Read Catch A Succubus Page 11

Chapter 11

  Daniel awoke early the next morning from his newly learned habit. He looked over at Jimmy still snoring away. Since Duncan wasn't here he decided he would let Jimmy sleep. He could get his chores done, go over and get the Ouija Board if it was still there, and be back before he woke. He showered and put on fresh clothes and went to breakfast. Maybe he would get a chance to talk to Tarla this morning with no interruptions. There were a few questions he wanted answered.

  “Good morning.” He called as he entered the kitchen. He looked around but Tarla wasn't around and he finally spied a note on the table.


  Daniel balled the note up in his fist in anger. “Mom and Dad!” Duncan wasn't his father. The son of a bitch would never be his father. How dare her to even suggest such a thing. His father was dead.

  A dull ache settled in his chest at the thought of his father. He hadn't thought about him in a long time. Jimmy had once tried to get him to use the Ouija Board to contact his father but Daniel had refused. It wasn't that he didn't love his father or miss him, he did miss him, and it was just that the pain would return. The loneliness.

  He looked down at one of the kitchen chairs and there laid the Ouija Board, planchette, and flashlight. The old woman must have brought them back. Nothing seemed to get by the old lady. He got cereal and milk and sat down to eat.

  “Morning.” Jimmy said sleepy eyed with a yawn. Rubbing his hand over his head he yawns again stretching. “Why didn't you wake me up?”

  “Duncan's not here so I thought I'd let you sleep. I can do the chores.”

  “I woke up from a nightmare and didn't want to go back to sleep. I dreamed I was being chased by a big dildo.”

  Daniel chuckled. “You're joking?”

  “No, I'm serious. Jimmy flopped down in a chair. “What's for breakfast?”

  “Cereal. Tarla's gone berry picking.”

  “It's okay by me. It's all I ever get at home, anyway.” Jimmy filled the other bowl Tarla left and poured on milk and big scoops of sugar. Gulping down a big bite he mumbled, “So, what are we going to do today?”

  Jimmy sputtered the food in his mouth and suddenly jumped up, wiping his mouth with his forearm. “We've got to go get the Ouija Board!”

  “Sit down, somehow Tarla already got it, the flashlight and planchette too. I don't know how she does it. Oh, and Mom and Duncan won't be home again tonight.”


  “After I get the chores done, what do you want ... ?” Daniel stopped as Tarla came in hurriedly.

  “There's been one big problem.” She said as she reached for the wall phone and begin dialing. “Miss Ida and I be picking berries down by the old spring house - Hello,” she said into the phone, “I need a sheriff, me and my friend, Miss Ida, we find poor Mr. Gurvis and he be dead.”

  Daniel froze at her words and Jimmy paled to the point he almost pasted out. They stared at each other in complete shock.

  Tarla nodded several times to whatever the person on the other end was saying. “I'm Tarla Breed and we not too sure what happen but he sure be dead.” Pause. “Uh-huh, in Snowville behind Hiwassee near Camp Ottari, the boys...” Pause. “That be right, past the school, right on dirt road and first gate on left. Okay we will be here, Miss Ida and me.”

  She hung up the phone and turned back to Daniel and Jimmy. “I'm going to sit in the living room with Miss Ida, she be so upset and her be grandmother to the poor man. It's so sad and such a young man and so big.” Tarla narrowed her eyes and watched them almost with suspicion. “You two not be knowing anything about this, now do you?”

  Daniel froze and tried to keep his face from showing anything, he cleared his throat. “No,” he wasn't sure but he felt like his face had liar written all over it. “What did you say his name was?”

  “Gurvis Sampson and poor old Miss Ida he was the only male left in her family.”

  Daniel's mind went into overdrive. “You know we met him at the store when we went down to pick up the things you needed. He was a big guy, wasn't he?”

  “Oh very big. I don't see how anybody could kill such a big man.”

  “Kill him? You mean murdered?” Daniel sputtered. “That's impossible nothing like that happens around here, does it? It had to be some kind of accident or something.”

  She shook her head. “No he be wounded on the head. Blood dried hard.” She headed towards the door and stared accusingly at them. “You know we found him in the hollow at the old spring house only several hundred yards from where I find your game board and flashlight.” The air in the room took on a heavy crispness. “I go to see 'bout Miss Ida now.”

  Daniel and Jimmy held their breaths listening to her footsteps down the hall and into the living room.

  “Jesus Christ, Daniel, what are we going to do?” Jimmy whispered in a whine.

  “Shh! We'll talk about it when we go out to do chores. Just act shocked but don't say anything.

  They emptied their bowls still nearly full and went to the living room.

