Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 12

  ~Chapter 9~

  A Change in the Weather

  All three young travelers slept as much as they could for the next few days, trying their best to regain their strength and stamina, by eating as many fresh hot meals as they could. Salmon was plentiful, mostly eaten with succulent boiled brown rice, fresh scrambled eggs, and hot breads cooked by Ms. Telly Bell the ships Head-Chef.

  She was a bull of a woman who ran a very proficient and well-organized kitchen. She had hands and forearms that were as large as Turk's, the Blacksmith, with a back that was as strong as an ox. She had a squared face and jaw line that bore masculine features.

  She was well respected in the ships galley because of her nasty demeanor which would have made the Centerville neighborhood terror, Mitch the Bull dog proud, but mostly she was respected, because she was just so well-organized, and good at her job. Most of the crewmembers who knew her well just called her MOM because she wore a large tattoo on her right big bicep that said of all things MOM.

  When Molly, Chug, and Louis found themselves on deck one morning enjoying the warmth of the sun, after eating another fine meal cooked by Ms. Telly, Molly brought up a few lingering questions that had been on her mind for quite some time now.

  "Louis please try explaining this to me one more time, what's this all about, with the Magic Jingle Bell? Where did you found it, and what magical powers does it really hold? And, can you tell me about this stranger...Squint-Eye Pete? What does he want with us or is it, just that bell he wants?"

  Chug spoke up.

  "Louis you may as well tell her everything, because she is in this just as deep as we are, and there is really no way to turn back now, and just go home. So tell her the complete story Louis. Don't pull any punches or sugar-coat it."

  "Well, Molly listen up good for you see what I am about to tell you, you might not believe me...but I is the whole truth."

  Louis paused for a moment to catch his breath, he then continued in earnest.

  "You see the real Magic Jingle Bell is the one I carry in my front pants pocket. It is not the bell Charlie gave me last year: you know the one I carry around my neck. I went into Mr. Beamer's barn the afternoon before we were to leave Centerville and I just rather, stumbled into the Magic Bell. I was leaving the barn, when I kicked something lying in the hay. Low and behold there it was, covered in hay. I could not believe my luck. I believe that this bell, if reunited with the magic string of jingle bells that Santa gave Charlie last Christmas Eve, will re-strengthen the magic that lies within them, and bring Charlie back to health. With this bell the power of the other bells, should be able to drive off Black Jack Tilly, and the Missouri Rats. It should be able to drive away Squint Eyed Pete's kids who are up there as well. Do you know those kids? "You know the Barker Boys...Big Belly Bill, and Sleaze Ball Tom."

  "Gosh Louis...what have we gotten into?" asked a befuddled Molly.

  "Molly, don't worry about Squint Eye Pete. He I believe is only after the bell not us. I will protect you, and I will give my life for you...if I have to. I promise. Man, I'll tell you Molly, this all just has to be destiny especially with me finding that magic bell right before we left town."

  "You mean to tell me that out of some strange predestined or preordained event that you just fell upon the most magical bell on earth, and that is why we are all here? In addition, that this is all to be our destiny? Louis you must be pulling my chain," said Molly with a look of complete disbelief.

  "Well you haven't even heard the least of it Molly, or you either Chug."

  "There's more...?"

  "Charlie is an Arion horse."

  "A wha-t...?"

  "He's an immortal horse."

  Chug could not contain himself upon hearing this latest proclamation that Louis had blurted out, "An Arion Horse! Are you kidding me? What are you talking about Louis? Have you gone dippy, and lost your mind completely, or are you just daydreaming again?"

  "You see Chug, Molly...Charlie is an immortal horse. He is the last of his kind on earth. With the help of a certain type of pure magic, incantations, wizardry or mystical potions, he can rebirth or be reborn into any type of horse needed for that particular calling or task. Charlie told me about some of his past great deeds, the ones he could remember that is, one day when I visited him in his barn. Then later that year on Christmas Eve Santa came to Centerville, and called on Charlie to save Christmas, and help Rudolf out in his greatest time of need. You were all there that night you saw what happened. Don't you two remember all those stories that Mr. Beamer would tell on his back porch every Friday night in the summertime, about Charlie's family? Those stories were all true and think about it, why would Squint-Eye Pete be after us if he didn't know all about the bell, and the magic it holds."

