Read Change Page 29

  *I know. I'll keep moving till you get back. Now go.* He shooed me as I turned and headed down the road.

  I ran down the straight stretches of the road, but when the road would switchback on itself I would cut across country and make the distance, and the trip, shorter. I had to duck and hide a couple times as vehicles passed but I soon made it back to the picnic area where we’d parked his truck. I had just reached the truck when I realized I had to shift and get the key before I could unlock the door and get dressed. I listened carefully for a moment to make sure there were no cars coming before I bent and shifted. I quickly moved down to the rear of the truck and I had to get onto my knees to reach under the bumper and find where the key was stashed. The rough gravel of the parking area dug into my bare knees while I felt around for the box. I found the small box, quickly removed it, and moved back around to the passenger’s side of the truck, the side away from the highway, so that if someone came by it wouldn't be obvious that I was naked.

  I opened the box and removed the single key from inside while I moved to the door to unlock it and get my clothes only to discover that there was no exterior lock on the passenger’s door. Oh shit. That meant I was going to have to go around to the driver side, still naked, to unlock the truck. Once again I listened closely for the sounds of cars on the road before moving around the truck to the driver’s side and unlocking the door. Just as I got the door unlocked I heard a car approaching so I quickly opened the door and climbed in, I pulled the door closed behind me. I stretched across the seat, grabbing the bag with my clothes in it and pulled out my shirt. I slid it on over my head as quickly as I could so that it would appear to anybody driving by as though I was dressed and sitting in the cab of the truck. Once I had my shirt on I pulled the bag closer and dug the rest of my clothes out of it so that I was ready, and as soon as the car passed I turned sideways in the truck seat and slid my underwear and shorts on. Not bothering with my shoes, I started the truck and pulled it out on to the highway up the mountain to pick up Devon.

  It only took a few minutes and I was pulling along side where he was standing, leaning against the rocks that had been cut away to make the road. I stopped the truck and hit the button on the driver’s door panel to unlock the doors. He climbed in and I started forward again, the road was too narrow to turn around, we’d have to continue up the mountain to either the next picnic area or a pull out in order to turn around.

  "Obviously you found the key, did you have any trouble?" He asked, settling into his seat and buckling his seatbelt.

  "No, it was right where you said it was." I replied, "But those rocks are sharp, especially when one has no clothes on…"

  "Yeah…that occurred to me just after you left.. Your clothes were locked in the truck and you needed your hands to get to the key and unlock the truck." He said, chuckling.

  "Not to mention the fact that the passenger door doesn't unlock from the outside…"

  "Oh, shit. I totally forgot about that."

  "Thankfully, I have superior hearing and was able to tell well in advance if a car was coming. So I was able to move around and open the door without being spotted."

  "Oh, to have seen that." Devon said with a wistful tone. I took one hand off the wheel long enough reach over and smack him with the back of it. "What?" He asked innocently.

  "You know what." I replied, continuing up the road. "You want to go on up to the top, see what the lake looks like, or do you want to head back down and rest, maybe take a dip in the hot tub, see if that relaxes your leg some?"

  "I'd like to go on up and at least get a look at the lake, I haven't been up there in years. Then we can go back down, and I can try the hot tub. I haven't been in there yet and it will probably help with some of my soreness."

  "Up it is."

  "Do you want me to drive?"

  "I've got it, unless you want to?"

  "Nah, I don't mind. Onward and upward we go."

  We drove the rest of the way up to the mountain so that we could see Riggs Lake. It was almost full from the snow melt, and when we got out of the truck, it was nice and cool out. It occurred to me that this would be a nice place to go for a weekend this summer. I’d have to see if someone wanted to come with me.

  Devon and I didn't stay long. We looked around a little and discussed some of the changes that had happened over the last ten years. The boat ramp had been rebuilt, but the old one was at least thirty years old, and it had really needed replacing. There were a few new picnic areas and camping spots around the edge of the lake, but not much else. It would be a great place to spend a couple days and maybe be able to shift without being seen, but that would depend on how many people were around.

