Read Chasing Nikki Page 16

Chapter Sixteen

  I had to stop myself from chuckling at the group of girls scattered across the gym floor facing the rest of the student body. I couldn’t remotely imagine how scary it must be to have a tryout in front of the entire school. There were definitely lots of kids who weren’t taking it seriously, and a handful were shouting catcalls to the participants.

  I didn’t really care, though, because I only had eyes for Nikki. She was dressed in a fitted white tee shirt and blue shorts which showed off her pretty curves and very shapely legs. I was positive I wasn’t the only guy watching her, and I wished I could pull the fire alarm so no one else had the pleasure of staring while she bounced around out there.

  The girls were rotating in sections, so each row had the chance to stand in the very front and be seen and judged. I waited for Nikki’s to come forward and do their cheer. Reaching between my knees, I grabbed the giant white poster I’d made, with the number ten written in big bold letters and held it up.

  Nikki noticed immediately and flushed a bright red. I chuckled, enjoying myself completely. Several students began looking and pointing at me, laughing. I didn’t care. Every time Nikki came forward, I flashed my sign, signaling my opinion clearly to the adult judging panel as well.

  Tryouts lasted about thirty minutes, and at the end we had to check off a sheet of paper with our favorite picks for the squad. I put three checks next to Nikki’s name and a couple next to her friends, Tana and Brittney too. They were both really good.

  We were released a little early for lunch, so I went out to my truck to wait for Nikki. I left the door open and turned the stereo on loudly while I watched people piling into cars and leaving. It wasn’t long before I saw her hurrying across the lot to join me, and I jumped out of the truck to meet her.

  “You were great, baby.” I smiled, pulling her against me.

  “Really? I was actually kind of flustered because you kept flashing that dang sign.” She wrapped her arms around me, hugging tightly, and I laughed.

  “Sorry. I didn’t think about that. I just wanted to make sure everyone there knew you were the best.”

  “Whatever, but, hey, I’m glad you thought so.” She popped up on her tiptoes to give me a kiss on the cheek. “Are you ready to eat?”

  “In a minute. Brett’s coming with us today, but he had to turn in a late assignment before he left so he wouldn’t get detention.”

  “I wish I’d have known. I would’ve invited Tana to go with us too.”

  “Tana? Why?”

  Nikki smiled. “You boys are so blind sometimes. She’s had a crush on him for ages.”

  I mulled over this new information. “That’s interesting.”

  “How come?”

  “Because I’ve been trying to get Brett to go out with her so we could double date. He said she dumped him in sixth grade. I got the impression the two were way through with each other.”

  Nikki shook her head. “Not Tana. She’s always liked him.”

  “Why’d she break up with him then?”

  “Her parents made her. They said she was too young to have a boyfriend.”

  “Ah, I see.” I brushed some of her hair back from her face and kissed her lightly. “Here he comes now. Maybe we should play matchmaker for them. What do you think?”

  She smiled widely and kissed me back. “I think that sounds fabulous.”

  By the time early weight training rolled around after school, I’d convinced Brett to ask Tana out. He seemed skeptical she still liked him, but I told him Nikki was positive. We’d set up a double date to the movie for the weekend to help take the awkwardness of the first date off them.

  The guys from the team were all gathering around the weight stands picking what they needed for the different equipment we were working on. Machines were clanking loudly by the time Coach Hardin walked in and blew his whistle to get our attention.

  “Welcome, boys. I’m happy to see so many of you here. I know we’ll get several more when the official practices start this summer, but I think this will help all of you gain an edge. I realize many of you are returning this year, but we have some new people here as well.” He looked pointedly at me before moving on. “I’m excited to see what some of you have to offer. We have several positions which have been vacated by the graduating seniors. We’ll be filling and shifting things around until we move like a well-oiled machine. Just because you played somewhere this year, doesn’t mean you’ll have that spot next year. The best man will get the starter positions, and you will be placed where we feel you’ll best serve the team. So until things are decided, work hard and run fast.”

  “Thanks, Coach,” someone said from the back of the room. The rest of us added our agreements and returned to what we’d been doing.

  Toward the end of the session, the coach blew his whistle again. “That’s good for today. I’d like to see the following guys before you leave today—Chad Thompson, Wes Miller, Brett Dodson, and Chase Walker.”

  I shot my eyebrows up in surprise as I glanced over at Brett in question.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know, but if I had to wager a guess, I’d say Coach is planning on taking you for a test run. Chad and Wes are running backs, and I’m the center.”