  "Well that is quite a story of your best," said Molly "but I'm still not so sure. It all seems so fantastical."

  "Look at the bell again, you tell me..."

  Louis took the magical bell back out of his pocket, and placed in on ship's handrail for both to gaze into, its inherent beauty again.

  Louis now slowly placed the bell in his left hand; he held it up into the sun so Molly and Chug could get a better look at its splendor. He then rang the bell so very softly to listen to its magical chime, just one more time. When he rang the bell it now rang a bit louder than it did when he had first rang it in Mr. Beamer's barn, the night he found it, and it was now louder than when he rang it after they left Plainsville.

  "The bell is ringing clearer and louder now. I can tell. I just barely rang it, the same way I did when I was in Mr. Beamer's barn so long ago. The chime is definitely louder and clearer," said Louis in astonishment.

  "Louis the bell must be closer now to the magic string of bells. Its power must be growing" Chug said in doubt at what he just said.

  Molly was now coming to terms with all that was said; she finally jumped right on the bandwagon.

  "You're right Chug, Louis... it's all starting to make complete sense. We are about half way to the North Pole now. These bells must be all interrelated, and calling to each other in some strange way. If we keep a true north heading, the bell will help guide us there. Each time we ring it, the chime should be clearer, and louder than it was before."

  Louis panicked for a moment. He feverishly reached into his shirt, and then around his neck to make sure the other bell, the one Charlie had given him last year, still hung around his neck, where he last placed it. Louis searched about for a moment until he found the bell exactly where it should be, safely secured around his neck. Louis spoke to himself under his breath. He made a small prayer so the others could not hear.

  "I know Charlie that if anything would happen to me on this trip and if I was ever in real trouble again that all I would have to do is ring, this bell. I know even though you are sick, that you would still be able to come find me, and take me away from danger. I just know it Charlie, I just know it."

  Calming down again knowing that the bell was still there Louis began to speak again to the others.

  "Well I am glad you both know the whole truth now and truly believe what I have told you. It makes it so much easier for me. I feel like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and it reconfirms my trust in our friendship, to be able to share this with my two best friends. Again, I am sorry that we are in danger, but we still have a daunting task ahead of us. We have to get this bell to Charlie."

  "Don't worry Louis, we're behind you all the way" said Molly.

  "Yeah...all the way Louis..." added Chug.

  "Good...that's great to know. Now as for Squint-Eye Pete, he must have read the newspapers up in Saint Louis, and figured out that the magic bell was in our town. That is why he came down to Centerville, to look for it. He must have also figured out that I had the bell because Charlie was my best friend, and best friends always share their deepest
secrets, so he must have thought I would know where the bell was, or that I already had it in my possession. Then I bet he was trying to scare us out of Centerville when he frightened Harry at that shoeshine stand. He was just trying to get me alone. He has been after me ever since."

  Molly with Chug just stared at the magic bell as Louis spoke; both nodded their heads in agreement.

  "I see eye to eye with you Louis," said Chug.

  "Me too" said Molly.

  Just as Louis was finishing his story, a few tall crew members dressed in black came walking down the wooden deck with their arms full of knotted ropes deep in conversation.

  Louis swiftly shoved the magic bell back into his pants pocket. He then quickly turned his back to the men. As they passed him by, he thought he saw out of the corner of his eye that one of the men was wearing a leather eye patch over one eye, but as Louis craned his neck to look again the two strangers disappeared, down some back stairs, and deep into the dark shadows, of the ship's hold.

  This made the hair on the back of Louis's neck, and his cowlick stand on end, but after pondering the odds of Squint-Eye Pete being on board with them, he reasoned that it must have been, just his nerves, and that there was no way Ole' Pete could have gotten on board, without him seeing. After all, he had stood on the top deck at the boarding ramp right up until the last of the passengers boarded, and Pete was absolutely nowhere to be found that morning.

  As Louis continued talking on about the magic bell, and his encounter with Squint-Eye Pete at the saloon, and all that Mr. Beamer had told him about Pete and his two sons, the Cimarron Cutter continued sailing onward, on its due northward tack.

