Read Chase Page 15


  They were few meters away from the clearing and everything was pitch black. Chase led the way as Sofia followed after in haste. The path grow darker that Sofia was left behind his trail. She could still hear his footsteps but she was not sure where it came from. Suddenly, a hand held hers and lead her the way. A fire was lighted. She could now perceived her surroundings. Sofia let out a sigh of relief, seeing that it was his hand after all.

  “We won’t make it if we continue like this,” he said. Closing his eyes, he touched his forehead. The gem on his forefinger glimmered. He pulled her close to him. Speckles of carmine dusts appeared and they began to vanish. Sofia closed her eyes and hold on to him tightly. The moment she opened her eyes, they were in front of an old dilapidated castle. The gates were left in ruined. Wild vines were hanging from its bricked wall. A glint of sadness alit from the deepest corners of her heart.

  They went inside in silence. Sofia felt the warmth in her soul. It lingered upon her in a way she could not understand. Chase snapped his fingers and the dazzling chandeliers that hanged above the ceiling lit up. Sofia was mesmerized by the beauty the castle possessed. It was a splendid work of art even if dirt and spider’s web filled its corners and ceilings. On the center of the hall were thrones of two, placed over a marble podium. It was left the way it was. The stairs were formed with exquisite curvature leading to the chambers upstairs. They passed the ample corridor that leads to a spacious balcony. Significant portraits were hanging upon its wall. Family portraits might be. Sofia paused for a moment, staring at each paintings. A man who was nearly at the age of thirties, wearing dazzling apparels could be pictured on it. He wore a crown and a scepter on his hand, sitting on the throne. He might be the king, Sofia thought. Something caught her eyes. A sword was on his waist, a familiar one though she cannot recall where she had seen it. She moved to the next image, a beautiful woman. She was wearing a crown and a beautiful dress fitted her gracefulness. A child was on her arms, sleeping in silence. It brings joy to her heart, a motherly love.

  Sofia went to follow Chase in the balcony. There were still portraits but she never bother on looking over them. She peered from the door and found the person she was looking for. Chase was sitting upon the balustrade ledge. He was in deep thought of something. She saw a flashed of sadness on his eyes but it disappeared when he saw her presence. She smiled and draw near the railings. Overlooking the balcony was a wide, marvelous garden. Hedges were arranged artistically on it. A huge fountain was in the heart of it leading to a beautiful gazebo. The garden was wonderful. It seems that someone was preserving its beauty.

  “You came in time,” Chase announced, breaking the silence between them.

  Sofia frowned. Streaks of light suddenly flashed in the sky, it was the moon. Its brightness gradually spread throughout the vast land before them, producing colorful streamers of light on the distant sky. It rises bit by bit until it finally sets above them. A flower with its deep lavender shade began to open as the moonlight touches each vibrant buds. Sparkles of purplish particles was being carried away by the soft wind. Her eyes were filled with awe.

  “Queen of the Night.” She heard him whispered. It was so beautiful. Sweet fragrance filled the air. Sofia sniffed the scent that tickles her nostrils. A playful smile drawn out of her lips.

  “Its name was wonderful…” she said, leaning forward with arms resting over the railings. “…so as the flower itself,” Sofia finished with a smile.

  “It only blooms at night,” Chase uttered and smile. Sofia turned to him and halted. Does she saw him smile? It was like a rainbow after the rain. A bright one. His face seemed to radiance. That smile adds to his charm.

  “If only…” Sofia whispered. “If only you smile just like that always.”

  Chase turned to her and smiled coyly. “You know nothing of me so pretend you don’t see anything.” He tried to regain his old self but his heart was seemed tired of pretending. Something inside him was seemed to be stealing his life away.

  She smirked. “My eyes told me not to.” She draw near him. “Would you like to talk about something?” Sofia looked up into his conversing eyes. To her surprise, she saw a helpless rabbit out of a mighty lion’s gaze. It bothered her. The pain on it were impossible to heal. Is this part of a Hunter’s Gift? Seeing the heart and soul of someone right through its eyes? A vision appeared on her thought. A woman with a child on her arms and a little boy, clinging to her waist were running away from something. Everything was covered with snow and they were frightened. She could see in their eyes that they were afraid. The coldness of the breeze made the woman shivered with cold but she keeps the child warm on her arms, hugging the infant tightly into her chest. Hooded men on horseback came. Their swords were gleaming on their hands. Some were dripping with fresh blood. The woman were trapped and there was no way to run. She handed the infant to the young boy who was starting to weep. The woman draw the sword on her waist, protecting the children with bravery. A tall, hooded-man dismounted the horse. The woman thrust the sword directly towards the man, right into his heart and flinched with fear. The man suddenly draw the sword out as if it was just nothing. He was not hurt at all. Throwing the sword away, he grabbed the woman’s neck in a swift motion. There was a mark on his hand shaped like skull. The man asked something on the young boy. Sofia listened but she cannot hear of anything. The boy shook his head in replied. The man tightened his grip making the woman gasp for air. The young boy pleaded for her life but it was too late. The men left the woman battling between life and death. Reaching for the boy’s hand, the woman straighten her arm and the boy do the same. Before their hands met, the woman begin turning to ashes. A gentle smile filled with love can be seen on her lips before she shattered into specks of dust that was carried away by the strong gust of wind. The boy cried in agony. With tears on his eyes, he feebly reached for the sword on his side. Distinct markings was engrave on the steel’s blade. Sofia had seen it before, she was sure of it. She walked towards the little boy. Pity. That is what she felt over the boy and to the infant on his arms. Sofia reached down to caress his bruised face. She was startled seeing the look on its eyes. The way he stare at her. It was like…. Her vision fades.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Chase asked, holding her hands that had almost touch the corners of his face. Sofia pulled her hands away, gasping for air. She turned her back on him. Her face went red all over. Cold sweat runs down her wrinkly forehead. What the heck is she doing? Why was she…? She suddenly came to a halt. Could it be that child? Could it be Chase? Had she been to his past? The sword! She glanced on his side. There was no mistake. It was the same like the one on her vision.

