Read Chasing Nikki Page 14

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Where are you dragging me off to, Mr. Walker?” Nikki asked as she snuggled up closer. I loved the way her body brushed against mine as we bounced along the bumpy road in my truck.

  I slid my arm around her tighter, kissing the top of her head. “I’m taking you into the middle of the woods so I can have my evil way with you. Haven’t you figured that out already?”

  She laughed nervously as she stared around outside the vehicle. “I’m actually starting to believe you, I think.”

  I glanced down and caught her eye. “Would it be such an awful thing?” I cocked my eyebrow.

  She dropped her gaze and began toying with the bottom of her shirt. “I don’t know,” she hedged, and I felt bad for making her uncomfortable.

  “Relax. We aren’t far from the ranch house. In fact, when we stop, you’ll be able to see the house over that rise. It seems far because the road swings in a wide circle before it comes around again. It only took me fifteen minutes to walk from there to here the other day.”

  “Oh,” she replied, craning her neck in the direction I’d pointed. “Then why didn’t we walk?”

  “Because I had too much stuff to carry, and because everything is still a bit muddy after the freak rainstorm yesterday,” I explained as I pulled up underneath the giant cottonwoods and parked.

  “This is beautiful.” Nikki’s eyes were wide as she took in the creek running nearby and the tall grass blowing slightly in the spring breeze.

  “I thought so too. Grandpa had me helping him gather some of the horses, and I came across this place.”

  I slid from the truck and reached into the bed in the back, pulling out a blanket and a basket full of food. “I thought we could have a picnic.”

  She grinned widely. “You packed us a lunch?”

  “Oh, heck no. I wanted you to survive the date. My grandma made it.”

  Nikki giggled, and I handed the blanket to her so I could get the tarp I brought to go underneath it, in case the ground was still too wet.

  “You ready?” I asked with a smile.

  “Let’s do this.” She followed as I led the way to where the large branches of the trees intertwined heavily, creating a canopy of sorts that filtered the early May sunshine overhead.

  “Does this look good?” I set the basket down.

  She nodded. “It’s great!”

  I spread the small plastic and helped her lay the fluffy quilt over the top. We kicked our shoes off and settled into the center of our makeshift area.

  “So what did you bring to eat?” Nikki asked, trying to peer into the basket after I placed it in the middle and lifted the lid.

  “I have no idea, but there were good smells coming from the kitchen earlier, so it’s bound to be awesome.” I lifted a baggie with napkins, and a large plastic container. “Looks like fried chicken.”

  I passed it to Nikki while I got out a couple of plates and set them down. “And we have potato salad, as well as nacho flavored chips, and a container of mixed fruit.”

  “My mouth is watering,” she said, and her comment made mine do the same, for an entirely different reason.

  “I can help you with that, you know.” I captured her chin in my grasp and planted a kiss on her.

  She sighed, and I chuckled when her stomach growled loudly.

  “Okay, okay.” I released her. “I get the message. I’ll feed you first.”

  She blushed. “Sorry.”

  “Nothing to be sorry about.”

  We dished our food and dug in.

  “Mmm, this is so good,” Nikki groaned, mumbling over a mouthful of chicken.

  “And greasy,” I replied, handing her a napkin and taking one too. I found myself eating slowly, more intent on watching her, until she noticed my perusal.

  “What?” She lifted the napkin to wipe her face. “Did I miss something?”

  I shook my head. “Not at all. I just like how shiny your lips look while you’re eating that.”

  “Be serious,” she said, as she playfully pushed at my shoulder.

  “I am being serious.” I set my plate down before I tackled and tossed her back onto the blanket. “It’s totally inviting.”

  I leaned my head in real close to hers, until we were only a hairsbreadth apart. “Did you get enough to eat?” I searched her eyes and she nodded. “Good.” I closed the rest of the distance.

  Her lips parted in invitation, and I took full advantage, sinking my tongue deep inside her mouth—stroking and tangling in the sweetness I found there.

  “You taste so nice,” I said, leaving to kiss her cheek.

  “So do you.” She lifted her fingers to trace around my mouth.

