Read Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress — Volume 1 Page 13




  The meanness with which Mr Harrel had assumed the credit, as well asaccepted the assistance of Mr Arnott, increased the disgust he hadalready excited in Cecilia, and hastened her resolution of quitting hishouse; and therefore, without waiting any longer for the advice of MrMonckton, she resolved to go instantly to her other guardians, and seewhat better prospects their habitations might offer.

  For this purpose she borrowed one of the carriages, and gave orders tobe driven into the city to the house of Mr Briggs.

  She told her name, and was shewn, by a little shabby footboy, into aparlour.

  Here she waited, with tolerable patience, for half an hour, but then,imagining the boy had forgotten to tell his master she was in the house,she thought it expedient to make some enquiry.

  No bell, however, could she find, and therefore she went into thepassage in search of the footboy; but, as she was proceeding to the headof the kitchen stairs, she was startled by hearing a man's voice fromthe upper part of the house exclaiming, in a furious passion, "Dare sayyou've filched it for a dish-clout!"

  She called out, however, "Are any of Mr Briggs's servants below?"

  "Anan!" answered the boy, who came to the foot of the stairs, witha knife in one hand and an old shoe, upon the sole of which he wassharpening it, in the other, "Does any one call?"

  "Yes," said Cecilia, "I do; for I could not find the bell."

  "O, we have no bell in the parlour," returned the boy, "master alwaysknocks with his stick."

  "I am afraid Mr Briggs is too busy to see me, and if so, I will comeanother time."

  "No, ma'am," said the boy, "master's only looking over his things fromthe wash."

  "Will you tell him, then, that I am waiting?"

  "I has, ma'am; but master misses his shaving-rag, and he says hewon't come to the Mogul till he's found it." And then he went on withsharpening his knife.

  This little circumstance was at least sufficient to satisfy Ceciliathat if she fixed her abode with Mr Briggs, she should not have muchuneasiness to fear from the sight of extravagance and profusion.

  She returned to the parlour, and after waiting another half-hour, MrBriggs made his appearance.

  Mr Briggs was a short, thick, sturdy man, with very small keen blackeyes, a square face, a dark complexion, and a snub nose. His constantdress, both in winter and summer, was a snuff-colour suit of clothes,blue and white speckled worsted stockings, a plain shirt, and a bob wig.He was seldom without a stick in his hand, which he usually held to hisforehead when not speaking.

  This bob wig, however, to the no small amazement of Cecilia, he nowbrought into the room upon the forefinger of his left hand, while, withhis right, he was smoothing the curls; and his head, in defiance of thecoldness of the weather, was bald and uncovered.

  "Well," cried he, as he entered, "did you think I should not come?"

  "I was very willing, sir, to wait your leisure."

  "Ay, ay, knew you had not much to do. Been looking for my shaving-rag.Going out of town; never use such a thing at home, paper does as well.Warrant Master Harrel never heard of such a thing; ever see him comb hisown wig? Warrant he don't know how! never trust mine out of my hands,the boy would tear off half the hair; all one to master Harrel, Isuppose. Well, which is the warmer man, that's all? Will he cast anaccount with me?"

  Cecilia, at a loss what to say to this singular exordium, began anapology for not waiting upon him sooner.

  "Ay, ay," cried he, "always gadding, no getting sight of you. Livea fine life! A pretty guardian, Master Harrel! and where's t'other?where's old Don Puffabout?"

  "If you mean Mr Delvile, sir, I have not yet seen him."

  "Thought so. No matter, as well not. Only tell you he's a German Duke,or a Spanish Don Ferdinand. Well, you've me! poorly off else. A coupleof ignoramuses! don't know when to buy nor when to sell. No doingbusiness with either of them. We met once or twice; all to no purpose;only heard Don Vampus count his old Grandees; how will that get interestfor money? Then comes Master Harrel--twenty bows to a word,--looks at awatch,--about as big as a sixpence,--poor raw ninny!--a couple of rareguardians! Well, you've me, I say; mind that!"

  Cecilia was wholly unable to devise any answer to these effusionsof contempt and anger; and therefore his harangue lasted withoutinterruption, till he had exhausted all his subjects of complaint, andemptied his mind of ill-will; and then, settling his wig, he drew achair near her, and twinkling his little black eyes in her face, hisrage subsided into the most perfect good humour; and, after peering ather some time with a look of much approbation, he said, with an archnod, "Well, my duck, got ever a sweetheart yet?"

  Cecilia laughed, and said "No."

  "Ah, little rogue, don't believe you! all a fib! better speak out: come,fit I should know; a'n't you my own ward? to be sure, almost of age, butnot quite, so what's that to me?"

  She then, more seriously, assured him she had no intelligence of thatsort to communicate.

  "Well, when you have, tell, that's all. Warrant sparks enoughhankering. I'll give you some advice Take care of sharpers; don't trustshoe-buckles, nothing but Bristol stones! tricks in all things. A finegentleman sharp as another man. Never give your heart to a gold-toppedcane, nothing but brass gilt over. Cheats everywhere: fleece you in ayear; won't leave you a groat. But one way to be safe,--bring 'em all tome."

  Cecilia thanked him for his caution, and promised not to forget hisadvice.

  "That's the way," he continued, "bring 'em to me. Won't be bamboozled.Know their tricks. Shew 'em the odds on't. Ask for the rent-roll,--seehow they look! stare like stuck pigs! got no such thing."

  "Certainly, sir, that will be an excellent method of trial."

  "Ay, ay, know the way! soon find if they are above par. Be sure don'tmind gold waistcoats; nothing but tinsel, all shew and no substance;better leave the matter to me; take care of you myself; know where tofind one will do."

  She again thanked him; and, being fully satisfied with this specimen ofhis conversation, and unambitious of any further counsel from him, shearose to depart.

  "Well," repeated he, nodding at her, with a look of much kindness,"leave it to me, I say; I'll get you a careful husband, so take nothought about the matter."

  Cecilia, half-laughing, begged he would not give himself much trouble,and assured him she was not in any haste.

  "All the better," said he, "good girl; no fear for you: look out myself;warrant I'll find one. Not very easy, neither! hard times! men scarce;wars and tumults! stocks low! women chargeable!--but don't fear; do ourbest; get you off soon."

  She then returned to her carriage: full of reflection upon the scene inwhich she had just been engaged, and upon the strangeness of hasteningfrom one house to avoid a vice the very want of which seemed to renderanother insupportable! but she now found that though luxury was morebaneful in its consequences, it was less disgustful in its progress thanavarice; yet, insuperably averse to both, and almost equally desirous tofly from the unjust extravagance of Mr Harrel, as from the comfortlessand unnecessary parsimony of Mr Briggs, she proceeded instantly toSt James's Square, convinced that her third guardian, unless exactlyresembling one of the others, must inevitably be preferable to both.