Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 19

  ~Chapter 14~

  The Polar Gates

  As the air suddenly changed directions, and blew in from the north, a foul stench wafted throughout and over the mountain's plateau. Louis instantly recognized the horrendous and awful smell.

  It was the pungent and poignant smell of Growlar the Ancient Cave Bear's Lair.

  "That is the smell of utter death," muttered Louis to the others. This scared the heck out of Molly.

  "Why do you have to talk like that Louis?" shouted Molly upon hearing Louis.

  "I don't know Molly...all boys talk like that. I guess it's just part of being a kid."

  "Well, knock it off," said Molly as she reached back, and gave Louis a light swat across his shoulder with her walking stick "I'm on edge enough as it is, and then you go about doing that."

  "Sorry Molly, I guess I should be a little more serious since were now at..."deaths door"."

  Molly sharply turned again towards Louis. She gave him, The Look.

  "Quiet down you two. We do not want to wake the dead, or the sleeping. Bears are known to have keen hearing as well as a keen appetite and as you can now see in front of us, Growlar's Den is in plain sight."

  All looked intently straight ahead down the rocky pathway.

  Forward they walked at a now slower, more methodical, and purposeful pace. The overpowering and foul odor grew in intensity, the closer they advanced towards the mouth of the cave.

  Panthera motioned for them to stop when they finally reached the base of the opening. He turned and motioned for Louis to come to the front of the line.

  "Louis, Molly, and Chug we may not come out of this cave alive. You know that don't you? Are you sure, you want to enter, for it's not too late to turn back?

  All looked at each other with sheer determination in their eyes, then all looked back at Panthera; not a word was said.

  The party would move forward.

  "I know what to do. I will go on alone into the cave to see if Growlar is sleeping. If he is found to be deep asleep, and I am sure that he would not wake, then I can come back to you. Then we can all quietly pass through his the safety of the other side of the mountain pass. I hope that we will make it through the Polar Gates, and out the other side, without waking the great beast. Again are you sure you all want to go forward?" asked Panthera.

  All nodded in agreement once again. The party would continue onward.

  Louis looked at Molly and Chug, the wild expressions on their faces told the whole story. It was the look of total and complete fear but you could see, barely perceptible at the back of their eyes, that their fears could be conquered.

  They just had to stick together.

  Louis thought for a moment. He then spoke to himself under his breath.

  "What would Charlie do?"

  The answer again became crystal-clear.

  Forward and onward he would go, to conquer his fears.

  Molly and Chug saw the look of a brand new courage come to Louis's eyes. They as well, suddenly knew the answers that they were searching for.

  "We must go forward for Charlie needs our help," said Chug. Molly just shook her head in agreement, as all turned towards Panthera for his great leadership.

  Panthera was a fierce warrior, and a mighty beast in his own right. He had his own kind of special courage like none other, which in turn gave indomitable courage to the others. Panthera did not falter in his resolve; he slowly turned to face the lair's opening.

  Bravery was in his eyes, and written boldly across his heart.

  Panthera would go in alone.

  Panthera motioned for them to find shelter by some rocks found nearby, to lay low and stay out of sight. All three moved towards the cover of a few nearby rocks. When they turned back to look for Panthera, all they could see was the end of his long white tail as he passed out of sight, into the darkness of the awful smelling den.

  Molly took Louis by the hand. She asked a question.

  "What if Panthera does not come back? What do we do then?

  Louis was dumbfounded; his mind just went blank. He was growing confused and started to lose his sense of direction when Chug upon seeing Louis with a worried look on his face said, "Louis grab hold of yourself, we need you and your courage, now more than ever".

  So many emotions went through all three of their young minds.

  "Think Louis...think."

  Louis looked at Chug intently, and upon seeing his best friend again, it brought courage back to him.

  "Your right Chug. We're both almost twelve years old now, and we have to act like men at sometime in our life, and this seems, just about the right time for some brave actions."

  Both nodded their heads in agreement to this statement. Together they looked back toward to the entrance of the cave, hoping all the while that Panthera would soon reappear, and tell them that...Growlar was sleeping.

  Panthera had been gone for not more than ten minutes when he suddenly crept out of the mouth of the cave, back into the winter's soft daylight. As Panthera approached them, he spoke quietly.

  "We are in great luck, for he is sleeping. Follow me, move quietly forward, and move quickly. Do not meander, or tally about, but most of all, do not run though the cave...for you might dislodge any rocks, or shake some of the bones that lay about the den floor. This might wake him.

  Also, do not look at him. He is remarkably unpleasant. And a revolting sight to behold. The mere sight of him might make you lose your concentration and stumble, or even worse, you might call out in fear, at the sight of his ugliness. Also be sure to hold your nose tightly because the stench of him is just over whelming, as I am sure that you have already noticed."

