Read Change of Heart Page 2

night. It was as her blood was boiling with excitement and nerves all at the same time; all she knew is that she was ready for change and it just had to be drastic. The next morning came and this was the day all was about to change not including their guest was arriving as well. The grandparents and aunts that is which one of the aunts was a wild child. Her name was Aunt Clara, short for Clarametha. Oh, Aunt Clara was a free spirit indeed, never married and absolutely no children since she always said it would inhibit her free way of thinking. Rose always believed that Aunt Clara smoked two things which were cigarettes and pot as well as the love for wine. Rose did know she couldn’t tell her because she would for sure tell her mom and dad, so she kept everything to her self. The visitors arrived and Aunt Clara grabbed Rose and said, “Here’s my favorite niece oh you all just wait she’ll be me all over again.” Laughing mom and dad said, “We hope not for one of you is enough!” Aunt Clara said, “Where’s Pearlie? She’s not to mature for ‘ole aunt Clara is she?” Just then Pearl came downstairs saying, “Well hello Aunt Clara, how are you?” “Well look at that she’s all grown up and I bet ya’ll have all ready for marriage and babies don’t cha, it’s all a load of crap sweetheart, I say find yourself first before all that.” “Oh Aunt Clara, you’re so funny but, yes, I’m ready for marriage and children and I’ve already been asked by one of the greatest young men I know.” Rose thought to herself, when did that happen? Humm I think she’s making that up. Aunt Clara had a seat and asked Rose what she had planned for the evening so, Rose told her, her plans. Aunt Clara told her that sounded like fun to just hang out with a girlfriend and all. Rose excused herself so she could go get ready. Rose was all ready to go and as planned Sue came to pick her up and drop her off at the bookstore to meet Ross. Once at the bookstore Ross grabbed her hand and took her in the back and told her to change into the clothes in the bag. Rose asked, “What’s wrong with what I have on?” Ross replied, “Do ya wanna fit in or not?” So, Rose went into the restroom and changed into a short shirt and placed a fitted hat on her head. When she came out she saw that Ross was dressed in a raccoon coat with belled-bottom liked trousers. His hair slicked with a straight part on the side and a chain hanging from his belt loops. Rose thought he looked so cool she was in amazement. She then hoped that this was the route she wanted to go because of the amount of amazement she had for this guy she had only known for a short period.

  They started walking down the back road and Rose began to see more women and men look as her and Ross did. Her face glowed as a child’s does on Christmas while opening their presents. Finally, they arrived at the club called RedFox; as they walked over to the doorman Ross said, “Hey man how’s the action tonight?” and the doorman said, “It’s jumping real smooth, go right in man.” Upon going in Rose became scared and said, “Wait!” Ross looked at her and pulled her by the arm inside and onto the dance floor. Ross began to twirl her around the floor and she was glimming with delight. After three hours of dancing and meeting new people Rose looked at her watch and told Ross she had to be getting home. When Rose walked in the door she was met by her aunt. “So, did you have a good time? Because you sure do look like it.” Rose replied, “Oh absolutely, it was the best time ever and I’ll tell you all about it soon enough auntie.” The next morning came and after breakfast Rose left to meet up with Sue and tell her all about the night she had. As they were sitting by the river Rose began to tell her. “Sue, it was magical I mean all the dancing and just fun. The club is called Redfox in the back of an alley; the inside was jazzed up with red and burgundy drapes, gold tassels, a golden wooden dance floor and a bar; which of course I didn’t go to. Ross is a great dancer and I told him I plan on going dancing with him every weekend.” Sue was looking as if she wished she were there with them. Rose went on telling Sue how she was definitely not getting married now for sure because she has found a new freedom and it’s her own secret. Sue was speechless and just sat and listened. After sometime passed Sue and Rose began walking back home since dinner time was approaching. Rose arrived home and her mother asked her to set the table and she did as she asked. As they all sat at the dinner table her sister and aunt wanted to know what she had done last night and Rose began to laugh and say, “Oh a little a this and that, nothing to special.” Dinner was done and Rose went on up to her room and went to sleep dreaming about that night and how she couldn’t wait for next weekend. That Friday came and she went back to the bookstore to see Ross and he