Read Chained to You, Vol. 5 Page 3

  James leaned back against the wall and sighed. Truth be told, he'd gladly take down a bunch of fully armed gangs in the back streets of Las Vegas or conduct ruthless business transactions with crafty men any day of the week rather than having to deal with cunning, manipulative women. And Sophie, he instinctively knew, was one of those cunning, manipulative, and fucking twisted women, just like his ex-wife Whitney.

  Yep, he admitted, he fucking did not know how to deal with them. That was why Mia was a breath of fresh air. She was transparent and had no hidden agenda.

  Aria came running out into the bedroom again, wearing a white bathrobe. On her head was a white towel wrapped in an elegant turban style that made James want to chuckle with amusement.

  Behind her was Sophie, who had an unpleasant expression on her face. It was as if she were annoyed with Aria's behavior, which in turn irritated James. The amusement left him, and replacing it was a sour aftertaste.

  "Aria, please don't run," Sophie said sharply. "And behave yourself."

  Aria halted in her tracks, and James thought his daughter looked more than a little frightened at the sharp tone directed at her.

  At this point, James wondered if Sophie had ever been hard on his daughter--worse yet, abused her because of the power he'd given her as the nanny.

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

  He stepped forward and gently pulled Aria into his arms. "Sweetheart," he said, "are you okay?"

  Sophie looked offended immediately and went bright red, as if she understood where James was heading.

  "What are you implying, Mr. Maxwell? Of course she's okay. Come on. Let's get her dressed up, or we're going to be late."

  "It's fine," he said sternly, his eyes dark on her. "You can leave. I'll take care of my daughter."

  Sophie was a little surprised by his no-nonsense command. She hesitated for a moment, as if considering whether to obey his order or not. Then she hardened her face and said, "All right. Do as you please. But it's no good spoiling that child, Mr. Maxwell. She'll grow to be selfish. And Aria needs a proper woman to raise her. She can't afford to be influenced by an uneducated girl from the streets with a suspicious background."

  The moment she'd finished uttering those words, she left before James could respond.

  Fuck! James's frown was dark and dangerous. What the fuck was that woman on about? Was she implying he was spoiling Aria? Was she implying Mia was a bad influence? As if it were any of her fucking business how he treated his daughter, if he spoiled her.

  Fuck, what father didn't want to spoil his beloved, sweet, cute, adorable daughter? Furthermore, he'd never thought Mia was a bad influence on Aria. On the contrary, he thought his mistress was doing a fine job where doting on Aria was concerned, giving her the motherly affection the little girl was missing and sorely needed, of which he had previously hoped Sophie herself would provide. Apparently, that was not the case, and it seemed Sophie herself was rather tired of her role as the nanny, if her rude, dismissive attitude were any indication. In which case, James had to reconsider things.

  Alone with his daughter, he started getting her dressed. All the while, Aria was watching him with her innocent, childlike interest. A moment later, the little girl couldn't help herself and asked, "Daddy? What's wrong?"

  James pinched her cheek fondly, wondering if he should ask her about Sophie. He wanted to know if she was mistreating Aria. Fuck. He desperately wanted to know whether she was abusing her. Though he couldn't see any sign of abuse anywhere on his daughter's little body, but then again, abuse didn't have to be physical. Condescending tone and words alone were considered abuse enough toward children, especially if those words were meant to hurt them emotionally. And that was what James was worried about. Emotional and mental harm was much worse than the external, physical type.

  But fuck! How the hell did one phrase those sorts of worries? Especially directed at a six-year-old girl?

  "Raise your hands for me," he said as he picked up the light blue Cinderella dress.

  Aria happily obliged, and once James had finished zipping her up, she giggled.

  "What do you think, Daddy?" she asked as she spun herself in her spot, grinning from ear to ear, completely oblivious to her father's concern.

  James nodded in approval. "You look adorable. One of the cutest girls I've ever had the pleasure to meet."

  "Really?" she asked, her brow furrowing.

  "Really," James said. "The most adorable and cutest and sweetest little girl."

  With so many compliments from her beloved father, Aria giggled and jumped up and down as she clapped her hands together.