  With Panthera leading the way, the party slowly moved forward out of the warmth and safety of the sunlight, and slowly descended into the darkness and uncertainty of the bear's reeking, den. The air grew thick and chilly the farther into the deep abyss they traveled. Cobwebs clung to rocks around them. The sounds of jumping rats and small rodents that lived in this cave could be heard scurrying about in the dark. Darkness grew before their eyes, as a weight now fell over their ever-pounding hearts, the deeper they traveled down into the large chasm.

  Just as they reached the bottom and far reaching depths of the cave, and around a last turn in the path, there he laid in all, his inglorious splendor.

  He was a "King Bear" among bears, if there ever was one. Growlar was a mighty link to the past that time that had since passed by. It was a primordial time of larger than life animals, and wild beasts that once roamed the soggy prehistoric and ancient earth.

  Simple put he was an enormous bear.

  His great and mighty chest heaved up and down, with each long drawn out breadth that he inhaled and exhaled. It was like the sound you would hear, when ocean water passed in and out of blowhole at the shoreline, during a high tide. A low, deep rumbling sound as he inhaled, then a lower howl, and murmur, as he exhaled. In and out, the breath went repeatedly, with a simple cadence and slow rhythmic sound.

  His two front paws were most impressive, as they lay outstretched in front of him. The way he was sleeping and sprawled about his bed of dried leaves, it was as if he was showing, anybody who came upon him while he was sleeping to watch out, and stay clear of their reach. His claws were as long as a full-grown male walrus's tusk, and sharper than a steely chef's knife. They could barely be seen in the faint sunlight (from a very small opening in the rocks above), and the glowing embers of a undersized fire that was slowly burning at the back of the clammy and damp cave, but what you could see of them made you, scared all the same.

  The claws on his two front paws were all bloodied looking like he had been in a great fight recently, or that they had helped him to take the life out of his last dinner. You could still see raw flesh, and dead skin hanging in between them.

  On his broad,
rotund body was found, long thick sickly looking fur. It was mostly covered with faded black, and light white spots, not unlike the way a cowhide might look on a bovine.

  By looking at him you could tell he was half polar bear and half grizzly bear by the shape of his elongated face, and overly large, and bulbous head. He was definitely a mature alpha-male that would make other bears, which stood next to him seem, like a dwarf, or a small child. As you looked into his partly agape mouth while he slept, you could see his yellow stained teeth. The molars at the rear of his mouth had to have been over six inches long, with his front incisors about twelve inches long. The front fangs were serrated and sharper than a pastor's wit during a Sunday morning sermon.

  This was surely no ordinary bear. This was the last of a great race of ancient bears that once walked the face of the earth.

  Found lying next to Growlar's body was the lifeless carcasses of his past conquests. There were lacerated and broken bones, with cracked and crushed skulls of enormous arctic elk, forest mule deer, musk ox, and what Louis thought appeared to be...human remains.

  Louis could not help himself he just could not take his eyes off the beast as it lay sleeping. Molly and Chug had done, as Panthera had said, they kept their heads hung low, and their eyes averted directly downward to the path ahead, but not Louis. As Louis paused to look at the many different types of bones scattered about the cave floor, Panthera stopped in his tracks as well. He motioned for Molly and Chug to continue swiftly towards the far end of the cave, en route for the Polar Gates.

  He then tried frantically to get Louis's attention again. To warn him, move forward quickly, and to not look at the beast.

  Louis was standing there, transfixed in fear and aw.

  He could just not find the courage to walk pass the sleeping behemoth.

  Panthera knew he had to get Louis to divert his intense stare at the beast, and from the awful sight of Growlar in his lair, or he would surely fall under his evil spell, even as he slept.

  Louis took a tentative, small step towards the bear in a trance-like state.

  Panthera upon seeing Louis slowly stepping towards the sleeping bear stood up on his mighty hind legs, he thrust his forepaws out into the air, as a finally warning to Louis.

  It did not work.

  Louis took another step towards the Gate Keeper.

  Panther finally spoke out, in a low throaty tone.

  "No Louis...this way...quickly"

  Louis took another step towards the bear. He leaned down closer to get a better look at his huge teeth, which could not have been more than ten feet away from him. Again, Panthera spoke but this time in his own animal language, which was the guttural sounds, of a wild beast.

  Again, there was no response from the spellbound Louis.

  Finally, Panthera growled a warning so menacing that the low, deep voice went right into Louis's heart and deep down into his soul. The voice from Panthera was like a direct, thunderous bolt of white lightning hitting him where he stood. Louis's clear cobalt blue eyes grew as wide as they have ever been before, then a horrified, and terrible look appeared on his face, as he tried to shake off Growlar's pull on his young mind.

  With the combination of: Panther's callings, the smell of the great bear in his nose, and throat, and the realization of seeing human remains all about his cave, Louis all of a sudden, shrieked out in fear, at the top of his lungs. He just could not control himself any longer, he screamed out high pitched, broken screams.

