Read Chase Page 6

Sofia wandered cheerfully on the bustling town of Pendragon. They had reached the place in no time and she was thankful of it. Flaire was with her as they roam from store after store. It looks like a wide, open bazaar where you could find all the things you need — fancy hats, dresses, footwear, old books with strange writings even weird looking apparels. Raven stayed by his master as they watched the two do their girl’s business. They feel at ease now that they were in the lair, the Hordes of Darkness would not be able to follow them through the barrier. After exploring the town, they continued on their way. They went uphill to where the known Wizard Claw dwell.

  After a long walk, they stopped in an old, almost devastated cabin near the hilltop. Sofia bent down to her knees, panting heavily. Her school uniform was soaked in sweat. She lift her head, resting her hands on her waist. The door suddenly creaked as it opens gradually for its visitors. Chase came in first, they followed him right after. It was pitch-black inside until a shimmering chandelier lit up. The house was awfully spacious as it does not seem to be that grand outside. Obviously, a wizard’s masterpiece. Numerous things were definitely waiting to astonish her in this new world, Sofia thought in silence.

  An elderly man with long, pale beard tied on the mid-end appeared before them in a form of silky, white smoke. He was wearing a white, lengthy sophisticated apparel. He smiled pleasantly and opened his arms for them, welcoming. “Pleasure to sheltered you in my humble house,” he said with a wide grin.

  Chase nod in response but does not breathe a word. Sofia smiled, bowing her head slightly. The two wave their hands gracefully with a smile on their faces. The old man draw forth, patting the young man on his shoulders. “It seemed that you have found The Hunter.”

  “We have found her easily.” Chase stated. “Just in time.”

  “It was delightful to have you back here,” the old man said in a low voice. “It’s been weeks since I have seen that valiant look in your eyes.”

  He kept his stern look. “We have gone for just hours.”

  Claw nodded, stroking the tip of his long beard. “Time have made a remarkable difference between the worlds, haven’t it? A day here was just a minute in them.”

  The old one turned to her and was gladdened. “So, it was you… The Blood of the Hunter dwells in your veins. That was a wonderful gift but such gift posed great danger.”

  Sofia frowned and spoke, “I have matters to ask you, Sir. How long should I stay here?”

  “Indeed. I am very much aware of that,” the Old Wizard denoted, throwing his look upon the rest. “We have matters to talk about. I will see you all in a couple of hours.”

  Raven waved his hands to Sofia and said, “Bye, Fie! Later then.” The boy let out a wide smile on its face. Chase cast a glance on her in silence and the three disappeared in an instance.

  The young lady and the Old Wizard went to the Archive Hall where the wizard spent most of his time making new potions and spells against the Hordes of Darkness that was trailing them at large. Claw twisted the weird-looking knob before them and the door burst open, revealing an odd, dark room. Strange sort of energy was surrounding it. They entered and the gilded, candelabra lighted up all of a sudden. Its silky, flickering light brought life to every corners of it. Ancient books, parcels, and scrolls filled the mounted, timeworn shelves on two of the four sides of the room. On one side stood the polished glass case beside an old grandfather clock that made the room danced to its every ticks. A deadlock binds the case as if it holds something valued enough to be sealed away. On one corner rest a sturdy, old table loaded with tons of cluttered manuscripts and an old-fashioned pen made of quill feather lies on its edge. The wind blow its breeze from an open window pane just beside it. A book left open had fallen on the floor, along with other documents underneath. At the other edge of the table was a slender candlestick that lit up as the wizard’s finger points to it.

  “Messy wasn’t it?” the wizard chuckled. Sofia draw out a smile of agreement, rolling her eyes over the place. Claw draw something in the air and all the stuff float, going to their proper places as they danced to the sway of the wizard’s hands. The room lay perfectly neat and tidy after. Sofia blinked her eyes. Awesome.

