Read Center Worlds - Spark Page 6

  Chapter 1.2

  Welcome, Warriors - Clanworld Desinlo -32 BA

  "You see what in orbit?" Lya said as she watched the reports of the projectiles melting, then a flash of fusion strength in the sky above the city.

  "We're detecting a large ship, Regent. It has positioned itself between us and the latest weapon strike. All inbound weapons are gone." Vis Marhup reported as he analysed the readouts.

  "They helped us?" Lya asked, leaning forward to look at the readouts.

  "That ship is enormous. It reads over a kim and a half long. Readouts indicate it also threw a fusion warhead onto it's space side, and took the blast to ensure the last remaining projectiles were destroyed. We have nothing like that, nor have I heard of anything like this, Regent." Marhup informed her.

  "Open a channel, we may have an ally." Lya said, then picked up the comm unit.

  "Attention vessel in orbit. This is Regent Desinlo. Please identify yourself."

  "Regent Desinlo, this is Commander Ryo Camelin of the Confederacy Battlecruiser TGX-2. We are pleased that there are still people alive on your world. It looks like we arrived just in time."

  Lya laughed. "I agree, Commander. Let me be the first to welcome you. It has been many cycles past that we had friendly communications with anybody outside of our system. I would like to invite you planet side, I will have a banquet prepared in your honour."


  The Desinlo shuttle cruised into the starboard docking bay of the TGX-2 and landed. As it's hatch opened and the flight crew stepped out, they were amazed at the size of the docking bay alone. "We could fit an entire squadron of Superiority fighters in here. How big is this ship?" the pilot asked.

  "Almost forty megatonnes, 1.6 kims long, with enough power to take on a planet full of insurgents. Since your clan has been isolated, we have progressed greatly." Commander Ryo Camelin said as he stepped forward. He clasped hands with the pilot and then the navigator. "Welcome aboard the TGX-2. I hope this will not be your only visit."

  "You are the Commander of this vessel?" The pilot asked him.

  "Yes, I am in charge of this ship." Ryo acknowledged.

  The pilot bowed in deference. "My lord, our Regent has requested you, along with up to 9 members of your choosing to join her planet side for a welcoming banquet. How long do you require to be prepared, Sir?"

  "Give us half an hour, and then we will travel to the planet with you."


  Ryo, Kalan, and eight of the primary bridge crew, all dressed in their finest, sat in the shuttle, secured in harnesses, as it jetted towards the surface. They were surprised as the ship felt like it accelerated upon hitting the atmosphere, but no sign of heat stress touched the hull, nor was there even a glow on the shields that must be surrounding them. The ship slipped through the thickening air at near-orbital velocity. Then suddenly slowed down, steadily, but not uncomfortably, until it was stopped, then it descended vertically to land beside a large building.

  "Impressive piloting, a very smooth landing." Kalan said to the pilot as the hatch opened.

  "Thank you, Sir. If you would please exit the shuttle, the welcome party is waiting."

  The TGX crew stepped out of the shuttle and saw a small party standing on the outside of the docking cradle waiting for them. Foremost was a tall, regal-looking woman with slate-grey hair and piercing sky-blue eyes. As they approached, she stepped forward with hands outstretched, palms downwards. Ryo noted that the flanking guards also unlimbered their weapons, prepared to fire at the first sign of hostilities. This was not the time for brashness or poor judgement.

  Ryo stepped forward and took both of the woman's hands in his, then leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss upon each hand. "You must be Regent Desinlo, I am Commander Ryo Camelin, and this is my bridge crew."

  Lya Desinlo smiled at the greeting and the honour that was displayed towards her. "Thank you, Commander, you are welcome upon my humble world. It has been many cycles since another clan paid us attention. In fact, many hundreds of cycles since any Confederacy Clan has visited our world in peace."

