Read Charlie Cradle's Wonderful Existence: A Novella Page 22

  Chapter 18

  That night, Charlie found a note sitting on her parents’ doorstep. When she finally got around to going back to her parents’ house, after a very long walk through random streets and parkways, she discovered that the lights were off and no one was home. Apparently, her mother and father had gone out as well. She discovered that the note was left by Rowan, who she figured must have left it there upon realizing she was gone out. Once she let herself in, she read his letter.


  It looks like you’re out, so I’m leaving you this note beneath your door to let you know that I was looking for you. Sorry about leaving so suddenly last night. I was starting to get a little overwhelmed and decided the best thing to do was to create some distance. Thanks for the distraction from Roxy – you’re a lifesaver! I’d like to meet with you tonight because there’s something important I’d like to talk about. Can you meet me tonight at June Park? I’ll wait for you by the same bench. Hope to see you there.


  Charlie was glad to hear that Rowan was all right. Even though she knew he was more than capable of taking care of himself, she worried about him nonetheless. But now she wondered what it was that he wanted to talk about. Whatever it was, it must be important if he intended to wait at the park in hopes that she would show up.

  Charlie remembered the look on his face the night before when he showed up at her door. He looked weary, like a traveler after a long journey who would give anything to rest his eyes for a while. What if he intended to leave Riverton? Was it now his time to go in search of a new place to live until Roxy zeroed in on him again? Charlie would understand if that’s what he chose to do, because if she found it difficult to be in relationship with a faerie, then it must have been even harder pretending to be something you’re not in a world that’s not your own. But even if she understood, the thought of it still pained her. She didn’t want him to leave. She had finally decided that even if things got scary and crazy, she wanted to stop being the safe, boring and typical person that she always was. His words from the night before had really affected her, and she didn’t want to cower under her blankets of protection anymore. She wanted to stay with him.

  The sun had already set and it was getting late. Charlie wondered what time Rowan had left the note and hoped that he was still at the park waiting for her. So not wasting any more time and pulling on her coat and scarf again, she walked back outside and ahead in the direction of the park.