Read Chase Page 28

Sofia could not restrain herself from worrying. The Hordes of Darkness were too many for him. Was the book that important that the Darkness do everything to get hold of it? She tightened her grip upon the book. Things were going to be tougher now and she does not know if she could hold on that longer. They had passed the town of Safehaven in swift paces and into the barrier they went. Pendragon had never changed since the day they left except for one thing — its people. They were into something. Magic potions seemed to be the most sought-after item on every merchant in town. Wizards and witches might be in some kind of war too.

  Claw was much delighted seeing them walked into the Old Wizard’s dwelling and was suddenly bothered hearing that they had been threatened by the Horde. Skull was now on the prowl, the Old Wizard thought. Sofia handed the book to the wizard and inquired about the strange lock. Claw directed them into the Archive Hall.

  “It was a strange thing,” Claw announced. “I could feel the powerful spell on the chain that binds this script.” He had tried several spells but none had prevail. The Old Wizard let out a sigh and hurriedly gathered all the ancient books on the ledge. He was into something when he halted. “Where’s Iris? Is she with that boy?”

  They exchanged meaningful glances with each other. Sofia lowered her gaze and remain silent. “She was not with Chase,” Tristan replied. “She had turned herself against us.” Claw wrinkled its brow in disbelief. How could his faithful apprentice turned against her own kind? Tristan looked at the Old Wizard for a moment and said, “She tried to kill Sofia with her own dagger.”

  The Old Wizard shook his head. “I can’t believe Iris would do such thing.” Everyone kept their silence. What was that girl thinking? Claw sighed. He glanced over Sofia and nodded knowingly. Love is such a treacherous mechanism. Asmaria glimpsed on the open door of the hall. Claw turned to the unknown presence, alarmed. The princess laid stoned seeing the look on the Old Wizard. Sofia noticed Claw.

  “She was Asmaria, Princess of Hesperia,” Sofia introduced. “She was lock in the tower where the book was hidden.” Claw nodded in deep thought. A Hesperian princess that was lock inside the tower with the book hidden on it. Tricky. Only the Bluebloods of Lynabria knows where the book was. How could be a Hesperian blood known of the place?

  Claw touched the tip of his long, white beard and smiled. Iris might have disappeared but somehow a new acquaintance have turned up. “Welcome to my humble house, Princess.” Asmaria smiled in response. “What a terrible thing you had become. Who had locked you up on that tower?”

  The princess was about to say something when the young woman hesitated and replied, “Someone you know.” Asmaria felt the tightening of the choker. Claw saw the peculiar thing and narrowed his eyes. An ancient Dark Art, perhaps. He could feel the black curse that the jewel holds.

  “It seems I knew who that was,” the Old Wizard said. “He doesn’t want you to tell all the knowledge you have. Am I right, princess? The jewel on your neck. One mistake and your life would be lost. I’m afraid it‘s just death that would free you.”

  Sofia glanced back at the princess. She never thought that jewel would be that cruel, or was it the one that had put that thing on her? Whoever it was, he might be a powerful warlock. A name flashed on her thought. Could it be Skull? Her heart beats faster than normal. If what she presumed was true, her life too would be on the risk. Skull was after her trail and the book. Was it really her destiny to die like what her vision foretells? She would face a terrible being without knowing how to win? Raven suddenly growled on her side that put her back into her senses. Sofia gazed down over the beast and smiled.

  Scent of roses filled the breeze accompanied by the sudden appearance of a weary figure by the window. Chase took a tight grip of his sword and bent his knee, restraining himself from a sudden breakdown. His face were filled with specks of blood, not of his but of the enemies. Blood were drenching from his sword, an indication of a tough fight. Sofia hurriedly went near him for assistance and took hold of his shoulder. He turned to her and smiled faintly.

  Sofia noticed the small cut on his face. The wound healed fast until the whole flesh had been restored, leaving not a single mark. She lay astounded but managed to conceal her awed. Chase turned to Claw and draw an insolent smile on his face. “You seemed to have a hard time, child.” Claw gazed at the young man.

  “I always have,” Chase said slyly and straighten himself. His strength were regained bit by bit. He wiped away the blood on the steel and sheathed the gleaming blade to his back with a sigh. Dozens of lives might be lose but the Hordes of Darkness would not stop until the whole world was ruled by them.

  Tristan cleared his throat and turned to Claw. “Where’s Flaire anyway?”

  “I sent her to the Academy,” came the reply. “They might help us though I never expect much on them.”

  “You were once their student. Why won’t they?” Tristan inquired with a probing look.

  Claw took a deep breathe. “Things were different now, since the day I left the Academy.” The Old One glanced at the book and went back on his search. There should be no time to be wasted. A fluttering of wings echoed the hall. It was Septh, the phoenix. Sofia draw a smile seeing the bird resting its talons on the sill. It screech in low-pitched, rubbing its beak with its sharp talons. Claw chuckled. “It looks like our company was growing.”