  "Truth be told, Regent. I am here alone, Confederacy Command and the Emperor do not know of this trip or meeting. I am doing this as leader of Clan Camelin. I wanted to make contact with your clan and see what remained? There were many rumours that the planet was a burnt-out husk of radiation." Ryo said as the party began to walk towards a building not too far from the landing cradle.

  Lya stopped and turned to face Ryo. "Five hundred cycles ago that nearly came to pass. When the Clans destroyed the corridor leading into Oxymax with antimatter mines. We allowed them to mine the Vortex pathway but we defended ourselves against the small fleet that attempted to bombard the planet from extreme range. We survived, despite the Confederacy's efforts to the contrary."

  "Not the Confederacy, Regent. Independent Clan activities that the Confederacy did not condone,. However Clans Jasinlo and Kerilac have long since been absorbed into other Clans. They no longer exist independently."

  Lya frowned. "They still exist, Commander. The wave of projectiles you stopped is something that we deal with three times a cycle. I have less than a hundred thousand citizens left, and our shields will not stop the building radiation from the cobalt poisoning for much longer. My world is dying."

  "We can help you. Since your world was isolated we have learned much about the effects of Radiation. I am sure we can reverse or reduce the poisoning and make this world habitable again." Kalen said.

  “Thank you, Captain. If you can aid us, we shall certainly be forever in your debt. This world has much to offer, if we can only be given a chance. We do not want to end our days without seeing Desinlo rejoin the Confederacy.” Lya said, flashing the Captain a warm smile, and entwining her arm around Ryo's as they walked into the main hall of the Capitol.

  Lya released Ryo's arm and bade all the Officers sit while they prepared the banquet. She excused herself as assistants appeared, carrying glasses of fresh wine and drinks for the visitors.

  Ryo noticed some of the officers seemed wary of the food and drink, and motioned for them to enjoy. “If they wanted to poison us, we'd be dead already.” He said, then drained his glass and placed it on the table.


  Lya swept into one of the anterooms where she had a number of her women already in the process of being dresed and prepared. Nine of them, all dressed in thin robes of transparant fabric that showed off their assets to their best. Dusted with a shimmering powder so their skin appeared to glow, each woman was being prepared for what was going to be an intense evening.

  "Ladies of Desinlo. This is our chance to finally make a mark. This ship is from Clan Camelin. It is from the Confederacy. This is not just a trading vessel, or a liner off course, this was a mission with a purpose, and we are going to make these officers feel very welcome." She said as she went to each woman in turn, checking her up and down, turning her head this way and that and making sure each one looked perfect.

  "You have each been chosen because you are the ones closest in your cycle for fertility. Each of us will be carrying a child by the end of this evening." She continued, then turned as the Desinlo doctor came into the room, carrying a small bag. He set it down and looked at her.

  "Doctor Solonae, we're ready. Get us to the peak of fertility."

  "Of course, Regent." Hektor Solonae replied, then set up his equipment and prepared the injections. Each woman was injected with medicine that would cycle her body into a full state of ovulation so that they were ready to receive and create new life once they had mated with the Camelin officers.

  Once every woman had been injected, including Lya, she then ushered her troop back out to meet the Camelin officers.

  The group got to their feet as Lya reappeared, followed by the other nine lovely women of the clan, all dressed in diaphanous flowing robes that revealed they were nearly nude underneath. Each woman paired off with an Officer and remained at his side through the feasting.

They feasted, dishes that had not been tasted outside of the Clanworld Desinlo for more than a thousand cycles were presented to the TGX bridge crew. Dancers flew through the air and entwined themselves on streamers of mist and sparkle during breaks between courses. Showing skill and ability that some had thought lost. Desinlo had been the heart of acrobatic dance and it's people had always excelled at zero-g manufacturing and mining.

  With the final course served, an icy dish with sparkles of fire that melted the ice into a flavourful gooey dessert in front of the diners, Lya Desinlo stood and called for attention.

  "We of the Clan Desinlo bid Clan Camelin welcome to our home, our world, and our system. For too long have we been away from the Confederacy. May this meal be the first of many, that can bridge the gap between us, and the rest of our peoples."

