Read Chasing Perfection: Vol. I Page 10

  In both meetings, I introduced myself and then presented them with their auditions. When Cami squealed with delight and launched herself from her chair to hug me, I felt a lot better about my work. I didn't expect the same reaction from Lena, and while I didn't get a squeal and a hug, Lena did thank me profusely, telling me that she'd just about given up hope of ever getting another job.

  By the time Lena left, I was on cloud nine. Part of me wished the front walls to my office weren't glass, because I would've done a happy dance right there. As it was, I couldn't stop from grinning.

  “I'm guessing that smile on your face means that things went well,” Tracy said as she came into my office with a small box of what I assumed were manuscripts. She set them on the edge of my desk, next to the slowly dwindling pile already there.

  “They were both excited about the auditions,” I said as I sat back down behind my desk. “I was worried they wouldn't think the parts were big enough or they'd be mad that I couldn't just get them a role.”

  Tracy gave me the smile I'd come to know meant I'd shown my ignorance of the industry. “Trust me, even the big name stars have to at least do a read through for a studio quite often. Getting them each three auditions after only having their files for a week, and none of the parts were commercials...that's a big deal. Not many of our agents could manage that.”

  As Tracy left, the first thought that came to me was that I couldn't wait to tell Carrie. And then I remembered that Carrie was settling into her new job and her new place just as much as I was. She was probably busy right now. If I'd been in New York, I would've just called and told her to meet me for lunch so we could share stories. A pang of homesickness went through me.

  I needed to do something to celebrate or I was just going to keep thinking about how I wished I could tell Carrie about how good things had gone. I glanced at the clock. It was almost time for lunch. That would be my treat, I decided. I would go back to that amazing restaurant in Sunset Plaza. The weather was beautiful. Having a salad and sandwich on the patio would be a perfect way to reward myself for a job well done.

  I was looking over the menu when I heard someone say my name. I looked up and saw the last person I wanted to see at the moment.

  “Krissy, I've been trying to get ahold of you.”

  I was about to ask Taylor if he was stalking me, but then I realized that he was wearing a uniform. He wasn't staking the place out, hoping I'd come for lunch. He worked here.

  “Look, Taylor, I just want my lunch.” All of the good feelings I'd had about my morning evaporated. I didn't want a reminder of what DeVon had done.

  “Please, Krissy, let me explain,” he pleaded. His blue eyes were wide and sad. I couldn't say no.

  “You've got two minutes,” I said.

  “DeVon promised that Mirage would sign me, take me on as a client if I took the role, but now he won't even talk to me. And he did more than ignoring me. He must have made some calls or something because I can't get anything now, not even as an extra in a cheap commercial.”

  I gave him an expectant look, waiting for him to finish. I felt bad that DeVon had screwed up his career, but I couldn't forgive him for the part he'd played in the deception.

  “Look, Krissy,” he continued. “You have to understand that it was a part I was told to play, but when I met you...what I feel for you is real. I was just supposed to flirt and see if you took the bait, but I fell for you. I was a total shit-head for doing this to you, and I understand if you never want to speak to me again, but I needed you to know that, past those first few minutes, I wasn't acting. I really wanted to be with you.”

  I wasn't entirely sure how to respond to this announcement, so I didn't say anything. Something dark passed over Taylor's face and he started to turn away.

  “I'll get someone to swap tables.”

  “Wait!” I blurted out the word. “It's okay.”

  He turned back towards me, a cautious hope in his eyes.

  “I understand why you did it.” And I did. He was doing a job. He didn't know DeVon's full plan, and he hadn't known me. I couldn't say I wouldn't have done the same thing if I'd been in his place.

  “So we're okay?” he asked.

  I smiled. That sweet guy I'd first been attracted to was the real Taylor. I was sure of it. What I'd disliked about him had been how pushy he'd been, not taking 'no' for an answer. That could all be explained away by DeVon’s instructions.

  “We're very okay,” I said.

  As I gave him my order, an idea popped into my mind. It was perfect because it'd piss DeVon off to no end, getting some vengeance for me and Taylor, and it would be fun. Taylor was hot and liked to have fun, the perfect guy for me to invite to DeVon's party this weekend. Taylor would get the chance to meet with Hollywood big-wigs and DeVon couldn't do anything at the party without looking petty or like he didn't know what his protege was doing. Plus, it'd be nice to see him off balance for once, because there was no way he'd ever guess I'd bring the guy he'd used to deceive me. And since Taylor wasn’t a client of Mirage after all, I wasn’t breaking any rules.

  “Taylor.” I gave him my most charming smile. “How would you like to come to a party with me tonight?”

  Chapter 18

  Tracy had given me the keys to a different BMW and I actually liked this one better. A little bigger than the other one, it had a more elegant feel. I was definitely leaning towards buying this model for myself. I'd never been a woman who was impressed by flashy cars, but I did like driving this one.