  The seemingly lifeless bear that was lying dormant in his lair, now slowly opened one large dark brown searching eye; which immediately found its intended target, which was...Louis...who was now standing right before him.

  The great bear slowly opened the other eye. He then lifted up his mighty head off his comfortable bed of dried leaves and moss. Little by little, he moved one of the great paws that were sprawled out in front of him, then the other. He was awakening slowly, and coming out of a deep, hibernating sleep. Growlar was slow to be in motion, or to realize what was really happening in his cave...just yet. Louis still had a small window of opportunity to scamper to freedom, but his legs would simply not respond to, what his mind was telling them to do.

  "Run Louis. Run!"

  Molly and Chug upon hearing Louis scream out in fear, turned to look backwards towards the other end of the cave, where Louis was frozen steadfast. The screams Louis had let out startled Chug and Molly, who both now felt Louis's fear as well. They both began to shake uncontrollably when Chug yelled back towards Louis.

  "Louis c'mon man get, the heck out of there! What are you doing?"

  Panthera did not wait for the bear to awaken any further.

  He immediately pounced back towards Louis, with a great leap of well over thirty feet in the air. He landed rebelliously in-between Louis, and the now fully awakened bear.

  Louis tripped over a nearby rock as he almost fully regained his senses. He now tried back peddling as far away from the bear as possible, when Louis stumbled, and fell backwards. One strap of his backpack broke, sending his belongings scattering about the cave floor, but the walking stick with the carved bear head at its tip was still found, tightly gripped in his left hand.

  You could now see in the cave bears eyes that he was completely aware of his surroundings, and now fully conscious. He lazily rolled onto his back haunches, rose slightly, finding a comfortable sitting position. He leisurely flexed his mighty claws just to show off their splendor, he then spoke in a sly, commanding voice.

  "Who is trespassing through my liar without my permission?"

  "You know me, my name is Panthera" said the Great Snow Panther in a combative voice, as he still stood in between Growlar and Louis.

  Growlar unhurriedly, proceeded to stand up on his two, eminence back legs, and to raise his two thick front paws, with their extended claws above his head, to show his full size, to the uninvited intruders.

  It was a sizable warning for Panthera, to be submissive, and obey his commands.

  "Well, Panthera there is a considerable toll to pay the Gate Keeper, to pass through the Polar Gates that lay on the far side of this cave. For I am GROWLAR, THE GATE KEEPER!" blared out Growlar.

  As the Caretaker stood up before Louis and Panthera, you could now see his full size and girth.

  He was well over thirty-five feet tall just as Louis thought, and must have weighed well over three thousand pounds. He was as fat as a gluttonous hippopotamus waddling in an African river, and almost as tall as a full-grown male giraffe. When he stood up his soft white underbelly, was now fully exposed, it was just enormous, and looked to be well fed. They belly almost hung down to the ground, it was just so chubby and corpulent. It had large chunky rolls of fat, and skin, hanging all around, falling about in no particular direction. The belly looked like he had had never missed a single meal in all the days that he had walked the earth. By looking at the bones, and other deathly remains at his feet, it must surely have been true.

  Panther did not say a word about paying a toll just yet. He just stood there looking at the bear, trying not to reveal his true intentions.

  Growlar picked up a long, thin animal bone lying on the ground next to him, opened his gigantic mouth, and started to pick between his large front fangs, at some leftover remnants of a past meal, when he sarcastically spoke out again.

  "Panthera the noble and great warrior, I know of you. What are you doing up this far north? I thought you never traveled past the Boreal Forest, and stayed well below the arctic tree line. This is indeed a pleasure."

  Panthera now answered back in a voice again meant to defy the great bear, and to emphasis that they were to pass through the Polar Gates, with no harm done to them.

  "It is true I do not pass this way very often but the great wolf pack has been causing some considerable problems for travelers in this area...lately. T
herefore, you see these three friends of mine were in need of my protection, and in need of a guide to help them, on their journey northward. They are on a most important mission, and must pass through your gates unhindered, and safely reach Santa's Village, no later than four days from now."

  Growlar shook his head contemplating what Panthera had said, took one-step to the side, leaned forward a bit, and then took a long hard glance at Louis who was standing, stiffly right behind Panthera.

  Louis regained some of his courage at seeing Panthera's strength while he stood in front of the great bear so Louis in turn, broadened his posture to mirror that of Panthera's.

  Louis wore: Mr. Beamer's bearskin cap, had his over-sized spotted bear coat on, and strew around his thin neck, were the string of bear claws that Black Elk had given him that night, during the blue moon. Louis also had his mighty walking stick with the head of a bear carved in ivory, held firmly in his hand. The carved head of the bear, was slightly glowing in the light from a nearby larger fire that was lit under Growlar's well-sized, black cooking pot, that was located about twenty feet behind him.

