Read Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress — Volume 1 Page 17



  As soon as they returned home, Cecilia begged Mrs Harrel not to losea moment before she tried to acquaint Mr Harrel with the state of theaffair. But that lady was too helpless to know in what manner to setabout it; she could not tell where he was, she could not conjecturewhere he might be.

  Cecilia then rang for his own man, and upon enquiry, heard that he was,in all probability, at Brookes's in St James's-Street.

  She then begged Mrs Harrel would write to him.

  Mrs Harrel knew not what to say.

  Cecilia therefore, equally quick in forming and executing her designs,wrote to him herself, and entreated that without losing an instant hewould find out his friend Sir Robert Floyer, and endeavour to effectan accommodation between him and Mr Belfield, with whom he had had adispute at the Opera-house.

  The man soon returned with an answer that Mr Harrel would not fail toobey her commands.

  She determined to sit up till he came home in order to learn the eventof the negociation. She considered herself as the efficient cause of thequarrel, yet scarce knew how or in what to blame herself; the behaviourof Sir Robert had always been offensive to her; she disliked hismanners, and detested his boldness; and she had already shewn herintention to accept the assistance of Mr Belfield before he had followedher with an offer of his own. She was uncertain, indeed, whether hehad remarked what had passed, but she had reason to think that, socircumstanced, to have changed her purpose, would have been construedinto an encouragement that might have authorised his future presumptionof her favour. All she could find to regret with regard to herself, waswanting the presence of mind to have refused the civilities of both.

  Mrs Harrel, though really sorry at the state of the affair, regardedherself as so entirely unconcerned in it, that, easily wearied when outof company, she soon grew sleepy, and retired to her own room.

  The anxious Cecilia, hoping every instant the return of Mr Harrel, satup by herself: but it was not till near four o'clock in the morning thathe made his appearance.

  "Well, sir," cried she, the moment she saw him, "I fear by yourcoming home so late you have had much trouble, but I hope it has beensuccessful?"

  Great, however, was her mortification when he answered that he had noteven seen the Baronet, having been engaged himself in so particular amanner, that he could not possibly break from his party till past threeo'clock, at which time he drove to the house of Sir Robert, but heardthat he was not yet come home.

  Cecilia, though much disgusted by such a specimen of insensibilitytowards a man whom he pretended to call his friend, would not leavehim till he had promised to arise as soon as it was light, and make aneffort to recover the time lost.

  She was now no longer surprised either at the debts of Mr Harrel, or athis _particular occasions_ for money. She was convinced he spent halfthe night in gaming, and the consequences, however dreadful, were butnatural. That Sir Robert Floyer also did the same was a matter of muchless importance to her, but that the life of any man should through hermeans be endangered, disturbed her inexpressibly.

  She went, however, to bed, but arose again at six o'clock, and dressedherself by candle light. In an hour's time she sent to enquire if MrHarrel was stirring, and hearing he was asleep, gave orders to havehim called. Yet he did not rise till eight o'clock, nor could all hermessages or expostulations drive him out of the house till nine.

  He was scarcely gone before Mr Monckton arrived, who now for the firsttime had the satisfaction of finding her alone.

  "You are very good for coming so early," cried she; "have you seen MrBelfield? Have you had any conversation with him?"

  Alarmed at her eagerness, and still more at seeing by her looks thesleepless night she had passed, he made at first no reply; and when,with increasing impatience, she repeated her question, he only said,"Has Belfield ever visited you since he had the honour of meeting you atmy house?"

  "No, never."

  "Have you seen him often in public?"

  "No, I have never seen him at all but the evening Mrs Harrel receivedmasks, and last night at the Opera."

  "Is it, then, for the safety of Sir Robert you are so extremelyanxious?"

  "It is for the safety of both; the cause of their quarrel was sotrifling, that I cannot bear to think its consequence should beserious."

  "But do you not wish better to one of them than to the other?"

  "As a matter of justice I do, but not from any partiality: Sir Robertwas undoubtedly the aggressor, and Mr Belfield, though at first toofiery, was certainly ill-used."

  The candour of this speech recovered Mr Monckton from his apprehensions;and, carefully observing her looks while he spoke, he gave her thefollowing account.

  That he had hastened to Belfield's lodgings the moment he left theOpera-house, and, after repeated denials, absolutely forced himself intohis room, where he was quite alone, and in much agitation: he conversedwith him for more than an hour upon the subject of the quarrel, butfound he so warmly resented the personal insult given him by Sir Robert,that no remonstrance had any effect in making him alter his resolutionof demanding satisfaction.

  "And could you bring him to consent to no compromise before you lefthim?" cried Cecilia.

  "No; for before I got to him--the challenge had been sent."

  "The challenge! good heaven!--and do you know the event?"

  "I called again this morning at his lodgings, but he was not returnedhome."

  "And was it impossible to follow him? Were there no means to discoverwhither he was gone?"

  "None; to elude all pursuit, he went out before any body in the housewas stirring, and took his servant with him."

  "Have you, then, been to Sir Robert?"

