet Unks.


  Ava asks, “Do you want Cass to be happy?”


  Becky continues crying as she nervously states, “Yyyes.”


  Cass hugs the little darling, and then kisses the top of her head.


  Ava looks at Cass before proclaiming, “He’ll be back one day.”


  Cass whispers, “That you can count on. A sailor is only as good as his word.”


  He looks at Ava, confirming his sincere intention.


  Rico shuffles his feet towards the group; slowly pacing with his hands behind his back. He looks like a boy going to the “hangman’s galley.” He drudges towards Cass with his head

  hung over, facing it down towards the floor. He places his hands in his trousers’ pockets as he

  stands in front of Cass with his loss for words.


  Cass places his other arm slowly around him, and then draws Rico in.


  “I’ll write you from every exotic port. I’ll send you postcards with picture of the places I visit. Won’t that be exciting?”


  This news seems to relax the children’s dire disposition.


  Cass swishes Rico’s hair like he’s done so many times before. This time Rico is slower to show any affectionate reaction. He remains somber.


  Cass stands up while holding the children in his embrace. He tells them these words that will follow them all their days.


  ”We’re family now.”


  Rico looks up to Cass and immediately buries his crying head into Cass’ belly.


  He squeezes Cass as hard as he can while muffling out, “I will always look up to you. I know what a real man looks like now.”


  Cass’ eyes glaze over, but he refuse to weep in front of his new family. He knows he must be strong for them.


  Ava, on the other hand, loses her composure that she’s been trying so hard to maintain.


  She attempts to pry both the children away while stating, “Come on children, Cass has to leave.”


  The children and Miss Avery continue to cry as she successfully maneuvers them aside in her embrace.


  Cass kisses each of the children on their head before kissing Ava’s cheek. His affection causes her to weep tears over her sad but grateful smile. He grabs his jacket, and then turns

  towards the front door as he remembers something.


  “Oh, Mrs. Guvenossie paid three months’ rent. And, here is a little present to tide you



  He pulls out an envelope from his jacket pocket, and then hands it to Ava.


  “I’m not sure how much is in here, but Unks warned the crew their donation better not be cheap.”


  Ava peels the envelope lid back to peek at over a hundred dollars.


  She weeps some more as she says, “You make sure to tell them: God bless you all!”


  Cass moves outside the front door while replying, “I promise I will. I got your address written down. I’ll also have them send you a postcard now and then.”


  He waves to Rico to come follow him.


  As they reach the picket gate, Cass tells him, “I have a proposition to offer you.”


  He stops and looks into Rico’s eyes.


  “I was able to talk to Mr. Burnito last night and ask him if he might need an assistant to learn the jewelry business; and maybe someone to help with theft protection. He told me only if that person was experienced, well-shall we say, in retrieving stolen objects.”


  Rico smiles at Cass, and again hugs the big man.


  “I’ll take that as a yes. You start tomorrow. He said he’d pay you five dollars a week.”


  Rico cries once more.


  “Now then; you’re the man of the house. I expect good things from you. You take care of them like I know you will.”


  Rico shakes his affirmation up and down, rubbing his tears into Cass’ shirt.


  “I will Cass, I promise.”


  Cass pulls him away, and then begins to whistle. His tune perks Rico up enough to regain

  his composure. Cass passes the gate and proceeds down the sidewalk; all the while whistling his

  sailor’s tune. He briefly looks over his shoulder to see Rico still standing there watching him.


  Rico stands motionless wearing a stern red face. Cass continues on while slowly raising his waving hand to the laddie.


  Cass’ whistle follows him round the street corner as he hears the faint words, “I will Cass. I will!”