  Daniel stopped eyeing the plump white haired woman in the armchair. Her hair pulled back into an old fashion bun, her eyes stricken with dried tears.

  “Tarla,” Daniel said barely in a whisper. “We're going to do the chores.”

  She nodded slowly and watched them as they went quietly out the front door.

  Both boys automatically inhaled deeply the fresh morning air, not even realizing they had barely been breathing. They walked towards the feed bin between the barn and the house without speaking.

  Daniel opened the corn crib door and started shucking dried corn from the cob into a bucket. He scooped in several heaps of grain and carried it over to the pig pen, pausing to fill it with water. He stirred it a couple of times and poured it into the pig’s trough. Jimmy followed patiently in a glazed haze waiting for Daniel to speak.

  Finally Jimmy couldn't stand the silence any longer. “What are we going to do?”

  Daniel looked at him wearily shrugging his shoulders. “I don't know but he was alive when we left.”

  “Maybe he recovered temporarily and then stumbled off and died.”

  “I thought about that. He didn't seem like anything was wrong with him when he shouted to us.” Daniel began squeezing dried corn shucks throwing it out to the turkeys. “We'll just have to tell the cops.”

  “No!” Jimmy gritted his teeth. “We can't. If they find out what happen I'll be labeled for life as a gay boy and I ain't, I swear I ain't.”

  “What do you think they will do to me?! I'm a murderer. At least they won't send you to prison or reform school.”

  “You saved me. He was going to abuse me. They won't do anything to you. You're a minor.” Jimmy argued.

  “We can't tell them anything.” Daniel said but shook his head in self-doubt. “I don't know what to do, Tarla found our Ouija Board by the road.”

  “Jimmy here he comes.” Daniel said as he stared at a car coming down the hill. The car pulled up to a stop and the door opened and a young cop got out pausing to put his hat on. He reached in and got a clip board.

  Daniel and Jimmy walked towards him watching as he put on a dark pair of sunglasses. He was tall and although young his waist had a slight spare tire around it.

  “I'm Deputy Fletcher and I'm looking for Ms. Breed is this her house?” His voice was high with a twang, nothing what Daniel had expected.

  Daniel wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers and pointed at the house. “She's in the house. The front door is on the other side.”

  “You boys know anything about this?”

  Daniel could physically feel his eyes inspecting them. Daniel shook his head. “Not much, just heard her call you.”

  “Don't go anywhere. I may want to talk with you. I was out in this par
t of the county when the call came so I got here before the coroner. He should be along in a while.” Deputy Fletcher turned and walked through the gate and up the sidewalk around to the front door.

  “Let's finish the chores.” Daniel said. “There's nothing we can do anyway.”

  After slightly over a half hour just as they were finishing the chores Deputy Fletcher came back down the sidewalk.

  “The women seem pretty upset so I thought maybe you boys could show me where the spring house is?” He pulled out his sunglasses and put them back on his face. His coal black eyes seemed to pierce them.

  Daniel was glad he put them on. “I haven't been there but I've seen it. It’s in the hollow on the other side of that hill.” Daniel turned to walk towards the hill.

  “Get in the back seat and I'll drive to the top of the hill and then we can walk down.” He opened the door and they climbed in nervously. Daniel jumped when he slammed the door and eyed the metal mesh between the front and back seat. He felt like he couldn't breathe so he looked to roll down the window. Nothing! Not even a door handle.

  The Deputy backed up and started up the gravel road and drove towards the top of the hill in silence. At the top he stopped got out and opened the door for them. They jumped out quickly. Both of them tried not to appear too nervous but they felt like their hearts were pounding.

  “Down there?” Daniel pointed towards a small unpainted building a couple hundred yards from the road.

  Deputy Fletcher started down through the weeds and stopped when the boys just stood where they were. He grinned slightly; his teeth although straight had exceptionally long canines. “Don't you boys want to see the body?”

  They turned and stared at each other. They didn't want to see it for fear they might talk too much. Finally Daniel answered. “Uh, not really.”

  The Deputy shook his head as if amazed and half mumbled. “Suit yourself, can't understand kids today. I would have jumped at the chance to see a body when I was your age. When the ambulance gets here just point them down.” He turned and went on down the hill.

  They watched as he crushed a path down the hill. “Jimmy, maybe we should go look at the body. I only hit him once maybe he stumbled and got snake bit or something.”

  “I guess you're right.” Jimmy followed after Daniel.

  When they got to the bottom of the hill the Deputy looked up with the same grin from where he was squatted. Gurvis was lying face up as an inch of spring water trickled out of the spring house along his sides. “I figured you boys couldn't pass up the opportunity. Not every day you get to see a dead body.”

