Read Charles Rex Page 31



  The Graydown Stables were always a model of well-ordered efficiency, andit had ever been Bunny's pride to show them to his friends. But heawaited General Melrose and his daughter on the following afternoon ina mood of some impatience. He had arrived early in the hope of findingToby at liberty, but his young _fiancee_ was nowhere to be found. She hadgone out riding, Maud said, immediately after luncheon, and he realizedwith some disgust that he had forgotten to tell her on the previous dayof his coming.

  "She will be in to tea, dear," Maud said, and he was obliged to contenthimself with the prospect of seeing her and acquainting her withSaltash's energetic interest on their behalf after the visitors had gone.He had never felt less in the mood for entertaining casual friends thanhe felt on that sunny afternoon in September as he lounged in the widestable-yard and waited for them. He had always liked Sheila Melrose, theyhad a good deal in common. But curiously enough it was that very factthat made him strangely reluctant to meet her now. In some inexplicablefashion, he found her simple directness disconcerting. Toby's words stuckobstinately in his mind, refusing to be dislodged. "She likes you wellenough not to want you to marry me." He realized beyond question thatthose words had not been without some significance. It might be justinstinct with her, as Toby had declared, but that Sheila regarded hisengagement as a mistake he was fairly convinced. That she herself had anyfeeling for him beyond that of friendship he did not for a momentimagine. Bunny had no vanity in that direction. There was too much of theboy, too much of the frank comrade, in his disposition for that. Theywere pals, and the idea of anything deeper than palship on either sidehad never seriously crossed his mind. He was honest in all his ways, andhis love for Toby--that wild and wonderful flower of first love--filledall his conscious thoughts to the exclusion of aught beside. The odd,sweet beauty of her had him in thrall. She was so totally different fromeveryone else he had ever encountered. He felt the lure of her more andmore with every meeting, the wonder and the charm.

  But Sheila did not want him to marry her, and a very natural feeling ofirritation against her possessed him in consequence. Doubtless Sheila hada perfect right to her opinions, but she might keep them to herself.Between Saltash's headlong resolve to help and Sheila's veiled desire tohinder, he felt that his course was becoming too complicated, as if inspite of his utmost efforts to guide his own craft there were contrarycurrents at work that he was powerless to avoid.

  He had an urgent desire for Toby that afternoon, and he was inclinedsomewhat unreasonably to resent her absence. But when at length the hootof the General's car warned him of his visitors' advent as they turned inat the gate, he was suddenly conscious of a feeling of relief that he wasalone. Toby was not at her ease with them. She fancied they disapprovedof her, and whether the fancy were justified or not he was glad that shewas not there to meet them. He determined to get the business over asquickly as possible.

  Sheila in her dainty summer attire was looking even prettier than usual,and almost against his will Bunny noted the fact. Against his will also,his barely-acknowledged feeling of resentment vanished before he had beenfive minutes in her company. Sheila's charms went beyond mere prettiness.She had the tact and ready ease of manner which experience of the worldalone can impart. She was sympathetic and quick of understanding. Withoutflattering, she possessed the happy knack of setting those about her attheir ease. It was very rarely that she was roused to indignation;perhaps only Saltash knew how deep her indignation could be. And he wasnot the man to impart the knowledge to anyone else.

  So on that warm September afternoon in her gracious way she restoredBunny's good humour and reinstated their friendship without effort,without apparent consciousness of any strain upon it. They went throughthe stables, and Bunny displayed his favourites with an enthusiasm ofwhich he had not believed himself capable a little earlier. The stud hadalways been his great delight from boyhood, and both the General and hisdaughter took a keen interest in all they saw.

  The time passed with astounding rapidity, and the chiming of the greatstable-clock awoke Bunny at length to the fact that the afternoon waspractically over.

  "Maud will think we are never going in to tea," he said, with a laugh,turning back from the gate into the training field where they had beeninspecting some of the colts. "You'll come round to the house, won't you?She is expecting you--said I was to be sure to bring you in."

  Sheila smiled and accepted the invitation. "We were hoping to see Mrs.Bolton to say good-bye," she said. "Is Miss Larpent not here to-day?"

  "Yes, she's out riding," Bunny said. "She may be in any moment. It's apity Jake is away. He is expected back some time next week."

  "Yes, I'm sorry to have missed him," said the General. "Tell him thatI've enjoyed seeing the animals, and I think he has a very fine show! Inever could understand how Saltash could bring himself to part with thestud."

  "He's so seldom at home," said Bunny. "Yachting is much more in hisline--though as a matter of fact he is at the Castle just now, came backyesterday."