told her what time to meet him again at the bookstore Saturday night. This went on for months and Rose was very happy with the time she was spending with Ross dancing and getting to know one another. Rose decided in those months to cut her hair and dye it black and throw away all her what she called “looking to get married clothes” and went with Sue to purchase more risky clothing. All these changes made her father and mother wonder if this was a faze or should they be greatly concerned. Rose called Sue and told her that they should think of getting a place together as soon as her birthday came. Sue was excited but, she told Rose, “We’ll only be 16, do you think that’s old enough?” Rose laughed and said, “If we’re old enough to get married then surly we can move out!” So, Rose and Sue planned to start looking for a place and within a few months they found a small two bedroom for fifty dollars a month. Now the hard part was for Sue and Rose to tell their families. Sue told her mother and father which ended badly with her being kicked out because she was leaving home before being married and Rose didn’t ask her mother and father if it was ok or their opinion even, instead she told them that she’ll be moving at the end of the month which was now September. The end of the month came and neither Rose nor Sue had help moving from their families. The move took two days but it happened as far as they were concerned. Ross came over and told them now they needed to have a house warming party and naturally Rose was all over it since she had now become a party girl. Sue was somewhat hesitate because she didn’t know any of these new friends Rose had made. Later that weekend sure enough they had the party and Sue wasn’t fond of these new friends Rose had made. Rose told Sue to lighten up and have some fun for once but, all she could think of is what her fiancée would think about these people and all. Two months had past and neither of them had spoken to their families and Rose was getting more and more out there with hanging with Ross and Sue was busy planning her wedding. Rose told her all the time that she’ll be around to help but, when the time came Rose was no where to be found. Rose came home one night after partying with Ross and found Sue packing up and leaving with her fiancée. Rose had no kind of feelings about her leaving she simply said, “If you must go then I wish ya’ll all the best.” Sue began to cry and yelled, “Where is the friend I have known all my life, you selfish asshole!” and walked out the door with her fiancée. Ross turned and said, “Whoo some people, either their with you or against you……life is funny that way huh?........hey how about I move in here and we be roomies or more than roomies, what ya say my lovely Rose?” Just at that moment Rose realized that her and Sue had grown apart and it was all her fault but she had to move on and if they’re meant to continue as friends then it’ll happen. She looked at Ross and told she had been waiting for him to ask her study. At that moment their relationship took on a new definition. Ross moved in and they began living and hanging as a couple. Rose went home to see her family and introduce Ross. Her father was a now a man of few words. He said, “Does he make you happy? If so, then that’s all that matters.” Rose didn’t know that her sister had moved out and was married and now preparing to plan a family. She also didn’t know her mother had now become the outspoken one. Her mother turned and said, “I hope you plan on getting married and not living in sin as common people.” Of course Rose had an answer. “Mother please we’re happy with how things are we don’t need marriage to prove we’re in love.” Her father shook his head and told her she’ll never get it as long as she looked as marriage as a bad thing. Rose looked at Ross and told him they needed to be going and they left. Rose didn’t underst
and that her disbelief in marriage and this wild lifestyle she was leading was destroying her family. Now the time had arrived for Sue’s wedding and Rose called her and apologized and asked if she was still apart of the wedding party and Sue told her of course, she had been waiting for her to call. Rose had to meet with Sue to try and get fitted for her dress and at that moment Rose felt weird as she called it. She felt like she was going against what she believed in yet felt like she was suppose to be in the beautiful white gown walking to meet Ross at the alter. She began to cry and ran out; Sue went after her and asked her what was going on and Rose indicated that she couldn’t explain it but she now felt the need to become married and Sue smiled and said then tell Ross and begin to plan your wedding. Rose sighed as for she didn’t know if that is what Ross wanted. She went home that night and Ross asked her why she looked so down and she told him all that happened at the wedding dress