Read Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress — Volume 2 Page 2


  The day at length arrived of which the evening and the entrance ofcompany were, for the first time, as eagerly wished by Cecilia as by herdissipated host and hostess. No expence and no pains had been spared torender this long projected entertainment splendid and elegant; it was tobegin with a concert, which was to be followed by a ball, and succeededby a supper.

  Cecilia, though unusually anxious about her own affairs, was notso engrossed by them as to behold with indifference a scene of suchunjustifiable extravagance; it contributed to render her thoughtful anduneasy, and to deprive her of all mental power of participating in thegaiety of the assembly. Mr Arnott was yet more deeply affected by themad folly of the scheme, and received from the whole evening no othersatisfaction than that which a look of sympathetic concern from Ceciliaoccasionally afforded him.

  Till nine o'clock no company appeared, except Sir Robert Floyer,who stayed from dinner time, and Mr Morrice, who having received aninvitation for the evening, was so much delighted with the permissionto again enter the house, that he made use of it between six andseven o'clock, and before the family had left the dining parlour. Heapologized with the utmost humility to Cecilia for the unfortunateaccident at the Pantheon; but as to her it had been productive ofnothing but pleasure, by exciting in young Delvile the most flatteringalarm for her safety, she found no great difficulty in according him herpardon.

  Among those who came in the first crowd was Mr Monckton, who, had hebeen equally unconscious of sinister views, would in following his owninclination, have been as early in his attendance as Mr Morrice; butwho, to obviate all suspicious remarks, conformed to the fashionabletardiness of the times.

  Cecilia's chief apprehension for the evening was that Sir Robert Floyerwould ask her to dance with him, which she could not refuse withoutsitting still during the ball, nor accept, after the reports she knewto be spread, without seeming to give a public sanction to them. To MrMonckton therefore, innocently considering him as a married man and herold friend, she frankly told her distress, adding, by way of excuse forthe hint, that the partners were to be changed every two dances.

  Mr Monckton, though his principal study was carefully to avoid allpublic gallantry or assiduity towards Cecilia, had not the forbearanceto resist this intimation, and therefore she had the pleasure of tellingSir Robert, when he asked the honour of her hand for the two firstdances, that she was already engaged.

  She then expected that he would immediately secure her for the twofollowing; but, to her great joy, he was so much piqued by the evidentpleasure with which she announced her engagement, that he proudly walkedaway without adding another word.

  Much satisfied with this arrangement, and not without hopes that, ifshe was at liberty when he arrived, she might be applied to by youngDelvile, she now endeavoured to procure herself a place in the musicroom.

  This, with some difficulty, she effected; but though there was anexcellent concert, in which several capital performers played and sung,she found it impossible to hear a note, as she chanced to be seated justby Miss Leeson, and two other young ladies, who were paying one anothercompliments upon their dress and their looks, settling to dance in thesame cotillon, guessing who would begin the minuets, and wonderingthere were not more gentlemen. Yet, in the midst of this unmeaningconversation, of which she remarked that Miss Leeson bore the principalpart, not one of them failed, from time to time, to exclaim with greatrapture "What sweet music!--" "Oh! how charming!" "Did you ever hear anything so delightful?--"

  "Ah," said Cecilia to Mr Gosport, who now approached her, "but for yourexplanatory observations, how much would the sudden loquacity of thissupercilious lady, whom I had imagined all but dumb, have perplext me!"

  "Those who are most silent to strangers," answered Mr Gosport, "commonlytalk most fluently to their intimates, for they are deeply in arrears,and eager to pay off their debts. Miss Leeson now is in her proper set,and therefore appears in her natural character; and the poor girl's joyin being able to utter all the nothings she has painfully hoarded whileseparated from her coterie, gives to her now the wild transport of abird just let loose from a cage. I rejoice to see the little creatureat liberty, for what can be so melancholy as a forced appearance ofthinking, where there are no materials for such an occupation?"

  Soon after, Miss Larolles, who was laughing immoderately, contrived tocrowd herself into their party, calling out to them, "O you have had thegreatest loss in the world! if you had but been in the next room justnow!--there's the drollest figure there you can conceive; enough tofrighten one to look at him." And presently she added "O Lord, if youstoop a little this way, you may see him!"