  "Is he indeed? Are you sure of that?" Sheila spoke with surprise. "Ithought he meant to be away much longer."

  "His intentions never last more than a couple of days," remarked theGeneral with a touch of acidity. "Nothing he does ever surprises me."

  "He's a very good chap," began Bunny. "He's been no end decent to me.Why,--" he broke off suddenly--"Hullo! There he is! And--Toby!"

  Two figures had come suddenly round the corner of some stables, walkingside by side. Both were in riding-dress, but the day being hot, the girlhad discarded her long coat and was carrying it without ceremony over herarm. Her silk shirt was open at the neck, her soft hat pushed jauntilydown on the side of her head. She was laughing as she came, and shelooked like a merry little cow-boy straight from the prairies.

  The man who moved beside her was laughing also. There was no grace abouthim, only that strange unstudied kingliness that had earned for him thetitle of "Rex." He was swift to see the advancing visitors and sweptthe hat from his head with a royal gesture of greeting.

  Toby's face flushed deeply; she looked for the moment inclined to runaway. Then with an impulse half-defiant, she restrained herself andcaught back the smile that had so nearly vanished. She slapped the switchagainst her gaitered leg with boyish swagger and advanced.

  A quick frown drew Bunny's forehead as he observed her attitude. He spokeimpetuously, almost before they met.

  "You look like a girl out of a comic opera. Why don't you put your coaton?"

  Toby made a face at him. "Because it's cooler off. You can carry it ifyou like." She threw it to him nonchalantly with the words, and turnedforthwith to Sheila. "Have you just been round the Stables? Grilling,isn't it? I've been exercising one of the youngsters. He nearly pulled myarms off. We've been practising some jumps."

  "Then you shouldn't," put in Bunny. "The ground's too hard for jumping."

  Toby turned upon him with a flash of temper. "No one asked for youropinion. I know a safe jump when I see one. Are you coming in to tea,Miss Melrose? I should think you're wanting it. Yes? What's the matter?"

  She flung the two questions in a different tone, sharply, as thoughstartled. Sheila was looking at her oddly, very intently, a species ofpuzzled recognition in her eyes.

  Toby backed away from her, half-laughing, yet with something that was notlaughter on her face. "What can be the matter?" she said. "Is it--is itmy riding breeches? Here, Bunny! Let me have my coat!" She turned swiftlywith extended arms. "Quick! Before Miss Melrose faints! I've given herthe shock of her life."

  "No! No!" protested Sheila, recovering. "Don't be absurd! You reminded meso vividly of someone, that's all. I don't quite know who even yet."

  Bunny helped Toby into the coat without a word. There was grimdispleasure on his face. The General and Saltash were talking togetherand for the moment they three stood there alone.

  Toby turned round laughing. "How ridiculous you are!" she said to Bunny."You'v
e seen me in this get-up heaps of times before--and will again.Miss Melrose, I forgot you hadn't. I'm horribly sorry to have shockedyou. Shall we go in for tea now?"

  The puzzled look was still in Sheila's eyes though she smiled in answer."I am not shocked--of course," she said. "But--but--"

  "Yes?" said Toby.

  She spoke in the same brief, staccato note; the word was like achallenge. Saltash turned suddenly round.

  "I have just been complimenting Miss Larpent on the excellence of herget-up," he said lightly. "We met at the gate on the downs, and I havebeen witnessing some very pretty horsemanship. Miss Melrose, I hear youare leaving tomorrow, and am quite desolated in consequence. It is alwaysmy luck to be left behind."

  The hard little smile that only he could ever provoke was on Sheila'slips as she turned to him.

  "For such a rapid rider, you are indeed unfortunate," she said.

  He laughed with careless effrontery. "Yes, the devil usually takes thehindmost,--so I've been told. Miss Larpent anyway is quite safe, for shewill always be an easy first."

  "There is such a thing as going too fast," commented Bunny.

  "There is such a thing as getting away altogether," flung back Toby withspirit.

  Bunny's eyes flashed into sudden, ominous flame. He could not have saidwhy the contrast between the two girls--the one in her dainty summerattire and the other in her boyish riding-kit--had such an effect uponhim, but for the moment it almost infuriated him.

  Toby saw it, and her own eyes lit in response. She stood waiting for hisrejoinder--the spirit of mischief incarnate, wary, alert, daring him.

  But Bunny did not speak in answer. He drew in a hard breath through teeththat gripped his lower lip, and restrained himself. The next instant hehad turned away.

  "Oh, damn!" said Toby, and swung upon her heel.

  Saltash and the General walked beside her, rallying her. But Bunny andSheila came behind in silence.