Read Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress — Volume 1 Page 1

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  CECILIA, Volume 1 (of 3)



  By Frances Burney


  "Fanny's Cecilia came out last summer, and is as much liked and read,I believe, as any book ever was," wrote Charlotte Burney in Jan. 1783."She had 250 pounds for it from Payne and Cadell. Most people say sheought to have had a thousand. It is now going into the third edition,though Payne owns that they printed two thousand at the first edition,and Lowndes told me five hundred was the common number for a novel."[Footnote: _The Early Diary of Frances Burney, with a selection from hercorrespondence, and from the journals of her sisters Susan and CharlotteBurney._ Edited by Annie Raine Ellis. 1889. Vol. II. p. 307.]

  The manuscript of _Cecilia_ was submitted to Dr Burney and Mr Crispduring its composition, and their suggestions were in some casesadopted, as we learn from the _Diary_. Dr Johnson was not consulted, buta desire at once to imitate and to please him evidently controlled thework.

  Under these circumstances it is naturally less fresh and spontaneousthan _Evelina_, but it is more mature. The touch is surer and the plotmore elaborate. We cannot to-day fully appreciate the "conflict scenebetween mother and son," for which, Miss Burney tells us, the book waswritten; but the pictures of eighteenth century affectations are allalive, and the story is thoroughly absorbing, except, perhaps, in thelast book.

  Miss Burney often took the name of her characters from heracquaintances, and it seems probable that some of the "types" in_Cecilia_ are also drawn from real life. The title of Miss Austen's_Pride and Prejudice_ was borrowed from _Cecilia_, and some points ofresemblance may be traced between the two novels.

  The present edition is reprinted from:--

  CECILIA, or, Memoirs of an Heiress. By the author of Evelina. In fivevolumes. London: Printed for T. Payne and Son, at the Newsgate, and T.Cadell in the Strand. MDCCLXXXII. R. B. J.


  Madam,--I should feel exceedingly to blame if I could refuse to myselfthe natural satisfaction, and to you the just but poor return, of mybest thanks for the very great instruction and entertainment I havereceived from the new present you have bestowed on the public. Thereare few--I believe I may say fairly there are none at all--that will notfind themselves better informed concerning human nature, and their stockof observation enriched, by reading your "Cecilia." They certainly will,let their experience in life and manners be what it may. The arroganceof age must submit to be taught by youth. You have crowded into a fewsmall volumes an incredible variety of characters; most of them wellplanned, well supported, and well contrasted with each other. If therebe any fault in this respect, it is one in which you are in no greatdanger of being imitated. Justly as your characters are drawn, perhapsthey are too numerous. But I beg pardon; I fear it is quite in vainto preach economy to those who are come young to excessive and suddenopulence.

  I might trespass on your delicacy if I should fill my letter to you withwhat I fill my conversation to others. I should be troublesome to youalone if I should tell you all I feel and think on the natural vein ofhumour, the tender pathetic, the comprehensive and noble moral, and thesagacious observation, that appear quite throughout that extraordinaryperformance.

  In an age distinguished by producing extraordinary women, I hardly dareto tell you where my opinion would place you amongst them. I respectyour modesty, that will not endure the commendations which your meritforces from everybody.

  I have the honour to be, with great gratitude, respect, and esteem,madam, your most obedient and most humble servant,


  WHITEHALL, _July 19, 1782_.

  My best compliments and congratulations to Dr Burney on the great honouracquired to his family.


  The indulgence shewn by the Public to Evelina, which, unpatronized,unaided, and unowned, past through Four Editions in one Year, hasencouraged its Author to risk this SECOND attempt. The animation ofsuccess is too universally acknowledged, to make the writer ofthe following sheets dread much censure of temerity; though theprecariousness of any power to give pleasure, suppresses all vanityof confidence, and sends CECILIA into the world with scarce morehope, though far more encouragement, than attended her highly-honouredpredecessor, Evelina.

  July, 1782