  Ryo had not failed to notice, that throughout the meal, his Officers had become a lot friendlier towards the companions than he had expected. He was feeling much the same way towards Lya, in fact, she seemed to almost glow when he looked at her, and he was feeling quite lusty, an emotion he did not generally succumb to. He also felt slightly light-headed, and thought that maybe he'd had too much of the wine.

  Lya rose as he unsteadily got to his feet. “Come, Commander. I will show you to your room for the night. Your Officers have also been assigned quarters for the night, my Lord Ryo.” She purred as she guided him down to a corridor that branched off into a number of doors. She ushered him through one door, then closed it behind her as he saw a very comfortable looking bed.

  Ryo went to the bed, then turned and was mildly surprised to see Lya still there. He was entranced as she walked up to him and kissed him passionately.

  “I've never felt like this before.” He said as she swiftly unbuttoned his tunic and ran her hands over his bare chest. She laughed softly. “You've never been to Desinlo before. The very air is an aphrodisiac here, and we are very friendly towards our guests, my Commander.” She pushed him back onto the bed and Ryo fell backwards, now bare chested. Lya lifted her skirts and straddled him.

  His hands went to her chest and he pulled the ties of her dress apart, exposing her firm breasts so that he could grip them with his hands. Ryo sat up and nuzzled Lya's breasts, kissing each nipple, then lifting his face to hers, kissed her as she sighed into him.

  “You are strong, my Commander. You protected my world, and protected my people.” She worked her hands to undo the fasteners on his pants, so he could become free, then gently stroked his length until he became fully erect.

  With a deft series of movements, Lya swiftly removed her skirts so she sat naked astride him, letting his length gently rub against her nether lips.

  “I am ovulating, Commander. On this night you will make a strong child with me.” She whispered as she firmly gripped him and then pressed down, allowing him to slide fully into her.

  Ryo groaned as she joined with him, the feeling overwhelming both of them as he slid into her, her tightness enveloping him with a moist velvet glove even while she gasped with the filling sensation of him penetrating her.

  Lya leaned forward as his hands gripped her hips firmly, his own hips beginning to buck as he thrust into her. She rocked on top of him, joining her rhythm to his own so that they moved together, pushing each other to the height of passion.

  She brushed her breasts against his chest, letting her sensitive nipples drag along his skin, gasping at the sensation as he continued to push and thrust into her depths. Their lips met in passion-filled kisses as his hands stroked her back and went down to grip her buttocks so he could push harder and deeper into her body.

  He felt the release coming, and pulled her hard against him as he began to pump, filling her with his seed, kissing her hard as she joined him in passion, feeling him spurting into her, knowing that this would result in a child.

  Ryo awoke with a start, then sat up. The room was dark, but not totally without light. There was lighting all around the walls, a dim glow, enough to see by. He felt movement beside him, and looked to see Regent Lya curled up, She raised her head sleepily to look at him.

  “Did we...” He began, she smiled and pulled him down into a kiss.

  “Yes, we did. It was wonderful, Ryo.” She whispered into his lips.

  “I am not too sure what happened, Regent.” Ryo said, feeling very unsure of himself.

  She laughed and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him back down and partially on top of her.

  “You and I made love, Ryo Camelin. There is nothing to think beyond that. You saved my world, you protected my people. I have given you an appropriate warrior's reward. You have also given me a gift.” She kissed him, then whispered in his ear, “I am now pregnant, and I thank you for that.”

  Ryo raised himself on an arm and looked down at her, in the dim light she was still beautiful, the glow from earlier seemed to be gone, but she was still a lovely woman.

  “How do you know for certain?” He asked.

  Lya smiled. “When we knew you were coming down, I had myself and the other women injected with a fertility medicine. We were fully fertile and ready when you were. All of us will be pregnant by the end of the night. Ten strong children.”

  Ryo furrowed his brow. “You tricked us?”