  The wind had been steady, and the weather had been relatively fair for the last week on the high waters of the Great Lake. Captain Legrand and his crew were doing a great job with no sight of Pirate Captain Red Beard, or the Red Ghost ship anywhere in sight.

  That night in the safety of their cabin, Louis continued with his reading by gas lamp of the journal that Mr. Beamer had given. He made sure he studied all the maps as well as he could, and remember all that he read just in case, anything should ever happen to the journal or maps.

  The real dangerous part of the long trip north was now at their doorstep.

  The Great Northwest Territories lay ahead upon de-boarding the Cimarron Cutter. There would be vast wild lands, dangerous animals or beast, the elements to content with, and at some point at the end of the journey, they would have to enter into the southern Nanulak Passage, and pass through the Polar Gates.

  There they would have to outwit or out fight Growlar the Ancient Cave Bear, the Polar Gate's Keeper or surely be eaten alive. Louis had not had a chance yet, to read the part in Mr. Beamer's journal about how to outwit Growlar, or what Mr. Beamer had done to secure safety as he passed though Growler's den so long ago.

  The only thing Louis could remember Mr. Beamer said about Growlar was that he only lived, to quell his stomach's desires, its aches and pains, and that his enormous stomach drove all his waking actions, as all bears are known to do.

  As Louis now sat at their cabin's lone table reading, Molly was sitting on the bed rummaging through her backpack for something. She finally found what she was looking for.

  "Louis I almost forgot to show you something. Here look at this," said Molly as she unfolded the crumbled newspaper article across the table, and out over Mr. Beamer's journal.

  "It's a recent newspaper from the Plainsville Post that someone had tacked on the wall inside the country store, where we bought our last supplies. We were on the run from Squint-Eye Pete all this time, and I had forgotten to show it to you. Look there's an article about Charlie and Santa's Village in here."

  Louis's jaw about dropped straight to the floor of the ship.

  He grabbed the article with both hands as quickly as he could away from Molly, holding it up closer to the gas lamp to be able read it more clearly. He looked up at Molly with a look of complete exasperation in his face.

  "Why didn't you tell me sooner, you have an article about Charlie? Let me see that."

  "Sorry I forgot..."

  Louis began to read aloud to Molly standing before him and Chug who was now sitting up in his chair at the back of the cabin, and fully awake from the shallow nap he had been taking.

  "Look here it says Charlie is still sick but now it appears that he is suffering from some other aliment, something other than the power of the magic of the bells that is wearing off. The elf doctors in Santa's Village cannot figure out what else it could be. Let me see, it says he stays in his stall all day, and all night now, and has for over two months, that he looks very sad, and even more worried than before. it also says he's losing weight, is looking older, and more fragile every day."

  "That is just terrible. What do you think it is Louis?" asked Chug.

  "Can't they see what it is...?

  "What is it Louis...what...?"

  "What's wrong with those doctors...?"

  "Well Louis what..."

  "He needs his friends. That's what it is! He misses us Molly, can't you see that Chug?

  "HE NEEDS US!" yelled out Louis at the top of his lung".

  As Louis yelled out a few of the crewmen residing in the cabin next door began banging on the nearby walls, and started calling out for them to settle down and be quiet...or...else. Louis immediately calmed down, trying not draw any more attention towards the cabin, after he realized his mistake.

  Now in a more quiet tone Louis started up again.

  "I can only imagine how bad it is for him. He's sick and lonely. We've got to get up there as quick as we can. I have gotta get the magic jingle bell to him, then give him the biggest hug he has ever had before" said Louis.

  Chug now spoke up.

  "What else does it say Louis? Read on."

  "Here let me look at that newspaper again. It says here that Santa's Village is still shutdown and that only the elves or workingmen are doing a little work, and that Black Jack Tilly, Rags Martin, and Cool Joe Biggs are still in control of the Great Wrapping Machine. It says the entire outlaying areas of the city are dark with hardly a light seen from a fireplace, or candle, day or night. Just as we thought before we left Centerville Chug, Santa's Village is being controlled by Black Jack Tilly, and all the kids in the world, might not get a Christmas present this year."