  Sofia smiled. “It was Septh.” The bird flew over her shoulders. She chuckled. “I’m glad you found us.” Claw nodded. It was not an ordinary bird. The barrier sensed no dark presence on the creature that it let the bird passed through. Anyway, he turned back on his work… there was a lot of things to do. They soon departed, leaving the Old Wizard with the book. The phoenix flew out of the window with a soft squeaked. Sofia went upstairs to the room where she had slept before. She seemed so tired of all the things that she had went through. Asmaria went with Tristan to the town of Pendragon, Raven joined them. The princess was insisting of taking a walk over the town. It was her first encounter seeing a place crowded with fascinating individuals unlike what she usually saw upon the lofty tower. Chase, well, an aloof man like him always disappeared without a word.

  Silence echoed the room as Sofia entered, pushing the door open. The thought of getting hold of the lost book lightened up her senses. A blaze of hope against the enemy now dwell on her heart. She went near the window and swung it in twain. The cold breeze touches her skin. She let herself fell on the bed, staring aimlessly upon the ceilings. Sofia felt the weight on her lids and fell asleep. There came a vision.

  A hooded figure appear in the darkness with a scepter on its hand, a skull-shaped one. Sofia quivered. She knew exactly who it was. It suddenly spoke. “How are you Hunter?” A wicked laughed followed. “Can you perceived me wide and clear? Oh, I knew you do… ” It draw near and near. Sofia trembled. “Do not worry, I won’t kill you. Not this time. I was just want to deliver something from someone you knew…” It fades and disappeared. Another vision flashed. A girl was chained with a metal ring on her feet. She was crying with her hands covering her face. Its face lifted and Sofia widened her eyes. Iris. The young woman were calling for her name and asking for her forgiveness. She was locked behind bars and her skin were filled with bruise. The vision perished and shifted back to the hooded figure. “Now… listen Hunter. If you want to save your friend, bring the book with you. I’ll be waiting for your presence here at my castle as early as possible. Never bring anyone with you or else I’ll immediately kill your friend.” The hooded figure turned away and vanished. An hourglass appeared with the sand dripping inside. Sofia heard a voice. “You should hurry. Time’s running out.” A shrill voice laughed wickedly. Sofia heard another voice. A familiar one calling for her name in the wilderness. She followed the voice and she was awakened. Sofia found herself lying on the floor. She might have fell down the bed. Suddenly, a figure appeared by the opened window. She hurdled back to the bed in fright. A scent of rose filled the room, she sighed in relief knowing that familiar sm

  Chase raised a brow. “What?” He draw near her and sat on the edge of the bed. He was wearing a simple garb of white doublet and a waistcoat of the same color. His flaxen hair flows freely some inches above his shoulders. A simple young man with an elegant look. “You look pale,” he murmured.

  Sofia smiled and sneered. “You had that habit of frightening me, right?” She shook her head. “You should not barge in on someone’s room without a notice you know,” she said straightening her feet. Her face was now regaining its color. “I can’t believe an ill-mannered prince like you existed.”

  He smirked. “Ill-mannered what? I have forgot that title long time ago. We have lived as a commoner all our lives and besides… don’t you know this was my room?” Sofia turned to him, alarmed. Did she entered a different room? What was this man was talking about? She widened her eye. Could she possibly walked into his room? Every room looks the same that was hard to distinguish their differences. Sofia flushed in silence. Chase chuckled. “You’re being reckless. Since this was my room, I could do whatever I want to do.” He draw close to her. Sofia flinched away to one corner of the room, blushing. Chase smiled and suddenly vanished, appearing an inch away from her. His turquoise-blue eyes were gazing down on hers. He was tall enough that he needs to bend slightly for him to see her beautiful face, close that he could kiss her anytime. Sofia widened her eyes. Her heart beats widely on her chest. She could visibly see his handsome face. “I always wanted to do this,” he whispered. He was about to kiss her when Sofia closed her eyes in panic. She was always intimidated by him. He suddenly laughed seeing her reaction. She widened her eyes and saw his coy face. “I was just kidding,” he said and sat back to bed.

  Sofia tried to knock his head down but he avoided it, making her fell but Chase caught her wrist and pulled her into his arms. They fell together on the bed. Her lips landed on his. The thing she avoided had just happened when she less expect it. Sofia draw away from him. Chase chuckled. “You have guts to do that, don’t you?” She heard him said. Her face was reddened in shame.

  “I-I-I never did that on purpose,” she stammered, defending her innocence. “I would pretend that didn’t happen.” Sofia remembered what he told him before. Forget about it. She never forget that silly kiss. Chase gazed on her and reserved a space for her on his side. Sofia arced a brow. “What?”

  He smiled and swayed his finger. Her body moved on its own and sat beside the young man. Sofia tried to stand but her body create no motion. “What do you think you’re doing?” Sofia inquired fretfully. Chase leaned his head over her shoulder.

  “Let me stay by your side just for a while,” he whispered, closing his eyes. His voice was calm and natural. She could feel the sincerity on it. A moment later, she regained control of herself but she choose to stay by his side. Chase smiled. “Why…? Why didn’t you move away?”

  “Why should I?” She asked back. “You wouldn’t do anything foolish, do you?” Chase smiled but said nothing. He enjoy her company, her absurdity, her childlike attitude… If only they could stay just like that for the rest of their lives. Sofia wanted to tell him about her vision but she hesitated. She had been too dependent on him. This time, it was for her to face alone. She closed her eyes and leaned into him. His hand reached for hers and caressed it softly.