  Then followed a general tittering, accompanied with exclamations of"Lord, what a fright!" "It's enough to kill one with laughing to look athim!" "Did you ever see such a horrid creature in your life?" And soonafter, one of them screamed out "O Lord, see!--he's grinning at MissBeverley!"

  Cecilia then turned her head towards the door, and there, to her ownas well as her neighbours' amazement, she perceived Mr Briggs! who, inorder to look about him at his ease, was standing upon a chair, fromwhich, having singled her out, he was regarding her with a facetioussmirk, which, when it caught her eye, was converted into a familiar nod.

  She returned his salutation, but was not much charmed to observe, thatpresently descending from his exalted post, which had moved the wonderand risibility of all the company, he made a motion to approach her; forwhich purpose, regardless of either ladies or gentlemen in his way, hesturdily pushed forward, with the same unconcerned hardiness he wouldhave forced himself through a crowd in the street; and taking not thesmallest notice of their frowns, supplications that he would standstill, and exclamations of "Pray, Sir!"--"Lord, how troublesome!" and"Sir, I do assure you here's no room!" he fairly and adroitly elbowedthem from him till he reached her seat; and then, with a waggish grin,he looked round, to show he had got the better, and to see whom he haddiscomposed.

  When he had enjoyed this triumph, he turned to Cecilia, and chucking herunder the chin, said "Well, my little duck, how goes it? got to you atlast; squeezed my way; would not be nicked; warrant I'll mob with thebest of them! Look here! all in a heat!--hot as the dog days."

  And then, to the utter consternation of the company, he took off his wigto wipe his head! which occasioned such universal horror, that all whowere near the door escaped into other, apartments, while those who weretoo much enclosed, for flight, with one accord turned away their heads.

  Captain Aresby, being applied to by some of the ladies to remonstrateupon this unexampled behaviour, advanced to him, and said, "I amquite abime, Sir, to incommode you, but the commands of the ladies areinsuperable. Give me leave, Sir, to entreat that you would put on yourwig."

  "My wig?" cried he, "ay, ay, shall in a moment, only want to wipe myhead first."

  "I am quite assomme, Sir," returned the Captain, "to disturb you, butI must really hint you don't comprehend me; the ladies are extremelyinconvenienced by these sort of sights, and we make it a principle theyshould never be accablees with them."

  "Anan!" cried Mr Briggs, staring.

  "I say, Sir," replied the Captain, "the ladies are quite au desespoirthat you will not cover your head."

  "What for?" cried he, "what's the matter with my head? ne'er a man heregot a better! very good stuff in it; won't change it with ne'er a one ofyou!"

  And then, half unconscious of the offence he had given, and half angryat the rebuke he had received, he leisurely compleated his design, andagain put on his wig, settling it to his face with as much composure asif he had performed the operation in his own dressing-room.

  The Captain, having gained his point, walked away, making, however,various grimaces of disgust, and whispering from side to side "he's themost petrifying fellow I ever was obsede by!"

  Mr Briggs then, with much derision, and sundry distortions ofcountenance, listened to an Italian song; after which, he bustled backto the outer apartment, in search of C
ecilia, who, ashamed of seeminga party in the disturbance he had excited, had taken the opportunity ofhis dispute with the Captain, to run into the next room; where, however,he presently found her, while she was giving an account to Mr Gosportof her connection with him, to which Morrice, ever curious and eager toknow what was going forward, was also listening.

  "Ah, little chick!" cried he, "got to you again! soon out jostle thosejemmy sparks! But where's the supper? see nothing of the supper! Time togo to bed,--suppose there is none; all a take in; nothing but a littlepiping."

  "Supper, Sir?" cried Cecilia; "the Concert is not over yet. Was suppermentioned in your card of invitation?"

  "Ay, to be sure, should not have come else. Don't visit often; alwayscosts money. Wish I had not come now; wore a hole in my shoe; hardly acrack in it before."

  "Why you did not walk, Sir?"

  "Did, did; why not? Might as well have stayed away though; daubed mybest coat, like to have spoilt it."

  "So much the better for the taylors, Sir," said Morrice, pertly, "forthen you must have another."

  "Another! what for? ha'n't had this seven years; just as good as new."

  "I hope," said Cecilia, "you had not another fall?"

  "Worse, worse; like to have lost my bundle."

  "What bundle, Sir?"