  "Just plain dreadful" said Molly.

  "Well if all goes as planned we should be at the northern most shore of the Great Lake, and into Salmon Run Harbor tomorrow, or the next day, and then it will take us about a month, more or less to get through the Northwest Territories of Canada. Then forward into the Great Boreal Forest for a week more, then about one more week until we get to the Ingnok Mountains. From there we go through the Nanulak passage, through the Polar Gates, hopefully side-stepping Growlar the Cave Bear, then down into Snow Valley where Santa's Village. Maybe, no more than a two months left tops" said Louis as he folded up the newspaper, and handed it back to Molly.

  "Charlie can hold out that long, I just know it. He knows were coming, I can feel it in my heart Molly. He will be just fine."

  "You're right Louis. Charlie will be just fine, and we should arrive just a few days before Christmas, and right on time, just as we planned," said Chug while giving Louis a reassuring pat on his back.

  Apollo and Jupiter had been quite down in the hold of the ship for the last few days. They were content and catching up on their rest, for the long journey that lay ahead.

  The cruise on the Cimarron Cutter had been mostly uneventful with the weather being very mild for this time of year so far up north. The Cimarron was making good time, the northern winds had been kind, holding steady, and keeping the large mainsail full. Captain Legrande LaGrange with his crew had been hard at work, keeping the course steady and true.

  As midnight came upon
the ship, blackness fully engulfed the Great Lake and all her inhabitants above, and below in the cold black waters, a cool wind started to dance, and swirl around on the top-deck of the great ship. The wind was noticeable cooler than a few moments before. Then just like that, the wind now began blowing in a little harder from the north, as all the passengers quietly slept below in the lower decks of the ship.

  The murky waters off in the distance began to churn with small white caps that were now becoming easily more visible, as a far-away winter storm laced with some bright lightning bolts lit up the blackness of the night.

  A large storm could be seen brewing out on the distant shadowy waters of the Great Lake. It was on a dead on heading towards the northern shores of the lake, exactly where the Cimarron Cutter was soon to be. The sails above the main deck grasped the enlivened wind with all her might, as the ship was quick to pick up speed with the changing of the weather.

  As the distant shoreline began to fade completely out of sight with the storm approaching, Captain Legrande Legrange was hurriedly summoned to the wheelhouse by the first mate on watch that night. The first-mate's loud, and commanding voice calling for the Captain could be heard throughout the ship, which only startled Louis, Molly, and Chug, who had been fast asleep in their cabin below.

  "All hands on board!!" called out the captain as the skies now fully darkened with heavy rain clouds. The sounds of mighty thunderclaps could be heard rumbling, and growling off in the near distance. Brilliant sheet lightening could be seen high up in the sky a few miles away, lighting up the heavens with their dazzling flashes. The silvery white bolts of light would dance in the clouds, with the sounds of the thunder rolling into the hearts of the passengers, and crewmembers alike.

  The waxing moon had slipped into hiding again behind the all-encompassing storm clouds, and the lake water below had now risen up in anger, to show its distaste and defiance for the growing winds.

  A great winter storm was now bearing down from the north, and had now blown in upon the Cimarron, its brave crew, and now worrisome passengers. The captain started to bark out orders that were immediately placed into motion by the seaman operating her decks. The ship started wracking back and forth by the ever-growing tumulus and dark waters below, and by the above howling winds.

  Molly let out a high piercing scream as the ship was thrown from one side to the other. Louis instantly grabbed Molly by the waist. He pulled her close to him to try, and reassure her, the best he could.

  "Molly don't you be worried, I am right here, and everything will be just fine. No little storm will harm you. You have my word."

  Molly tucked her head into Louis's shoulder. She turned her head from the brightness of the lightning that was now thundering straight overhead, with the light beaming in through the small portal in their cabin.

  "We need to grab our belongings, get over to Apollo and Jupiter, and make sure they are OK", called out Chug with alarm ringing in his voice.

  "Good idea Chug. This is no time for them, or us to be alone," said a worried Louis.

