Read Chase Page 19

Sofia had a vision. A war. A terrible one. The people stands no chance upon their ruthless enemy. They were dying and wounded. She saw a tall hooded figure standing before the war. It holds a scepter on its hand, shape like a skull. It grasped her neck and she had turned to ash, then vanished like the others. She was awake after then. Her vision was still blurry but she perceived a face, a familiar one that was gazing down on her. When everything went clear, her eyes widened and gasped. It was Chase looking down at her with his blue eyes, concerned. Strands of hair flows over his face. He was atop her who was lying on the ground. What a scene. She gulped and want to freak out. He was a man and still a man. She want to push him away but she laid stoned in silence. All she could do was stared at him.

  Chase draw a breath, seeing that she was now awake. He moved away from her without a word. Sofia hurriedly straightened herself and coiled on the corner. Chase smirked. He knew what this girl was thinking. “That’s not gonna happen. So, set aside that fantasies of yours,” he murmured without taking any glance at Sofia. “You were screaming. I am just trying to wake you up. You’re not my type after all.”

  Sofia made a face. She saw an insolent smile on his face. He was making fun of her again. Instead of fighting back, she became serious. “I know,” she whispered resting her chin over her bended knees. It was still raining hard outside and the air was moist. She turned to Chase and saw that his hair was still sopping wet. He began to undress and Sofia turned her look away, embarrassed.

  “It seems that you trust me that much,” he said, placing his clothes near the flame. He was half-naked, revealing his bare shoulders up to his slender waist. No one would ever thought that he was a knight-errant. With his fine skin, he was more of a prince. Well, he was a prince actually, Sofia thought in silence. She thought of bringing the matter but it seems that it was not the right time.

  “W-Where are the others?” She begin to ask, removing the awkwardness between them. Chase turned to look at her and smirked. Sofia shook her head. When would he learn to smile without arrogance?

  “We split up. They might be somewhere here in the forest,” came his reply, looking at the vast woodland.

  Sofia nodded. She suddenly think of the bird. “Where could he possibly be?”

  Chase turned to her, unease. Sofia raised a brow seeing his reaction. His look was different. Chase suddenly asked, “Tristan?” Sofia shook her head. Why would he think that it was Tristan? She chuckled.

  “I mean Septh,” Sofia corrected him, hugging her arms over her shins. Chase raised a brow, a mistake then. He turned his look away. “I hope he was fine. He saved me. I never suspected that girl would be a witch.”

  Chase narrowed his eyes and sighed. “You should never trust anyone, except yourself.” He paused and added, “Not even me.” There was a stressed on the last words he said.

  Sofia heard him and asked, “Not even you? But, you protected me too from that witch before. Was that not enough for me to trust you?”

  He smirked. “You heard it right. You don’t knew me that much.” He lowered his gaze. There were something on his eyes that Sofia cannot figured out. Was it sadness or hatred? He was so blank. She would probably lose her mind if she kept on guessing the things that came in and out of his mind.

  Now is the time to bring the matters up. She smiled. “I am… aware of that. Still, there were things… perhaps, I knew about you.” Sofia dared him.

  He looked at her for a long moment and said, “Tell me then.” He wonder how much does this girl knew about him. She was quite an interesting one. Since there was plenty of time, he could lend her some of it. He began to vanish into red speckles of dust. Sofia gasped in terror.

  “Hey, why are you leaving me here?? Where are you going??” She asked in panicked. Afraid that Chase had been pissed on her and decided to leave her behind and wait to be eaten by wolves. She suddenly heard him chuckled. It was the first time that she heard him laughed.

  “I’m still here,” he murmured. “My presence might be bothering you… so for now, think like you’re alone.” She forgot that he was a warlock. She shrugged her shoulders. What difference does it make? He was still there after all, just unseen.

  Sofia sighed and said, “That was an odd thing for you to do.” It was weird talking to an unseen being. She was right, she would lose her sanity with him. “I know, but I made an exemption for you.” She heard him said. She made a face. Sofia watched as raindrops fell on the ground. Her face suddenly became sober. What do you know of me? The question echoed on her thoughts. What exactly does she know of him?