  "Best coat and waistcoat; brought 'em in my handkerchief, purpose tosave them. When will Master Harrel do as much?"

  "But had you no apprehensions, Sir," said Mr Gosport drily, "that thehandkerchief would be the sooner worn out for having a knot tied in it?"

  "Took care of that, tied it slack. Met an unlucky boy; little dog gaveit a pluck; knot slipt; coat and waistcoat popt out."

  "But what became of the boy, Sir?" cried Morrice, "I hope he got off?"

  "Could not run for laughing; caught him in a minute; gave him somethingto laugh for; drubbed him soundly."

  "O poor fellow!" cried Morrice with a loud hallow, "I am really sorryfor him. But pray, Sir, what became of your best coat and waistcoatwhile you gave him this drubbing? did you leave them in the dirt?"

  "No, Mr Nincompoop," answered Briggs angrily, "I put them on a stall."

  "That was a perilous expedient, Sir," said Mr Gosport, "and I shouldfear might be attended with ill consequences, for the owner of the stallwould be apt to expect some little douceur. How did you manage, Sir?"

  "Bought a halfpenny worth of apples. Serve for supper to-morrow night."

  "But how, Sir, did you get your cloaths dried, or cleaned?"

  "Went to an alehouse; cost me half a pint."

  "And pray, Sir," cried Morrice, "where, at last, did you make yourtoilette?"

  "Sha'n't tell, sha'n't tell; ask no more questions. What signifies wherea man slips on a coat and waist-coat?"

  "Why, Sir, this will prove an expensive expedition to you," said MrGosport, very gravely; "Have you cast up what it may cost you?"

  "More than it's worth, more than it's worth," answered he pettishly"ha'n't laid out so much in pleasure these five years."

  "Ha! ha!" cried Morrice, hallowing aloud, "why it can't be more thansixpence in all!"

  "Sixpence?" repeated he scornfully, "if you don't know the value ofsixpence, you'll never be worth fivepence three farthings. How do thinkgot rich, hay?--by wearing fine coats, and frizzling my pate? No, no;Master Harrel for that! ask him if he'll cast an account with me!--neverknew a man worth a penny with such a coat as that on."

  Morrice again laughed, and again Mr Briggs reproved him; and Cecilia,taking advantage of the squabble, stole back to the music-room. Here, ina few minutes, Mrs Panton, a lady who frequently visited at the house,approached Cecilia, followed by a gentleman, whom she had never beforeseen, but who was so evidently charmed with her, that he had lookedat no other object since his entrance into the house. Mrs Panton,presenting him to her by the name of Mr Marriot, told her he had beggedher intercession for the honour of her hand in the two first dances; andthe moment she answered that she was already engaged, the same requestwas made for the two following. Cecilia had then no excuse, and wastherefore obliged to accept him.

  The hope she had entertained in the early part of the evening, wasalready almost wholly extinguished; Delvile appeared not! though hereye watched the entrance of every new visitor, and her vexation made herbelieve that he alone, of all the town, was absent.

  When the Concert was over, the company joined promiscuously for chatand refreshments before the ball; and Mr Gosport advanced to Cecilia, torelate a ridiculous dispute which had just passed between Mr Briggs andMorrice.

  "You, Mr Gosport," said Cecilia, "who seem to make the minutiae ofabsurd characters your study, can explain to me, perhaps, why Mr Briggsseems to have as much pleasure in proclaiming his meanness, as inboasting his wealth?"

  "Because," answered Mr Gosport, "he knows them, in his own affairs,to be so nearly allied, that but for practising the one, he hadnever possessed the other; ignorant, therefore, of alldiscrimination,--except, indeed, of pounds, shillings and pence!--hesupposes them necessarily inseparable, because with him they wereunited. What you, however, call meanness, he thinks wisdom, andrecollects, therefore, not with shame but with triumph, the variouslittle arts and subterfuges by which his coffers have been filled."

  Here Lord Ernolf, concluding Cecilia still disengaged from seeing heronly discourse with Mr Gosport and Mr Monckton, one of them was oldenough to be her father, and the other was a married man, advanced,and presenting to her Lord Derford, his son, a youth not yet of age,solicited for him the honour of her hand as his partner.