  “Have you lost your mind?” She heard him asked.

  Sofia rubbed her nose and tried to regain her self. Turning around, she smiled and said, “U-Ugh… I-I…” She hesitated but said it anyway. “I-I’ve seen your past,” Sofia stammered and lowered her gazed.

  Chase suddenly turned pale. He looked alarmed and swiftly stand back to his feet. He draw near Sofia and pinned her into the wall. Sofia slightly trembled with fear. She tried to push him away but her hands were clutched on her back with his grip. Chase shove his arm over her throat. “What did you saw?” he whispered on her ears. His voice were low and somewhat trembling.

  Sofia gulped. Her heart was throbbing wildly inside her chest. Why did he respond that way? Did she said something terrible enough for him to be angry? She might have stepped over a landmine, perhaps. She kept her silence. Chase lifted his head. He was awfully close to her that his lips almost touches hers. Sofia could see the frantic looked on his eyes as it met hers. Strands of flaxen hair were flowing over his handsome face, covering partial of his furious eyes.

  “Tell me!” he uttered in a more unsympathetic manner, tightening his grip on her hands.

  Sofia distanced a bit and said, “Y-You were with your mother….” She paused and continued, “You were running away with your sister who
was, at that time was just a little child… There were men, hooded men on horseback. Your mother protected you from them. T-Then, a tall man dismounted the horse. He was the one w-who — …”

  “Enough!” Chase yelled out striking the wall with his fist, inch away from her very face. Something dripped on her shoulders. His hands were bleeding. Her eyes widened with uneasiness. His face began to drift down. Chase loosen his gripped on her until she can finally move her hands freely. Sofia does not know what to do, either pushed him away or pulled him to her for comfort. She was left undecided and does not move at all.

  Chase draw away from her. He glide beside Sofia with his back leaning into the bricked wall. His knees had begun to lose its stiffness, letting himself slipped and sank into the floor. Sofia sat on his side after a moment. She let out a breath of discomfort as she saw the dripping blood from the open wound on his hand that resting over his bended knee. They laid in silence with each passing moment. Sofia untied the ribbon that was binding one of the braided side of her chestnut-colored hair. She reached for his wounded hand but he pulled it away harshly. She insisted and grabbed his wrist tightly.

  “Stop being stubborn, will you?!” Sofia reproached fretfully, dressing his wound. This guy was such an arrogant, stubborn person, she thought. She wonder if Victoria have acquired such attitude. Hope not. One thing Sofia had noticed was his hands were soft and pretty. It would not be noticed that he was a living prodigy of warfare, one that could easily take away your life in just a matter of sec.

  Chase began to speak, “She was a brave woman, my mother.” He took a deep breath and added, “It was a foolish thing to refute your own mother in front of her but it was a shame that I did such stupid thing.”

  Sofia halted. So, that was what the man asked on him on her vision. “If keeping the life of your loved ones was a stupid thing then I will agree with you. That’s what she instructed you to say, right? You see… she did that to keep you and Victoria alive.” She put back his hand to its resting place after she had bandaged the wound. She tuned to Chase with a smile. Sofia lowered her gaze upon seeing the tears that runs down his face. Seeing him cry does not change the way she thought of him. He was still cool and handsome in spite of those tears. After all, it was not wrong for a man to cry. Real man could cry for a second then picked up his sword and fights again. It must have hurt to lose someone you love just to let you live. She never met her parents but she still thanked them for risking their lives for her. Sofia glanced at the young man beside her. If only she could ease his pain. She clutched his fingers on her palm. She knew she was not that one.

  “Do you know it was a foolish thing to hurt yourself?” Sofia witted, pretending not to see his grief. Changing the atmosphere was the best way she thought of. “You should have hit me instead.” Sofia waited for an arrogant answer but she got nothing. She shrugged her shoulders, trying to uplift the mood. “If you’d asked why… Well, it’s that I could have the chance to hit you back…” She laughed upon her own foolishness. “Who knows that might put you back into your sen — ...” The last words she ought to say abruptly vanished when he pulled her close to him and kissed her gently. She could feel the warm tears that was left moist on his face. For a moment, she was frozen until she regained her consciousness. Her palm landed on his face, a reflex action that she cannot avert of. Sofia gasped, burying her lips in her quivering hand and flinched away from him. She was not sure if it was because of the kiss or because of what she just did. She saw his face turned faintly red either in shame or in pain or perhaps, both. She slapped him with all her might that might have hurt over his subtle skin.