  I left my hotel room with plenty of time to get to Taylor's house, giving me the opportunity to scope out apartments on his side of the city. I still hadn't found one I liked yet. The moving van with my things had broken an axle in Nebraska, so it wouldn't arrive until Monday – they were knocking a third of my bill off so I wasn't going to complain – and I planned on spending the weekend looking for a place. I wasn't quite sure what I was looking for, but I'd know it when I saw it.

  Taylor was waiting outside when I pulled up and he was looking very nice in his black suit and tie. I'd done as DeVon had asked and gone with something other than black. I'd been tempted to have Carrie ship me my green 'ribbon' dress just to see what reaction I could get out of DeVon, but I'd decided against it. I still needed to seem professional. My dress had a modest enough neckline and hemline to be considered professional, but hugged my curves enough to draw admiration. Its emerald color was a nice contrast with my skin-tone.

  “You look amazing,” Taylor said as he climbed into the passenger's side of the car.

  “So do you.” I smiled at him before starting back down the road. I hadn't been paying close attention the last time I'd gone to DeVon's, so I concentrated on following my GPS, making small talk until we reached the house.

  If Taylor was surprised to see where we were, he didn't show it. Instead, he hurried around to my side of the car to open the door and help me out. I handed off the keys to the valet and slipped my arm through Taylor's before heading up through the gates.

  DeVon was standing near the entrance and his eyes met mine. His gaze flickered over my outfit and I saw approval for a split second before he registered who was standing at my side. Mister Big-Shot actually faltered, his face hardening. His mouth flattened into a thin line and I saw the anger flash across his eyes. All of this happened in just a few seconds, and no one who wasn't watching him closely would've seen it.

  Before anyone else could notice, he had his professional smile on again and was coming towards Taylor and me.

  “Krissy, Taylor.” He held out his hand, first to me and then to Taylor. “Good of you to come.”

  “Thank you for the invitation.” I kept my voice cool and polite, immediately returning my arm to Taylor's once the hand-shaking was done.

  “Jason,” DeVon called over his shoulder without taking his eyes off of me.

  I wanted to squirm under that gaze. I'd had men look at me before and had known that they wanted me, but there was something differe
nt about what I was sensing from DeVon, and I couldn't quite place my finger on it. I liked it, though, and I hated myself for liking it.

  Fortunately, I didn't have to suffer through it for much longer because a handsome man with dark hair and a winning smile was holding out his hand to me.

  “Jason Cooke, meet Krissy Jensen, the newest employee of Mirage Talent and the reason you have a sit-down with Jake Morris on Tuesday.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Jason said.

  “You, too,” I replied.

  “Krissy here is going to make sure Jake keeps his promise.” DeVon gave me a pointed look and I knew exactly what he was saying.

  I was going to have to keep flirting with Jake. I nodded to let DeVon know that I understood. He motioned with his head and I followed the direction. Jake was standing with a couple men in suits and hadn't yet noticed I was there.

  I looked up at Taylor and he nodded. I was suddenly glad I'd brought him. He understood that I couldn't act like we were there together. I had to be available, even if I'd never cross that line with Jake. Taylor knew how the game was played and I was learning fast.

  “Mingle,” I said softly. “Make connections while I work.”

  He nodded and released my arm, giving my hand a quick squeeze before he headed off in a direction opposite Jake. I put on my best sultry smile and made my way over to the executive.

  “Krissy!” He sounded pleased to see me. “You're looking exceptionally lovely this evening.”

  “Not so bad yourself,” I said as I accepted his kiss on the cheek. “I was just talking to Jason Cooke and he's looking forward to speaking with you on Tuesday.”

  Jake laughed. “Listen to her, gentleman. Business, business.”

  The other men chuckled, two of them giving me an appreciative once over. The way the other one was checking out Jason told me that it wasn't the dress he didn't like.

  “Always business before pleasure,” I teased. “But now that's out of the way, which of you gentlemen are going to get me a drink?”

  I was surprised at how easy it was to work the room. I was used to the flirting without promising follow-through, keeping it teasing but never stepping over that line into purely sexual, but these weren't men at a club looking for some hot twenty-something to take home. I hadn't been sure I'd be able to pull this off for a second time, but it wasn't much different than what I'd done before.

  I made subtle innuendos, kept my remarks light and teasing. I used gestures to draw attention to my mouth and body without being overtly sexual. I didn't touch Jake, but I'd get close, letting my hand rest near his arm without actual contact, and when he tried to touch me, I'd playfully laugh it off. I'd gotten my glass of champagne, but had only sipped at it, needing to stay clear-headed. I had to read every minute expression on Jake's face, make sure I wasn't teasing too much that he'd get angry when he realized I wasn't going to sleep with him, but that I was stroking his ego enough to keep his attention.