  Cecilia, having a double excuse, easily declined this proposal; LordErnolf, however, was too earnest to be repulsed, and told her he shouldagain try his interest when her two present engagements were fulfilled.Hopeless, now, of young Delvile, she heard this intimation withindifference; and was accompanying Mr Monckton into the ballroom, whenMiss Larolles, flying towards her with an air of infinite eagerness,caught her hand, and said in a whisper "pray let me wish you joy!"

  "Certainly!" said Cecilia, "but pray let me ask you of what?"

  "O Lord, now," answered she, "I am sure you know what I mean; but youmust know I have a prodigious monstrous great favour to beg of you; nowpray don't refuse me; I assure you if you do, I shall be so mortifiedyou've no notion."

  "Well, what is it?"

  "Nothing but to let me be one of your bride maids. I assure you I shalltake it as the greatest favour in the world."

  "My bride maid!" cried Cecilia; "but do you not think the bridegroomhimself will be rather offended to find a bridesmaid appointed, beforehe is even thought of?"

  "O pray, now," cried she, "don't be ill-natured, for if you are, you'veno idea how I shall be disappointed. Only conceive what happened to methree weeks ago! you must know I was invited to Miss Clinton's wedding,and so I made up a new dress on purpose, in a very particular sort ofshape, quite of my own invention, and it had the sweetest effect you canconceive; well, and when the time came, do you know her mother happenedto die! Never any thing was so excessive unlucky, for now she won't bemarried this half year, and my dress will be quite old and yellow; forit's all white, and the most beautiful thing you ever saw in your life."

  "Upon my word you are very obliging!" cried Cecilia laughing; "and praydo you make interest regularly round with all your female acquaintanceto be married upon this occasion, or am I the only one you think thisdistress will work upon?"

  "Now how excessive teazing!" cried Miss Larolles, "when you know so wellwhat I mean, and when all the town knows as well as myself."

  Cecilia then seriously enquired whether she had really any meaning atall.

  "Lord yes," answered she, "you know I mean about Sir Robert Floyer; forI'm told you've quite refused Lord Derford."

  "And are you also told that I have accepted Sir Robert Floyer?"

  "O dear yes!--the jewels are bought, and the equipages are built; it'squite a settled thing, I know very well."

  Cecilia then very gravely began an attempt
to undeceive her; but thedancing beginning also at the same time, she stayed not to hear her,hurrying, with a beating heart, to the place of action. Mr Monckton andhis fair partner then followed, mutually exclaiming against Mr Harrel'simpenetrable conduct; of which Cecilia, however, in a short timeceased wholly to think, for as soon as the first cotillon was over, sheperceived young Delvile just walking into the room.

  Surprise, pleasure and confusion assailed her all at once; she hadentirely given up her expectation of seeing him, and an absence sodetermined had led her to conclude he had pursuits which ought to makeher join in wishing it lengthened; but now he appeared, that conclusion,with the fears that gave rise to it, vanished; and she regretted nothingbut the unfortunate succession of engagements which would prevent herdancing with him at all, and probably keep off all conversation with himtill supper time.

  She soon, however, perceived a change in his air and behaviour thatextremely astonished her; he looked grave and thoughtful, saluted herat a distance, shewed no sign of any intention to approach her, regardedthe dancing and dancers as a public spectacle in which he had no chanceof personal interest, and seemed wholly altered, not merely with respectto her, but to himself, as his former eagerness for her society was notmore abated than [his] former general gaiety.

  She had no time, however, for comments, as she was presently calledto the second cotillon; but the confused and unpleasant ideas which,without waiting for time or reflection, crowded upon her imaginationon observing his behaviour, were not more depressing to herself, thanobvious to her partner; Mr Monckton by the change in her countenancefirst perceived the entrance of young Delvile, and by her apparentemotion and uneasiness, readily penetrated into the state of her mind;he was confirmed that her affections were engaged; he saw, too, that shewas doubtful with what return.

  The grief with which he made the first discovery, was somewhat lessenedby the hopes he conceived from, the second; yet the evening was to himas painful as to Cecilia, since he now knew that whatever prosperity'might ultimately attend his address and assiduity, her heart was nother own to bestow; and that even were he sure of young Delvile'sindifference, and actually at liberty to make proposals for himself,the time of being first in her esteem was at an end, and the long-earnedgood opinion which he had hoped would have ripened into affection, mightnow be wholly undermined by the sudden impression of a lively stranger,without trouble to himself, and perhaps without pleasure!