  All three quickly placed their backpacks over their shoulders, grabbed their other belongings, and headed directly down, into the lower hold of the ship, to where their two friends were waiting. Louis found the doors to the hold closed. He threw them open with all his might, as the hull of the ship started again to rock violently back and forth.

  "We are over here. We can't stay down here Louis. What if the ship floods?" proclaimed Jupiter.

  "We must make for the safety of the upper decks," cried out Apollo.

  Jupiter and Apollo were tossed from side to side frantically as the great ship was being pitched about the Great Lake.

  "We must get Apollo and Jupiter to the upper deck, to a safer location. They are both right. If they stay down here, they might get injured by falling debris, or the hold of the ship might get flooded with water," screamed out Louis as he motioned for Chug to take a hold of Apollo.

  "Louis you're right. I will take Apollo; you take Jupiter. Let's get them on the top deck, towards the back of the ship where it has to be safer than this," said Chug as he wiped the dripping rain water out of his eyes, and grabbed the rope that hung around Apollo's neck.

  Both horses were rapidly being lead to the upper deck through the large doors of the hold when there appeared in an upper distant hallway, in front of them, a tall dark...shadowy...figure.

  It was a thin man dressed all in black, wearing a large black cowboy hat pulled down to partially conceal his identity, and cover his face. When he turned his head, just enough upwards, a large dark leather patch could be seen strapped around his left eye.

  Evil had returned!

  Lightning was striking down now all around the ship, and the sound of the thunderclaps were dancing about the ship, striking the angry lake water with a deafening sound. Captain Legrange with his deep commanding voice could still be heard on deck barking out orders, above the sounds of the ever-threatening thunder, when the dark stranger in the doorway lifted his head catawampus, fully exposing his, gaunt, bony face.

  The tall spindly new arrival began to speak in a terrifying, and ominous voice.

  "As I said before you have something that belongs to me BOY!"

  As Louis looked again towards the end of the hallway, the surreal image could now be seen in all its glory.

  It was a horrifying sight to gaze, upon.

  The silhouetted figure could now be seen in his entirety, from the back lighting of the lightning bolts illuminating his full figure. Pure evil was on board the Cimarron, and bearing down on the group of young travelers.


  His crazy, evil eyeball was searching for another victim.

  "It's Squint-Eye Pete again," screamed out Molly as her voice rose above the cracks of thunder raining down all around them.

  "Run! Run!" shouted out Chug as he let go of Apollo's rope. He scampered about, trying to find an another door in the hold, that would lead him to his freedom. Squint-Eye had positioned himself in front of the only exit as if he had planned this whole thing.

  "Were trapped Louis. There is nowhere to go. That is the only way to get out of here Louis. It's the only way!" screamed out Chug repeatedly in sheer terror.

  Just then, a loud crash and crack was heard at the bow of the ship. Then another loud crack and boom was heard, as the great ship twisted, and rolled about on the angry, temperamental waters below.

  The whole ship suddenly tipped sideways, making a great heaving motion to the starboard side. All had been thrown off their feet, and now were sprawled out on the floor of the hold. Squint-Eye Pete as well, was violently shaken off his feet; he vanished from

  The gas lamps lighting the hallway, and ship's hold had blown out from a large gust of wind. The lightning strikes subsided for a moment, as the air grew deathly quiet. The eye of the great storm was passing directly overhead of the enormous ship.

  Chug could see the doorway was now clear. He yelled out to Molly, and Louis.

  "Louis the path is clear, run! Grab the horses and run Louis! Run Molly!

  A lightning strike went off again overhead. A brilliant flash of light lit the hallway, and doorway, just long enough for everyone to find a clear path to safety.

  All three terrified passengers, with Jupiter and Apollo leading the way, found safe passage to the top deck by a stroke of pure luck.

  It was now clear what the loud cracking sound was that all had just heard from down below a moment early. Another massive ship had rammed the front of the Cimarron Cutter as the momentary calm, of the eye of the storm passed directly over them.

  As the storm's eye quickly passed by, the winds on the backside now started to rage on, once more across the ship's wooden decks. A hard driving, and constant rain started up, and again began pounded the ship with all its fury and might.