  She laughed and kissed him. “Not at all, we rewarded you. A group of fighters, you saved us all. Willing women to take into your beds and enjoy for the night, or however long you wish to remain here. As for us, I need fresh genes. I have less than a hundred thousand people here, Ryo. Your children will allow me to expand our gene pool slightly, even if you never return.”

  He pulled her to him and kissed her firmly. “And what if we return, again and again?”

  Lya snaked a hand down to where he was again rising with interest and began to stroke him to full erection.

  “Then, my Lord Ryo Camelin, I am yours for the plundering, and the taking, as many times as you wish. Your desire is my acceptance. Use me, and allow me to please you.” She finished with a kiss as he rolled on top of her and slipped into her again.


  Ryo woke gently, with warm sunlight pressing against his eyelids, and a warm body curled up against him. He roused gently, trying not to disturb Lya, but she woke with him, smiling at him and giving him a sleepy kiss as she stretched.

  “Good morning to you, Sir.” She said.

  “Good morning, Lady Lya. Did you sleep well?” he asked.

  She laughed, a laugh that he was already entranced with and which would grow on him to enjoy hearing all the time. “I slept wonderfully. I am a bit sore, but with somebody like you in my bed, I am happy to be sore.”

  They rose together, and Lya showed him how to use the refreshing pool off the bedroom. A luxurious thing Ryo had not experienced before. A deep pool that was filled with a thick oil-saturated water that immersed him as it cleaned him. Lya helped him to relax and then carefully bathed him, before allowing him to do the same to her, while she smiled at him with her mouth and eyes.

  They wrapped in warm robes and dried off, then Ryo got dressed in his tunic while Lya remained in the robe. She smiled as he noticed that she was not getting dressed.

  “We will have the morning meal with your Officers, Ryo. I think you will find they will be casual as well. Who knows, you may find your uniform too overdressed as the day progresses, anyway.” She laughed as they walked out of the bedroom and back to the main hall. Sitting down at the long table, Ryo noticed that some of the Officers were there, with their companions, most of them similarly dressed, or undressed. The hall was quite warm, so he did feel a bit overdressed, but, he was both their Lord and Commander, so felt the uniform was appropriate.

  As they were about half-way through the meal, Captain Kalen came in, with his companion holding onto his arm, laughing at something he had just said. Ryo recalled her name was Jalena, and watched as they took their seats, then Kalen saluted his Commander.

  “Good night, Captain?” Ryo asked, with a half-smile.

sp; “Best night I've had in months, Commander. I must admit, I had reservations about coming here. But this place, these people, have made me completely change my view. Desinlo is a wonderful world.”

  The other officers all agreed, and Ryo raised his glass in a toast. “To Regent Lya, of planet Desinlo. We came to make friends, I think we've made much more than that.”


  “Pregnancy is desired in our women, Commander.” Lya explained as they walked the paths of the small city. “What with the radiation from the cobalt impacts, and the near constant barrages, my people have lost most of our population. We need to rebuild.”

  “My ship is currently doing some deep science scans of the entire planet, Lya. With any luck we may have some answers soon as to how best to help you. This was never supposed to happen to you.” Ryo said, patting her hand as they walked.

  “It may be too little, too late, my Lord. My best scientists say the radiation has penetrated deep into the ground. We may not be able to purge it for centuries.” Lya said. “When the bombardments began we were totally unprepared. We lost eighty percent of our population. I am not part of the original Clan Desinlo. All full blood members died centuries past. We were down to less than fifteen thousand people before one of our scientists figured how to make a magnetic shield powerful enough to deflect the Cobalt Projectiles.”

  She paused and looked out beyond the edge of the glowing blue shield that wrapped the entire city. They could clearly see just a wreck of craters as far as the eye could see beyond the shield wall.

