Read Chase Page 35

A huge gravestone was built at the foot of the Dark Fall Mountain as a memorial of all the people that had offered their lives for the Three Kingdom. A beautiful landmark stands at the heart of Pendragon in memory of young woman, Iris. Beautiful iris with its dazzling flower and sword-shaped leaves flourished at the significant marking. Iris had been so fond of the flower where she had been named after, so as Claw told Sofia. Ice crystal flakes begun to fall from the sky. It was now the beginning of winter. Sofia offered a prayer for her friend. Agatha. The name still lingered on her thoughts. Agatha? Was she your sister? Sofia sighed. I’m sorry, Iris. I’ve never find her for you. A silhouette of a man appeared beside her. Chase.

  “Are you here to stop me?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No.” A beautiful red rose appeared on his hand. He bent his knee to place the flower on the ground. “I just want to know your reason of going back.”

  Sofia stared aimlessly on the young man before saying, “I just have to find my place.” He narrowed his eyes and stand back to his feet. Chase turned to leave and never looked back. Sofia sighed deeply. Is that how he bid her goodbye? She watched him walked away from her. He never even glanced back at Sofia, not even once. Sofia breathe another sigh and took the different way.

  The portal opened. Claw patted her shoulder. “Are you certain of this child?” Sofia nodded and smiled. She was now wearing her school uniform which Flaire had cleaned. Sofia looked around her. Everyone was there except for the face that she longed to see. It somehow pricked her heart. He had never shown his face.

  “Have a safe journey back and thank you for everything you did for us,” Tristan said and clasped her hand. Sofia smiled. Asmaria hugged her dearly. Flaire, who was already in tears patted her back and said, “Don’t forget about us… and by the way, your hair was gorgeous.” She smiled and nodded. Her hair was a mess. That’s what it looks like to her.

  Raven called for her when she was about to leave. The boy extends something to her. “Master Chase wants you to have this.” A ruby studded ring glistened when Raven opened his little fingers. The child reached for her hand and put the ring on her dainty finger. “He said, that will lead you home.” Sofia smiled and ruffled the child’s hair and entered the portal with tears on her eyes. Sofia vanished into the thin light. The moment she gained her vision, she was back on the human world… back at the old light post, a familiar place that she saw every day. No magic. No horrible witches. No dragon. Just reality. Sofia looked around and found her school bag. She sighed and went to pick up her things. What a beautiful nightmare. She traversed the path back home.