  Chase caress his face, indifferent. He draw a bland smile on his face and turned to Sofia who was blushing all over. “You’re dangerous than I thought,” he whispered and stand back to his feet. He, himself have no idea why he did such outrageous conduct. He felt that he want to kiss her and he did as what his mind tells him so. Or was it really his mind?

  Sofia gulped. “Don’t you ever… never did that again!” She was in panic near hysterical.

  His eyes narrowed and turned his back to leave. A dark figure appeared on the corner, a human physique. Sofia hurriedly stand, taking steps away from the unforeseen guest. Chase looked back over his shoulder. It was a familiar presence.

  The figure went out of the dark. He was a tall, young man. His hair flows over his shoulder and was fastened on the tip by a strip of fabric. It was pale yellow and a bit curly. He was nice-looking after all. A lovely phoenix suddenly landed atop his shoulder. The man chuckled and spoke, “I think I missed something, have I?”

  Chase turned to face him. It seems that Chase knew him quite long. He smirked but says nothing. The man sighed. “You never changed at all. You still have that upsetting arrogance with you.” He glanced at the young man on her right and said, “It’s been awhile, dear cousin.”

  “What are you doing here?” Chase inquired in a thought-provoking tone. Sofia glanced at the two, every other second that passed between them. If she had heard it right this stranger was his cousin.

  “That’s the same thing I wanna ask,” Sever replied, sitting over the railings. He turned his look away and said, “It’s hard to live like this, don’t you think? I was actually looking for you. They have found out of your existence and I heard that they were now on your trail too. Besides, I sensed a great war coming. So, I came to warned you. You’ve been hiding yourself for quite long.” The phoenix flew to her shoulder and rest there. Sofia exclaimed in shocked. The man turned to her, frowned. “Is she the girl who was always with you?” Sever shook his head, resolving his own question. “Perhaps, not. They just looked the same.”

  Sofia knitted her brow. A girl who was always with him? Iris. Something pricked her heart. The man stand back to his feet and turned to leave. “I have to leave now, I guess. You should do the same. Regards to Isabelle, anyway.” Sever looked back on Sofia. “Septh might have like you, Miss.” The man smiled on Sofia and said, “Will you take care of him for me?”

  Sofia glanced at the feathered friend on her shoulder. It looked on her and screech softly. She nodded and forcibly smile. Did she have a choice? The bird looks so fine at least. Septh rubbed its beak on her hair, somewhat happy over her judgment. She turned to Chase and caught his stare. He suddenly turned his gaze away and back to Sever.

  “Well then. It’s nice seeing you, France,” Sever remarked and jumped down the railings. Sofia widened her eyes following after the man. Is he nuts? They were in the balcony, high enough to break the bones of some nuts that will jumped down from it. Well, if it was human perhaps.

  “He’ll be fine,” Chase declared. “We should leave now. They might be after him.” Sofia turned a doubtful look on him. He grabbed her wrist and they perished just like before. They appeared by the boulder. Everyone was still sleeping and no one noticed their absence. The bird flew and rested on the rock. Sofia finds her place in silence. She never bother to throw a single look on him and helplessly lay her back on the ground, instead. Because of what that guy did earlier, she might be awake through the morning, wondering if he did it on purpose or was just taken by his loneliness. Many things had happened that night. She had seen his gloomy past and met his long lost kin. Did that Sever called him by the name France? What secrets have you still hiding, Chase Strife? A piece of woolen fabric separates her from the dirt of the earth that lays beneath it. It was cold yet she felt warm, though her body faintly trembled.

  Chase noticed her uneasiness as he lay his back on the rigid limb of the tree. He grabbed the brocade blanket on his side and throw it to Sofia who was taken by surprised on the thing that had landed over her head. Sofia turned to him with its wondering eyes. He turned his bland look away, putting a hand over his forehead. “You know what to do with that. You’re stupid enough if you try to eat up that thing,” he murmured.

  Sofia make a face and grabbed the fabric, peeved. She pulled the blanket up to her shoulders and laid, her back facing him. “A
bout earlier…” She heard him spoke with a low tone. “Forget about it. It would never happen again.” Sofia could not help the intense emotion that flowed over her. She shuddered but manage to conceal her feelings. She knew he was still looking behind her back on a distance. She could still feel his stern glare, measuring the depths of her soul down to her very heart. It hurts her so much. That kiss was important to her, it was the first actually and it was from him. She narrowed her eyes. If only she was Iris, he might not tell those to her. Iris, that lady might be furious if she knew of such thing. All right then, she would completely forget of that and acted as if nothing happened. Sofia closed her eyes and sleep but the young soul on the corner never took his eyes away from her.