  He felt the man's neck for a pulse. “You, muscle boy, help me pull him out of the water.”

  Jimmy started forward but the Deputy snarled. “Not you. Him. I need some strength. He must weigh two-twenty.”

  Daniel's eyes widened but did as he was told. He bent over and followed the Deputy's action and grabbed him by the other shoulder. He shuttered as his hands reached under his armpit, feeling the cold dampness and stiffness of his body. They strained but managed to drag him up to a near grassy knoll.

  Gurvis’ face twisted against Daniel's bare arm and he let loose. His stomach retched and he threw up what little cereal he had for breakfast.

  “What's the matter boy?” Fletcher laughed, “ain't you ever touched a body before?”

  Daniel wiped his mouth on his arm and glared at the Deputy but didn't say anything.

  “He's not completely stiff yet.” Fletcher said feeling around at the body then stared at Gurvis's zipper. “Looks like he was getting ready to take a piss or had just finished. His fly's open.”

  Both boys' eyes automatically looked down and they fidgeted as the memory of the previous night flashed at them.

  The Deputy stood up and walked over and sat down on a small rock. “Might as well sit down until the coroner comes. Have a seat boys. I want to ask you a few questions.”

  They looked at each other and then sat down in the grass. Daniel looked at Jimmy reminding him to let him talk.

  “You boys know Gurvis?” He looked down at the body took off his sunglasses and hung them from his pocket by one ear piece.

  Daniel squirmed a little as he looked up at the Deputy's piercing eyes then glanced away trying to act calmly. His heart was pounding so hard he could barely hear his own voice.

  “We met him yesterday afternoon down at the grocery story.” He tried to look him directly in the eyes without showing fear.

  “You mean Sampson's grocery story down across the bridge.”

  Daniel nodded.

  “What did he have to say?”

  “Not much.” Daniel shrugged his shoulders. “Just told us his name and said Brownie was his cousin. Brownie's the woman that works there.”

  “I know Brownie. I grew up around here.” Fletcher broke off some straw, peeled it and started picking at his teeth. “Might have been her cousin. Hard to say the way that family inbreeds. Nothing but a bunch of women live over there usually, except old Gurvis there. Guess they'll have to find them another stud.”

  Daniel felt like he was under a microscope the way Fletcher watched them but he couldn't help thinking what Lynda said, about all of them being women. It hadn't been a question so Daniel didn't offer any response, he just shuffled a little.

  “Yep,” Fletcher nodded. “They said Gurvis was a stud. Use to fuck all his sisters, some say his mama too.”

  Daniel and Jimmy's eyes flew open wide at his remark.

  “Some said he would fuck anything, even sheep weren’t safe around him.” He pulled the straw from his mouth and spit, then looked back at Daniel leans his head back and squinted. “They say he was ‘specially fond of butt fucking little boys.”

  Daniel's heart froze and he heard Jimmy gasp. They had never heard an adult talk like this and were in shock. He was leading up to something Daniel could feel it.

  “Yeah,” Fletcher emphasized, “he sure did like to butt fuck little boys. They say he was hung like a horse, reckon if he fucked somebody in the ass they wouldn't be able to sit down on that hard ground there the way you boys are sitting.”

  Both boys stretched and shifted their weight as if to emphasize they had no problems.

  Daniel could feel the questions that he was leading up to and thought maybe he could redirect him. “If he abused kids why didn't you arrest him?”

  “It's only rumors. Can't do much with a rumor without somebody coming forward and testifying. Most boys and girls for all that matter, when they get abused they're too ashamed and confused to come forward and admit it. Usually because somewhere they sort of like it for some reason or other. Whether it's the thrill or just the need to belong, sometimes just the attention. Yep, most won't testify.”

  Daniel brushed his pants and stood up. “Well, we've got some more chores to do, so I guess we better get back.”

  “Not so fast. I ain't finished asking you boys questions.” Fletcher took off his hat and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  Daniel sat back down and shrugged. “Okay, but we got to get back.”

  “Hey now little sport, it ain't hay cutting season yet, so you can't have that much to do.”

  Daniel's mind moved quickly. “We've got some painting to do.”

  Fletcher nodded as if in doubt. “When did you boys last see Gurvis?”

  “Yesterday afternoon at the store.” Daniel answered, as he searched for an answer as to why they had left the Ouija Board on the hill. Tarla had probably mentioned it.

  “You didn't see him after that?”

  Daniel just shook his head.

  “How about you?” Fletcher looked coldly at Jimmy.

