Read Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress — Volume 1 Page 27



  The scheme now projected by Cecilia, was to acquaint the surgeon who hadalready attended Mr. Belfield with his present situation and address,and to desire him to continue his visits, for the payment of which shewould herself be accountable.

  The raillery of young Delvile, however, had taught her to fear theconstructions of the world, and she therefore purposed to keep both thesurgeon and Mr Belfield ignorant to whom they were indebted. She wasaware, indeed, that whatever might be her management, that high-spiritedand unfortunate young man would be extremely hurt to find himself thusdetected and pursued; but she thought his life too well worth preservingto let it be sacrificed to his pride, and her internal conviction ofbeing herself the immediate cause of its present danger, gave to her ananxious and restless desire to be herself the means of extricating himfrom it.

  Rupil, the name of the surgeon, she had already heard mentioned by Mr.Arnott, and in getting into her chair, she ordered Ralph, her man, toenquire where he lived.

  "I know already where he lives, madam," answered Ralph, "for I saw hisname over a door in Cavendish-street, Oxford-road; I took particularnotice of it, because it was at the house where you stood up that dayon account of the mob that was waiting to see the malefactors go toTyburn."

  This answer unravelled to Cecilia a mystery which had long perplexther; for the speeches of young Delvile when he had surprised her inthat situation were now fully explained. In seeing her come out of thesurgeon's house, he had naturally concluded she had only entered itto ask news of his patient, Mr. Belfield; her protestations of merelystanding up to avoid the crowd, he had only laughed at; and his hintsat her reserve and dissimulation, were meant but to reproach her forrefusing his offer of procuring her intelligence, at the very time when,to all appearance, she anxiously, though clandestinely, sought it forherself.

  This discovery, notwithstanding it relieved her from all suspense of hismeaning, gave her much vexation: to be supposed to take an interestso ardent, yet so private, in the affairs of Mr Belfield, might wellauthorise all suspicions of her partiality for him: and even if anydoubt had yet remained, the unlucky meeting upon the stairs at hislodgings, would not fail to dispel it, and confirm the notion of hersecret regard. She hoped, however, to have soon some opportunity ofclearing up the mistake, and resolved in the mean time to be studiouslycautious in avoiding all appearances that might strengthen it.

  No caution, however, and no apprehension, could intimidate her activehumanity from putting into immediate execution a plan in which shefeared any delay might be fatal; and therefore the moment she got home,she wrote the following note to the surgeon.

  _"To------Rupil, Esq._

  _"March 27, 1779_.

  "A friend of Mr Belfield begs Mr Rupil will immediately call upon thatgentleman, who is in lodgings about the middle of Swallow-street, andinsist upon visiting him till he is perfectly recovered. Mr Rupilis entreated not to make known this request, nor to receive from MrBelfield any return for his attendance; but to attribute the discoveryof his residence to accident, and to rest assured he shall be amplyrecompensed for his time and trouble by the friend who makes thisapplication, and who is willing to give any security that Mr Rupil shallthink proper to mention, for the performance of this engagement."

  Her next difficulty was in what manner to have this note conveyed; tosend her own servant was inevitably betraying herself, to employ anyother was risking a confidence that might be still more dangerous,and she could not trust to the penny-post, as her proposal requiredan answer. After much deliberation, she at length determined to haverecourse to Mrs Hill, to whose services she was entitled, and upon whosefidelity she could rely.

  The morning was already far advanced, but the Harrels dined late, andshe would not lose a day where even an hour might be of importance. Shewent therefore immediately to Mrs. Hill, whom she found already removedinto her new habitation in Fetter-lane, and equally busy and happy inthe change of scene and of employment. She gave to her the note, whichshe desired her to carry to Cavendish-street directly, and either todeliver it into Mr. Rupil's own hands, or to bring it back if he wasout; but upon no consideration to make known whence or from whom itcame.

  She then went into the back part of the shop, which by Mrs. Robertswas called the parlour, and amused herself during the absence of hermessenger, by playing with the children.

  Mrs. Hill at her return said she had found Mr. Rupil at home, and asshe refused to give the letter to the servant, she had been taken intoa room where he was talking with a gentleman, to whom, as soon as he hadread it, he said with a laugh, "Why here's another person with the sameproposal as yours! however, I shall treat you both alike." And thenhe wrote an answer, which he sealed up, and bid her take care of. Thisanswer was as follows:

  "Mr. Rupil will certainly attend Mr. Belfield, whose friends may besatisfied he will do all in his power to recover him, without receivingany recompense but the pleasure of serving a gentleman who is so muchbeloved."

  Cecilia, charmed at this unhoped for success, was making furtherenquiries into what had passed, when Mrs Hill, in a low voice, said,"There's the gentleman, madam, who was with Mr. Rupil when I gave himthe letter. I had a notion he was dodging me all the way I came, for Isaw him just behind me, turn which way I would."

  Cecilia then looked--and perceived young Delvile! who, after stoppinga moment at the door, came into the shop, and desired to be shewn somegloves, which, among other things, were laid in the window.

  Extremely disconcerted at the sight of him, she began now almost tofancy there was some fatality attending her acquaintance with him, sinceshe was always sure of meeting, when she had any reason to wish avoidinghim.

  As soon as he saw he was observed by her, he bowed with the utmostrespect: she coloured in returning the salutation, and prepared, with nolittle vexation, for another attack, and further [raillery], similar towhat she had already received from him: but, as soon as he had made hispurchase, he bowed to her again, and, without speaking, left the shop.

  A silence so unexpected at once astonished and disturbed her; sheagain desired to hear all that had passed at Mr. Rupil's, and from therelation gathered that Delvile had himself undertaken to be responsiblefor his attendance upon Mr. Belfield.

  A liberality so like her own failed not to impress her with the mostlively esteem: but this served rather to augment than lessen the painwith which she considered the clandestine appearance she thus repeatedlymade to him. She had no doubt he had immediately concluded she wasauthor of the application to the surgeon, and that he followed hermessenger merely to ascertain the fact; while his silence when he hadmade the discovery, she could only attribute to his now believing thather regard for Mr Belfield was too serious for raillery.

  Doubly, however, she rejoiced at the generosity of Mr Rupil, as itrendered wholly unnecessary her further interference: for she now sawwith some alarm the danger to which benevolence itself, directed towardsa youthful object, might expose her.