  “Well… U-Ugh. You were not born of Hesperian blood or any warlock’s bloodline.” She found herself talking. Sofia looked around, hoping to see his face but he never show himself. “And… You were an Etherian. The castle that we visited and the portraits on the wall, even the garden itself. They play a vital role in your life, am I right?” She wait for an answer but she got nothing. He made her feel that she was really alone though he could see Sofia, wide and clear.

  Sofia cleared her throat and continued, “Seeing your past, I could tell that your mother loved you so much. And you loved her as well. That’s why you almost kill me.” Sofia lowered her voice on the last phrases. “And… uhmm… your dagger. It is the one in the portrait and the one that belongs to your mother. The Archmage’s Sword. As what Claw told me, only the Royal Family took possession of that sword, meaning you are a monarch. The Crown Prince, I believed?” Sofia smirked and bat her eyelashes. Then she continued, “And Sever, your cousin… he called you by the name France. Could it be that, it was your real name? And Isabelle was Victoria…?” Sofia bit her lips. She laid silence and added, “Iris… you love her?” Sofia cannot decide if it was a question or not. Though, she could see that he does not seem to hear it clear.

  Chase simpered and appeared an inch away by her side. He was been there ever since, staring closely at her face as he listened to every word she say. Sofia gasped by his sudden appearance. He might had a habit of popping out like a mushroom, she thought.

  “Wheww…” he whispered, touching his brow. “I never expect you to be that bright.”

  Sofia raised a brow in scorn but said nothing. “It’s true… but not all of it. It was my turn to do all the talking, I guess,” Chase said and turned to her. “The one on the portrait. He was King Vladymir, if you have heard of him. He was my ancestor. The lady was Queen Elizabeth and the child on her arms was my great grandmother. That garden… my mother used to take us there.” He smiled upon the memories that still lingered on his thoughts. “You were right. I am the first born child, the heir supposedly. But Etheria had been destroyed before I could take over it.”

  Sofia listened as he speaks. Chase sighed. “My mother had been killed by the sorcerer named Skull. My sister and I live in fear all those years as Skull hunts us down. Until I have heard of Claw. My Gift doesn’t enough to defeat Skull so, I took apprenticeship of that Old Wizard. You should learn to fight poison with poison, you know.” Chase sneered. “It’s Francis, by the way. Francis Wilhelm vi Etheria… that’s my name. Isabelle Margarette was Victoria.”

  “How about Chase Strife?” Sofia frowned. He was too secretive of himself, she thought.

  “Nom de guerre,” he replied. “I have to use that name to keep my freedom. No one would suspect me that way.”

  “Why Chase?” Sofia further inquired. “Because you were being chase by girls? Or chased by Skull?” She chuckled and shook her head.

  Chase set out an insolent smile. It was her sister’s idea. “Or perhaps both.” He finds himself said and chuckled. Sofia stared at him and laughed. Seeing him like that make her feel comfortable at his side. If only he stay like that forever. Free and easy.

  “See, you’re laughing,” she murmured, looking up at Chase. He just raised a brow and turned his look away with a smile. It was quite long since he felt that easiness inside. He never imagined that this girl had such inquisitiveness on her.

  You just have
been misunderstood by so many. The thought just stayed on Sofia. She turned to look at his hand. “How was it?” Sofia asked referring to the wound caused by striking the wall back then.

  “It healed,” Chase replied and raised his hand for her to see. The bruised caused by his stupidity had been gone but the cut on his palm was still there. It was healing slowly. His Gift of Healing was weak at that certain place even his warlock’s ability.

  Sofia shook her head in disbelief. “After the first had healed. There came another. Are you a masochist?”

  “It should be healed by now,” Chase whispered. “But it seems this mountain had a barrier that keeps away any Gift, either black or not. My sorcery was weak here.”