  “Building this shield cost us that scientist, and a thousand workers. But we got it finished, and when it was turned on, the Cobalt Projectiles were deflected away from here. We rejoiced. It was short-lived. We realized that the radiation was still penetrating, still spreading. The shield was tuned and modified. We managed to develop a filter to deflect even the radiation particles. The air became easier to breathe and we had a working biome under the shield. Elsewhere, the planet was devastated, as you can see.” She turned to Ryo, and he could see her eyes were bright with unshed tears.

  “Less than twelve thousand people survived. That is too small of a gene pool for safety, what with the radiation. Our children were stillborn, or born with defects that made them die shortly after birth. We were dying, we still are. We began to inbreed as much as we safely could. Tracking pregnancies, couplings, trying to find which was the strongest match for that time. The population began to slowly rebuild. We had also had some trading with cargo ships that had found their way through the nebula. We had much to offer them, goods that could be found nowhere else. We also offered the crews ... us. It was an easy trade-off. We got fertility, they got recreation. Our population continued to slowly grow, despite the continued bombardments.”

  She took Ryo's arm and they continued to walk around the outer ring of the city, just inside the softly humming shield that worked to keep the deadly radiation from saturating the surviving population.

  “By the time I was born, to a Clan mother, and a trader father, we were eighty thousand. However, birth rates have begun to decline again. The radiation is seeping in and the shield is just not able to keep it filtered out.” She finished as they returned to the main entrance to the hall.

  “We will help you, Lya. The Clan Camelin does not back down from a challenge, and we protect our own.” Ryo said, gripping her arms hard enough to leave bruises.

  “We're not your own, Ryo. We are a banished Clan. A lost and forgotten world. Nobody remembers us except Jasinlo and Kerilac, and they have nearly succeeded. My planet is dying, and my people along with it.” Lya said as they walked into the hall. Her final words were clearly heard in the quiet hall. Captain Kalen turned as they walked in.

  “If you are dying, Lady Lya. Then we will give you life. If you are injured, we will heal you. As you were lost, Ryo Camelin found you. Clan Camelin will not let you be lost again.” He said, then formally saluted Lya, as did all the other officers standing in the hall.


  "Pregancy is confirmed, Regent. All of you are impregnated now." The Doctor reported after he finished his examinations of the ten Desinlo women.

  "Very good." Lya said, then got back to her feet and dismissed all of the women, except for Jalena.

  As she kept her eyes on Jalena, Lya asked "How long until we know the gender of the babes?"

  "Sex identification will be possible after about day 40, my Lady." The Doctor replied.

  "Jalena, you are carrying the key to our survival. It needs to be a girl, my dear." Lya said, gently caressing the cheek of the other woman, then she walked past her and out of the door, leaving Jalena alone with the Doctor as he finished putting away his medical equipment.

  "Hektor, what am I to do if I carry a boy?" She asked him, her features full of worry.

  He walked to her and embraced her.

  "Jalena, you are my oldest and dearest friend on this whole world. Whether you carry a girl or a boy, you carry new life. What does it matter?" He said as he held her tightly, her arms holding on to him with surprising strength.

  "You know the breeding charts, you know my genetic history. She needs a girl to carry on the genes, not a boy. I am afraid she will order termination if I carry a male." Jalena said, looking at him as she spoke.

  "I will not let that happen. I will determine the best course of action, my Jalena. I only wish it had been somebody else instead of you chosen for this role." Hektor said, then gently kissed her.

  "I belong now to Viktor Kalen, Hektor. We cannot be together any more." She replied, but made no move to break the enbrace.

  "I know, I will be here for you, whenever you need me, Jalena. You come to me with any concerns, or even just to talk. I am always here for you." Hektor said, then released her, and with a final caress to his cheek, she walked out of the room, leaving him standing there, feeling sad for his loss.


  The next weeks were filled with activity. Knowing the cycle of attacks like clockwork, Ryo brought the majority of the crew down to the planet to help repair and rebuild what they could of the city, and to do as Lya asked, expand the gene pool. Many Desinlo women became pregnant within a very short time.