  "Daddy, it's going to be so much fun today," she said in excitement. "It's going to be so fun because Mia is coming." She wrapped her arms around her father's neck and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Daddy, you like Mia too, don't you?"

  That surprised James. Fuck! Where the hell did that come from? His daughter asking him about his mistress?

  James couldn't help himself and cocked his head to one side. "Yes, why do you ask?"

  Aria giggled some more, as if she knew some very exciting secrets and couldn't wait to reveal all for the world to hear.

  "I saw you kissing her. That means you like her, right? But you kissed her so funny. Not like you kiss me at all." She giggled again.

  That caught James off guard. Damn, he didn't know Aria had seen him kissing Mia. And not just a little peck on the cheek either but that all-consuming, passionate kiss that indicated he wanted more.

  James chuckled and hugged his daughter tight. "Yes, sweetheart, I like her. Daddy likes her a lot. What about you?"

  Aria nodded her head furiously. "I like her a lot too. We have so much fun together. It would be nice if Mia can stay with us for a long time, like forever, right, Daddy?"

  James felt his heart skip a beat. What the fuck was that? Forever? Mia? With him and Aria?

  Fuck! Yes! Oh fuck! Yes!

  James lifted his daughter in his arms and headed out the bedroom door. "Why don't you ask her to see if she wants to stay with us forever?" he suggested, a handsome smile playing across his lips.

  Aria looked pleased at her father's proposition. "Can she really, Daddy? Like with Sammy and Alfie."

  James couldn't help but laugh, his voice echoing in the great hall, which made the household staff wonder what could have caused this new, happy mood to surface all of a sudden. He was most often so fucking dark, aloof, demanding, and scary that this uncommon light disposition of his was throwing them off track. More than that, they were suspicious. In fact, they wondered if he had managed to eliminate one of the high-ranking, ruthless gangs in Vegas who happened to be his rivals. Not that they would be surprised if that were to really happen since the Maxwell family themselves weren't the type anyone would want to fuck around with.

  "Not exactly like Sammy and Alfie," James said, his eyes glinting. "She's not a pet, darling."

  Aria shook her head. "That's not what I mean, Daddy. Mia's not a pet. She's not like Sammy and Alfie at all. She's my friend, and she's your friend too. But if you really like her, because you know, you were kissing her so hard... Like when I saw my best friend Susie's daddy kissing her mommy. Doesn't that mean you really like her? Like Susie's daddy likes her mommy? Does that mean Mia can become like my mommy too?

  That caught James off guard again. Shit! Where the hell did his daughter get that idea from? Mia? His wife? Mia? The mother of his daughter?

  Aria continued with her chatter. "You know what, Daddy?"

  Aria's voice drew James's attention from his thoughts of Mia and the possibility of her graduating from the position of his mistress to that of his wife.

  "What?" he asked, trying to imagine what it would be like, having Mia as his wife.

  She'd be a wonderful wife--he knew instinctively. And she'd be undemanding. More importantly, she'd please him mightily in bed. They'd probably end up having a few kids together in addition to Aria if he kept vigorously and habitually fucking her as he had in V

  Fuck! Kids! Pregnancy! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

  Now that he thought about it, he hadn't been using protection when he had first taken her nor thereafter. What the fuck had he been thinking? Having unprotected sex with Mia? Of course he knew he was clear where disease was concerned, but still...

  The thought of that made him a little sick to his stomach.

  Pregnancy. Fuck. But he wasn't sure if Mia wanted any kids either, especially at her young age.

  His daughter's voice drew James's attention from his unpleasant thoughts of STDs, pregnancy, and Mia.

  "Mia said she's never been to Disneyland before. That's so sad that her mommy and daddy have never taken her there. I mean, everyone I know has been there. It's one of the best places in the whole wide world. What a mean mommy and daddy, right, Daddy? But we get to take her there, so it's going to be so much fun for her, right?"

  James chuckled with amusement. It pleased him that Aria, in her own way, was taking Mia under her wings, making sure his mistress was comfortable and having fun.

  They were just landing on the ground floor and heading toward the dining room when Mia appeared from the kitchen.