  Reflections such as these wholly embittered the delight he had promisedhimself from dancing with her, and took from him all power to combat theanxiety with which she was seized; when the second cotillon, therefore,was over, instead of following her to a seat, or taking the privilege ofhis present situation to converse with her, the jealousy rising in hisbreast robbed him of all satisfaction, and gave to him no other desirethan to judge its justice by watching her motions at a distance.

  Mean while Cecilia, inattentive whether he accompanied or quitted herproceeded to the first vacant seat. Young Delvile was standing near it,and, in a short time, but rather as if he could not avoid than as if hewished it, he came to enquire how she did.

  The simplest question, in the then situation of her mind, was sufficientto confuse her, and though she answered, she hardly knew what he hadasked. A minute's recollection, however, restored an apparent composure,and she talked to him of Mrs Delvile, with her usual partial regardfor that lady, and with an earnest endeavour to seem unconscious of anyalteration in his behaviour.

  Yet, to him, even this trifling and general conversation was evidentlypainful, and he looked relieved by the approach of Sir Robert Floyer,who soon after joined them.

  At this time a young lady who was sitting by Cecilia, called to aservant who was passing, for a glass of lemonade; Cecilia desiredhe would bring her one also; but Delvile, not sorry to break off thediscourse, said he would himself be her cup-bearer, and for that purposewent away.

  A moment after, the servant returned with some lemonade to Cecilia'sneighbour, and Sir Robert, taking a glass from him, brought it toCecilia at the very instant young Delvile came with another.

  "I think I am before hand with you, Sir," said the insolent Baronet.

  "No, Sir," answered young Delvile, "I think we were both in together;Miss Beverley, however, is steward of the race, and we must submit toher decision."

  "Well, madam," cried Sir Robert, "here we stand, waiting your pleasure.Which is to be the happy man!"

  "Each, I hope," answered Cecilia, with admirable presence of mind,"since I expect no less than that you will both do me the honour ofdrinking my health."

  This little contrivance, which saved her alike from shewing favour orgiving offence, could not but be applauded by both parties; and whilethey obeyed her orders, she took a third glass herself from the servant.

  While this was passing, Mr Briggs, again perceiving her, stumpt hastilytowards her, calling out "Ah ha! my duck! what's that? got somethingnice? Come here, my lad, taste it myself."

  He then took a glass, but having only put it to his mouth, made a wryface, and returned it, saying "Bad! bad! poor punch indeed!--not a dropof rum in it!

  "So much the better, Sir," cried Morrice, who diverted himself byfollowing him, "for then you see the master of the house spares insomething, and you said he spared in nothing."

  "Don't spare in fools!" returned Mr Briggs, "keeps them in plenty."

  "No, Sir, nor in any out of the way characters," answered Morrice.

  "So much the worse," cried Briggs, "so much the worse! Eat him out ofhouse and home; won't leave him a rag to his back nor a penny in hispocket. Never mind 'em, my little duck; mind none of your guardians butme; t'other two a'n't worth a rush."

  Cecilia, somewhat ashamed of this speech, looked towards young Delvile,in whom it occasioned the first smile she had seen that evening.

  "Been looking about for you!" continued Briggs, noddingsagaciously; "believe I've found one will do. Guess what Imean;--L100,0000--hay?--what say to that? any thing better at the westend of the town?"

  "L100,000!" cried Morrice, "and pray, Sir, who may this be?"

  "Not you, Mr jackanapes! sure of that. A'n't quite positive he'll haveyou, neither. Think he will, though."

  "Pray; Sir, what age is he?" cried the never daunted Morrice.

  "Why about--let's see--don't know, never heard,--what signifies?"

  "But, Sir, he's an old man, I suppose, by being so rich?"

  "Old? no, no such thing; about my own standing."

  "What, Sir, and do you propose him for an husband to Miss Beverley?"

  "Why not? know ever a one warmer? think Master Harrel will get her abetter? or t'other old Don, in the grand square?"

  "If you please, Sir," cried Cecilia hastily, "we will talk of thismatter another time."

  "No, pray," cried young Delvile, who could not forbear laughing, "let itbe discussed now."