  “He's been with me the whole time.” Daniel answered.

  “What's the matter can't he talk for himself.”

  Daniel shrugged and looked at Jimmy lifting his shoulder. Jimmy stared down at the ground avoiding Gurvis's body. “I've been with Daniel
all the time.”

  A long black hearse stopped at the top of the hill near the Deputy's car. “Reckon that's Daver arriving.” Fletcher stood up and waved as the two men got out and withdrew a stretcher.

  “Yep, that's Daver in front. He's an undertaker that subs as the county coroner. You think Gurvis was weird, Daver there has him beat. Anybody spends that much time and fixates over bodies got to be a little tetched in the head.”

  “Hey Daver, looks like somebody finally got tired of old Gurvis and did him in.” Fletcher turned and nodded to the other man helping with the stretcher. “Howdy Tom.”

  “Willie.” The man in back nodded.

  A grim smile crossed Daver's face, his thin pale face stretched like leather. “Willie what are these boys doing here?” He looked from Daniel to Jimmy and then back several times.

  Daniel stood up and Jimmy followed his lead. “Is it okay for us to go now?” Daniel looked at Fletcher.

  “Yeah go on, I'll talk to you later.” Fletcher dismissed them and they headed up the hill slowly listening.

  “What you think killed him Willie?” Daver's voice pierced the boys’ ears.

  “Looks like somebody busted him on the side of the head.” Daniel recognized Fletcher's voice without turning. “When you check him over look for sperm deposits, okay Daver.”

  “Sure thing.” The maniacal grin in his voice sent chills along Daniel's spine as they walked away. “You think he was fucking around with them boys and they did it?”

  Daniel's heart stopped, waiting for the Deputies answer. “I don't know Daver but if they did, reckon old Gurvis deserved it.”

  That was the last of the conversation they were able to overhear.

  They walked towards the house neither one looking at the other or speaking until they reached the front door.

  Daniel paused as he reached for the screen door. “Now we got to face Tarla and his grandmother. I don't know about you but I don't want any lunch. I think we should go see if we can find Lynda. Gurvis was kin to her and if any of what she said is true there's more going on than what appears.”

  “I'm not hungry either. Why don't you go in. I'll wait out here.” Jimmy started over to sit down on a bench beneath a walnut tree.

  Daniel started not to object but decided Jimmy should go along too. He always had done the talking for them. “No you go with me. If I have to lie you need to know what I say so you won't contradict it.”

  “Okay.” Jimmy stopped and came back. “The Deputy didn't mention the Ouija Board, do you think Tarla told him?”

  “I don't know. He may have been going to get around to it but was interrupted by them.”

  “That guy Daver's gave me the creeps.”

  Daniel shivered. “Me too, talk about ghouls. God knows he's in the right business.”

  “He looked like the walking dead and his buddy didn't look much different.”

  “That's what I thought too. Come on let's go in.” Daniel said. The door opening with a faint screech of a spring stretching. Jimmy followed making sure the door didn't slam behind them.

  They entered the empty living room listening to the voices of the two women coming from the kitchen.

  Tarla looked up as they came down the hallway and stopped in the kitchen door. Her chair was pushed back from the table and the other woman was in the breakfast alcove and Daniel couldn't see her.

  “Hello Master Daniel. You and young Master Jimmy come over and have some tea.”

  Daniel started to say he didn't like tea but her eyes flashed in a way that made him think she didn't want no for an answer.

  “Okay.” Daniel went over and sat down at the table across from the old woman. Jimmy sat down beside him and scooted his chair closer to Daniel's.

  The woman looked up at Daniel. Her eyes were soft and the early tear streaks had been wiped away. “Hello boys. I'm Ida. Most young people call me Aunt Ida.”

  They spoke several minutes in introductions as Tarla sat two hot cups of tea in front of them. Jimmy reached and began to scoop several spoons of sugar in his along with some cream. Daniel picked his up and began to pretend to sip. He really hated tea but he wanted something to do with his hands in the uncomfortable situation.

  “So horrible.” Aunt Ida finally said as Tarla sat back down. “Did you boys know Gurvis?”

  “We just met him yesterday.” Daniel answered trying not to stare at her.

  “Tarla,” the old woman turned, “I think he must have fallen and hit his head. I think you're wrong about somebody hurting him deliberately. Who would do such a thing? Why I've known most everybody around here all my life and for the life of me I can't imagine anybody being able to do such a thing.”

  “You're probably right.” Tarla patted the back of her hand in a comforting gesture then looked at Daniel her eyes full of suspicion. “So young. Such a shame.”