  “Now it was pleasing,” the Old Wizard glanced at her with a wide grin. He pulled his chair and sat on it. The chair slightly creaked on the flabbiness of the Old Wizard. Sofia raised her brow and silently smiled as she cleared her throat. The wizard throw a look on her and paused. “Oh, sorry to keep you on your feet,” Old Claw apologized. “This wizard is getting too old. Need of replacement eh? Unfortunately that boy never shown interest doing my stuff.” He sighed, waving his finger over his white-haired head. An elegant stool popped up on her side that made the young woman gasped. It was soft, fluffy to her touch and it was real!

  “I’ve seen so many questions in your eyes,” the Old Wizard started and Sofia turned to him in a sudden. Certainly, she had. Claw clasped his aged hands together, stared at her in a more serious mood and softly said, “Tell me what is it, child.”

  Sofia bent to sit on the magical chair. She sighed and began to speak, “It was so much that I can’t figure out what to ask you first.” The wizard nodded comprehensively. The girl grow up in a more diverged world, very far from them. He gave her some time and Sofia continued. “Why am I here? And these people, you … what were you people? What… t-this place—?” She had lost in confusion and turned away.

  Claw smiled and simply answered. “This was your home.” Sofia knitted her brow in a more puzzled way. Seeing how the young girl reacted, he began to enlighten her. “Let’s start this way. In the time when the sun shone its first magnificent rays upon this once beautiful and perfect world.” The Old Wizard paused, glanced back at Sofia who listened in silence. “There was once a powerful Archmage, the one that created this world. He divided it to three glorious Kingdoms — the Lynabria on the East which was led by King Trious, King Vladymir ruled the Etheria situated on the West and on the North lies Hesperia that was in the hands of King Belmonte. These Kingdoms dominated the world for centuries and beyond. Each had given a Gift — wonderful gift from the Sage. Etherians were called The Warriors for they were skilled on any form of warfare that no one could withstand them — The Gift of Glory. Lynabrians on the other hand, acquire the Gift of Knowledge that enables them to know what the future tells. Most of them were Seers and Hunters… that might be the reason why they were called The Heralds. The Gift of Illusion had been given to Hesperians that’s why they were inclined on doing potions and making chants. They were the Wizards and Witches of Ancient times.”

  “Your ancestors I guess,” the young woman interrupted. Old Claw nod in accordance to her. “Yes. Well said, child.” Then, he continued. “It had been fruitful days for the people as they live in harmony with nature and the Archmage on their side, but the Sage was growing old. He entrusted his sacred and powerful book to the Blue Bloods of Lynabrians. His silver sword had been granted to those of Etherian blood. But the Hesperian was left with nothing and the Archmage had been disappeared to this world. That was the day the twist of fate befallen upon the people, when King Belmonte grow envious of the other Kings that made him succumb to deep, dark forces. He seeks nothing but power and wisdom. The wretched king had become wicked that he killed the King of Etheria and his descendants, though some of them had escaped and live as a commoner despite the fear that was still embarked on their hearts.”

  Sofia broke again saying, “Why are you telling me those when it has nothing to do with me?”

  The wizard chortled. “How sure are you, my child?” He looked at her for a long moment and said, “You are the last bloodline of King Trious.” Sofia burst into laughter. That was the most absurd thing she had heard. The Old Wizard laughed with her and suddenly came into halt. “Listen child,” he said. “I never thought that what I’ve said would make you laugh but you think your ability to see things a normal human cannot was just a talent?”

  Sofia laid silent for a moment
. She began to think. And yes, the Old Wizard was right. She was getting the thought of believing him but what if this old man was just playing with her? Or if this was just a dream? Or a nightmare perhaps? She would surely lose her mind when she woke up. Was there no other option left but to believe? She let out a breath of confusion. She was sure. It was just a dream! Sofia stood abruptly and slammed her fist on the hard table with all her might. Silence echoed the hall as the Old Wizard shook his head in disbelief. The young girl wailed in pain after. “That might be really hurts,” Claw whispered, knitting his white brows. What an incredible girl, the Old One thought. A smile shone on his slump face. Nevertheless, he had a good feeling about it. There stood a chance and he somehow sees it. This young maiden could change that boy, or perhaps this hopeless world.