Read Castle Keepers Vignettes - Volume 01 Page 1

Castle Keepers

  Vignettes Volume 01

  Diane Lynn McGyver

  Copyright2016@Diane Tibert


  Almost five years has passed since Isla of Maura was kidnapped and Bronwyn Darrow left Maskil in search of her. In many ways, not much has happened; the inhabitants of the Land of Ath-o’Lea have continued their daily routine. But if you look deeper into the individual lives you’ll see much has changed in little ways.

  The Castle Keeper vignettes provide a glimpse into the time between Shadows in the Stone and Scattered Stones. You’ll have already met many of the characters, but some you will meet in Scattered Stones.

  These vignettes are not complete stories, only 300 words of a moment. Volume 01 contains the first twelve in a series of vignettes to be written.

  Please Note

  This book was written using Canadian spelling.


  Lord Peadar Tasgall

  Catriona Wheatcroft

  Maisie Darrow

  Farlan Burkenshaw

  Beathas of Ailsa


  Lord Layne Nevell

  Liam Jenkins

  Junior Corporal Sawney Cronin

  Gavin Darrow

  Alaura of Niamh

  Captain of the Guard Zipporah Sanderson

  About Diane Lynn McGyver


  Scattered Stones – Chapter 01

  Castle Keepers

  Vignettes Volume 01

  Diane Lynn McGyver

  Lord Peadar Tasgall

  Hauflin, first appeared in chapter 5 in Shadows in the Stone

  The soft glow of the single candle danced on the page. It guided Lord Peadar Tasgall’s pencil as it scrolled carefully the letters to form words learnt in his hauflin youth. Here, beneath the cloak of darkness and night, the lord disconnected from his duties, the castle and the people of Maskil he served. He permitted his mind to roam to a far-off place where fresh smells of the forest and soil rejuvenated his being.

  Long-forgotten scents permeated his pours until they diluted the adverse odours of the castle and the invisible force percolating through the walls and into his bed chamber.

  The pencil quickened. The force grows fervent and the minds feebler. The darkness has compromised those from which we seek refuge. The child has been taken.

  Peadar’s hand froze, and he gawked into the candle light. Murderer? Judgement? “I am not; I gave not,” he mumbled, his mind racing to the past, sweeping aside the darkness suppressing the truth.

  He jolted upright. The strength wielded by the small hauflin child did not cause harm, but her words—I hate you!— left fuel to aggravate his subconscious long after she had been taken.

  His short, thin fingers caressed the cheek that had received the blow, and he recalled why she hated him. Tears welled and a burning sensation erupted in his chest. He had witnessed the horrifying event but sat powerless to intervene though his spirit fought to release itself from the confinement crafted by the unseen lord.

  A slight breeze entered the window carrying the familiar aroma of warm molasses. Peadar relaxed and stared blankly at the words he had written. Nonsense. Twaddle meant to entertain children. He surveyed his chamber for intruders, then closed the book and returned it to its hiding place in the stone wall.

  Catriona Wheatcroft

  Human, sorceress, first appeared in chapter 01 in Shadows in the Stone

  Taking a deep breath, Catriona Wheatcroft grasped the clay vessel and poured the mixture of water and dandelion oil into the shallow bowl. Her trembling hand picked up the wooden spoon and stirred gingerly. If she moved too quickly, the potion would fail and erupt into a puff of fowl smelling gas. If she moved too slowly, it would congeal, freezing the spoon within its grip.

  Glancing at the tattered book laid out before her on the table, she took note of the next ingredient. She picked up a small dish and added the powdered contents into the bowl. Again, she constrained her hand to move at the precise speed, but her arm muscles fought against her.

  The cuts and bruises inflicted at the public inquest had healed, but the scars and emotional torture she suffered remained. Though she strained to suppress the memories of that horrific ordeal, they resurfaced daily, reminding her of the fragile state of her mind and of those in the throne room.

  Her heart fluttered as the image of Liam’s das flashed in her mind. “Away with you,” she mumbled. “Leave me to find peace.” Her breath quickened, and she relived the pain of her face being slammed against the wooden door. Many hands had fought to drag her into the chaos, causing her to collapse in a heap on the floor.