  “Well I got to be going and tell his mama. Aunt Ida looked at Daniel in clarification. “His mama's my oldest daughter.”

  Daniel wondered for a moment. This was the powerful woman that Tarla had talked about, the magician. She looked harmless. Was this Lynda's grandmother? Then he remembered that first day that he had met Lynda, Tarla claimed she hadn't heard of anyone by that name. Yet, if this was a relative of Lynda's and Tarla's friend why didn't Tarla know Lynda. Something was wrong and somebody was lying.

  “How many children do you have, Ms. Sampson?” Daniel asked.

  “Daniel, call me Aunt Ida.” She smiled when he nodded. “I have two. Sarah and Mary. Mary is Gurvis's mother.” She swallowed back a lump in her throat. “He was my only grandson. I still have Brownie, Sarah's daughter, she run's the store.”

  Daniel looked at her in confusion. “But don't you have a granddaughter named Lynda?”

  “No dear, I don't.”

  “Lynda, spelled with a 'Y'?”

  “Daniel met a girl several days ago and asked if she lived around here.” Tarla explained.

  “No dear.” She gently shook her head. “Although my sister was named Lynda and you know she spelled her name like that. My mama used to fuss at her. Told her, 'when you were born I named you Linda with an 'I' and that's the way I mean it spelled.’ But Lynda always ignored her and spelled it with a 'Y' anyway. But it couldn't have been her she's been dead for almost sixty years.”

  “Sixty years?” Daniel repeated numbly. It wasn't possible. This had to be Lynda's grandmother. What had she said her name was? Lynda, Lynda Mandy. “Mandy.” He repeated half aloud. Shaking his head.

  “Mandy?” Aunt Ida's eyes flew open. “Why that was Lynda's middle name, Lynda Mandy Owens. Mandy was my mother’s maiden name. Sampson was my husband's name. Why there aren't any Mandys left. I didn't have any brothers to carry on the name. Why neither Sarah or Mary ever married. Of course back then we made up stories about their husband's running off or being killed. Now a days people don't seem to care. Nope neither one of my daughters ever married.”

  Daniel thought he was going to lose his breath. This was too crazy. Gurvis was the old woman's grandson but Lynda had said he was kin, yet, the old woman said she didn't have any grandchildren named Lynda? He felt confused.

  “Well I've got to be going.” She stood up wearily, leaned over Tarla and hugged her neck. “There's so much to be done. Thank you for comforting me.”

  “Miss Ida I'll drive you home.” Tarla said rising.

  “Why thank you so much dear. I am feeling rather weak.”

  “You have a car, where is it?” Daniel asked Tarla.

  “You must not have looked too much, if you not find Tarla's car. It be parked behind the far building from the barn. Now you two, behave and I'll be back soon.”

  “What time will you be back?” Daniel asked and finally took a sip of tea grimacing at the taste.

  “You just be here at supper.” Tarla said.

  “Do you think we should call Mom and tell her and
Duncan what has happened here?” Daniel wondered aloud wanting her to comfort his fears.

  “I think it'll be okay. They say they be going on a short honeymoon. That they haven't had the time to take to themselves, yet. They were going to call me later when they gets a room. I believe Master Duncan says they be going to Grandfather's Mountain. That's a ways down the road.”

  “I'll be back in a while.” Tarla raised her finger in the air. “Now, I wants you to drink your tea, you'll find it's good for you. My lotion helped your red hide didn't it?”

  Daniel nodded remembering the thought that he had that the lotion had somehow protected him. He watched as Jimmy straightened his back. Jimmy had complained earlier that his sunburn hurt.

  “Bye.” Daniel and Jimmy called as they left the kitchen.

  When they heard the door close Daniel turned to Jimmy. “Make sure you drink the tea.”


  “I said drink the tea. Tarla said it would be good for us. Remember the lotion I put on last night and you didn't. Well, I think that is what kept me from falling for that crap Gurvis was spreading around and if you hadn't had a little on your hand I might not have been able to bring you out of his spell, or whatever the hell caused you to do what you did.”

  “Okay, I'll drink it. Tastes pretty good anyway.” He grinned as Daniel made a face when he took a sip. “Here put some cream and sugar in it, it'll help.”

  Daniel loaded his tea down and sipped. A little better he thought. “After we drink it let's go see if we can find Lynda.”

  “If you think we should. But I think this Lynda chick is screwed up. All that crap about her being kin to Gurvis but his grandmother denied it.” Jimmy swallowed loudly.

  “That's one of the things I want to find out about.”

  “I just hope the cops are gone.” Jimmy said apprehensively.

  “Me too.” Daniel agreed solemnly.