  A strange curiosity, and awareness, now entered Louis's mind as he stood in the bear cave, behind Panthera. Louis had not noticed it before, but he was completely outfitted, to look like a great bear-slayer.

  It was as if a divine intervention, or fate, was upon him that he should look the way he did, at that exact moment in time, or was this the workings of Mr. Beamer and Black Elk; who knew that Louis would need all the help he could get to fight the menacing bear in his lair.

  Growlar stared a few more moments at Louis, in distrust and distaste, when he finally spoke again.

  "It looks like you have brought a mighty hunter and killer of bears to help you pass through my gates. It appears Panthera as if he should be helping you, more than you helping him. Look at the bearskin cap he is wearing on his head, and look at the tip of his walking stick. The carved head has the sure-fired resemblance of a relative of mine that once guarded the gates of, The Devil's Belly or the Devil's Gateway as I have heard it called, that lies on the other side of this mountain. Moreover, of course let's not look past the great string of bear teeth, strung around his neck. Why a few of those teeth look like they once belonged to my younger brother bear Broadfoot.

  Growlar still had a sly smirk on his face. There was a touch of sarcasms in the tone of his voice as he spoke.

  Louis now felt a glimmer of hope in his heart that he would be able to confront Growlar, and best him on his own turf. He also thought that he had heard a tinge of fear in Growlar's voice, when he last spoke about him being a great bear hunter. Louis suddenly remembered an old Indian folk lore, that he had read about up in his bedroom once; that certain Indian tribes believed that the wearer of that animal's fur, that was beaten in battle and skinned, would allow the wearer to take the courage, and soul of the animal that they had killed. Louis felt in his heart that Growlar knew this as well.

  If Louis and Panthera were to find their way out of his cave unharmed, Louis knew that the only chance that they had would be to immediately, play on Growlar's fears about this. Could he convince Growlar that a great bear-slayer was now in his cave, and had his sights set on him, to be his next victim?

  Upon this realization, Louis began in earnest to take control of the situation before things became worse.

  "Panthera step aside, let me talk to this so called "Great Cave Bear" that everyone is so afraid of. I don't see why they are so afraid of you. I have seen larger more fierce bears than you are...and look...what happened to them when they made such veiled threats as you just did" said Louis as he began rattling the string of bear teeth strung around his neck.

  Just when Louis rattled his bear's teeth, Chug who was about sixty feet away, and at the other side of the cave standing next to Molly started to rattle the wolf's teeth that he had strung around his neck, which drew a side-ways glance from Growlar, over at Chug.

  "There is more than one great hunter in this bear cave," said Chug who now fully understood the plan that Louis had in mind.

  Panthera turned to look at Louis; he ever so subtly gave a facial expression to Louis that said...

  "Louis do not provoke him anymore, and to let him handle the cave bear."

  Louis waived off Panthera's notions, in a foolish move on Louis's part and continued.

  Louis now pointed over at Molly and Chug, who were over by the far wall of the cave, and then he spoke.

  "These are my fellow hunters, and as you can see: by the courage that lies in their eyes, the string of wolf teeth stung around one of my companion's neck, and by the eagle feathers planted on the top of his fur cap, that they are mighty hunters as well"

  Molly and Panthera, now finally figured out that Louis was trying to bluff Growlar into letting them pass, because the threat of a painful, and sudden death was now upon his door.

  Chug stepped forward. He rattled his sting of wolf teeth again at Growlar as Molly placed her walking stick into both of her hands then placed the stick cross-wise across her body. She widened her bearing to show undeniable courage just as Louis was.

  Chug gathered his strength again, and then spoke directly to the bear.

  "Do you see these teeth? They are from Raff the Red Wolf...the now deceased...and the ex-leader...of the great Northern Arctic Wolf Pack. We just encountered Raff, and the rest of his cowardly friends, at the foot of the Dark Mountains, not three days ago, their demise were at hand. He and a few of his friends tried to have us for dinner. I guess it turns out that...we...were...not on the menu...after all."

  Growlar stepped back a moment. He contorted his face in consternation and with great concern, at what was transpiring in his cave. He has never had anybody not be afraid of him. He was perplexed and confused to no end, and his mind was just racing, and racing, as it tried to come to a logical conclusion, as to what he should do next.

  Panther now lessened his rebellious stance, to one of cleverness. Panthera was now becoming more confident by seeing the look on Growlar's face, for he thought that they might now be allowed to pass un-obstructed by the bear.

  Growlar stared at Panther's change in mannerisms, now became even more convinced that these four trespassers should be allowed to traverse through his cave unhindered, or he would surely be sleighed, and end up having his teeth hanging around Louis's neck, just as his brothers was.

  As Growlar slowly walked pass Panthera; he kept contemplating the situation repeatedly in his head. Panthera gave a guttural growling sound that emanated from deep within the bottom of his throat as if to say, "Easy, and be careful where you step!"