  No one on the top deck could see more than a few steps in front of him or her in the darkness when a ghastly, loud, deep, and omnipresent voice rang out from the rear of the Cimarron's main deck.

  "I am Captain Red Beard the Pirate. This ship is mine for the taking!!"

  Another bolt of dancing lightning struck from above, hitting the upper deck of the Cimarron, right in front of Pirate Red Beard's boots, as he stood in place.

  The pirate Captain did not flinch.

  The lightning jumped off the deck, bouncing in a skewed direction, directly through Louis, who was standing only a few yards away. The electricity shot right through his body, finding its way to the top of his hair. Louis fell backwards onto the wooden deck, stunned for a moment. He opened his eyes as wide as he could, looked about, and then shook his head back and forth for a minute to try to regain his senses.

  Louis was in a state of pure shock from being hit by a large bolt of lightning that had racketed off the top of the deck. He ever so slowly leaned forward to get a better look at Captain Red Beard, who was standing with his thick legs in a wide defiant stance. Positioned on either side of his ample hips, were his large hands.

  As the next lightning strike went off overhead, it lit up Louis who was sitting on the deck. All you could see was a look of complete excitement on Louis's face, with his red cowlick now standing at full attention, on the top of his head.

  As another bolt of lightning shot out overhead, Chug caught sight of Louis sitting on the deck, he could see smoke coming from the top of Louis's red cowlick.

  As Louis had sat up, he began, to regain his senses, Squint-Eye Pete had found his way onto the top deck, and was now standing directly over Louis right behind him with his eye patch in one hand; laughing hysterically.

  Louis slowly looked up backwards at the ominous figure hovering over him. Before Louis could even think, Pete took a swipe at Louis with one of his grimy hands. Chug screamed out as loud as he could to Louis, "Louis duck!"

  Louis upon hearing Chug call out to him, he mechanically reacted, and managed duck out of harm's way.

  He rolled instinctively to his left.

  The ship rolled back to the right which sent Louis rolling back right in front of Pete again. Louis finding himself back where he started from quickly tried to squirm between Pete's long spidery legs. Squint-Eye this time was more fortunate. He reached down, grapping Louis around the base of his thin neck, lifting Louis straight off the ground. He held him up, to not more than a foot, or two from his horrid, boney face.

  Louis sobered up instantly, and upon looking at Pete's ugly face, now only inches away from him, screamed out of all things, "Charlie! Charlie!", but the screams only dissipated into the blackness, they were muffled out, by the sounds of more thunderclaps, piercing the storms violet skies.

  Charlie was lying on his bed of hay, well over one thousand miles away in Snow Valley deep in a somnolent and restful sleep, when he was suddenly jolted out of bed with images of in very deep trouble.

  He slowly arose to his feet (the best he could). He ambled over to a small, round, window found nearby, in his stall.

  He looked outwards, towards the far south.

  Charlie was sure he heard a faint cry coming from Louis who was far off in a distant land, and must have been in great need of his best friend, there was nothing that he could do he was just too weak. Charlie thought he heard two more faint cries, then silence again. Heard now were just the sounds of the winter snows hitting the thatched roof of his stall. Charlie became weak from standing; he immediately collapsed, falling back down onto his bed of hay. Under his breath, he spoke out.

  "Louis I hear you. I am coming Louis. I'm coming..."

  With the last of the words leaving Charlie's lips, his head hit the hay bed. He fell again back this time into a shallow, very restless sleep. He knew he could do nothing this night, to help his friend in his most dire time of need.

  Another voice now rang out in the darkest, but this time it was Captain Legrande LaGrange in his deep commanding voice.

  "All hands to arms! All hands to arms!"

  The Great Lake's water had risen higher and higher from the fast moving, slashing storm above, sending the two great ships crashing into each other, time after time. The waters below were a torrent of black treacherous, currents that held a deathly grave for all who would be thrown, into her unforgiving hands.

  As Louis was being held in place by Pete's callous grip, it was becoming more and more evident to Louis that there would be no possibility of escaping evil this time. He frantically kicked his legs about, he wiggled his arms around, doing anything, he could to try to break free of Pete's deathly grip, but nothing worked.

