Read Champion of the Light Page 19

  Chapter Eighteen

  Brano spread out a map of Nevay City. "Okay Ferno, here's the plan. Miss Edomal Blaize dines every Thursday night in Chateau Diner, on Elmwood Avenue. We wait outside, halfway down the block. As soon as she leaves and crosses the street to get to her car, we floor the gas, and hit her. Hard. Then we speed to this building here, three miles away on Carry Row. It's painted blue, and will serve as our portal. You got that, lughead?"

  "Sounds easy enough, noodle brain." said Ferno.

  "You have the better mortal accent, and you know mortal money better than I do, so you will rent the Lamborghini."

  "Why do we need a jershi Lamborghini?"

  "It's much faster, so it has a better chance of killing her. And we may need it to outrun the police afterwards, thick one."

  "Let's do this, my brain-deficient friend."

  The hitmen rented a blue Lamborghini Aventador, drove back to Nevay City, and waited outside the diner, halfway down the block.

  "Okay, she's going in," said Brano.

  They waited. A police car pulled up behind them. The officer parked his car and went into a bakery. He came out with three donuts and a large coffee, got into his car, and started his snack.

  "Gish!" said Ferno. "Police."

  "The Lambo will outrun him," said Brano confidently.

  An hour later a woman exited the diner. The target.

  "Show time."

  She walked into the street, on her way to her car parked on the other side. Brano floored the gas. The Lambo hit the woman hard in the midsection. She struck the windshield, and rolled over the back of the car in a bloody mess.

  Sirens went off. The cop pursued the assassins in his Dodge Charger. No match for the blood streaked Lamborghini.

  "Haha!" said Brano. "This machine is incredible!"

  They approached Carry Row.

  "Gish!" exclaimed Brano. "The police have set up a blockade. How are we going to get to the portal?"

  "I have a plan, sawdust brain. Do you see that empty car carrier parked on the side of the street?" Ferno asked.


  "Aim for it. I will levitate the car at the right moment. We will use it as a ramp to jump over the parking lot and into the portal. This car is fast enough. Floor it, knucklehead!"

  "Okay, good idea."

  Brano pressed down on the pedal as far as it went. The monster roared to life. He aimed for the empty car carrier. Ferno levitated the car two feet, and they went up the ramp. The assassins sailed off of the end of the "ramp" at one hundred sixty miles per hour. The police watched open-mouthed, as the blue sports car sailed over their heads, heading straight for the wall of the prussian blue building. Is the driver insane?

  But instead of the violent crash and fiery explosion the police were expecting, the car simply vanished, without a trace.

  The hitmen emerged on the other side of the portal.

  "Haha!" said Brano. He took the car for a victory lap. "We did it."

  "We did it all right," said Ferno. "Mission accomplished."

  The hitmen knocked heads, as is custom in some parts of the Realms in lieu of the human 'high five'.


  Ten minutes later, the assassins arrived in Blue's throne room, expecting reward for successfully completing their mission.

  "Fools!" roared Blue.

  The hitmen recoiled in shock.

  "You killed the wrong person! Idiots! Incompetents! This sets back all my plans. Now Edomal Blaize won't go anywhere without a security detail. Tell me why I shouldn't send you to the torture chambers this instant!" Spittle flew from Blue's mouth.

  Brano thought fast. "W-we b-brought y-y-you a c-car."

  "A car? So what? I have many cars."

  "N-no," stammered Ferno. "I-it's a special c-car."

  "Special, you say? Let me see this "special" car. If it is not as you say, I will torture you thrice-fold."

  Blue was shown the stunning blue Lamborghini. Even the dried blood along its roof couldn't mar its beauty in the eyes of King Blue.

  "Ah, what a beautiful, ingenious machine. Because you have brought me such a fine, wonderful device, and, out of the goodness of my benevolent heart, I will spare you two incompetents, this time. But fail me again, and you will feel my wrath. Dismissed!"

  They hurried out of Blue's underwater chambers.

  Ferno looked at Brano. "Eh, we got lucky. Thanks to that Lamborghini. I don't want to see that old fool again for a long time. Let's go party you blockhead."

  "Good idea, dunce cap."

  And the pair scampered off, happy in their knowledge that Blue would surely forget the whole incident within three days.


  And the world is less one more person.