  Growlar now stood right in front of Louis, not more than five feet away. The foul smell of the bear in Louis's nostrils was almost un-bearable. Louis did everything he could not to take in too deep of a breath. The smell of flesh, and fresh death was upon the great bear's breath. The air in the cave was just stifling, and so hot that Louis tried to take short and shallow breaths, as the bear stood before him, but that did not help him in the slightest.

  The bear was huge; it just towered over little Louis.

  The light being thrown off from the cooking fire at the back of the cave gave Growler the Gate Keeper an eerie orange and yellow glow to his fur. This frightened little Louis only that much more. Louis felt his resolve and courage, was starting to fail him. He silently and slowly, started to panic again, as his lungs fought to inhale, a luxurious and seemly forgotten, breath of fresh air. He now became so panicked inside at the sight of the man-eating bear bearing down on him that his quaking lungs could not draw in, even a single breadth to sustain him.

  Louis's pulse fluttered, as his heart started pounding wildly inside his chess again. He was having a panic attack. His legs could barely hold the weight of his body as he started to become dizzy, where he stood. Just as all of this was happening to poor petite Louis, of all things it happened again.

  All of sudden; Louis's red cowlick started to rise at the back of his head.

  "!" thought Louis.

  "Not, that darn cowlick...not...again!"

  His red cowlick slowly arose, which sent his bearskin cap sliding off the top of his head down, and down over the front of his boyish face. This gave Louis the look of a smallish buffoon, or that of a frightened child-like look, that Growlar was quick to pick up.

  Growlar studied this ever-growing appendage, far less perplexed than he was before, and felt that a great weakness had now been exposed by Louis. After thinking again for another minute Growlar concluded in his mind, what the next logical step should be.

  Growlar spoke again, this time directly to Louis.

  "Well I understand you would like free and safe passage, through these gates, and through my cave to the other side of the mountain. Normally I would ask for one of you to stay with me to be my dinner tonight. Oops, I mean to have dinner with me. That was a little done with it. I would then let the rest of you pass. However, I have another idea instead of asking you for that small sacrifice, of giving me a little company for a while. As you probably know, I spend a lot of time alone up here. I have been known to be lacking of witty conversation or clever company at times, and I do absolutely love a well thought out riddle. I find it difficult sometimes to keep my mind occupied, until my next dinner strolls in. Oops, I mean, comes into my cave to have dinner with me. Oh let's just be honest here, whoever strolls, into my cave should be aware that they will not be the same form...that they came in...if I have it my way."

  Growlar gave an insidious laugh of self-congratulations, for being ever so clever.

  "Now where was I" asked Growlar as he started to speak again.

  "Ah, yes I remember now. I would like you to answer me a riddle...if you can. Answer it correctly, and I shall let you all pass through my cave with not one of you having to stay, to feed my endless appetite."

  When Panthera heard this last proclamation by Growlar, he jumped back in front of Louis. He shoved Growlar to the back of the cave wall, which sent him landing onto the ground face first.

  Growlar upon landing on the rocky cave floor with a loud thump, and after tumbling about the cave for a moment, came to an abrupt halt. He wiped the dirt off his face, rolled over onto his backside, then sat up against the back cave wall. Upon regaining his balance he stood back up, then took one mighty jump over to where Panthera was now crouched down, flying past him, blocking the northern passage out of the cave for Louis and Panthera.

  He turned and crouched down on all fours, exposing his mighty teeth to Panthera. This was meant to be a show of pure power, and strength and to tell Panthera, that the bluff: had been exposed, and dinner would soon be served.

  Louis seeing an epic battle was about to ensue yelled out from behind Panthera.

  "A clever is it...yes...a riddle. Please continue. I like a good riddle just as much as the next person. I accept your payment, that I alone should stay with you to be your next dinner, should I not be able to solve the puzzle you have prepared for me today. Send me a salvo Growlar."

  "No Louis he is a trickster, and a most cunning bear. You will lose Louis, and we will lose you," said Panthera as he pleaded with Louis, not to be caught up in the life-threatening trap.

  "No, I am well-read and I am a well-seasoned traveler who has traversed over most of the world. I feel that I am ready for this new calling. But Growlar If I do solve the riddle, that you are about to present me, and I solve it correctly, you will have to promise me that you will let Panthera, myself, and my two friends pass through the Polar Gates and out of this cave, unharmed. I have your assurances right?" asked Louis as he motioned for Panthera, Chug, and Molly, to move further towards the far side of cave, nearer to the way out to freedom, in case he should not solve the riddle.

  Louis's cowlick still stood at full attention.

  Panthera, Molly, and Chug saw what Louis was trying to do for them so they all slowly moved to the far side of the cave, closer to daylight.

  "OK, I promise from the bottom of this old cave bear's fat belly, that I will let you go on your way should you solve the riddle that I am about to give you."

