Read Chase Page 4


  They traversed the large stone slabs that paved the path in silence until they have reached the thick woodland at the extremity of the clamorous city. From there, they took the narrow, verdant path that leads to the heart of the forest. Sofia could feel the smoldering pain on her heel but she never complain of it. Her mind would probably blow up in a minute from all the things that was stuffing her mind. A moment later, she was just with Vincent until her heart was broken. Now, she was with an arrogant stranger and a wolf? She suddenly let out a sigh of depression as she follow them, the hooded man in the lead.

  They halted in a moment. He suddenly turned to the beasts beside him and said, “You can take your form now, Raven.”

  The wolf sat down on the ground. Thick, glimmering brightness enfolded the beasts and in a glimpse of an eye, he turned into a young, living boy at the age of eight or nine. His hair was golden in color with its fine strands that was a bit delayed for a cut. He was wearing a furry vest and creamy shirt. The trousers he wore was a bit bulky for him though it adds on his cuteness. Sofia stared in amazement until the boy draw close to her and smiled.

  “Sorry about earlier. I can’t stop but growled at you. I was still on mastering my shape-shifting techniques,” the boy finished with a smile. “Raven is my name. It was given my master.”

  Sofia smiled. “A white wolf with a Raven name? Your master is quite peculiar.” Raven pulled a face. “Where is your master anyway?” Sofia asked, sitting on a huge stone on the corner.

  “I am afraid he was in front of you, my lady.” The young boy answered, referring to the hooded man on her front. The kid giggled childishly. Sofia turned to the young man and whistled softly in a joyous tune as she circled her eyes. “I’m Sofia anyway. Sofia Lockheart.” She offered her hand for a shake but the child just stare at her in a quizzical brow.

  “Can I call you, Fie?” the child asked, ignoring her hand.

  She nod, putting her hand down. “Sure. But in exchange, I’ll call you Whitey?”

  The young man who was listening in silence, smirked behind his hood. Whitey? What an awful name. She was worst from what he expected. In some way, he had a doubt if the ring that the Old Wizard gave him really works. Sofia knit her brow. Is he smirking? He turned away when she caught him.

  Raven, after a moment said in a hesitant way, “U-Ugh. All right then.”

  “We have to move. It was still a long way to go,” he snapped and continued on their way. Raven quickly followed his master. Sofia tried to stand but she felt her legs trembled. She felt her knee quivered on a single step and stumbled on the ground. Raven noticed her and hurriedly went to her.

  “I’m alright. I just tripped.” She said and forced to smile in spite of pain.

  Raven noticed the sore on her heel. “Master!” the boy called-out for his master’s assistance. The young man turned back and went near them. He knelt down on one knee to check over her. Sofia shook her head and hide the swollen heel.

  “I’m okay. It’s getting dark in a few hours. We should leave,” she said, trying to act like nothing but her knees failed her and fell down.

  He turned to her with annoyance. “You’re not helping. Show it to me.”

  Sofia made a face and showed her swollen heel. “Your ankle was broken,” he said, laying his hands over the injured part. It suddenly glowed and the redness disappeared along with the pain. “We should rest. Only the pain was gone but the wound was still there.” He help her sit on the stone. He glanced at her and walk away, gone in split seconds.

  The sun was now setting on the far west as the clouds changes its hue. She remembered how she watched the same scenery back on her world. The longing swept over her. Sofia begin to wonder about the things that she had left — Mrs. Wyndham, her friends, Vincent even her schoolbag. She let out a helpless sigh and searched for a certain face but it was none to be found.

  Raven noticed her and said, “If it was my master you seek, do not worry about him. He always disappeared without a word.”

  Sofia nod and smiled on the boy nearby. “Your world… It’s amazing.”

  “You mean the city before? It was Safehaven and this Kingdom was Lynabria. It was nice there, wasn’t it? But not all towns were like that,” the boy said.

  “What do you mean “not like that”?

  The boy let out a faint smile. “You’ll see.”

  Sofia smiled. “Your master might have taught you well. You speak like an old man.”

  “Indeed. He was my father…” Sofia frowned. “…my mother, my sister, my brother… He was my master,” Raven added. “I was the last one left from my kind, the Wolfspider. He protected, fed, and trained me.”

  She nodded as a sign of relief, thinking that person already had a son melted her heart in consternation. After all, he was not that vain as it may seem. “What was his name by the way?” she remembered to ask, turning her look on the boy who was now seated by her side.

  “His name was Chase. Ugh… well, that’s what everybody known him of.” Raven answered.

  “Does he really often talk?” Sofia inquired, touching her bruised heel gently.

  “A yes for that. My Master never talks a lot. We only knew a bit of him.” The child yawn. It seemed that he was also tired and sleepy as well.

  “Do you want to sleep here?” she asked offering her lap.

  The child shook his head. “Master Chase ordered me to protect you.”

  Sofia fairly laugh. The helpless boy will protect her? It should be the other way around. He’s too young and she was now turning to be a woman. “It’s alright. I’ll be fine. Sleep now… just a nap.”

  Raven looked around and sensed no danger. “You sure you’ll be fine, Fie?”

  She smiled and nod. The boy raised his feet over the stone and coiled on her side, his head resting on her lap. “You think he will come back for us?” she wondered, fondling the strands of Raven’s hair.

  “Yes. Master was out there, finding the best route to the Valley. I’m sure he will… and sure of that,” the boy guaranteed and came the silence. The sun was now setting at the peak of the Blue Mountains. It was getting darker and darker until only the graceful starlight could be seen on the gloomy sky above, peering at the leaves of the trees that shades them. Night birds began to sing their harmonic songs as they fluffed their wings on the branches of the trees nearby. The boy began to speak as he rubbed his teeny fingers over his sleepy eyes. “You know Fie, I just remember. You look like Lady Iris...”