  "Hello, Aria. You're all done I see," she said in greeting, grinning from ear to ear.

  James couldn't help but marvel at his mistress. At that moment, the thought of her as his wife played seductively in his mind. With her wearing jeans coupled with a checkered blouse and her long hair braided and resting over one slender shoulder, she looked casual yet enchanting at the same time. A perfect young wife to be sure.

  Aria wiggled her little body in James's arms, drawing his attention away from Mia.

  "Hmm?" he asked his daughter.

  "Put me down please, Daddy," Aria requested.

  James obliged, and once her feet touched the floor, Aria rushed up to Mia and showed off her blue dress.

  "Oh my, you do look pretty in that dress, Aria," Mia said, chuckling.

  "Really?" Aria asked shyly. With Mia nodding her head in confirmation, the little girl giggled. "Daddy helped me choose it."

  Mia nodded in approval. "I know your dad has good taste," she said, winking.

  Though the wink wasn't meant for him but for his daughter, James still felt infected by it. It was yet another side of her he adored.

  A few moments later, James found himself watching his two darlings enjoying a hearty breakfast, along with Sammy and Alfie by their feet. The scene was so domesticated and pleasing it tugged deep at his heartstrings, and he didn't want it to end. But alas, it had to end, as it was time to get going if they wanted to beat the traffic and get to Disneyland by the planned time.

  Chapter 5


  It was exactly half past eight in the morning when Aria, Sophie, and I headed out the front door. Walking beside me and holding my hand, Aria just couldn't suppress her excitement as she sang out, "It's going to be so much fun. It's going to be so much fun." All the while, she was skipping enthusiastically as we made our way toward the waiting car.

  Sammy and Alfie were tagging along behind us, and I knew it wasn't going to be easy making them stay put. I wasn't wrong about that. The pair took the opportunity when none of us were paying attention and barged toward the car with expectance.

  I shook my head in exasperation, and Aria giggled. She said, "They want to come too. How cute."

  Yes, I thought it was cute too, but surely pets weren't allowed in the vicinity of Disneyland?

  "Obviously, they can't come," Sophie said sternly, her neat brows drawing down in disapproval.

  She bustled past Aria and me toward the dogs and made shooing noises to get the two canines moving.

  "Go on. Back into the house, you two," she said, swatting her hands in the air to make them leave.

  Aria and I watched her, dumbfounded by her peculiar actions. Obviously, the two naughty canines were not listening to her. In fact, they retaliated by barking at her with aggression. Alfie went as far as growling at her, indicating he wasn't happy with her high-and-mighty attitude. This, I was sure, only pissed Sophie off even more. She was the type of person who needed to be in control and in command, whether it be with human beings or some dogs.

  She looked frustrated and went as far as grabbing Alfie's collar and yanking the dog so it would stop barking at her. She was tugging at the poor little thing so hard that it got me worried. Aria and I rushed up to intervene because we knew if she were to put in more strength, the collar would undoubtedly strangle Alfie.

  Aria and I were halfway when a loud, manly voice came bellowing from behind us. "Sammie! Alfie! Be quiet!"

  Instantly the dogs halted their barking, Sophie released Alfie's collar, and Aria and I turned to look behind us.

  James came out of the house then, heading toward the two loud canines. As he passed us, I noted him frowning in disapproval at the loud commotion the two dogs were causing.

  Once he was beside them, the two dogs started barking again, in excitement this time.

  James scowled darkly at the duo and commanded, "Sammy! Alfie! Back into the house!"

  Immediately the two canines ceased their barking in submission. They trotted over to him and obediently sat, their tongues sticking out, obviously trying to please their rather annoyed master.

  James got down to his knees and petted the two. More calmly though still sternly, he said, "Be good and go into the house." He pointed in the direction of the door.

  I noted that the tone of his voice demanded no argument and there was a no-nonsense demeanor, a sort of control and power within him that the dogs, and me or anyone for that matter, found hard to disobey. If I were those dogs, I would have gone as far as to throw myself into his arms and lick him on the face, pleading with him with my large puppy dog eyes for forgiveness. But I wasn't a dog, nor had I done anything to annoy him. So I stood back and watched James with interest.