  Great, I thought. An impromptu try out for quarterback.

  I hadn’t been prepared for this, and I tried to calm my sudden flutter of nerves, reminding myself football was like breathing to me . . . second nature.

  After all the others had filtered from the room, my grandpa stepped through the door.

  “Warren, glad you could make it,” Coach Hardin said, extending his hand.

  “Wouldn’t miss it.” Grandpa sent a smile and a friendly wink my way.

  Coach Hardin turned to address those of us who remained. “Boys, I’d like to take you down to the field and have you run a few snaps and passing drills with Chase. We’re looking at him as a possible quarterback based on what Warren has told us about him, and some of his past statistics. I know it’s early for this, but we want to know what all of our options are this year. Is that okay with each of you?”

  “Sure thing, Coach,” Brett replied. “I’ve been anxious to see if my buddy here is for real, or all talk.” He punched me playfully on the shoulder.

  “Hey! Be careful. That’s my throwing arm.” I gave a fake wince as I rubbed it. “You probably killed my whole tryout now.”

  Brett laughed and rolled his eyes. “Whatever dude. I didn’t hit you that hard.”

  “You kids go on down to the field lockers, grab several footballs, and start warming up. Warren and I will join you in a couple of minutes.”

  The four of us took off, and I dug my cell from my pocket to message Nikki.

  Grandpa’s here. Coach wants 2 try me out with some field drills 2day. Text when I’m done. Probably won’t get 2 C U 2night.

  She replied right away. K. No worries. Good luck.

  Thx, I wrote back. Luv U.

  I hit send before I realized what I’d done.

  Damn, damn, damn. I told my girlfriend I loved her for the first time in a text. I hadn’t even meant to. It had seemed like the natural thing to say.

  My phone buzzed loudly in my hands, and I stared at the reply.

  Ummm . . . U luv me?

  “Chase? You gonna stand in the middle of the street all day, or are you gonna come do this?” Chad’s voice called, and I looked up to see the others way ahead.

  “I’m coming.” I hurried to catch up as I sent a reply.

  Sorry. Busy. Call U as soon as I’m able. I hit send and turned my phone off, feeling bad for leaving her hanging. I hoped to high heaven I’d be able to concentrate on what I needed to do now.

  “Who were you talking to?” Brett asked.

  “Nikki. Just telling her I’d be late tonight.”

  “Man, she’s got you on the ol’ ball and chain already, doesn’t she?” Wes hooted. “You sound like some old married guy.”

  I laughed it off with a shrug. “Fine
by me. I’m sure there could be a lot worse things in the world than being married to someone like Nikki.”

  Chad groaned. “Dude. You got it bad, bro.”

  “She’s great girl,” I said a bit defensively.

  “Back it down, Chase.” Brett said, giving me an elbow. “We’re just razzing you a bit. We think it’s cool the two of you hooked up. Don’t we guys?”

  “Sure. She’s a hot chick.”

  That only inflamed me more. I left and went out onto the field. Once I hit the center, I dropped all the balls I was carrying and flexed and stretched my arm.

  Brett picked one up. “You ready?”

  “Yep. Fire away.”

  Brett moved away a few yards and tossed me the ball. I caught it and threw it back—gradually increasing the distance between us until I was warm.

  “Nice steady pitches there, Chase,” Coach Hardin said as he and my grandpa arrived. “Let’s see how you do with a moving target, shall we? Brett, come hike for us.”

  The three boys lined up, and I took my place behind Brett several feet and called the snap. I caught it easily and watched as Chad and Wes took off running different routes.

  “To Wes,” Coach called, and I bombed it the long distance down the field.

  Wes turned with perfect timing and caught the ball easily.

  “Good job. Run it again.”

  We set up once more, but this time coach directed me to throw to Chad who was farther downfield. I was completely locked in, easily judging the speed of my future teammate, and I threw the ball.

  Chad reached out and caught it, turning to run toward the end zone.

  Coach blew the whistle. “Do you feel comfortable enough to try out receiving too?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  “Okay. Let’s try that now.”

  This time Wes took the snap, and I ran the route. He threw his pass, which was slightly wobbly, but accurate. It was a little high, but I was able to jump up and catch it.

  “Do it again, but this time, Chad you defend, and try to cause pass interference.”

  We took off once more, and Chad ran good defense, managing to tip the pass as it came, causing the ball to change course. I had to dive across the grass to get it, but still managed to do so before it hit the ground.

