Read Charles Rex Page 7



  The sinking of _The Night Moth_ after being in collision with the liner,_Corfe Castle_, bound for Brazil, was an event of sufficient importanceto be given a leading place in the newspapers of the following day. LordSaltash was well-known as a private yachtsman, and the first accountwhich reported him amongst the drowned was received with widespreadregret throughout that circle in which he was a familiar figure. Then ata later hour came its contradiction, and his friends smiled and remarkedthat he had the facility of an eel for getting out of tight corners, andthat they would never believe him dead till they had been to his funeral.

  Long before the publication of the second report, Saltash was seated inthe captain's cabin on board the _Corfe Castle_, with a strong brandy andsoda before him, giving a brief and vigorous account of himself and hiscompany. Yes, he was Charles Burchester, Viscount Saltash, owner of theprivate yacht, _The Night Moth_. He was returning from Valrosa alone withhis captain and his crew. They had been cruising in the Atlantic with theidea of going south, but he had recently changed his mind and decidedto go home. He had not expected such damnable luck as to be run down inhome waters, but he supposed that Fate was against him. He only asked nowto be put ashore as soon as possible, being for the moment heartily sickof sea-travel. This with his most rueful grimace which Captain Beaumontof the _Corfe Castle_ received with gravely official sympathy.

  "Well, I hope you don't blame us for your bad luck," he said. "We mighthave been sunk ourselves."

  "I never blame anyone but the devil for that," said Saltash generously."And as you managed to pick us all up I am glad on the whole that youweren't."

  And then he turned sharply at a knock on the door behind him to see alean, lank man enter who peered at him curiously through screwed-up eyesas though he had never seen anything like him before.

  Captain Beaumont introduced him. "This is Dr. Hurst. He has come toreport. Well, doctor? I hope you bring good news."

  Dr. Hurst came forward to the table, still looking very attentively atSaltash.

  The latter's odd eyes challenged him with royal self-assurance. "Well?What is the news?" he questioned. "Fished for a sprat and caught awhale--or is it t'other way round?"

  The doctor cleared his throat and turned to the captain. "Yes, my reportis good on the whole," he said. "None of the men are seriously injured,thanks to your prompt rescue measures. Captain Larpent is stillunconscious; he is suffering from concussion. But I believe he willrecover. And--and--" he hesitated, looking again at Saltash--"the--theperson whose life you saved--"

  Saltash leaned back in his chair, grinning mischievously. "To be sure!The person--whose life I saved! What of that person, Dr. Hurst?"

  "Had you a passenger?" interrupted the captain. "I understood you saved acabin-boy."

  "Pray continue!" he said lightly. "What of the cabin-boy? None the worse,I hope?"

  The doctor's lank figure drew together with a stiff movement of distaste."I see," he said, "that you are aware of a certain fact which I mustadmit has given me a somewhat unpleasant surprise."

  Saltash turned abruptly to the captain. "You ask me if I had apassenger," he said, speaking briefly, with a hint of hauteur. "Beforeyou also begin to be unpleasantly surprised, let me explain that I had achild on board who did not belong to the ship's company."

  "A child?" Captain Beaumont looked at him in astonishment. "I thought--Iunderstood--Do you mean the boy?"

  "Not a boy, no,--a girl!" Saltash's voice was suddenly very suave; he wassmiling still, but there was something rather formidable about his smile."A young girl, Captain Beaumont, but amply protected, I assure you. Itwas our last night on board. She was masquerading in the state-cabin in apage's livery when you struck us. But for Larpent we should have beentrapped there like rats when the yacht went down. He came and hauled usout, and we saved the child between us." He turned again to the doctor,his teeth gleaming fox-like between his smiling lips. "Really, I am sorryto disappoint you," he said. "But the truth is seldom as highly-colouredas our unpleasant imaginings. The child is--Larpent's daughter." He rosewith the words, still suavely smiling. "And now, if she is well enough, Iam going to ask you to take me to her. It will be better for her to hearabout her father from me than from a stranger."

  Though courteously uttered, his words contained a distinct command. Thedoctor looked at him with the hostility born of discomfiture, but heraised no protest. Somehow Saltash was invincible at that moment.

  "Certainly you can see her if you wish," he said stiffly. "In fact, shehas been asking for you."

  "Ah!" said Saltash, and turned with ceremony to the captain. "Have I yourpermission to go, sir?"

  "Of course--of course!" the captain said. "I shall hope to see you againlater, Lord Saltash."

  "Thank you," said Saltash, and relaxed into his sudden grin. "I shouldhave thought you would be glad to get rid of me before my bad luckspreads any further."