  Knitting her brows, Sofia looked down to Raven and asked, “Iris?”

  The child let out a deep breathe. “She was Master Chase’s… “

  She waited for the last fragment of words but Raven was already asleep. Sofia just scratched her head, yearning for it to be heard. It does not feel good. She was so eager to know more about this mysterious, hooded young man that dragged her into this mystifying world. The arrogant man that had steal her wandering heart in just a matter of time. Then, she thought of Vincent… her first love maybe. Comparing them, they were both handsome, yet Chase was a bit stunning than the latter. Though, his neighbor was gentler in nature. Well, not anyone could have it all, she thought.

  Sofia was suddenly struck by a threatening movement and rustling of bush in a distant, caused by a dark, rough figure moving its way to her place. It was followed by an indistinct growl of some wild animal. She gulped in tense, wondering what causes that eerie sound. Sofia tried to wake Raven but the child was in deep sleep, snoring loudly. As a precaution, she gently lay down the child’s sleepy head on the stone as she sought for something that could use as a tool against some sort of threat that might be out for them. She then gathered all the stone that she could find, tugging a dried branch of tree that she could reached.

  The noise deepen and came out of a shadow a huge black wolf, twice larger than what Raven could shift to. Sofia instantly dropped the twig on her hand upon seeing the wild beasts at her face. Cold sweat run down her spine, look
ing up at the creature. She slowly grab the dropped twig at her feet, her look was still pinned on the creature for any possible movement of it. Taking a few steps towards her, the beast growl as loud as it can that made Sofia shiver with fear. Raven was awaken by the loud unpleasant noise and was shocked to see the beast before them.

  “Stay back, Whitey,” she warned, holding the twig on her hand tightly. “You’re no match for him.”

  Raven gulped and whispered. “Either your twig, Fie.”

  The creature vaulted high, attacking them with its sharp claws and pointed fangs that were hungry for a bite. The two shrieked in fear. In an instant, they smelled the scent of fragrant rosebud filling the air. Chase appeared at her side, faintly clothe in sparkling specks of claret dust. Grabbing her shoulders close to him, he gently raised his hand towards the beasts that soon laid petrified in the air. By the sway of his hand, the beasts fell hardly to the earth. It posed another attack but then halted staring its furious eyes to the man on her side. Sofia looked up and saw the young man’s eyes glowed from an icy blue one to firing red. It was frightening to look to. His eyes were filled with varied, elusive compassion and the sense of solitariness dwelt on them. She felt pity for him in some way she could not figure out to understand. Sofia turned away and pinned her sight on the beast. It lay still and whimpered in fear, leaving them behind in a haste. His eyes turned back to its usual shade, striking and cold.

  He looked back to his young apprentice. “What have I told you?” his voice were calm yet reprimanding in a way too apparent.

  Sofia defended the boy. “He was tired and fell asleep. I was the one who told him to.”

  “My deepest apology, Master Chase,” the boy said, bowing his head to his young master. “It will never happen again, I swear.”

  His master never breathe a word. He turned away, surveying the place for any probable danger. Sofia raised a brow mocking the young man beyond his knowledge. Raven just smiled in silence. He thinks, he was liking the young lady. Raven aided her back to the stone.

  Chase suddenly draw out his sword as a slender figure came running towards him from behind, arms open for a tight embrace. Flaire’s eyes widened as she found the gleaming blade on her throat, just before she could lay her arms over his waist. She draw back in swift motion, stomping her feet. Raven’s laugh echoed the place.

  “What was that for?” Flaire grumbled.

  Chase turned his eyes to the girl who was just as his age. Her pale tangerine hair was fastened by a huge, pretty ribbon on her head. Her eyes were bright and joyful even it was dark. She was Flaire Blaze. Bright colored skirt just above her knee fitted her with a beautiful collared sleeve as an upper garment. People here are somewhat fashionable, Sofia thought to herself.

  “You would never have a chance to lure my Master, witch,” Raven interrupted, making a face at Flaire.

  Flaire rolled her eyes, spinning her head back to the young man. “I have missed you, Chase. You, two have been gone for weeks. I am glad you’re here now. The Valley would be very pleased, for sure.”

  Raven and Chase frowned, taking quick glances on each other while Sofia listened to them in silence, puzzled. “Weeks you said?” Raven startled. It seems that they were gone in just a couple of minutes.

  “You heard it right. As a fact, Claw sent me saying you have arrived with a visitor.” Flaire turned to Sofia and continued, “It was her, I believe.”

  The child jumped down the rock. “She was Sofia Locker.” Sofia cleared her throat and corrected the boy, “It was Sofia Lockheart.”

  Flaire nod, grinned. “Flaire Blaze.” Sofia smiled in return. The night owl cooed in the branch of the broad tree near them. Flaire cautiously look in all direction, slightly shuddered. “Why it was so dark in here?” she asked. It could not be denied that she was afraid of the dark, yet she had found them in the midst of it all by herself. The young woman turned to the man on her side. “Will you make a fire for me?”

  Chase stretched his hand to her and make a creepy, blue fire image out of it. The young woman screamed in a high-pitch voice, jumping to her feet. “Chase Strife! You fool!” she snarled. “A worthy fire, will you!??” He smirked. A light, glowing fire set ablaze on the ground before them.

  The two on the side laughed until their stomach hurts. Flaire laughed with them. Their funny gestures made her lose her rage. The stars revealed their glorious light that night as the leaves of the trees danced by the soft gust of the night breeze.