  We got back into the truck and started down the mountain. I offered to let Devon have the key back so he could drive, but he told me to. His leg was stiffening quickly and it would make it difficult to drive the old standard. The decent off the mountain always seems to be faster to me than the climb, it probably actually is. Soon we were almost in town and before I headed straight home I turned to Devon.

  "Do you need to stop anywhere before we head home?" I asked.

  "Let's get some take out," He said, "You have to be hungry after shifting and since you were kind enough to drive me up to see the lake it has been a while since then. You have to be about ready to gnaw my arm off."

  "Not quite that bad, I knew I would be shifting and I ate a large breakfast this morning to prepare for it." I laughed.

  "Learning a few tricks huh? Still, let's get something to eat, then once we get back to the complex, I can change and get straight into the hot tub."

  "That works for me... What do you want to eat?"

  "I don't care, what sounds good to you?"

  "How about we hit the buffet at Super Wok? Or would you rather pick something up and take it home?"

  "Ohh...Super Wok is one of my favorites, let's do that."

  I drove the truck through town with no difficulty, though before I had gotten behind the wheel at the picnic area; it had been quite a while since I had driven a standard transmission. They're uncommon these days and you have to special order them. I pulled into the small parking lot of the old family owned restaurant, and parked the truck.

  "How's that leg feeling?" I asked.

  "It's fine just sitting here, but ask again after I get out and walk on it a little."

  I killed the engine and grabbed my purse before climbing out of the truck; I locked the door and tucked the key into my pocket, knowing that if he didn't want to drive after the lake, then Devon definitely wouldn't want to now.

  We went inside, where we were both recognized by the staff; apparently Devon was a regular here too. The place was almost completely empty, I guess there are some advantages to coming in at odd hours. They told us to sit where ever we chose and asked us both if we wanted our usual.

  "Yes, please." I replied, while Devon smiled and nodded.

  I choose a table near the buffet, thinking Devon wouldn't have to walk as far to fill his plate. We sat down and waited a few minutes while the waiter brought us clean plates for the buffet as well as drinks, I noticed that Devon's usual was the same iced tea I was drinking. I left my purse sitting in the seat, I would be able to see it the whole time, and I grabbed a plate and got up, Devon turned in his seat and groaned as he tried to stand.

  "Is it bad?" I asked.

  "It wasn't bad before we spent the last hour in the truck but it has stiffened up and it's not liking having to move again."

  "Would over the counter pain killers help? I think I have some in my purse..."

  "Not enough to make a difference, I just need to move around some and loosen up the muscles."

  I held out one hand, offering to help pull him up but he waived it off and pushed himself up using the table and back of the booth for leverage. Once on his feet he turned and grabbed a plate off the stack sitting on the table.

  We circled the buffet tables, each taking what we wanted
before we sat back down at the table.

  "Will the hot tub actually help?" I asked.

  "Yeah, it will, but I'll still be sore."

  "I hope you don't mind but I asked Alexis if there was anything she could do to help you."

  "You mean like heal me?"

  "Well, yeah, that's what I meant when I asked."

  "She can't. I already know that, but thanks for the thought."

  "That's what she told me, but she also recommended a couple of things she thought might help you with the pain and help your muscles rebuild themselves. Especially since she can't use her skills to do it."

  "What did she suggest?" He asked, curious.

  "Heat and ice, but ice only when there’s swelling. Deep tissue massage, and she has had me doing some of that with some of the patients that come in, they heal faster but some not as fast as others and the massage helps them some. But fair warning, deep tissue massage is not relaxing like most massages, it really digs in and works those healing muscles, it can be painful during the actual massage. It’s not until it's over that you really notice the benefits."

  "I've had a few deep tissue massages, and they do really help, but when I moved back I knew that there is no place to get them, without making the trip into Tucson or Phoenix, and I decided that coming home was more important that the massages."

  "I can understand that decision. If you could get them here, would you?"

  "Are you offering?"

  "Possibly." I said with a mischievous smile at him, "Some days you irritate me enough that I want to hurt you...why not do so in a way that benefits you too?"