  "OK, a deal is struck; I will trust you. I'm now ready for this great riddle of yours," said Louis as he strolled over to a large rock that was in the center of the cave to sit down upon.

  Louis was trying to get as much distance from Growlar, and his friends as possible, so they would have a good start on getting away should his plan backfire. Growlar was so intent on presenting his riddle, and what seasonings he would add in the pot of his Louis Stew that he did not notice that Molly, Chug and Panthera were now at the far end of the den in front of the Polar Gates.

  Two large posts were bolted onto the cave wall with a large metal gate made of steel-mesh strewn across the broad opening. Large words were written in a language from another time, and could be seen etched in the metal across the top of the mighty doors. There was a lower smaller door about ten feet across at the base of the larger doors, which had been left open, because of Growlar's, seemingly mindless mistake.

  The opening (thought Louis) was just big enough that Panthera, Molly, Louis, and Chug could surely escape through, and be able to latch the door behind them to thwart Growlar from chasing them, down the other side of the mountain.

  Growlar pointed towards Louis with one of his large and bloodied claws then spoke.

  "A riddle...yes I have a special riddle that I have prepared for a situation just like this one. Now pay close attention because I will only say this once. You will have only one minute to answer me. Now if you do not answer correctly, remember that you have, promised me that you stay willingly, to keep me company until dinner is served."

  Louis wiped the sweat out of his eyes.

  Growlar looked over to a large stack of bones piled up in the corner of his cave, then over at the large pot of well-seasoned, slowing boiling water that was suspended over the cooking fire. Louis looked at the large black pot of boiling water, gulped once. He tried to reply as confidently as he could.

  "Yes I promise I will stay, and keep you company and that I will not try to escape, should I fail to answer the riddle correctly."

  "Answer me this", began Growlar in a deep, menacing voice "what has four legs is very hungry for a human meal this most auspicious day, and growls incessantly?"

  Why upon hearing this Louis instantly thought to himself, "That is so simple...the answer of the Cave Bear. Why, he has four legs...would love to eat him today...and he does growl incessantly. How could the riddle be so easy to solve?

  This was not a cunning cave bear after all thought Louis.

  Louis almost blurted out the answer without another thought, but hesitated just a moment, and caught himself. He looked over at Chug and Molly, and then looked over at Panthera. Panthera had not let his guard down. He was still crouching low to the ground by the far exit to the cave, but still within striking distant of Growlar, should he still be needed.

  A surprise attack by Panthera could be a great asset if this all went wrong, thought Louis as his mind raced again. Panthera stayed in the dark and out of Growlar's mind for the moment, which is exactly what he wanted.

  As Panthera was hunkered down in the darkness, his emerald green eyes were illuminated by the faint sunlight emanating from far side of the cave opening. Panthera's eyes looked otherworldly as they blinked open and closed, to the rapid beat of his heart.

  "Your time is almost up, even if you are the great bear-hunter, a harbinger of death, and slayer of my brother Broadfoot. You see because, I recognize the spots on your fur coat. He once wore those spots. However, today I will have his revenge. Your time is up. What is your answer? You have one guess then you
will be my guest for dinner tonight, and on the menu this evening we will be having Louis Stew said Growlar, as he looked over by the fire, then over at the pile of bones one more time. He began to laugh aloud, at how clever and evil it all was.

  A small light went off in Louis's head.

  He remembered a similar situation he had read about in Mr. Beamer's journal before it was lost during the rainstorm that night on the Cimarron Cutter. It was a story about how bears are: driven by their hunger and only answer to their stomach, as all bears are known to do.

  Louis had solved the riddle!

  He had done it!

  Louis spoke out with confidence showing in his young voice.

  "The question: was what has four legs, is very hungry for a human meal this evening, and growls incessantly? The answer of's stomach."

  Molly and Chug started jumping up and down for joy, they immediately screamed out.

  "That's it. That's the right answer. Louis you did it, you did it!"

  Panthera was still crouched down inside of the darkness; he did not twitch or change his facial expressions or countenance, for he was still in an offensive position, and ready to strike if need be.

  Louis now just stood silently waiting for a reply from the legendary Gate Keeper. The infamous bear knew he was beaten, and that Louis had answered the riddle correctly, but he would not admit it.

  " certainly is not... the correct answer."

  "What's that, no I am right... "

  "No you are wrong..."

  "That can't be... "

  "The answer is Growlar, not Growler's stomach."


  "Now please the rest of you must leave as agreed upon, Louis you will stay and be my dinner," said Growlar in a very nonchalant voice as he stepped closer to Louis to block his path to safety.

  "No...I...answered the question are lying. Now step aside" commanded Louis as he gripped his walking stick. He started walking towards his friends at the north end of the cave.

  Growlar stepped again in front of Louis, and blocked his path one more time.