  When he asked me to dance, I agreed but kept just out of reach as I led the way to the dance floor. Taylor was already there, dancing with a pretty blonde I'd seen on a toothpaste commercial. We shared, alternating between me dancing with Jake, with Taylor and then the blonde and I dancing together. She and I weren't as comfortable as Carrie and I were, but it was enough to keep Jake's attention on us. I was able to play it as a tease with both the woman and Taylor, then claim I needed a drink when Jake tried to take over. I had to make sure I stayed in control of the situation.

  When a buxom brunette captured his attention a quarter of an hour later, I politely excused myself. I'd been talking and joking for over two hours and needed some air, but I didn't want it alone. I found Taylor finishing a conversation with a woman I recognized as a character on a drama I watched from time to time. She smiled at me as I grabbed Taylor's hand and pulled him towards the back patio.

  It was quieter out here. No one milling around, looking for drinks or kissing ass. This was nice. The breeze was still warm and I knew back in New York, the nights would be starting to cool off as autumn approached. I'd never been anywhere that didn't have definite seasons. Being warm in LA when it was snowing back east was going to be strange.

  “Everything okay?” Taylor asked.

  I smiled at him. “Fine. I was just thinking about how different LA is than New York or Chicago.”

  Taylor nodded. “I get it. My first winter out here, I kept waiting to wake up to snow covering the ground.”

  “Does it ever stop being weird?” I asked.

  He grinned. “This is Hollywood, what do you think?”

  I laughed, a genuine one instead of the mostly fake ones I'd been using all night.

  “I'm really glad you invited me tonight,” Taylor said, his tone becoming serious. “And not just because it annoyed DeVon to see me here after he's been trying to ignore me.”

  “Well, I'm really glad you came.” The corners of my mouth tipped up in a half-smile. “And not just because bringing you was a good way to get back at DeVon for using you against me.”

  “So,” Taylor said slowly. “We're both glad to be together because we actually like being together?”

  I nodded, feeling the air between us shift. I had a choice to make here. I could diffuse the tension and friend-zone him, or I could give in to the physical attraction I'd had towards him from the first moment I saw him.

  He stepped in front of me and slid his hand around the back of my neck, and I knew if I was going to pull away, this was the time to do it.

  I let him pull me forward to meet his mouth. I pushed aside any doubts or questions I had and let myself lean into the kiss. My hands slid under his jacket to feel his hard chest and stomach beneath his thin dress shirt as his tongue teased at my mouth. I parted my lips, expecting him to immediately plunge inside, but he surprised me, letting his tongue trace my lips, first the outside, then the inside. I could feel his restraint, his muscles flexing and twitching beneath my palms as he forced himself to keep it slow.

  I ran my hands up to his neck, my fingers playing with the short hair at the base. I slid my tongue alongside his, drawing it deeper into my mouth. He groaned, and the hand on the back of my neck slid down to my ass. I pressed myself closer to him, enjoying the feel of his hard body against mine.

  The hand not on my ass slid up my hip to the side of my breast and I reluctantly pulled back. Taylor's face was flushed and we were both panting as we took a step back.

  “I think we should call it a night,” I said when I finally got back enough breath to speak. “I'll take you home.”

  Taylor's eyes were a much deeper blue when he looked at me, full of the desire I'd felt in his kiss. He nodded. “That's probably a good idea.”

  Chapter 19


  The petite blonde in front of me with the baby blue eyes and tiny dress was one of Mirage's most promising stars. Or at least that's how Kelsee Hawkey had been trying to sell it to me all night. She'd also made it very clear that she was willing to do anything to get ahead.

  Granted, she was a little younger than my usual conquests, barely over twenty, but she was smoking hot and willing as hell. I should've been setting her up for the kill, but instead, I was barely paying attention to what she was saying and kept stealing glances at Krissy and Jake.

  I told myself it was because I was her boss and I needed to make sure she was doing her job. The only problem with that was the better she did her job, the more it annoyed me. I was pleased she was capturing his attention, giving just enough to keep Jake interested but not so much that she was throwing herself at him. She was as good as I'd hoped.

  When she'd first shown up with Taylor – just the thought of him made me clench my jaw – I was pissed. I knew why she'd done it. He'd obviously told her a sob story about how I'd been avoiding his calls and she'd decided to bring him as payback for how I'd deceived her. Once I'd gotten over the initial annoyance at seeing the two of them together, I'd seen the good in it. I could respect her trying
to show me up. She certainly knew how to play the game. The fact that she'd been willing to pretend to overlook Taylor's part in the whole thing just to get back at me showed so much promise. Between that and her skillful maneuvering of Jake, I could see that she was going to be a huge asset to my company.

  As Krissy moved into her second hour of laughing at Jake's jokes, I tried to focus my attention on Kelsee. I ran my gaze over her, undressing her with my eyes, though there wasn't much to take off. Her nipples were visible through her thin dress, confirming my previous suspicions that she wasn't wearing a bra. I approved of her choice. Her tits were smaller than...some other women's, but they were firm and high, perky enough that she didn't need any extra support. I hadn't noticed a pantyline and wondered if she'd forgone those as well.