  "I have been to Cavendish-Square, but there, it seems, he has notappeared all night; I traced him, through his servants, from theOpera to a gaminghouse, where I found he had amused himself till thismorning."

  The uneasiness of Cecilia now encreased every moment; and Mr Monckton,seeing he had no other chance of satisfying her, offered his serviceto go again in search of both the gentlemen, and endeavour to bring herbetter information. She accepted the proposal with gratitude, and hedeparted.

  Soon after she was joined by Mr Arnott, who, though seized with all thehorrors of jealousy at sight of her apprehensions, was so desirous torelieve them, that without even making any merit of obliging her, healmost instantly set out upon the same errand that employed Mr Monckton,and determined not to mention his design till he found whether it wouldenable him to bring her good tidings.

  He was scarce gone when she was told that Mr Delvile begged to have thehonour of speaking to her. Surprised at this condescension, she desiredhe might immediately be admitted; but much was her surprise augmented,when, instead of seeing her ostentatious guardian, she again beheld hermasquerade friend, the white domino.

  He entreated her pardon for an intrusion neither authorised byacquaintance nor by business, though somewhat, he hoped, palliated, byhis near connection with one who was privileged to take an interest inher affairs: and then, hastening to the motives which had occasioned hisvisit, "when I had the honour," he said, "of seeing you last nightat the Opera-house, the dispute which had just happened between twogentlemen, seemed to give you an uneasiness which could not but bepainful to all who observed it, and as among that number I was not theleast moved, you will forgive, I hope, my eagerness to be the first tobring you intelligence that nothing fatal has happened, or is likely tohappen."

  "You do me, sir," said Cecilia, "much honour; and indeed you relieve mefrom a suspense extremely disagreeable. The accommodation, I suppose,was brought about this morning?"

  "I find," answered he, smiling, "you now expect too much; but hope isnever so elastic as when it springs from the ruins of terror."

  "What then is the matter? Are they at last, not safe?"

  "Yes, perfectly safe; but I cannot tell you they have never been indanger."

  "Well, if it is
now over I am contented: but you will very much obligeme, sir, if you will inform me what has passed."

  "You oblige me, madam, by the honour of your commands. I saw but toomuch reason to apprehend that measures the most violent would followthe affray of last night; yet as I found that the quarrel had beenaccidental, and the offence unpremeditated, I thought it not absolutelyimpossible that an expeditious mediation might effect a compromise:at least it was worth trying; for though wrath slowly kindled or longnourished is sullen and intractable, the sudden anger that has not hadtime to impress the mind with a deep sense of injury, will, when gentlymanaged, be sometimes appeased with the same quickness it is excited: Ihoped, therefore, that some trifling concession from Sir Robert, as theaggressor,--"

  "Ah sir!" cried Cecilia, "that, I fear, was not to be obtained!"

  "Not by me, I must own," he answered; "but I was not willing to think ofthe difficulty, and therefore ventured to make the proposal: nor didI leave the Opera-house till I had used every possible argument topersuade Sir Robert an apology would neither stain his courage nor hisreputation. But his spirit brooked not the humiliation."

  "Spirit!" cried Cecilia, "how mild a word! What, then, could poor MrBelfield resolve upon?"

  "That, I believe, took him very little time to decide. I discovered, bymeans of a gentleman at the Opera who was acquainted with him, wherehe lived, and I waited upon him with an intention to offer my servicestowards settling the affair by arbitration: for since you call himpoor Mr Belfield, I think you will permit me, without offence tohis antagonist, to own that his gallantry, though too impetuous forcommendation, engaged me in his interest."

  "I hope you don't think," cried Cecilia, "that an offence to hisantagonist must necessarily be an offence to me?"

  "Whatever I may have thought," answered he, looking at her with evidentsurprise, "I certainly did not wish that a sympathy offensive anddefensive had been concluded between you. I could not, however, gainaccess to Mr Belfield last night, but the affair dwelt upon my mind, andthis morning I called at his lodging as soon as it was light."

  "How good you have been!" cried Cecilia; "your kind offices have not, Ihope, all proved ineffectual!"

  "So valorous a Don Quixote," returned he, laughing, "certainly meriteda faithful Esquire! He was, however, gone out, and nobody knew whither.About half an hour ago I called upon him again; he was then justreturned home."

  "Well, Sir?"

  "I saw him; the affair was over; and in a short time he will be able, ifyou will allow him so much honour, to thank you for these enquiries."

  "He is then wounded?"

  "He is a little hurt, but Sir Robert is perfectly safe. Belfield firedfirst, and missed; the Baronet was not so successless."

  "I am grieved to hear it, indeed! And where is the wound?"

  "The ball entered his right side, and the moment he felt it, he firedhis second pistol in the air. This I heard from his servant. He wasbrought home carefully and slowly; no surgeon had been upon the spot,but one was called to him immediately. I stayed to enquire his opinionafter the wound had been dressed: he told me he had extracted the ball,and assured me Mr Belfield was not in any danger. Your alarm, madam,last night, which had always been present to me, then encouraged me totake the liberty of waiting upon you; for I concluded you could yet havehad no certain intelligence, and thought it best to let the plain andsimple fact out-run the probable exaggeration of rumour."

