Read Charles Rex Page 14



  There was undoubtedly a frown on Jake's usually serene countenance whenhe walked up the great stable-yard a little later that evening and cameupon Bunny lounging in a doorway with his hands in his pockets talking toone of the men.

  "Look here, young feller, I want a word with you," he said, with hiscustomary directness, and laid a somewhat peremptory hand upon the boy'sshoulder.

  Bunny, with a cigarette between his lips, turned and laughed at himwithout a hint of discomfiture. "All right, boss. I'll come," he said,and linked his arm in Jake's with boyish friendliness.

  He was half-a-head taller than Jake, but the look of power that was soapparent in the older man was wholly absent in him. He moved his longlimbs with a loose swing that lacked energy though it seemed to denote acertain restlessness.

  "Wonder what you'll do without me here when I go to Charlie," heremarked, as Jake did not immediately speak.

  "I should say the sooner you go the better," said Jake rather brutally,"if I were only sure you were going to the right place."

  "Have a smoke!" said Bunny with unruffled amiability, proffering hiscase.

  Jake pushed it from him with a curt sound of dissatisfaction.

  "All right. Don't!" said Bunny, with instant haughtiness, and returned itto his pocket.

  He would have withdrawn his hand from his brother-in-law's arm, but Jakeretained it there forcibly, steering for his own private office at theend of the stable-yard.

  Bunny submitted, but his face grew ominously dark as they passed insilence between the long rows of loose-boxes in the soft spring twilight.As they neared Jake's room he drew himself together with the action of aman who braces his muscles for a sudden strain, and in a moment he wasolder, less defiant, more dignified.

  "That's better," Jake said, making him enter first. "There are times, SirBernard Brian, when I want to lick you, as you never--unfortunately--werelicked in your early youth. Other times--like the present--when the breedgets the better of me, and I can only stand outside--and admire."

  "Oh, don't be a blithering idiot, Jake!" said Bunny in hot discomfiture.Jake's hand grasped his shoulder. "Sit down, and bring yourself to mylevel for a minute! Maybe I am a blithering idiot, maybe I'm not. But Icould take you by the heels and dip you in the horse-pond round thecorner if I felt that way. So you'd better keep as civil as possible. Itwon't make a mite of difference to me, but it may to you."

  Bunny sat down, breathing hard. His cigarette fell to the ground and hestooped for it, but Jake, still holding his shoulder, stooped also,picked it up and flung it straight out of the window.

  "You smoke too many of 'em," he said, as he did it.

  "Damn you!" said Bunny in a voice of concentrated fury.

  He would have sprung to his feet, but Jake's hands were upon him likeiron clamps and kept him seated.

  He spoke, his voice soft, unhurried, even humorous. "I'm only a beastlygroom, you know, Bunny. You don't expect good manners from me, do you?"

  Bunny shrank a little, as if something in the words pierced him. Jake'seyes, very bright but wholly free from anger looked straight into his.For some reason he ceased to strain against the compelling hands and satpassive.

  There followed a somewhat tense silence before he said, "Well, go on! Iknew you wanted to row me about something. What's it all about?"

  His voice was sullen but his attitude was no longer hostile. He lookedashamed.

  Jake sat down suddenly on the edge of the writing-table. "Say, Bunny!" hesaid gently. "Do you know you're the only man in the world that can sendme to perdition and not have his teeth knocked down his throat for hisofficiousness?"

  Bunny looked up at him, and in a moment, like the flash of sunshine frombehind a cloud, he was smiling. "Oh, get out, Jake. I suppose you'regoing to wipe the floor with me now. I didn't mean it and I'm sorry.Let's get on from there!"

  His hand gripped Jake's hard. There was something very winning about himat the moment, something that appealed strongly to the older man thoughhe did not instantly reply. He kept the boy's hand in his for a moment,and his eyes were very kindly as he looked into the thin young face.

  "Guess you know I'm pretty fond of you, my son," he said at length, "butI don't figure to let you go to the devil unhindered on that account."

  Bunny whistled. "Who's going? Oh, don't be an ass, Jake, will you?"

  "No, I won't," said Jake, "at least not the soft variety. Reckon I'vebeen too soft with you, Bunny, as long as I've known you."

  Bunny stirred restlessly in his chair. "Think so?" he said. "Well, it's agood fault, old chap. I can't stand bullying from anyone--makes me seered at once."

  "I know," Jake said. "I've never bullied you anyway. But I'm on thewar-path now, and you've got to take your physic whether you like it ornot. Say, Bunny, how much money did you drop at the races thisafternoon?"

  "What's that to you?" said Bunny.

  Jake's face hardened a little. "Well, I expected that," he said. "Afraidto tell me, eh?"