  “No,” she whispered. She squeezed her eyes shut and filled her mind with sweet blackness. Sucking in shallow breaths, she practised the exercises to calm her racing heart and lock away the memories.

  A soft eruption touched her ears, and a horrible odour filled the room. Opening her eyes, she found a dark cloud in front of her. She scurried to the window and flung it open, drawing fresh air into her lungs.

  Maisie Darrow

  Dwarf, owner of Forest Bakery and Herb Shop, first appeared in chapter 01 in Shadows in the Stone

  Through hidden vales little dwarf feet go,

  Trailing their Kintale spirit safety home.

  From ancient times it carried them afar,

  To Rhunestone Castle on The Headlands of Mar.

  Stay true to the magic inside, your kin and the past,

  And let swift wings carry you home at last.

  Maisie Darrow hummed the ancient song, taught to her by her mum, as she poured the mixture of dry ingredients into the large bowl. The wooden spoon scraped the inside, drawing together the contents. She had baked these muffins thousands of times over the years. They had always enticed a smile. Since her son left Maskil, the recipe now generated only apprehension.

  Fenberry muffins were Bronwyn’s favourite. As a boy, he could smell them as he entered their dwelling and would rush to the kitchen to snatch one from the cooling plate. To return to those days for a short time would bring delights no magic could surpass.

  Maisie sighed heavily. Six moons passed since Bronwyn had left in search of his daughter Isla. Each morning Maisie rose hoping this would be the day he’d walk through the door with Isla in his arms. But each evening, she hesitantly blew out the candle, forced to face another day without news.

  If Bronwyn arrived now, he’d soon be welcomed with his favourite treat. His jovial expression would erase the fear for his well-being that harboured in her heart.

  Maisie dispersed the batter into the pockets of the baking pan and slipped it into the oven. She glanced towards the door; the first hint of the morning sun kissed the glass. She softly repeated her favourite lines, hoping it would speed her son’s return.

  Stay true to the magic inside, your kin and the past,

  And let swift wings carry you home at last.

  Farlan Burkenshaw

  Human, sergeant with the Aruam Castle guard, first appeared in chapter 04 in Shadows in the Stone

  The last rays of sun shined into Sergeant Farlan Burkenshaw’s blue eyes. He stared intensely south west, past the front gates of Maskil and to the road meandering into the thick forest towards Ellswire.

  Earlier in the day, his best friend Bronwyn Darrow had departed in that direction. Bronwyn had travelled The Trail for almost seven moons before returning home to visit family and friends. Although they wanted him to stay longer, he set off again after only five days.

  His return to Aruam Castle was met with mixed emotions. Guards familiar with the former sergeant welcomed him and eagerly shared stories about recent events. Strangers to the dwar
f however were weary of his presence. They spoke only when necessary and left the room at the first opportunity.

  Time and distance had separated Farland and Bronwyn, but once reunited, the long days of absence disappeared. Their hours together imitated the carefree days of their youth at the castle, making time pass swiftly.

  Now, with Bronwyn back on The Trail with no plan to return soon, the emptiness Farlan had experienced on his friend’s first leaving resurfaced. The insecurities also returned, making him anxious for the castle and the citizens of Maskil. Though Farlan felt confident in his abilities to defend against the enemy, the absence of Bronwyn created a void, the feeling of being alone against forces only they perceived. One had always protected the others back, an impossible task when they were separated.

  The sun disappeared, and guards closed the thick wooden gates of Maskil. From his position on the outer wall, Farlan watched them seal his friend on the other side. An uneasy sensation erupted in his gut, and he suddenly felt exposed to all the unseen dangers. He reached into his pocket and clutched several pumpkin seeds.

  Beathas of Ailsa

  Hauflin, sorceress who lives at Moon Meadow, first appeared in chapter 3 in Shadows in the Stone

  The humid, evening air swirled softly around Beathas of Ailsa’s bare feet. The breeze caused the little tufts of hair growing on the tops of her toes to sway. She spread her toes further to dry them quicker. The swim in the pool below the waterfalls had refreshed her, removing sweat and dirt gathered from the strenuous workout with an apprentice earlier in the day. Now, with time to meditate and reflect alone, she