  "Yeah, that would do it for you. Find a way to hurt me and a way that I'll ask you for, too..." He laughed.

  We finished eating, paid for our meals and went back to the apartment complex. I gathered up my stuff, stuck the key back in the magnetic box I had pulled it from a couple hours earlier and put the box back where I had found it. I walked beside Devon toward his apartment; just before we got to his door he broke the silence.

  "So, are you going to join me in the hot tub?"

  "Do you want company? I thought you wanted to suffer in solitude."

  "Join me. If I didn't get to see the view as you retrieved the key and unlocked the truck, the least you can do is let me see you in a swim suit."

  I acted like I was going to push him for reminding me of having to unlock truck naked, but I didn't actually do it, I was afraid that with his leg bothering him, I might actually hurt him. I sighed.

  "I guess. Give me a few minutes to change and grab a towel and I'll be down."

  I left him as he pressed his thumb to the panel to unlock his front door, and I went up to my apartment. I wondered on my way up the stairs which swim suit I should wear.

  I ended up choosing my two piece halter suit, it wasn't my most revealing, but I wasn't looking to impress some new guy, I was just planning on hanging out around the pool with a friend. I pulled on a light cover-up and grabbed a towel and headed down to the pool.

  When I arrived at the fenced pool area it was empty, Devon hadn't made it yet, I let myself in the gate, set my towel on the foot of a nearby chaise lounge and took off my cover up. I draped that over the foot of the chair too, and I stepped down the first few steps at the shallow end of the pool before I dove forward and swam across the pool. When I reached the deep end I moved to one side and started swimming laps back and forth across the deeper water at this end of the pool. I didn't pay any attention to what was going on outside the pool as I swam from one side to the other and flipped over before making the return trip, slowly counting in my head each trip across the pool. I was coming up to the edge and I noticed movement at the side of the pool so instead of turning and making another lap I stopped at the edge and stood to see who it was.

  I put one hand on the edge of the pool and dipped my head back until only my face was left sticking out of the water, when I picked my head back up my hair was slicked back out of the way. I tread water while I used both hands to wipe the water from my face and eyes and then I looked up to see Devon standing in front of me.

  He was wearing a pair of black Army issue trunks with the word ARMY in glossy, white, block letters on one leg, and a towel slung over one shoulder. I saw a long scar starting high enough on his thigh that the edge of it was barely visible under the shorts, and extending down to his just past his knee. It was obviously where they’d done the surgeries trying to repair his leg.

  "Been down here long?" He asked, looking down at me.

  "Not too long, I've only managed twelve laps."

  "Only twelve, huh?" He laughed.

  I pulled myself up on the edge of the pool and easily climbed out of the pool, "Meh. I've learned that I swim pretty quickly these days. You ready for the hot tub?"

  "More than, it was a bit difficult to get out of my running pants and into these. My knee didn't want to bend enough for me to do either."

  "Then let's go…" I picked up my things and motioned him to the hot tub situated near the corner of the pool area. "Do you want bubbles or no bubbles?"

  "Bubbles, the jets work as a massage on this leg if I position myself right"

  "I'll turn them on then," I set the timer for 20 minutes. I figured if we wanted more one of us could get out and reset it. Devon stepped up to the rail and stairs leading into the tub and carefully lowered himself down into the warm water. He sat down on the ledge surrounding the small pool turning sideways and sliding along the side until he reached a jet that he could get to hit his aching thigh. I stepped into the water and walked across the pool until I found a spot where I could sit and see Devon's face while we talked.

  "Looks like that feels good" I said sitting in front of a jet of my own, letting the pulsing of the jet work the muscles in my back.

  "It does, and the heat of the water helps too."

  "Why don't we let it relax you for a while, and then you can lie on one of those lounge chairs, and then I'll see if I can work the muscle a bit for you."

  "I'd like that, as long as you don't mind. Fair warning though, I'm not a good patient. I whine and complain and I’m a general pain in the ass."