  Science teams worked hand in hand with the shield technicians to determine exactly how the generator operated, then they carefully began to tune and boost it to better enhance against the omnipresent radiation. The city shield was enhanced and tuned back to the level it had been more than a hundred cycles ago.

  Tactical and military groups worked with the City defenders to try and develop better ways to defend or offset the attacks, although the Commander and Captain said quite succinctly, No more projectiles would reach the surface. The Desinlo, unable to build any large ships, had developed small, agile one man aerospace craft that were bristling with weapons. Those could be landed inside the TGX docking bay and launched within moments. A wing of them could cut apart a hostile ship and they were so quick that the TGX targeting systems had trouble tracking them. This could be an advantage that traditional Confederacy military minds had refused to think about. Ryo was not traditional, and he got his people working to modify one of the landing bays to house a full wing of these Superiority fighters, and made allowances for their flight crews to live on board the massive ship.

  A contingency plan was put in place, that a Camelin deep space liner would be on station, out of the way, running dark with only a skeleton crew on board. It was an immense but defenceless ship. If required, it would come into low orbit, and the entire population would be evacuated. Lya hated the idea, but she was grateful for it meant that her people would be saved, even if the planet had to be abandoned.

  Two months after they arrived, the TGX received word that Gyo Camelin was in the final stages of the radiation illness, with less than weeks to live. Ryo had to return home.

  It was time, Ryo discussed it with Kalen and all the senior officers, at length. They had all spent considerable time on Desinlo, and all of them were
in agreement. This world was now part of Camelin territory and it would not be abandoned. Lya and some of the other women who had become constant companions to the senior officers travelled with them back to the TGX for the flight back to Malis. Other crew were permitted to stay on Desinlo as the ship was going through rotations and could safely function with a reduced load anyway.

  The troop shuttle landed on board the massive battlecruiser, and the large group walked off slowly, letting their visitors take in the sheer size of the ship. Had the TGX been capable of landing, it would have been larger than the entire city itself.

  “I knew this ship was large, but it is even larger than I imagined, Commander.” Lya said as they walked across the flight deck to the inboard corridors.

  The crew gave a grand tour to the Desinlo group, and once they had settled into the quarters, Lya joined Ryo and Kalen on the bridge to see how they drove this massive vessel.

  “Breaking orbit, engines up to full power.” Navigation reported.

  “Science station fully active, new coordinates are mapped, plotting neospace pipes now.” Came the report from the science team where they had loaded a full new set of details into the ship's systems from the Desinlo charts. Showing hundreds of safe passages through the dense nebula.

  “Engage neospace drive. Get us back home.” Kalen ordered and the entire ship vibrated as it formed an inertia bubble and then slipped into it's secondary FTL capability. “Entering nebula shell now.” Came the report and an eerie sighing noise filled the hull.

  “What is that noise?” Lya asked.

  “That is the Oxymax nebula, particles impacting and being deflected from the Neospace bubble as we travel. This nebula is full of exotic particles that are still able to interact with us even at faster than lightspeed. We have full shields up so it's not a problem. The trip in was much worse.” Ryo answered.

  “We'll be out of the shell in eighteen minutes, Commander, then we can shift to Vortex drive.” Navigation reported.

  Ryo chuckled and glanced at Kalen. “A lot easier getting out than when we plowed our way in, Captain.”

  Kalen nodded. “A good chart and proper navigation always makes the road smooth, Commander.”

  Lya's first experience travelling through the Vortex was shocking. The ship pulled into clear space and dropped out of Neospace to allow the power to shift into the massive Vortex generators.

  “We're about to transit into the Confederacy's preferred mode of travel. Using a hyperspace continuum we call the Vortex. We can travel a thousand solar lengths in minutes. We still have to do real space manoeuvring, but it cuts our travel time down to hours instead of days.” Ryo explained as he guided her to a seat.

  Lya sat, one hand firmly gripped in her Consort's as she watched the bridge crew prepare to shift the immense vessel into the Vortex.