  I captured one of them with my teeth and sucked on it gently, teasing the tip of it with my tongue as I held it. She shut her eyes and a small sound escaped her lips—lips I had to devour again and again, until I slid to explore other locations. I moved to the hollow of her throat, nipping at her collarbone as I passed to place soft caresses against the skin exposed by the neckline of her shirt.

  She arched against me, running her hands down my back, drawing me closer. Her light perfume filled my senses, driving me crazy with a desire for more.

  “Nikki,” I whispered, before sitting up slightly. My gaze moved down from her somewhat messy hair, to her swollen mouth, continuing to trail a path down her body, until it stopped where the hem of her shirt rested. It was pushed up a bit and revealing her belly button.

  I couldn’t resist and flashed a wicked look before I placed my lips there, feathering her with tiny, light pecks. She gasped in surprise, and a grin crossed my face. “You like that?” I spoke, blowing my warm breath over her.


  I barely heard the word. I noticed she was trembling, and faint goose bumps rose on her flesh.

  “Are you okay?” I looked up, seeing a moment of both fear and longing, followed by indecision, cross her features.

  An image of that jerk, Jeremy, attacking her flashed through my mind.

  I released a sigh and flopped over onto my side, propping my head up with my hand so I could continue to stare.

  She was breathing heavily, and glanced at me with heavily lidded eyes. “Why’d you stop?” she asked.

  “Because you’re nervous, and we can’t have that.” I took my finger and began tracing where my lips had just vacated on her stomach.

  “That feels good,” she said, relaxing backward, staring up into the trees above us.

  She started laughing.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Are you writing your name on my stomach?”

  “Wow, you’re really good. And yes, I am.” I leaned over and kissed her one more time there. “I want you to remember who this stomach belongs to.” I jumped to my feet and offered a hand, pulling her up.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck. “So, if my stomach belongs to you, then who does yours belong to?”

  “Careful now,” I warned. “You’re getting me all excited talking about body parts like this. Maybe we should save this discussion for our next make out session.”

  I rested my forehead on hers.

  “I’m getting you all excited. Sure I am.”

  I chuckled. “You have no idea. I’m trying to be a good kid here, and you keep pushing me to my limits.”

  She snorted and shoved away. “You’re a dork.”

  “Yep,” I replied, grabbing her back and kissed her again while I walked forward, until she was pressed against the side of my truck.

  We broke apart and watched each other for several seconds.

  She bit her lip and looked away for a moment.

  “What?” I asked.


  “Tell me.”


  “So there is something,” I goaded, and she exhaled in exasperation.

  “I was just going to say . . . I like you.”

  “I already knew that.” I smirked, but immediately no
ticed her crestfallen look. I dipped in next to her ear. “No worries, Nikki. I more than like you.” I quickly pecked her cheek again before she could respond, and then took her hand and dragged her away from the truck. “Come on. It’s time to throw some rocks.”

  “Rocks?” she questioned, completely flustered.

  “Yes. We’re moving on to stage two of the date—skipping rocks across the water.”

  “Okay,” she replied, drawing out the word like I was crazy, and I was beginning to think maybe I was. But it was time to cool down and keep things easy. I was determined to catch this girl and hang on to her.

  “So how have your cheer practices been going?”

  I bent to examine some of the stones by the water’s edge, and she did the same.

  “It’s been all right. We have a lot of new girls trying out to fill the spots the seniors are leaving.”

  “That’s good,” I replied even though I didn’t really know anything about cheerleading, but if it interested her, it interested me. “How long have you been doing it?”

  “Since junior high . . . for the school teams. I cheered for the local Pop Warner Football teams before that.”

  “Wow. So you’ve been at it for a while. I bet you’re awesome. I can’t wait to watch you.”

  She laughed. “Sure you can’t.”

  “I’m wounded you don’t think I’m serious.” I clasped my hand to my chest as my eyes drifted over the length of her. “Show me something right now.”

  “Not a chance.” She smiled, and a sweet blush stole across her face.

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know. Just because. It’s embarrassing.”

  “You do it in front of hundreds of people. It can’t be that bad.” I skipped a rock across the water and turned to look at her again.

  “It’s different with just you watching.”

  “I disagree. This is your biggest fan right here. I think that deserves a private showing, don’t you?”

  She turned and tossed her stone. We both laughed when it sank immediately.