  Coach called us back again. “Great grab, Chase. Now I want you to quarterback again and throw to Wes. Chad I want you to play defense and try to get him. Brett you’re the lineman defending your quarterback.”

  Brett hiked the ball, and I rolled back. Chad clashed with him while he tried breaking by to get to me. I waited for Wes to hit his position and threw the ball right before Chad reached me, wrapping me up and swinging me around.

  The ball hit Wes perfectly, and he turned to run toward the end zone.

  Coach blew his whistle again and brought us together. “Thanks for helping me out boys. I think I’ve seen enough for today. Gather these things up and put them away. Then you can take off.”

  “That was a blast,” Brett said as we picked up the scattered footballs. “I can’t wait for the season to start again.”

  I felt the same excitement coursing through me. I’d loved playing football from the time I was in peewee leagues as a kid. I liked to play all sports, but football was my thing. I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed it lately.

  My thoughts drifted to images of my dad standing on all those sidelines cheering for me, and I felt a heaviness settle over my heart.

  “You okay? You seem kind of sad for a guy who just impressed the head coach.” Brett studied me with a worried look.

  “I’m alright,” I said with a sigh. “I was thinking it’s gonna be weird not having my dad here with me this year. He used to help coach my teams as a volunteer. I’m used to seeing him there, giving me instructions and pep talks when I needed it.”

  Brett didn’t say anything for a moment, casting his gaze around the field before speaking. “That guy will be on the sidelines for you now, if you let him.” He pointed to my grandpa. “He’s done nothing but sing your praises. I’ll be there with you too, and so will Nikki. I know we won’t take the spot of your dad, but you have friends if you want them.” He shuffled some of the balls he was carrying and clapped me on the shoulder before he continued on toward the field house.

  I stood there staring after him, letting his words sink in. He was right. No one could replace my dad, but there were others waiting in the wings for me, if I’d let them in. I didn’t have to be alone if I didn’t want to be. I’d withdrawn from everyone to nurse my hurts by myself. Nikki had shown me it didn’t have to be that way. Could I start trusting other people too?

  “Brett. Wait up.” I hurried to catch up. “Wanna come to dinner at my house tonight? Grandma’s making steak and potatoes.”

  “Steak?” Chad’s head popped up. “Am I invited?”

  “Sure.” I grinned. “You can all come. Just let me ask my grandma and make sure it’s okay with her. If not, we’ll go pick up some burgers for everyone on the way.”

  I called home, and she actually sounded excited to have the guys over, insisting there was plenty for everyone. I thanked her for the impromptu dinner party and hung up.

  “She says come on over.”

  “Sweet. Let me call my mom,” Wes said, digging out his phone.

  “Okay. I’ll go tell my grandpa what the plan is.”

  I left the locker room and headed to where he was still visiting with Coach Hardin on the field.

  “Good job today, Chase,” Coach said as I approached. “I’m very excited to have you on the team. I think you’ll be a great addition.”

  “Thanks for giving me the opportunity to try out as your quarterback too. I’ll do my best wherever you want to put me, though. I just want to play.”

  Coach looked me over for a second before he turned to my grandpa. “Great kid you got here, Warren. Thanks again for coming out.” He patted me on the shoulder as he walked past. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight, Jeff,” Grandpa said before glancing at me, a grin spreading across his face. “He’s impressed. You did well.”

  I shrugged as if it were no big deal. “It was fun. Made me excited for the season.”

  “Me too.” Grandpa chuckled. “I enjoy working with these boys. They’re a good group.”

  “Well, I really like everyone I’ve met so far.”

  Except for Jeremy Winters, I added mentally, but there was no point in bringing that up right now, since he wasn’t going to be here anymore.

  “I’m glad you’re starting to make some good friends.”

  “Speaking of that, I called Grandma, and she said it was okay with her if I brought these guys over for dinner tonight. Is that cool with you?”

  Grandpa chuckled. “Yeah, it’s cool with me. Let’s go home.”

  “I’ll meet you there shortly—there’s one little pit stop I need to make on the way.”

  “Let me guess . . . Nikki’s house?”

  I nodded. “I’ll only be a minute, but I need to talk to her about something.”

  “Well, hurry up. You don’t want to keep your guests waiting.”

  “I will. Thanks, Grandpa.” I ran off the field, pausing to tell the guys to go on ahead and follow Grandpa home, I’d be there as soon as possible.