  It was then that Ms. Lane, the housekeeper, emerged, calling out to the two dogs to follow her back into the house.

  After they had satisfactorily licked James's hands with adoration, the two canines obliged and happily trotted away toward Ms. Lane.

  "Poor Sammy. Poor Alfie," Aria said as we watched them disappearing into the house. "We have to take them to the park tomorrow to make them feel better."

  I chuckled and nodded. "That's a good idea. I'm sure they'd be very happy with that."

  Sophie snorted and muttered quietly under her breath, "As if dogs have feelings."

  Aria must have heard Sophie's comment and frowned. "They don't?"

  I said, "Of course they do. Otherwise, they wouldn't love it so much when you pet them, right? And they even beg you to take them out for walks and play with them."

  Aria nodded. "Yes, that's true. So they do have feelings." She chuckled in relief.

  I wondered if the thought of her beloved dogs not having feelings worried Aria, which was understandable because the little girl had put in so much time and effort to pamper them with her love and affection.

  To Sophie, she said, "Sophie, you don't know much about dogs. They do have feelings."

  Sophie looked flabbergasted at Aria's innocent, blunt comment. Whereas I, on the other hand, secretly smiled and wanted to give Aria a high-five. But I knew Aria didn't know her words hit Sophie right where it hurt most, her ego, being the innocent little girl she was.

  To me, Aria said, "Let's go?"

  I nodded in agreement and hastily led Aria toward the car where James was waiting. Honest to God, I could feel Sophie fuming behind us, and I was pretty sure it wasn't because of Aria or her words. It was the fact that I was there, witnessing her being told by a six-year-old girl she didn't know much about dogs, which of course was an insult because Sophie thought she knew about anything and everything, dogs included.

  After helping Aria into the car and clicking on her seat belt, I slid onto the seat next to her. Halfway in, James told me to sit in the front. I looked at him in confusion.

  He said, "Sophie will s
it in the back."

  I nodded and happily hopped into the front seat of the Mercedes Benz. Truth be told, I didn't want Sophie to sit in the front beside James, nor did I want to sit next to her in the back seat.

  A moment later, Sophie got into her assigned seat beside Aria, and we were ready to leave.

  As James drove out of the driveway and onto the street outside the enormous perimeter of the Maxwell Estate, I couldn't help but feel anxious all of a sudden, and I had no idea why. The farther away from the house we were, the more uneasy I felt. Not to mention the hair along my arms and at the back of my neck rose without reason. And then there it was again, the feeling of being watched. The feeling I was being followed.

  My heart raced and I felt a cold sweat rushing throughout my body. Oh, Jesus! What the hell was wrong with me? Why these feelings now? Why?

  I couldn't help myself and looked over my shoulder, my eyes scanning the street. Honest to God, I had no idea what I was searching for, but I examined my surroundings nonetheless, trying to pinpoint anything and everything that might instinctively cause an alarm bell to ring within me.

  There were cars driving ahead and behind ours. And there were people as well, strangers walking along the streets, but overall, there was nothing suspicious. Still, I felt these panicky, sickly emotions steadily rise within me, just as I used to feel when I was living with my aunt and uncle.

  Beside me, James must have felt my anxiety because he kept glancing at me.

  "What's wrong, Mia?" he asked, his eyes on the road ahead.

  His query drew both Aria's and Sophie's attention to me, which I didn't want. I blushed with embarrassment and shook my head to tell him it was nothing of importance, which was a lie.

  I mean, how could I tell him I was having these uneasy feelings? That it was as if I were being followed and watched? That I was being stalked? How? Especially when I was living in his house with such tight security? Not to mention that if I were to be out and about without him, there was always a bodyguard in tow? Not that James himself had ever mentioned anything about a bodyguard trailing my every move to me though.

  I understood I was now a part of James's world, and he had many enemies, considering the sort of business he was in, and a bodyguard was a must for my personal protection. But still, he could have at least mentioned it to me and warned me I was perhaps being targeted. Just like Andy had been by the Mexican in Vegas, which wouldn't at all surprise me.