Read Change Page 22

  *Just feeling playful and energetic.* I made a big loop and ran up behind Gabriel, where he’d slowed down to an easy lope, seeming content to watch me play. As I closed in behind him the idea came to me. I gave in to the impulse and jumped, aiming to pounce onto Gabriel’s back. But he was fast and realized what was going on.

  Gabriel twisted his body at the last moment and I landed in the sand where he had been just seconds before. He charged, butting into my side with the top of his head. The unexpected blow sent me rolling across the ground, scrambling to find a foothold. As soon as I was able to put my feet under me and stand I charged back, Gabriel charged again, meeting me halfway across the gap between us. We wrestled for a while, playfully biting and snapping at each other as we rolled around in the dirt.

  I was out of breath and panting when we separated and rolled to lie on our bellies next to each other.

  *That was fun,* I was glad I didn't have to catch my breath before talking.

  *It was. But you'll need to watch who you attack like that.*

  *It wasn't meant as an attack, I was playing!*

  Gabriel winced as though I had shrieked, *I know. I knew you were playing when it started. I just want to make sure you understand that coming up behind someone and pouncing on them like that can be taken as a challenge. It generally means a real fight, and sometimes real fights are mortal.*

  *You're kidding me!" I was shocked, I had a hard time believing the deadly turn that such fights could take, *You mean Kindred actually kill each other in fights for dominance?*

  *Unfortunately, yes. I have to admit, sometimes it's necessary. Sometimes in our world it's kill or be killed.*

  *That's too bad.* I shook my head, like I would if I were in human form, *I can understand killing to defend yourself, but just to prove your boss? I don't get that.*

  *There's a lot more to it than that, but I think you'll need to be around us longer and learn some of the intricacies of pack dynamics before you'll understand. I just wanted to warn you that you need to be sure of who you play like that with. That you need to make sure that they know you're playing, not attacking.*

  *I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.*

  *You about ready to head back to the truck?* We'd both quit panting and were laying calmly.