  “Corona building. Insertion point located and locked. Power levels stable, insertion open. We're ready to transit. Beginning transit.” Navigation reported as the items scaled off the checklists.

  Lya suddenly felt like her head was going to explode, she gasped and found it very hard to breathe. Ryo turned to her in shock and knelt down.

  “What is wrong? Lya, You're covered in sweat! What is the matter?”

  She couldn't answer him, her muscles refused to work, all she could so was sit and focus on breathing, allowing the vise-grip on her mind to slowly weaken and then it was gone, just as navigation reported transit was complete.

  Ryo pulled her up into his arms and told Kalen to send medical teams to check on the other Desinlo passengers, he was taking her to medical. He rushed his Lya down to the medical deck where the other Desinlo women were also being gathered. All of them had experienced the same effect. It was determined to be a form of psionic backwash from the Vortex transit. Only one in a hundred thousand Tarans ever suffered from this effect, and it looked like all of the Desinlo women were sensitive to it.

  They were proscribed a neuron inhibitor that would basically put them to sleep for the duration of the transit as that was the only way they would be able to handle the sudden blast of white noise that filled their heads while the ship was in Vortex.

  Back in Ryo's quarters, Lya lay on the bed, feeling her body in turmoil over what had happened.

  “How long until we reach orbit?” She asked.

  “Eight hours. The Vortex points around our clanworld are far off, and we do not permit neospace within one Length of the planet. So we go in using realspace drives.” Ryo replied.

  She sat up and held out her arms. Ryo came over to the bed and embraced the woman he had grown very fond of and was beginning to love.

  She hugged him, and murmured in his ear, “Do you have time for me?”

  Ryo nodded into her hair and gently lay her back so he could lie down alongside her, him propped up on an elbow as she reclined.

  His fingers traced her stomach, where the tiny child was growing. Not beginning to show yet, but definitely there. Another seven months and they would have a child to show that Clan Desinlo had a place in the Confederacy and was part of Camelin space.

  She gently traced his face with her long fingers, then drew them down his tunic and across his chest as he kissed her. She slipped his tunic off his shoulders as he undid the side fasteners on her dress, and again, she did the movements that still amazed him, and lay naked before his hungry gaze. Ready and wanting him.

  Ryo slipped out of his tunic and her hands went to his pants, quickly undoing the clasps so he could remove them as well. This time, she stroked and held him as he knelt over her, slowly building his desire with soft caresses along his shaft and head. Delicate yet firm were her touches, as he grew erect and solid, ready to plunge into her depths.

  She pulled him forward until he was pressed against her nether lips, and then he slid into her moistness as she lifted her hips to join him. She wrapped her legs around Ryo's hips to hold him inside her as he began to move, joining his mouth to her with kisses and light nips on his lips as he began to steadily thrust into her depths.

  She had an urgent need this time, and it was not too long before Lya felt a surge of her own and orgasmed while her partner, the Lord Ryo Camelin, continued to enjoy her for his own pleasure. He filled her with his seed as she orgasmed a second time, then lay, her arms wrapped around him, sated, filled, and more at rest than before the terror of the Vortex flight.


  "Doctor, how is she doing?" Kalen said as he looked at Jalena, sleeping on one of the beds in the TGX medical bay.

  "Jalena is doing as well as can be expected. The child is healthy, the mother is also healthy. The backwash from your Vortex flight has exhausted her mentally, and she needs rest, Captain." Doctor Solonae said, watching the indicators as they monitored every aspect of Jalena's vitals.

  "So she is just sleeping then?"

  "She is sleeping with the aid of a sedative, Captain. We need to get her and these other two girls planetside as quickly as possible. How long until we are in orbit?"

  "Should be another six hours or so. Then we'll bring them down to Malis and they can be on real soil again." Kalen replied, looking at the restful face of the woman carrying his unborn child.

  "Excellent, then I will ensure these three are ready to travel when we have docked." The Doctor replied.