Read Chase Page 21

“Iris!” Sofia called as they draw near the clearing. Iris turned its back to them. The young woman smiled not to her but to the man on her side and hurriedly run to embrace him. She does not seemed to notice Sofia at all.

  “I’m glad that you’re safe,” Iris said. Chase patted the young woman’s head. Sofia just smiled and clasped her hands behind her back. Jealousy had no place on her heart. She trust him and was certain that she holds his heart.

  Tristan and Raven soon arrived and were glad seeing them. They had been into a tough state and tired enough that they decided to continue their journey the next morning. Tristan went to hunt some wild deer for their supper, Chase and Raven go with him. The two young women was left. Sofia decided to fetch water on the nearby brook. Iris was left on the clearing.

  Sofia was busy fetching water when she heard footsteps from behind. She turned around and was surprised to see Chase drawing near her. She pulled the flask, facing him with such curiosity. “Where’s Raven and Tristan? I thought you went with them,” Sofia inquired, gathering her skirt and hurriedly stand. Chase went near her and cupped her face. He glared down at her. She frowned. His look was different and she felt weird.

  “I left them behind,” came the reply. “I’ve missed you that easily, my love.”

  Sofia knitted her brow. What happened to this man? Did she changed him that much? He called him “his love”? She never thought he would say something like that to her. Sofia smirked and pulled his hands down. “I still have so much task to do and I don’t have that idea of playing games with you, Francis.”

  The young man frowned. “Francis? Is that what you called me?”

  Sofia gazed at him. “Yes? Oh, sorry. You might not have acquainted with your real name, Francis Wilhelm.” She laughed, putting stress on her last words and turned to resume her task. Chase held her hands.

  “I want to show you something,” the young man said. Sofia sighed and pulled her hands. Something was odd with him. Something she could not exactly figure out. She shook her head, resting her both hands over her waist.

  “Not now, okay.” Sofia smiled and turned her back to him. “You can show that to me later.” She was about to lift the flask when she heard him yelled on her. “You have to come with me!” His voice was harsh and foreboding. Sofia turned back to Chase, irritated.

  “Are you yelling at me??” She asked with a jarring voice. She could not hide the ireful look on her eyes. Chase glared at her for a moment and smiled, somewhat alarmed. He gently put his hands over her shoulders. The young man shook his head. The unstable look can be seen on his eyes, edgy. It seems that he was in a hurry. He is not the same calm, sensible man she knew. Something was changed.

  “I-I just want to show you something.” He stammered and touched the strands of hair on her shoulder. “I promise. You won’t regret.”

  Sofia let out a sigh of defeat. This guy was way too persistent. It might be important or a surprise, perhaps. She put the flask down and went to follow his lead. A smile drawn out of his face. They were already quite a distance away from the brook. The ambiance was somewhat creepy but Sofia does not bother at all. Chase was with her. She suddenly remember when they sneak out to visit the castle. It was the same feeling that she felt at that moment. Sofia reached for his hand that made him gasp which was an unusual thing for him. He is the kind who was not that easy to surprise. Sofia shrugged her shoulders and ignored the matter.

  “I remember the time when we visit the palace,” Sofia said.

  He turned to her with a scowl. “What? When did — … Ugh. Yeah. Right.” The young man draw a faint smile on its face and continued on their way. Sofia smiled and draw close to Chase. They soon reached the edge of the precipice nearby. Its rocky surface overlook the creepy forest at the foot of the Dark Fall Mountains. Looking down, sharp rocks debris that was formed of rock corrosion awaits on its bottom, with tall pine trees the showers its cones. Sofia frowned seeing the place. There was nothing in there but rocks. They walked far to see rocks?

  She turned to him and smirked. “So, you bring me here? I’ve already seen rocks, cliffs, and… forest,” Sofia said. “You know, France… We should get back now. They’re might be waiting for us.”

  The man laughed. A foreboding one. He glared down at her, crossing his arms over his chest. A more feminine gesture that made Sofia sank in deep puzzlement. He draw near her and sneered. “Sofia Lockheart… You really dare to oppose me, don’t you?”

  Sofia looked at the man with bewilderment. “What are you bringing up this time, France?”

  The man laughed sarcastically and glared at her. “France? Is Francis his name? Ugh. Oh dear! I’ve never known of that.” He began to shift his form. A familiar face. A foreboding smile. A furious eyes. A broken heart. An innocent girl that was drawn into darkness. It was Iris. “Does Chase told you all those things that he’d been hiding all those years? The things that I’ve been waiting for him to tell me?”

  Sofia was astounded by the twist of events. She saw the tears that falls from Iris’ face. She could feel how hurt the girl was. Maybe it was a wrong thing to fall on the same man. Could it be that it was really her fault? Iris told her to steer clear from that man. But she loved him and he tell her that he felt the same. Sofia was in a state of great confusion. She does not know what to tell Iris, to ease the pain the young woman feel. “I-Iris, I — … I’m sorry… I know it was my fault but I love him ever since. I know how you feel…”

  Iris sneered. “You knew what I feel?” She clenched her fist as she glared down at Sofia. Who does she think she was? She never knew how she feel. Never. Iris draw the dagger from her sleeves. Kill her. She heard a voice. The voice of the woman from the clearing. Kill the Hunter. Drain her blood. It echoed on her mind. She draw closer to Sofia who flinched away with fear upon seeing the dagger on her hand. She stared at her with furious eyes. “Now what Hunter? Where was your prince? I’m afraid you won’t see him anymore. I just hope you tell him your goodbyes before you die today…” She draw nearer and nearer until she was just few paces away. Sofia stepped back but it was already the edge and almost slipped her feet. Iris grinned in triumphant. “You have no way to run, princess.” She raised the dagger over her head, taking a step closer. Iris was about to thrust the dagger into Sofia’s heart when she saw the tears on the Hunter’s eyes. It was pure and clear as crystals. She looked into its eyes and feel the guilt on her heart. Sofia never plead for her life and closed her eyes. Iris hesitated but she heard a voice. What are you waiting for? Kill her! A treacherous friend should die! She closed her eyes and thrust the dagger on Sofia. Iris heard something fell. She opened her eyes and saw the blood on her hands. It was warm and deep red. Her heart beats wildly on her chest. Cold sweat runs down every corner of her face. She could feel the numbness that was surrounding her. Iris laid frozen with fear. Her body creates no action. She killed Sofia. She killed the Hunter! Iris gulped. She never dare to glance at the ground where Sofia fell. She took a step back to the clearing but suddenly halted. They would asked about Sofia. They would accused her if they found out what happened. No. She would never return to the clearing. Iris run as fast as she can. She run though she never knew where to go. She run with a dagger dripping with the Hunter’s blood.