  The _Corfe Castle_, herself slightly damaged, was putting back toSouthampton to land the victims of the disaster, and to obtain somenecessary repairs. The weather was thickening, and progress was slow, butthey expected to arrive before mid-day. Saltash, carelessly sauntering inthe doctor's wake, found himself the object of considerable interest onthe part of those passengers who were already up in the murk of the earlymorning. He was stopped by several to receive congratulations upon hisescape, but he refused to be detained for long. He had business below, hesaid, and the doctor was waiting. And so at last he came to a cabin atthe end of a long passage, at the door of which a kind-faced stewardessmet them and exchanged a few words with his guide.

  "Can I go in?" said Saltash, growing impatient.

  The woman looked at him with wonder and compassion in her eyes. "The poorlittle thing is very upset," she said. "She lies and trembles, and hashardly spoken at all except to ask for you."

  "Well, let me in!" said Saltash, suddenly imperious. "I've got somethingto tell her."

  He had his way, for there was something about him that compelled justthen. He entered the cabin as a king might enter the apartment of aslave, and he shut the door with decision upon those without.

  Then for a second--just for a second--he hesitated. "Toby!" he said.

  A meagre form sprang upright in the bunk at the sound of his voice. Twobare, skinny arms reached out to him. Then with a single stride Saltashwas beside the bunk and was holding tightly to him a small, whimperingcreature that hid its face very deeply against his breast and clutched athim piteously whenever he sought to raise it.

  Saltash bent his dark head over the fair one and spoke very gently, yetwith authority. "It's all right, child. I know. I've known all along!Don't fret yourself! There's no need. I've got you under my protection.You're safe."

  "You--know!" whispered the muffled voice--Toby's voice, but strangelydevoid of Toby's confidence. "What must you--think?"

  "I!" Saltash laughed a little. "I never think. I giveeveryone--always--the benefit of the doubt; which is considerably morethan anyone ever gives me."

  "And--you saved my life!" gasped Toby "Why did you? Why did you?"

  "I wanted it," said Saltash promptly. "Now listen a moment! We've donewith this show. It's played out. We'll ring up on another. You've got tochange your name again. I'm telling everyone you're Larpent's daughter."

  That brought the fair head upwards very swiftly. The blue eyes with theirshort black lashes looked straight up to his. "But--but--CaptainLarpent--"

  "Oh, never mind Larpent! I'll square him." Saltash's look flashed overthe pale, tear-stained face. His hold, though close, no longer compelled."Leave it all to me! Don't you fret! I'll square Larpent. I'll squareeverybody. You lie low till they put us ashore! After that--do you thinkyou can--trust me?"

  He spoke with comically twisted eyebrows and a smile half-kindly andhalf-quizzical. And the forlorn little creature in his arms turned with aswooping, passionate movement, caught one of his hands and pressed it toquivering lips.

/>   "I'll live--or die--for your sake!" the trembling voice told him. "I'mjust--yours."

  Saltash stopped abruptly and laid his face for a moment against theshorn, golden head. Just for that moment a hint of emotion showed in hisstrange eyes, but it was gone instantly.

  He raised himself again with a grimace of self-ridicule. "Well, lookhere! Don't forget to play the game! Larpent--your daddy--is knocked out,remember. He is unconscious for the present, but the doctor chap seems tothink he'll be all right. A nasty suspicious person that doctor, so watchout! And let me see! What is Toby short for? I'd better know."

  "Antoinette," whispered the lips that still caressed his hand.

  "Antoinette!" Saltash's hand closed softly upon the pointed chin, softlylifted it. "I think _Mignonette_ would suit you better," he said, in hisquick, caressing way. "It's time I chose a name for you, _ma chere_. Ishall call you that."

  "Or just Nonette of Nowhere," breathed the red lips, piteously smiling."That would suit me--best of all."

  "No--no!" said Saltash, and gently relinquished his hold. "Don't forgetthat you are a favourite of the gods! That counts for something, my Toby.They don't take up with everybody."

  "They haven't done much for me so far," said Toby, suddenly rebellious.

  "Hush!" said Saltash, with semi-comic warning. "You are too young to saythat."

  "I am--older than you think, sir," said Toby, colouring painfully andturning from his look.

  "No, you're not!" Swiftly, with a certain arrogance, Saltash made answer."I know--how old you are, child. It is written in your eyes. They havealways told me--all I need to know." Then, very tenderly, as Toby's handscovered them from his look: "_Mais, Mignonette_, they have never told meanything that you could wish me not to know."

  He slipped his arm again about the slender shoulders and pressed themclosely for a moment. Then he stood up and turned to go.

  He was smiling as he passed out--the smile of the gambler who knows thathe holds a winning card.