  Cecilia thanked him for his attention, and Mrs Harrel then making herappearance, he arose and said, "Had my father known the honour I havehad this morning of waiting upon Miss Beverley, I am sure I should havebeen charged with his compliments, and such a commission would somewhathave lessened the presumption of this visit; but I feared lest while Ishould be making interest for my credentials, the pretence of myembassy might be lost, and other couriers, less scrupulous, might obtainprevious audiences, and anticipate my dispatches."

  He then took his leave.

  "This white domino, at last then," said Cecilia, "is the son of MrDelvile! and thence the knowledge of my situation which gave me so muchsurprise:--a son how infinitely unlike his father!"

  "Yes," said Mrs Harrel, "and as unlike his mother too, for I assure youshe is more proud and haughty even than the old gentleman. I hate thevery sight of her, for she keeps every body in such awe that there'snothing but restraint in her presence. But the son is a very prettyyoung man, and much admired; though I have only seen him in public, fornone of the family visit here."

  Mr Monckton, who now soon returned, was not a little surprised to findthat all the intelligence he meant to communicate was already known: andnot the more pleased to hear that the white domino, to whom before heowed no good-will, had thus officiously preceded him.

  Mr Arnott, who also came just after him, had been so little satisfiedwith the result of his enquiries, that from the fear of encreasingCecilia's uneasiness, he determined not to make known whither he hadbeen; but he soon found his forbearance was of no avail, as shewas already acquainted with the duel and its consequences. Yet hisunremitting desire to oblige her urged him twice in the course of thesame day to again call at Mr Belfield's lodgings, in order to bring herthence fresh and unsolicited intelligence.

  Before breakfast was quite over, Miss Larolles, out of breath witheagerness, came to tell the news of the duel, in her way to church, asit was Sunday morning! and soon after Mrs Mears, who also was followedby other ladies, brought the same account, which by all was addressed toCecilia, with expressions of concern that convinced her, to her infinitevexation, she was generally regarded as the person chiefly interested inthe accident.

  Mr Harrel did not return till late, but then seemed in very highspirits: "Miss Beverley," he cried, "I bring you news that willrepay all your fright; Sir Robert is not only safe, but is come offconqueror."

  "I am very sorry, Sir," answered Cecilia, extremely provoked to be thuscongratulated, "that any body conquered, or any body was vanquished."

  "There is no need for sorrow," cried Mr Harrel, "or for any thing butjoy, for he has not killed his man; the victory, therefore, will neithercost him a flight nor a trial. To-day he means to wait upon you, and layhis laurels at your feet."

  "He means, then, to take very fruitless trouble," said Cecilia, "for Ihave not any ambition to be so honoured."

  "Ah, Miss Beverley," returned he, laughing, "this won't do now! it mighthave passed a little while ago, but it won't do now, I promise you!"

  Cecilia, though much displeased by this accusation, found thatdisclaiming it only excited further raillery, and therefore prevailedupon herself to give him a quiet hearing, and scarce any reply.

  At dinner, when Sir Robert arrived, the dislike she had originally takento him, encreased already into disgust by his behaviour the precedingevening, was now fixed into the strongest aversion by the horror sheconceived of his fierceness, and the indignation she felt excited by hisarrogance. He seemed, from the success of this duel, to think himselfraised to the highest pinnacle of human glory; triumph sat exultingon his brow; he looked down on whoever he deigned to look at all, andshewed that he thought his notice an honour, however imperious themanner in which it was accorded.

  Upon Cecilia, however, he cast an eye of more complacency; he nowbelieved her subdued, and his vanity revelled in the belief: her anxietyhad so thoroughly satisfied him of her love, that she had hardlythe power left to undeceive him; her silence he only attributed toadmiration, her coldness to fear, and her reserve to shame.

  Sickened by insolence so undisguised and unauthorised, and incensedat the triumph of his successful brutality, Cecilia with pain kept herseat, and with vexation reflected upon the necessity she was under ofpassing so large a portion of her time in company to which she was soextremely averse.

  After dinner, when Mrs Harrel was talking of her party for the evening,of which Cecilia declined making one, Sir Robert, with a sort ofproud humility, that half feared rejection, and half proclaimed anindifference to meeting it, said, "I d
on't much care for going furthermyself, if Miss Beverley will give me the honour of taking my tea withher."

  Cecilia, regarding him with much surprise, answered that she had lettersto write into the country, which would confine her to her own room forthe rest of the evening. The Baronet, looking at his watch, instantlycried, "Faith, that is very fortunate, for I have just recollected anengagement at the other end of the town which had slipt my memory."

  Soon after they were all gone, Cecilia received a note from Mrs Delvile,begging the favour of her company the next morning to breakfast. Shereadily accepted the invitation, though she was by no means prepared,by the character she had heard of her, to expect much pleasure from anacquaintance with that lady.