  Louis tried again to pass by, and again Growlar stepped in front of him but this time, Growlar: extended both of his mighty paws into the air then sent out his massive claws out from the tips. What a spectacle, and awe-inspiring display thought Louis. Louis looked up to the bears great claws now full exposed knowing that a mighty swipe from them was in his immediate future, and that if one landed upon him, it would surely end his life where he stood.

  Louis thinking quickly, immediately: gripped his walking stick as tightly as he could in both hands, taking one great hammer-stroke downwards, he planted one end of the solid oak stick, directly onto Growlar's left front foot. As it landed directly on the center of its target, it came down so hard, that it split two of his enormous toes wide open, sending blood bursting, and spurting out in all directions.

  Louis had stuck first!

  Growlar, let out an enormous growl that shook the cave to its core, this dislodged some rocks and dirt over head, which began falling about, all around them where they stood.

  Growler's cries of pain shot right through Panther's pitched ears, this immediately called him into action. He sprung out of his crouched position, leaping forwards covering well over thirty-five feet with one bound. He landed on the large flat rock, where Louis had just been sitting. He then bounded one more time forward, with claws extended, and at the ready, he landed squarely on the back of the ancient cave bear, plunging his massive claws through his thick fur and into his broad back.

  Panthera's claws sunk deep!

  The cave bear shirked out again in pain!

  Growlar struck back, as he sunk his claws full-of-meaning, into one of Panther's hind legs, which made him screech out in pain. The two great beasts were both now entangled together, in vicious death grip. They tumbled, and fell over, and over each other, all the while rolling towards the far end of the cave, towards where Molly and Chug where both standing.

  Louis jumped to the side, barely getting out of the way as both stumbled and tumbled past him.

  The Gate Keeper lost his grip for a moment, which sent Panthera rolling free to a back wall of the cave. As they separated, it exposed Growlar's under-belly for a moment. Seeing this Luis thrust forward another mighty blow of his walking stick, but this time it was to Growler's large, soft under-belly.

  The blow barely fazed him but it did send Growlar stumbling forwards after Louis one more time with his paws fully extended, pawing at the air. Growlar, with another mighty swipe just missed Louis's right shoulder. Louis fell backwards, rolling sideways to his left. After coming to a stop and regaining his footing, he carried on, by somersaulting a few yards to his right, to find safety behind another large rock at the other side of the cave.

  Both great animals now stood up on their back legs, let out great cries of anger, and embraced each other once again, with both warriors' claws digging deep into each other's fur. As they rolled time after time in a deathly spiral, Panthera cried out to Louis.

  "Louis this is my fight now. Make for safety!"

  Louis looked over at Molly and Chug who were waving to him to join them, so Louis quickly turned, and ran for the safety of his two friends, and towards the faint daylight at the far north end of the cave, by the Polar Gates.

  As Louis was running as fast as he could towards safety, Panthera and Growlar separated again. Blood was dripping off the claws of both wild beasts, for both had suffered great and deep wounds.

  Panthera started to back up into the direction of the exit when Growlar stuck again. He attacked Panthera's flank. He swiped his hind legs right out from under him, which, sent Panthera tumbling, even further towards the north opening of the cave. Panthera stumbled into Louis, which made him tumble over backwards, back into the bear's den about twenty feet down.

  Upon seeing both beasts falling and rolling towards them, Molly and Chug: ran out of the cave, up the pathway to the top of the passage, to a far-away ledge, and were now well away from danger. They lost sight of Louis who was now back, down into the throws of the cave, and well back inside Growlar's den.

  Growlar and Panthera had kept tumbling on through past, the Polar Gates smashing them to pieces in the process by their great combined weight. Both had now rolled together to the edge of a great rocky cliff, and into the soft daylight, on the far north side of the Polar Gates, and the northern Nanaluk passage.

  With one last mighty swipe of his front paw Growlar sent Panthera over the edge of the nearby rocky cliff, and into the deep...lonely...abyss...below...

  As Panthera was falling, you could hear him crying out in anguish at his defeat.

  Panthera completely disappeared from view into a thick blue fog that had been clinging onto the rocky mountainsides below. His horrible cries faded as they echoed off the rock faces of the mountains, until the cries could be heard no more.

  He was lost over the cliff, with no one knowing his fate.

  Louis was trapped yet again.

  Louis was back, into the depth of the lair when Growlar turned. In one swift motion, he sent his full attention, back on Louis...for the last...and final time.

  Louis tore off his fur coat; he ripped off the bear's teeth hanging around his neck. He threw them frantically on the ground. He quickly bolted for a high spot, at the far back end of the cave as his bearskin hat flew off his head. He lost one shoe as he scrambled to climb ever higher and higher, to flee away from the angry charging bear.

  As Louis climbed and scampered upwards, his heart was pounding and thumping until it began pulsating wildly inside both of his ears. The sound of his madly beating heart was almost more than Louis could fathom.