  "Hate 'em," continued Mr Briggs, "hate 'em both! one spending more thanhe's worth, cheated and over-reached by fools, running into gaol toplease a parcel of knaves; t'other counting nothing but uncles andgrandfathers, dealing out fine names instead of cash, casting up morecousins than guineas--"

  Again Cecilia endeavoured to silence him, but, only chucking her underthe chin, he went on, "Ay, ay, my little duck, never mind 'em; one of'em i'n't worth a penny, and t'other has nothing in his pockets butlists of the defunct. What good will come of that? would not givetwopence a dozen for 'em! A poor set of grandees, with nothing but atie-wig for their portions!"

  Cecilia, unable to bear this harangue in the presence of young Delvile,who, however, laughed it off with a very good grace, arose with anintention to retreat, which being perceived by Sir Robert Floyer, whohad attended to this dialogue with haughty contempt, he came forward,and said, "now then, madam, may I have the honour of your hand?"

  "No, Sir," answered Cecilia, "I am engaged."

  "Engaged again?" cried he, with the air of a man who thought himselfmuch injured.

  "Glad of it, g
lad of it!" said Mr Briggs; "served very right! havenothing to say to him, my chick!"

  "Why not, Sir?" cried Sir Robert, with an imperious look.

  "Sha'n't have her, sha'n't have her! can tell you that; won't consent;know you of old."

  "And what do you know of me, pray Sir?"

  "No good, no good; nothing to say to you; found fault with my nose!ha'n't forgot it."

  At this moment Mr Marriot came to claim his partner, who, very willingto quit this scene of wrangling and vulgarity, immediately attendedhim. Miss Larolles, again flying up to her, said "O my dear, we are allexpiring to know who that creature is! I never saw such a horrid frightin my life!"

  Cecilia was beginning to satisfy her, but some more young ladies comingup to join in the request, she endeavoured to pass on; "O but," criedMiss Larolles, detaining her, "do pray stop, for I've something to tellyou that's so monstrous you've no idea. Do you know Mr Meadows has notdanced at all! and he's been standing with Mr Sawyer, and looking on allthe time, and whispering and laughing so you've no notion. However, Iassure you, I'm excessive glad he did not ask me, for all I have beensitting still all this time, for I had a great deal rather sit still, Iassure you; only I'm sorry I put on this dress, for any thing would havedone just to look on in that stupid manner."

  Here Mr Meadows sauntered towards them; and all the young ladiesbegan playing with their fans, and turning their heads another way, todisguise the expectations his approach awakened; and Miss Larolles, ina hasty whisper to Cecilia, cried, "Pray don't take any notice of whatI said, for if he should happen to ask me, I can't well refuse him, youknow, for if I do, he'll be so excessive affronted you can't think."

  Mr Meadows then, mixing in the little group, began, with sundrygrimaces, to exclaim "how intolerably hot it is! there's no such thingas breathing. How can anybody think of dancing! I am amazed Mr Harrelhas not a ventilator in this room. Don't you think it would be a greatimprovement?"

  This speech, though particularly addressed to no one, receivedimmediately an assenting answer from all the young ladies.

  Then, turning to Miss Larolles, "Don't you dance?" he said.

  "Me?" cried she, embarrassed, "yes, I believe so,--really I don'tknow,--I a'n't quite determined."

  "O, do dance!" cried he, stretching himself and yawning, "it alwaysgives me spirits to see you."

  Then, turning suddenly to Cecilia, without any previous ceremony ofrenewing his acquaintance, either by speaking or bowing, he abruptlysaid "Do you love dancing, ma'am?"

  "Yes, Sir, extremely well."

  "I'm very glad to hear it. You have one thing, then, to softenexistence."

  "Do you dislike it yourself?"

  "What dancing? Oh dreadful! how it was ever adopted in a civilizedcountry I cannot find out; 'tis certainly a Barbarian exercise, and ofsavage origin. Don't you think so, Miss Larolles?"

  "Lord no," cried Miss Larolles, "I assure you I like it better than anything; I know nothing so delightful, I declare I dare say I could notlive without it; I should be so stupid you can't conceive."

  "Why I remember," said Mr Marriot, "when Mr Meadows was always dancinghimself. Have you forgot, Sir, when you used to wish the night wouldlast for ever, that you might dance without ceasing?"