  As Squint-Eye felt the time of Louis's demise was at hand, he raised his head up at just the right angle so that the brim of his black hat would release the gaze of his evil eye upon its intended victim. Louis was now being held only a few inches from Pete's face; he had no choice but to look forward. With one slip of his concentration, Louis opened his eyes to find Squint-Eye Pete's left eye locked upon him.

  Louis looked on; terror gripped his wildly beating heart.

  Deep down in his soul he felt a shocking, cold blackness that he had never felt before. His body grew deathly stiff. Louis froze solid in place, still hanging off the ground in Pete's, outstretched hand. It all had happened so quickly that Louis did not even have time to call out for help, from Jupiter or Apollo.

  The evil grasp of Pete's evil eye had taken a hold of Louis's soul and mind.

  As Louis hung suspended in fear with evil tearing at his heart, another powerful wave suddenly crashed down over the top deck of the Cimarron, which sent Squint-Eye Pete, and Louis reeling towards one side of the ship's deck, and as they slammed into the hard wooden deck, Pete lost his grip on the poor stiff, wayward Louis.

  Red Beard, with his bloodthirsty pirates was descending all over the Cimarron Cutter, like a volcano spewing hot lava down her mountainsides in a violent eruption. Captain Legrande LaGrange's men were now armed and fighting back diligently against the Red Scourge that had engulfed them. There were sounds of men shouting, and screaming, steel blades clashing together, and gunfire erupting all around.

  Both horses were now out in the open and on the top deck towards the rear of the ship when Jupiter peered through the driving rainstorm. He finally spotted Louis and Squint-Eye Pete who was being thrown towards the bow of the ship as another great wave washed over her top-deck.

  As the ships were tossed downwards, into the bottom of a wave-trough between two vast waves, there appeared a small opening in the storm again. Jupiter seeing a moment of opportunity, bolted for Louis. He dashed, and darted about through the fighting seamen.

  Jupiter was able to make it to the bow of ship to where Louis was lying lifeless, and spellbound on deck. Jupiter reached down and bit Louis by the nap of his coat collar. With one swift leap, he was away and running towards the back of ship with Louis hanging frozen in his clutches.

  Pitched upwards again, were the two great ships. Another great wave that must have been over thirty feet tall washed over the starboard side of the ship, causing everyone on deck to fall off their feet at the same time. Then a mighty snapping, and splintering sound was heard coming from the bows of the two ships as they crashed together again, only this time more violently than ever before.

  Red Beards ship was breaking up. The main mast had cracked in half, and had fallen into the stormy, dark waters below.

  "Abandon ship!"

  "Abandon ship!" yelled out Red Beard towards the direction of the rest of his crew, who were now scrambling to board the Cimarron, and claim her and everything on their prize!

  Nowhere to be seen, or heard from was Captain Legrande.

  Had he lost his footings, had fallen overboard, or had a sharpened sword pierced his skin, claiming his l
ife? Alternatively, had a pellet blasted from the barrel of a steely gun sealed his fate? Captain Legrande Legrange had lost his ship to the defiant Red Beard the Pirate; the Cimarron Cutter the fastest sailing ship on the Great Lake, with its brave crew, and courageous captain having lost their spirited battle to the wayward pirates, from the infamous Red Ghost Ship.

  Jupiter placed Louis back down on the deck at the far end of the ship. By looking at Louis, Jupiter could tell he was in a state of deathly shock, and his heart was completely filled with fear. Jupiter again knew that he had to take control of the situation, before the pirates would be upon them.

  He turned quickly to his left. He spotted Chug and Molly out of the corner of one eye. Then yelling out at the top of his lungs, he ordered for Molly, and Chug to follow his commands without question.

  "Overboard...everyone! Jump! Follow my lead, for we must swim for the safety of the shore!"

  Just as Jupiter called out Squint-Eye Pete was on them again in an instant.

  He had reappeared out of the confusion of the moment. He was again directly behind Louis, leaning over him, grasping about his neck wildly; searching for the Magic Jingle bell that hung there. With one quick final swipe into Louis shirt, the bell and chain was found, by Pete's thin probing, crooked fingers. Pete ripped the bell off from around Louis's neck, held it up to his face for a moment to contemplate its power, and enjoy its beauty; he then let out a high piercing squeal of delight.