  Silence came and their little conversation had ended but the rain never stops. Sofia felt the urge to ask him more, especially of one thing. “Ugh. Iris — she … Ugh... w-what do you think of her?” Sofia stammered, lowering her gaze into the flame.

  Chase turned to her. “Iris?” He paused. “She was a sister to me.” Her eyes widened upon hearing what he had said. She could feel her heart beating loudly in her chest. A sister. She took a deep breath and sighed. Smiling to herself.

  He noticed it and asked acting like an innocent child, “What are you smiling about?” He completely knew why. He just wanted her to tell it first, to be sure. Though the future was uncertain for them, he want to trust again, to hope… to love.

  “She told me that he likes you,” she told him. “What about that?”

  “There’s nothing I could do about that,” Chase answered curtly. “Besides, there was already someone who holds my heart.” He turned to her but Sofia looked away. She does not want to assume anything yet. Iris would have been mad if she knew what the man she loves felt about her. As if remembering something he asked, “What are you trying to tell me earlier? Before you fainted?”

  Sofia turned to him, alarmed. “I thought I was going to die already back there,” she said.

  “But you weren’t.”

  “Because you saved me,” Sofia smirked, hugging her knees. “Eat well.” She paused and looked up at him. “T-That’s what I’ve told you.” She smiled but Chase still have the stern look on his eyes. Sofia turned to look away, awkwardly. “I swear. That’s what I told you.”

  He draw near her side and stop an inch away from her. His eyes meeting hers. He sighed and draw away, “Liar. I could tell that you were lying.” Chase touched his forehead. This girl made him sick.

  Sofia made a face. “What exactly do you want me to tell you?” Chase smirked and pulled her close that their foreheads almost touched. Sofia hold her breathe. Her chest was tightening. What was this guy thinking?

  He looked at her eyes and whispered, “I want you to tell me that … you like me. Wasn’t that the truth?” Sofia sneered. This guy has a nerve. He pulled her even closer and was about to kissed her when a bird flew into the cave. Chase created an invisible cage and locked the bird inside. They saw a parchment on its talons. He removed the cage and reached for the parchment. The moment he had took hold of it, the bird disappeared into speckle of dust. His face regained its seriousness after he had read its contents. The parchment turned to dust in a moment.

  “It’s Claw,” he announced. “The war had begun.”

  Sofia trembled in fear. It was on her vision. “I had seen it coming,” she whispered, still trembling. Chase turned to her. He could see that she was afraid. “I’ve seen the terrible war. Many innocent people died.” She paused. “I’ve seen a girl… She die too. A terrible death.” Sofia concealed her tears.

  “Someone you know?” he inquired.

  “Yes.” Sofia forcibly smile, hiding her emotion. None of her vision had failed. It was a waste that she was gonna die in the end after all. “I knew her well. She was me.” Chase turned its worried look on her. Did he heard her right? This girl had the guts to joke at this moment huh?

  He chuckled. “That was funny. I should rejoice per — …” He halted upon seeing a tear fell from her face. He could see that she was trying hard not to cry in front of him. He wrapped his arms around Sofia who never bother to look at him. She was still trembling. He tilted her head with his finger to meet his eyes. Chase let out a comforting smile. “Do you think I would allow that to happen?” He pulled her head into his welcoming shoulder. “I knew it sounds awkward but I appreciate if you listen. You know talking is not a habit of mine so I’ll make it short.” Chase took a deep breath before he proceed. “I will stand by your side and fight with you till my last breath. For years I live as a selfish person. I never care about someone until you came and changed everything. For that, I thank you.”

  He turned at Sofia and narrowed his eyes. She was already sleeping. Chase shook his head. “You are really annoying, you know?” He murmured. “But at least, I have told you.” Chase leaned his head on hers. He felt different but it feels good somehow.

  Sofia heard it all. She was just pretending not to. Tears run down her cheeks. His words were comforting. She was wishing that her visions was not true. She was hoping that she could spent forever with him. But no matter what tomorrow holds. One thing was sure. She love him and will always be. She tried to avoid him but fate brought them together.