  Mr Meadows, who was now intently surveying a painting that was over thechimney-piece, seemed not to hear this question, but presently calledout "I am amazed Mr Harrel can suffer such a picture as this to be inhis house. I hate a portrait, 'tis so wearisome looking at a thing thatis doing nothing!"

  "Do you like historical pictures, Sir, any better?"

  "O no, I detest them! views of battles, murders, and death! Shocking!shocking!--I shrink from them with horror!"

  "Perhaps you are fond of landscapes?"

  "By no means! Green trees and fat cows! what do they tell one? I hateevery thing that is insipid."

  "Your toleration, then," said Cecilia, "will not be very extensive."

  "No," said he, yawning, "one can tolerate nothing! one's patience iswholly exhausted by the total tediousness of every thing one sees, andevery body one talks with. Don't you find it so, ma'am?"

  "Sometimes!" said Cecilia, rather archly.

  "You are right, ma'am, extremely right; one does not know what in theworld to do with one's self. At home, one is killed with meditation,abroad, one is overpowered by ceremony; no possibility of finding easeor comfort. You never go into public, I think, ma'am?"

  "Why not to be much marked, I find!" said Cecilia, laughing.

  "O, I beg your pardon! I believe I saw you one evening at Almack's; Ireally beg your pardon, but I had quite forgot it."

  "Lord, Mr Meadows," said Miss Larolles, "don't you know you are meaningthe Pantheon? only conceive how you forget things!"

  "The Pantheon, was it? I never know one of those places from another.I heartily wish they were all abolished; I hate public places. 'Tisterrible to be under the same roof with a set of people who would carenothing if they saw one expiring!"

  "You are, at least, then, fond of the society of your friends?"

  "O no! to be worn out by seeing always the same faces!--one is sick todeath of friends; nothing makes one so melancholy."

  Cecilia now went to join the dancers, and Mr Meadows, turning to MissLarolles, said, "Pray don't let me keep you from dancing; I am afraidyou'll lose your place."

  "No," cried she, bridling, "I sha'n't dance at all."

  "How cruel!" cried he, yawning, "when you know how it exhilarates meto see you! Don't you think this room is very close? I must go and tryanother atmosphere,--But I hope you will relent, and dance?"

  And then, stretching his arms as if half asleep, he sauntered into thenext room, where he flung himself upon a sofa till the ball was over.

  The new partner of Cecilia, who was a wealthy, but very simple youngman, used his utmost efforts to entertain and oblige her, and, flatteredby the warmth of his own desire, he fancied that he succeeded; though,in a state of such suspence and anxiety, a man of brighter talents hadfailed.

  At the end of the two dances, Lord Ernolf again attempted to engage herfor his son, but she now excused herself from dancing any more, andsat quietly as a spectatress till the rest of the company gave over. MrMarriot, however, would not quit her, and she was compelled to supportwith him a trifling conversation, which, though irksome to herself, tohim, who had not seen her in her happier hour, was delightful.

  She expected every instant to be again joined by young Delvile, butthe expectation was disappointed; he came not; she concluded he was inanother apartment; the company was summoned to supper, she then thoughtit impossible to miss him; but, after waiting and looking for him invain, she found he had already left the house.

  The rest of the evening she scarce knew what passed, for she attendedto nothing; Mr Monckton might watch, and Mr Briggs might exhort her, SirRobert might display his insolence, or Mr Marriot his gallantry,--allwas equally indifferent, and equally unheeded; and before half thecompany left the house, she retired to her own room.

  She spent the night in the utmost disturbance; the occurrences of theevening with respect to young Delvile she looked upon as decisive; ifhis absence had chagrined her, his presence had still more shocked her,since, while she was left to conjecture, though she had fears she hadhopes, and though all she saw was gloomy, all she expected was pleasant;but they had now met, and those expectations proved fallacious. She knewnot, indeed, how to account for the strangeness of his conduct; but inseeing it was strange, she was convinced it was unfavourable; he hadevidently avoided her while it was in his power, and when, at last, hewas obliged to meet her, he was formal, distant, and reserved.

  The more she recollected and dwelt upon the difference of his behaviourin their preceding meeting, the more angry as well as amazed she becameat the change, and though she still concluded the pursuit of some otherobject occasioned it, she could find no excuse for his fickleness ifthat pursuit was recent, nor for his caprice if it was anterior.