  "Not in the least afraid," said Bunny. "I dispute your right to know,that's all."

  "I see." Jake regarded him with a very direct scrutiny. "I'm to be keptin my place, is that it?"

  Bunny coloured. "That's the fourth time you've called me a bounder sincewe came in. What do you mean by it, Jake?"

  "What do I mean?" Jake spoke rather sadly. "Well, maybe that's just whatI do mean, Bunny. You're beginning to bound."

  "Rot!" said Bunny, though he coloured more deeply than before. "You knowthere isn't another fellow anywhere that I respect as I respect you.But--dash it, Jake!--you must let me grow."

  "I want you to," said Jake. "But for the Lord's sake, grow straight!" Hereached out and took Bunny by the shoulder. "I'm going to ask a big thingof you, sonny, but I guess I shall know by the way you take it how muchyour respect for me is worth."

  "What is it?" said Bunny.

  "Just this." Jake leaned forward; there was speculation in his look. "Iwant you to chuck racing--altogether--for a year. There!"

  "Chuck racing!" Bunny sat up very straight. "Jake! Why on earth shouldI?"

  Jake's hand closed upon him. He was smiling a little but there wassomething relentless behind his smile. "Oh, just to please me," he said."That's all."

  Bunny stared at him. "Chuck racing!" he said again. "Jake, you're mad!"

  "No, I guess not," said Jake imperturbably. "I'm not arguing any againstracing. Played straight, it's the best game in the world. I'm just askinga personal favour of you. There's nothing to be hurt about in that."

  There was an ominous gleam in Bunny's eyes. He looked as if he were onthe verge of open rebellion, but with his last words Jake's steady armsuddenly went round his shoulders and gave him a hard, brotherly squeeze.

  "Don't do it if you're going to hate me for it!" he said. "Reckon I can'tafford that. I knew it was a gamble when I started. If I can't win, I'llback out right now."

  "Jake!" Quick feeling sounded in Bunny's voice. He turned sharply, andfor an instant his cheek was against the kindly hand with the old boyishgesture of affection. Then he looked Jake full in the eyes and laughed."Jake, I say, don't be a beast! You know I'll do anything under the sunto please you."

  "You'll do this?" said Jake.

  "Tell me why first!" said Bunny.

  "Because I want to know if you've got the grit for one thing. And foranother--that girl who has just come here is a gambler to the backbone,and I won't have her encouraged."

  "How on earth do you know that?" said Bunny. "Did Charlie tell you?"

  "No." Jake's voice was grim. "You don't suppose I'd take his word foranything, do you? I saw it in her face this afternoon. I know thatgambling fever, and she--well, I'm inclined to think she's had it in oneform or another all her life."

  "She's quite a nice kid," said Bunny condescendingly.

  Jake smiled, but the firmness remained. "She's not your sort, Sir BernardBrian," he remarked. "And I rather guess she could teach you m
ore thanyou could teach her."

  "What do you mean?" said Bunny.

  Jake turned aside to shut the window in preparation for departure. "Well,sonny," he said in a marked drawl, "I guess I mean just that. If youaren't sharp enough to draw your own conclusions, that's none of mybusiness." He turned round and looked at Bunny with absolute directness."And that other proposition of mine,--did I understand you to fall inwith it?"

  "Chuck racing for a year, you mean?" Bunny got up. His face was stillred, but it showed no resentment. "It's rather much, isn't it, Jake?"

  "Too much?" questioned Jake.

  Bunny hesitated. "Well, a year! Make it three months!" he said coaxingly.

  Jake came to him, square and resolute. "I'll make it six months, Bunny,"he said, "if you can tell me you didn't drop more than fifty pounds thisafternoon."

  Bunny turned crimson. "This afternoon was an exception," he said hastily.

  "I thought so," said Jake dryly.

  "But--damn it!--it's rather a heavy penalty to pay," protested Bunny. Hethrust out an impulsive hand. "I say, let me off, old feller! I won't doit again."

  Jake's fingers closed and held. He said nothing, merely waited.

  And very suddenly--after his own headlong fashion--Bunny madeunconditional surrender. "Oh, get out, you beastly groom!" he said, andwrung Jake's hand with all the force he could muster. "All right! It'sdone!"

  Jake made an odd movement as of tension relaxed though none had beenapparent in his bearing. He struck Bunny on the shoulder the blow of afriend.

  "That's the biggest thing you've ever done for me, pard," he said with asmile. "Reckon I shan't forget it. Take it out of me next time!"

  "You bet I will!" said Bunny.

  He linked his arm through Jake's and gripped it hard. His eyes wereshining as they passed out together into the gathering dusk. He had madea considerable sacrifice, but Jake had the gift of making him realizethat it was worth while.