  "And that makes you different from every man I've ever known, how?" I asked, a teasing grin on my face. "Seriously though, I don't mind, and we might find that it helps you move better, or at least easier."

  We stayed in the hot tub chatting about our families and people we knew until the jets shut off, and then we climbed out. I laid one of the chaise lounges down so that it laid flat and had Devon lay face down on top of it while I moved around so that I could easily reach his right thigh. I sat on the edge of the chair next to his, but I pulled it close to his so that I didn't have to kneel on the cement next to his chair while I worked on his leg.

  I started with his calf, in order to ease him into the painful massage, and to give him a chance to relax some before I got to the really stiff and sore muscles. I worked the muscles that had been overworked to compensate for the weaker muscles above them, digging my fingers deep as I worked the muscle. I worked my way higher up this leg until I was kneading the muscles in his thigh, using my knuckles to work deep into the muscles that were the tightest. I worked through the flinches and whimpers when I found a particularly sore spot. I had been working for about forty-five minutes before Devon stopped me.

  "Uncle," he said. "I can't take anymore. Let's have another session in the hot tub."

  "I'll be there in a few minutes, let me get a few laps in." I walked to the edge of the pool. I slipped in and started swimming the length of the pool. I counted ten lengths before I quit, I surfaced and pulled myself out of the pool. As I smoothed my hair from my face and wiped the water from my eyes, I walked over and joined Devon in the much warmer water.

  "That feels good." I sighed, settling into the water across from him, enjoying the feel of the air being forced from the jets as it beat against my muscles.

  "Yeah, it does… I’m so glad I am off tomorrow. It'
s going to be slow getting started tomorrow."

  "I'm sorry I talked you into doing something that hurt you,"

  "Nah, not your fault. I would have been fine if it wasn't for the uphill bit, and it just didn't occur to me not to try it for such a long distance."

  "If you need anything, let me know. I'll pick up anything you need while I'm out running errands or I can make enough dinner for both of us, if it would help."

  "I may take you up on that. I think I'll pop one of my muscle relaxers before bed tonight. I hate to take them because they blur my mind, but if I don't I won't get any sleep. Then I’ll take it pretty easy tomorrow, stretch the muscles without over exerting them, and hopefully by Monday morning I'll be able to get out and get to work with a minimum of discomfort."

  "Good Luck." I wasn’t really sure he’d be able to manage it as easily as he seemed to think, but then again, he had more experience with how his injuries work and how well he can move afterward than I did. "Do you need anything tonight?"

  "Nah, I'm gonna stay here for a few more minutes and when the jets shut off I'm gonna head in, maybe take a quick shower and spend a quiet evening in. I did finally have internet turned on, so I may see if I can find a film to watch or just surf until I crash for the night."

  "That sounds like a plan to me, I have some messages I’ve needed to answer for a couple days, plus anything that came in today. I'm going to go on up and take a quick shower, then work on my messages, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call… I’d say come on up if you want but I wouldn't want to make your leg worse tackling those stairs."

  "Yeah, I'm glad for once that my apartment is on the ground. Most of the time I don't care much for the footsteps overhead, tonight I'll just be glad I don't have to climb to get home."

  "I'm sure… Have a good night."

  "You too." He said from where he sat.

  I wrapped my towel around me and tossed my cover up over one shoulder. I felt energized as I climbed the stairs to my apartment, today may have been too much for Devon but the exercise made me feel great. I pressed my thumb to the plate to unlock the door and striped my wet swim suit off as soon as I had stepped in and closed the door, so I didn't drip all through the apartment. I held it carefully until I dropped the suit in the bathroom sink to hang up after my shower and I washed the chlorine off my hair and body.

  When I got out of the shower I dressed in a light summer dress, with spaghetti straps and a flowing skirt that just brushed the tops of my knees, all I would have to do if I needed to go out for some reason would be to slip on some shoes. I turned on my screen and pulled the wireless keyboard out of a drawer in the sofa table so I could check my messages and reply to those that needed answering. I spent an hour or so answering messages and then I spent the rest of the evening on the net, researching deep tissue massage, and the different techniques and benefits to it.