  With joy overcoming him, Pete quickly placed the bell and chain around his own neck. He let out a wild, insidious laugh that ended, just as quickly as it had begun.


  Squint-Eye Pete had fallen face first hitting the ship's deck, knocking his evil, crazy eyeball out of his left eye socket, sending it rolling across the deck, landing directly at Chug Martins feet.

  In one quick astonishing moment, Squint-Eye Pete's days of terror had apparently ended.

  Ms. Telly Bell the ship's cook had placed a well-aimed blow with a large, black cast iron frying pan, right across Pete's now lumpy forehead.

  "Always respect your MOM!" yelled out Ms. Telly with a deep, hearty laugh, at seeing her marksmanship with the frying pan, and Pete sprawled out on the deck in front of her.

  "And don't be scaring no more little boys!"

  She turned away from Pete to look at Chug. She gave him a friendly nod, and smile. Chug sheepishly smiled back at Ms. Telly just as Pete's loose eyeball came to a rolling stop at his feet. He looked down at the eye for a moment, and then in turn looked back at Ms. Telly. She nodded in approval. She seemed to understand what Chug was thinking.

  Chug pulled an old wet handkerchief out of his back pocket. He reached down and scooped up the eyeball. He placed it into his front pants pocket then gave Ms. Telly a wide grin. He now turned back towards the ship's handrails, next to where Jupiter was now standing.

  Red Beard the Pirate could be seen quickly heading down the upper deck stairs by the wheelhouse, and was now approaching quickly straight towards them. Seeing this, Jupiter had to act again, and think as quickly as he could. He spun about in a whirlwind of motion. With one quick thrust of his hind legs, he kicked out the heavy top wooden handrails, right next to where they were all standing.

  "This is our only choice. We must go overboard, and take our chances in the black water," shouted out Jupiter as he motioned for Molly, Apollo, and Chug to jump into the thrashing, cold waters below.

  Molly paused to look into Louis's eyes; she saw no life or warmth. Her heart sunk to a depth that she had never known before. She took Louis's frozen hands in hers, gave a great tug on Louis's coat, and just like that, both went overboard into the waiting arms of the shadowy, foreboding waters.

  Chug followed through the broken wooden railings right after them, with a mighty leap off the top-deck. Apollo was next into the water, then with one last quick gaze backwards, Jupiter saw Red Beard the Pirate Captain running for him with a wild look in his eyes. His arms were flailing about, and outstretched in front of him.

  Jupiter now turned toward the opening in the rails, he jumped overboard as well, and with one last great leap of faith, the lake water swallowed him whole.

  As Jupiter swam away from the ship he saw the notorious Red Ghost ship slowly being swallowed by the devil herself the perilous and angry waters of the Great Lake.

  The bitter cold of the wrestling waters was simply shocking. The crashing waves were dancing fiercely about, and the cold wintry winds were still blowing angry, and unforgiving, all about them.

  Molly held on to Louis with all her might until Jupiter swam up besides them. She struggled the best she could to place Louis on Jupiter's back. Chug finally emerged from the liquid darkness, to give Molly the final push she needed to get Louis onto Jupiter's back, and into his own saddle. Molly held him there the best she could as Jupiter slowly started to swim away from the twisted sinking ship. Seeing that Louis and Molly were making progress away from danger, Chug found Apollo in the darkness. He climbed onto his back. Apollo took Jupiter's lead, and swam away from the drowning Red Ghost ship with all his might.

  The gas lamps hanging on the tops of the two smaller masts of the great Cimarron Cutter now gave off a fainter glow, the farther away the two horses swam. Frantically they both paddled for the safety, and shelter of the rocky shoreline, which could now be seen only a few miles away.

  Another colossal lightning bolt shot over their heads, as the cold rains were still pouring down all around them.

  As Chug and Molly turned one last time, looking backwards, they could see the famous Red Ghost, and the top of her mainmast being swallowed, by the turbulent and stormy waters of the Great Lake.

  Straight ahead, Jupiter spotted hope and possible salvation in the dark, coming from a distant lighthouse perched on the far-away shoreline.