Read Charlie Cradle's Wonderful Existence: A Novella Page 12

  Chapter 11

  Charlie slowly started to come to, her head aching and mouth dry like it had been swabbed with cotton. When she opened her eyes, she discovered herself lying across the length of a red leather couch. Around the room, a few more of the same couches were lined up to make a U shape design with a couple of round tables in the middle topped with liquor and cigars. There was a private bar near the back by a door that she guessed to be the exit, since it was the only door visible, and the entire opposite wall across the room was a huge viewing window from floor to ceiling that displayed the party going on down within the rest of the nightclub.

  As the effects of the Bloody Mary she had earlier was beginning to wear off, Charlie attempted to stand to look for a way out but was interrupted by three partly-dressed women seemingly appearing from the shadows.

  “Ah, ah…” said the one wearing blue lipstick, waging her index finger. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I’ve had enough partying for one night, thanks,” said Charlie, trying her best at mustering some courage.

  “Red’s not going to like you bailing on him like that,” said another wearing purple lipstick, “If you know what’s good for you, I’d suggest you have a seat and wait there like a proper little virgin.”

  “You know, sisters,” said the third wearing black lipstick, her irises glowing bright red, “Red could be a while dealing with that pretty boy downstairs, so while he’s taking care of him why don’t we warm this little flower up for him, hmm?”

  “I like where you’re going with this,” said Blue. “We can take off that pretty little dress of hers and teach her how impolite it is to cut in line. Red can join in when he’s ready.”

  Charlie sank in as deep as possible into the couch like it would buy her a few more precious moments of not having her body and mind ravaged by a gang of insidiously lustful demons. She wanted to scream at the horror of what was going to take place, but panic caused every muscle in her body to lock up. She felt like a deer caught in headlights. She felt she’d be powerless against a group of regular humans, so the fact that they were a group of demons made it worse. Her last thought as the women reached out for her was why did Rowan have to bring her here of all places? Whatever Roxy had in mind, she was positive it wouldn’t have robbed of her innocence and peace of mind.

  The women cackled in delight to Charlie’s obvious torment, until suddenly the door at the back of the room burst open in a flash of blue light. Two bouncers were thrown into the room by the force of the blast and crashed hard into the bar, upending chairs and breaking several glasses and bottles of liquor. All three women shot around to stare at the destruction being brought into the room. Then, to Charlie’s great relief, Rowan came dashing through the blown-open doorway.

  “Rowan!” screamed Charlie.

  “Don’t worry, Charlie!” said Rowan. “I’m getting you out of here! I won’t let them hurt you.”

  In response, all three women standing over Charlie focused their attention on Rowan and screamed at him. And as they shouted their challenge, their faces stretched and contorted into demonic visages that more suited their terrible nature. Rowan’s hands pulsed with blue energy.

  “Unless you want to end up like Red and his lackeys,” said Rowan, warningly, “give her to me or else it’s straight back to hell with you.”

  Black unleashed a hideous scream, her face contorting more than Charlie thought possible, her eyes flaring such an intense red that it was difficult to say if tiny flames were actually licking her eyelashes. Then, taking initiative and with blinding speed, Black leaped ahead of her sisters and led the attack. Dreadful claws extended from where her soft pink fingers had once been, and she swiped them in wide arcs in an attempt to slash Rowan’s throat. Rowan jumped back and dodged her strikes and countered with an attack of his own. Quickly stretching a hand toward the first demon, just like he did at the restaurant with Roxy; he shouted another incomprehensible word and an orb of blue light shot toward the demon, striking and effectively incinerating her.

  The demon wailed in agony and Charlie’s fear intensified as she had never witnessed anything like she had now. It was an impossible battle that took place before her. Beings of which she had always believed were purely mythical were now locked in magical warfare, with her being the prize. She attempted once again to flee the red leather couch but Blue grabbed her shoulder and tightened her grip, shooting a horrible scowl that warned her not to make another move. Obediently, with Blue’s nails digging into her skin, Charlie listened.

  After witnessing her sister being reduced to ash, Purple howled in fury and jumped at Rowan, determined to avenge her sister’s destruction. Rowan shot another orb of blue energy at the demon in the hopes of achieving the same effect, but she anticipated his move and dodged the orb where it then flew into the large window which burst into an explosion of glass shards that rained down upon those dancing in the nightclub. Screams and shouts reached their ears in the V.I.P. room over the roar of music and the frantic footfalls of panic soon followed.

  The unexpected twist caused Rowan to hesitate, the guilt about the pain he had wrought upon the innocent clear on his face, and it allowed Purple the opportunity a chance to strike. In a series of motions faster than Charlie could keep up with, the demon leaped toward Rowan and slashed at his chest, causing a gash. Rowan jumped back in surprise, the pain returning his attention to the fight. His shirt was ripped where she tore at him and blood began to run down his chest.

  Charlie screamed his name and wanted to run to him, to help him and leave together. But the vicious grip of Blue’s hand tightened its hold on her again and forced her to remain sitting. Charlie winced at the increasing pain in her shoulder.

  “Once I’m finished feasting on your bones,” provoked Purple, her grotesque tongue licking sharp teeth, “I’ll be sure to take real good care of your little virgin.”

  Charlie was getting real sick of being reminded of how she was still a virgin.

  But the demon wouldn’t deliver on her promise because her taunt was just the push Rowan needed to put her to rest. Feigning a dodge to the right, Rowan then charged at the demon who held her claws out, prepared to shred him to pieces. But then, instead of rolling to either side or sliding beneath her like she was expecting him to do, he instead locked hands with hers, cutting his fingers in the process against her sharp claws, and transferred blue energy from his palms to her own. Purple shrieked and writhed in pain as Rowan’s magic coursed through her veins, until she burst into flames and disintegrated into ash.

  Hope had now sparked inside of Charlie. Rowan had destroyed two demons and was down to the last one. But then, unexpectedly, as Rowan was approaching Blue to finish the job, she pulled Charlie from the couch, stood behind her, and wrapped her dagger-like claws around her throat. Small yelps escaped Charlie’s mouth. Her heartbeats increased even further and panic now completely engulfed her.

  “Take another step and I cut her throat!” warned Blue.

  Rowan halted and regarded Blue dangerously. “Let her go. Things can still end well for you if you just leave now.”

  “After how you just destroyed my sisters like that? I think not. I’ll see you suffer before this night ends!”

  Charlie’s legs trembled with fear. Then, Blue brought her lips closely to Charlie’s ear and blew softly on her lobes. Suddenly, she began feeling light headed again, the red-tinted room starting to fade in and out all around her. The last thing she remembered before passing out was the sound of the demon’s maniacal laughter, Rowan calling her name, and the sudden flash of blue light.