Read Change Page 13

  Chapter 10

  It was mid-morning on Saturday and I'd already spent over an hour in the pool doing laps, my main form of exercise in the summer. I was lounging in a chair next to the pool enjoying the nice day when I heard my PCD signal an incoming call. I picked it up, checking the screen when saw that it was Izzy. I hit the accept button put the device to my ear.

  "Hey, Girl, how you doing?" I said.

  "Pretty good, how has your week been?" I heard her voice on the other end.

  "Busy. I had some stuff come up and I ended up taking the week off. I thought I'd have a chance to get together but I swear, I've done nothing but run around like a chicken with my head cut off all week. I'm gonna need to go back to work to get some rest. How's your week gone?"

  "Busy as always. You interested in going out tonight?" I scrambled for an excuse. What could I say that wouldn’t sound like a lame excuse to ditch her? She’d know if I outright lied to her.

  "Sorry, I'm just gonna relax tonight. After my crazy week, I don't feel like going anywhere, or being social with anyone." I felt guilty for not going but I knew I couldn't handle another club, not this soon.

  "Okay. Maybe we can get together for lunch one day next week?"

  "That sounds like fun. If I forget to call you, can you call me near the end of the week and see what my schedule looks like?"

  "Sure, no problem. I guess I'll catch you later then."

  "Later, bye"

  "Bye" she said, I heard the click of her disconnecting before could hit the button myself

  Sunday morning I was in the kitchen working on putting together a couple of casseroles when I heard a knock on my apartment door. Walking into the living room to answer it I realized I could smell Brandon. I felt a smile form on my face as I opened the door.

  "Hey, how you doing?" I asked, happy to see him.

  "Good, I thought I'd stop in and see what you're up to this morning."

  "Come on in. I'm getting a couple put together for during the week. So that when I come in from work, and I don't feel like cooking something I can just pop them in the oven. That way I'll get enough to eat and not be tempted to just do without, just because I don't feel like cooking."

  "That's a good idea. Why is it that women have all these great ideas, and execute them too and men have take-out and frozen pizza?"

  "We got the brains and beauty both, I guess." I quipped, grinning. He just shook his head at me and let the smart remark go.

  "So, how did the rest of your week go?"

  "Pretty good I guess. I spent Wednesday morning working with Bill, and then I met his enforcers. That evening I had dinner with Bill and Karen, and I met the Lysandros and Harmonia, after we discussed what happened with you on Tuesday, it was decided that I should start spending time at the clinic on Fridays so that hopefully I can learn to call animal forms. Thursday morning was mine but I spent the afternoon with Karen working on shielding. That evening I went to dinner with Gabriel and he told me more about the Kindred. Day before yesterday was my first Friday at the clinic and I met Caden. We didn't do much of anything but from what Alexis told me, we just kinda have to be there in case someone shows up. And yesterday I did a whole lot of nothing... A little swimming, a bit housework but yesterday was the most normal day I've had since we went hiking."

  "I'll bet. You've had a lot of changes to deal with in the last week, are you really okay with it all?"

  "A lot is just a bit of an understatement..." I laughed.

  "Did you say you went out on a date with Gabriel?" Brandon’s eyes narrowed slightly.

  "No. I said I went to dinner with him. I made it clear to him that I've got enough to deal with in my life and I'm not interested in a relationship right now. My whole world has been turned upside down and I am still trying to decide if it was in a good way or a bad way, the last thing I need is to try to juggle a romance right now."

  "I guess that makes sense. And which way are you leaning right now?" He seemed to relax some.

  "To the good, I guess. I mostly try not to think about it too much. I deal what what's in front of me right now and try not worry about what might happen later. I’m sure it's gonna all hit me sometime, but I'll deal with it when it happens. Other than not being able to tell my family and most of my friends I don't see a whole lot of bad in the whole thing, but I expect I'll find out some of the more negative aspects soon enough."

  "Is there anything I can do to help?"

  "Are you capable of rewinding time and making things not happen?"

  "Nope, sorry,"

  "Then, no, I just have to learn to deal with what comes my way. And I will, eventually. It's just going to take some time. I'm certain I'll manage, you know I'm not one to give up."

  "A truer statement was never said," Brandon acknowledged, "What are your plans for tonight, do you wanna go do something?"

  "Dinner with my family."

  "Oh, that's right. I'd forgotten that Sunday nights are your mandatory family dinner. How are you dealing with keeping a secret like this from them? I know you guys normally share everything."

  "Well, Bill's told me I can tell my parents, if I want to, but not my siblings. I just haven't decided if, or when, I'm going to tell them yet. I'm having a hard enough time dealing with it, and it's me it's happening to. I don't know how well they'll take it, and if they'll be able to deal with it all, especially while I'm still trying to deal with it all."

  "They'll probably take the news better than you think."

  "I don't know, and I think for now at least, I'm gonna keep quiet. Hopefully tonight'll be better than last week, especially since I've been practicing my shielding; I shouldn't be getting bits and pieces of their thoughts. That was more than a little disturbing."

  "I'll bet it was, especially when you had no clue how to stop it."

  "But I do now. I haven't picked up anyone's thoughts on accident for several days, so I'll see how it goes."

  "But you don't have to be there till late this afternoon. Do you want to do something between now and then? We could go for a run, see if we could get together enough to play a game of basketball, or we could go for a swim if you want?"

  "Nah, not today. I'm gonna finish this and get it in the fridge. Then I'm gonna work on finishing the laundry I started yesterday and never finished. And then about 3:30 or so I think I'll head over early and help Mom make dinner. I like that extra bit of time I get to spend with Mom and Dad when I have the time to go help. Plus this way, Mom doesn't have to make the whole meal by herself."

  "I understand, I guess I'll go find someone who wants to go have some fun. I'm looking to get out for a while. I've been feeling a bit restless."

  "Sorry that I have other plans. I hope you find someone to play with, good luck." I said, washing my hands so I could walk him to the door. "I'll catch you later this week sometime, and we'll get together. Okay?"

  "Sure, I'll catch you later." He said turning to head down the stairs from my front door. I went back inside and finished what I was doing.