  “Well, I suck at this.”

  I scanned the ground, finding and picking up a smooth flat rock.

  “Like this.” I turned her so her back was against my chest. I placed the rock in her hand, and curled mine over her fingers. “Now move this way, keeping the stone level with the water. And when you toss it, give it a little flick with your wrist.”

  I dropped my arm away, but continued to hold her. She did as I instructed and the rock skipped once this time before sinking.

  “See. You’re a natural.” I kissed the top of her head before moving my mouth down to feather more on her neck.

  She shifted to the side slightly, giving me better access, and I traced the area with the tip of my tongue. I felt her shudder and smiled against her skin. She tried to face me, but I kept her pinned in place, so she leaned back against my shoulder.

  “You taste nice,” I whispered in her ear before I nipped at her earlobe.

  “You’re the first person who’s ever said that to me,” she said with a quiet laugh.

  “Good,” I replied, and I meant it. I wanted to be the only one saying that kind of stuff to her. She was mine. “I think we should make our relationship exclusive.”

  “You mean we haven’t already?” She lifted her hand and rubbed it over my cheek. “I haven’t seen either of us chasing after anyone else.”

  “I know, but I want to put it out there. You know, make it for real.” I couldn’t believe how quickly she’d hooked me. I never remembered feeling this way about another girl.

  I loosened my hold on her so she could turn.

  “I’ll be your girlfriend, Chase, if it’s what you really want. I mean you have slept in my bed and everything. I guess we should make it official.” She bit back a grin.

  I tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “I want that too. To sleep in your bed for real—with you,” I added, emphasizing my meaning.

  She swallowed hard and cast her gaze away nervously before looking back. “I know you do.”

  “I’ll wait, you know. Until whenever you decide you’re ready.”

  “I’ve had guys tell me that before. It’s never true.” She stared at me with hurt, sad eyes that were almost my undoing.

  I placed my hands on either side of her face. “None of those guys were me, Nikki. I mean it. You’ll control that part of our relationship. Nothing will happen between us until you’re sure. And when you are, you’ll have to tell me. I won’t assume anything.”

  She nodded. “Okay.” She glanced down. “What if I’m never ready?”

  I grunted. “Then I guess I’ll have to become a priest or something.”

  She laughed. “Chase the priest? I don’t think that’s in the realm of possibilities.”

  “Why? Don’t I come off as the tiniest bit religious?”

  “Not really,” she replied, and I appreciated her honesty.

  “Well, you’re wrong. I know there’s got to be a God somewhere, because he sent you to me—right when I needed you most.”

  “Oh, Chase,” she whispered, moving to caress my face.

  I kissed her and vowed during every second of it I would keep my word, even as my body raged in protest over it all. It was so difficult to do. I wanted her. If I were to do what was best for us, I’d walk away from her this second and quit placing myself directly in front of the bus threatening to run me over.

  I did the opposite, though. I ran my hands down her back, cupping her hips and pressing her against me as our mouths explored each other. Her fingers tousled through my hair as she tried to pull me closer, and I ravaged her, unable to get enough as the fire she caused started storming through my veins. I didn’t want to stop, and she acted like she didn’t either, wrapping herself around me tighter.

  Groaning, I untangled myself and took a step away. I could hardly stand to look at her, seeing my desire mirrored in her eyes. All she had to do was say the words, and I’d sweep her off her feet and carry her over to the blanket.

  But the words didn’t come, as we both stared at each other, trying to slow our breathing.

  “Nikki, I apologize for cutting our picnic short, but I think I need to take you to the house. My mom wants to meet you.”

  I assumed she understood what I meant when she gave a nod. “Okay. I’d like that. She sounded very nice on the phone.”

  I smiled. “Mixed company would be a very good thing for us right now, I think.”

  We loaded our things and headed back. Halfway there she slid over and placed her hand on my knee. I stopped quickly and threw the truck into park—right there in the middle of the road—and attacked her mouth again. She let a squeal of surprise, but kissed me for several long moments until I wrenched away.

  “If you don’t want your first time to be right here in the front seat, I suggest you slide over there and stay there.” I pointed to the passenger side.

  She didn’t say a word but moved as I suggested, and neither of us spoke for the rest of the drive.