Read Center Worlds - Spark Page 2

Dramatis Personae

  Gyo Helvolevac Camelin – Ageing Patriarch of Clan Camelin

  Ryo Jejouclevac Camelin – Lord of Clan Camelin and Commander of the TGX-2 Battlecruiser

  Lya Jalanysa Desinlo – Regent of Clan Desinlo and Consort to Lord Ryo Camelin

  Gya Helvanysa Desinlo – First born daughter to Ryo and Lya, not considered Camelin, she is considered the next Regent Desinlo. Commands the TGX-4 Battlecruiser

  Lyo Helvaleso Camelin (Willem Hyens) – An orphan that the Lady Lya Desinlo adopted and raised to be a protector to her daughters, lost to Pirates when he was 18.

  Aya Nandreclevac Camelin – Second born daughter to Ryo and Lya, considered the First Daughter of Clan Camelin, Consort to the Lord Emperor.

  Kya Kilvanysa Desinlo – Orphan who is trained to be Aya Camelin's Lari'Sota, intimate companion and personal maid. She is an empath.

  Kyo Helvotreos Masilec – Current Emperor, killed during a Grand Council meeting and paving the way for Tyo to begin the rise to Emperor.

  Tyo Jalatreos Masilec – Emperor in waiting at the beginning of the story, becomes Lord Emperor of the Confederacy on his 18th Name Day, marries Aya Camelin

  Captain Viktor Kalen – Executive Officer (XO) Of the TGX-2, Second in Command and Ryo Camelin's most trusted officer.

  Jalena Kilva Sinlo – Mate to Viktor Kalen, dies in childbirth of her daughter. Daughter vanishes. Jalena was an empath

  Sergeant Sylva Cato – Comm officer and lover to Gya Desinlo after Lyo is lost, becomes her XO when Gya assumes command of the TGX-4.

  Myo Michelab – Leader of Clan Michelab, assassinated by Captain Kerilac who then assumed command of the combined Clans in an effort to destroy Clans Camelin and Desinlo.

  Captain Jaseb Kerilac – Vengeful leader of Clans Kerilac and Jasinlo who assassinated the leader of Clan Michelab, then assumes command and wages a bloody war against Clan Camelin for more than 14 cycles.

  Mistress Tya Veritas – Lari'Sota who is assigned to be surrogate mother to the young Lady Aya and Kya as they grow. She teaches and trains both girls to be ready to survive in the complex politics of the palace.

  Doctor Hektor Solano – Chief Doctor to the Palace. A surgeon with exceptional skill who has helped at the palace for decades and who was responsible for saving young Aya's life.