  Louis climbed ever upwards and upwards, until he found a small opening in a crevasse at the very top of a rock ledge. He
climbed to the very rear of the opening, and as deep inside of it that he could wrangle, hoping that Growlar would not be able to reach him with his bloody, and outstretched claws.

  As Growlar feverishly climbed upward after him Louis realized, that he could not get far away from his deathly reach, and would soon find himself inside Growlar's fowl stomach after all.

  Just as all was about to be lost Louis had an epiphany: another moment of crystal-clarity.

  He remembered that he held his deliverance from Growlar, in his lower front pants pocket the whole time.

  Chug, he thought to himself you're a hero!

  He quickly reached down into his pants, and felt for his salvation in the form of a small round object.

  It was, Squint-Eye Pete' Evil Eye!

  Louis fumbled about for the eye until he finally grasped it with his left hand. As he pulled it out of his pocket, the cloth around it unraveled and fell to the ground in front of him. Louis hurriedly raised his hand up (with the eyeball in it) up in front of him as Growler's massive bulbous head finally appeared over the edge of the rock crevasse where Louis was trapped.

  Growlar growled loudly, in his eyes he had, the wild look of a hungry and marauding ancient cave bear about to enjoy a well-deserved meal. Suddenly when all was about to be lost Growler's eyes caught sight of Squint-Eye Pete's pure evil eye!

  The horror of its ugliness immediately pierced down into Growlar's black, lifeless soul. Growlar froze instantly in terror, his pitiless brown eyes rolled back into his head. He lost his grip on the rock face, falling well over forty feet backwards, to the sharp rocky cave floor below.

  As he hit the solid unforgiving bottom, his great breath escaped him.

  His steely cold eyes rolled up in his head, he wreathed about in pain for an instant, and then a calm and serene look came over his face.

  It was the look of defeat.

  His, life-light had left him...Growlar the Ancient Cave-Bear...was...dead!

  Louis crawled out of the shallow crevasse, and looked down over the edge of the rock-cliff at the lifeless body below. Louis had triumphed once again by the thinnest of margins. Freedom was his, thanks to Ole' Squint-Eyed Pete and his terrible, evil eyeball.

  Louis screamed out in joy at seeing Growlar lying motionless on the ground below.



  He screamed.

  He quickly dropped the evil eye onto the ledge, then proceeded as quickly as he could to climb back down the rocky face to the cave floor, running directly for the rear end of the cave, and over to the ledge, where Panthera had vanished out of sight, only a few minutes before. Louis reached the outside edge of the cliff, leaned over as far as he could, and looked down into the fog-shrouded abyss.

  "Panthera can you hear me?"


  "Panthera are you there?"

  Louis called out over and over again, but not a single word was heard in return.


  Louis stood there calling, and calling, for what seemed like forever, but again, and again no reply came up from the dark depths of the mountain.

  Louis finally realized that the fall must have been too great, and Panthera could not have survived it. Louis hung his head low for a moment to mourn the loss of his friend. He then looked up the pathway to see Molly and Chug standing a few hundred yards up ahead at the top of the mountain pass, with child like exhilaration in their eyes at seeing Louis alive and well.

  Molly rushed like the wild hot wind blowing across a vast desert, wildly towards Louis, and just as fast, her legs could carry her. When she finally reached Louis, she hugged him like; she had never hugged anyone before in her entire young life. It was a hug of release, joy, and sadness, all at the same time. Louis gave Molly a lone kiss on Molly's lips for the first time in his life, then a long heartfelt embrace of relief.

  All were safe for the time being except for Panthera who had fought bravely to save the life of his new friends. Had he survived the fall, or was he just too far down into the mountainside to be heard calling back up to Louis? On the other hand, was the blue fogs below just too thick to allow his voice to carry back up her steep sides. Had he landed safely, or was he??

  Louis just could not bear to think it.

  Chug made his way back down the pathway as well, and upon reaching Louis, gave him a long hug, thinking all the while that he would never let go. Chug slowly peered over the side of the mountain, and listened intently, in case Panthera should be calling out.

  Not a word was heard.

  Louis looked over the edge of cliff with his friends for a few more moments, hung his head a little lower this time, and then slowly disappeared back into the depth of the cave.

  He went to retrieve his walking stick, his backpack, his lost shoe, bear's teeth, fur coat, and his bearskin hat. Just as he was about to leave the cave bear's lair for the last time, where the epic battle of Panthera and Growlar had just taken place, he stopped for another moment of silence to remember his lost friend, Panthera.

  He stood there in silence as tears welled up in his eyes. They started to gently flow down his boyish cheeks. As his emotions overtook him, he turned, to stare at Growlar's lifeless body shattered upon the sharp rocks one more time.

  Louis's heart went cold and silent for a moment upon looking at the great bear laying dead on the floor. He turned and promptly progressed to the far exit, through the Polar Gates...and out of the den...of...Growlar the Ancient Cave Bear.