Read Chasing the Jewelled Throne Page 31

  Chapter 31; Freeing Taurus

  Arin held up his hands for silence, turned and talked into the cameras to the population watching the ceremonies through out the Empires, "The time has come for a rebuilding. A choice must be made. All troops are to be sent home for the vote to be held one month from today. If you are not on your home planet, go to any government office to vote by computer to be counted on any planet that you designate as your home. "

  "The issue to be decided is whether every planet wishes to send delegates to the new Senate, to form a New Union and a New Planetorial Senate, or even, for each planet to go on alone and remain independent. The wishes of each planet and system will be honored expressly as voted.

  If you choose independence, you will be allowed to go in peace. We are brothers. We will fight no more. Thank you." Finishing his speech, Arin kicked the broken sword off of the dais and lead the Council back to their ships for their return journeys home.

  People were milling about, thinking the fun was over. To everyone’s surprise, Kirzon Delft shimmered into view standing right next to Arin. He held a golden sword at ready, “Mighty fine speech, there, Menzi…”

  “Thank you, Kirzon,” Arin replied coolly, drawing his own sword. People drew back, aware of the danger these two men presented. Baraz drew a short sword from his jacket and moved himself to cover Mara and Siri.

  Arin just watched his final opponent quietly. He saw no guns. He remained confident. He had been forced to become quite the hand to hand fighter during his years in prison. He was forever being challenged as he took more and more people into his protection from the desperate characters always trying to get an extra ration or a better blanket.

  Kirzon had never been to prison, he could not have known the vein of pure steel that had been forged in Arin’s spine by those horrible years. Arin had also studied the Tal Ash weapons free fighting style of the Taurian holy men. Siri and some of the other Taurian people had taught classes in the prison. As a free born woman, she was allowed to study with her brothers and was quite skilled.

  Kirzon waved his curved blade back and forth as he began the standard circle of combat. As a Naval Academy student, he had been captain of the Dragoons, the sword fighting squadron. He had fought many times over the years, but never for the fate of all.

  He made his opening move. Had Arin been an ordinary sailor trained only with a Dragoon’s skills, he might have met his fate that afternoon. In Arin’s skilled eyes, he saw the move start in Kirzon’s eyes, then in his feet, then in his back, finally in the motion of his arm and chest. All of his Tal Ash training broke free. He appeared to barely move at all.

  As Kirzon thrashed about, cleaving the air in mighty strokes. Arin used his balance and fitness to best advantage. If Kirzon’s sword got too close, Arin’s blade merely flicked it aside. Finally, he had his end game move in place. While parrying an over head stroke, he shifted his weight completely to his back foot. He kicked his front foot past Kirzon’s front foot, then quickly lashed his flying foot backwards. His lightning move caught Kirzon’s heel and pitched him onto his back.

  In a tournament, this would have been a foul. Kirzon bellowed, “Bad form, old chap.”

  Arin merely smiled. He was looking down at his fallen foe, standing on Kirzon’s sword arm, “This is not a tournament. There fore, you, sir, are under arrest.”

  Royal Guardians pressed forward and took Kirzon into custody. The people applauded at the good show. Arin’s reputation sky rocketed as his kool dispatch of the sword wielding pirate was shown over and over on the newsies. Arin was glad that Taurus was now free.

  Siri was shown all over the newsies as well. There were stills and vidz of her standing off to the side guarded by Lord Baraz. She was calmly rubbing the life in her belly as she watched the fight.. She was clearly proud of her husband and his of his masterful use of the Tal Ash fighting techniques. Again, she had saved his life as he had hers.

  When the screaming and fighting Tyrant of Taurus was hauled off, Arin returned to the mike. “With the arrest of the pirate, Kirzon Delpht, all of his stolen territories are forfeit to the Crown and will be subject to the same vote as the other free citizens of the old empire.

  With that, the official work of the surrender continued. One by one, the old War Lords kissed his ring and forfeited their lands and their ships. When it was done, all the parties were dispersed to their tasks. Kirzon was jumped to prison on Arth. Keeth’s family and his troops and their families were jumped to Dagaz IV where they began the process preparing for their exile. Over the next three weeks people kept pouring into Dagaz IV. Most of the population of old Arth was there, rebel Senators and their families and the Navy and their families.

  Each Rebel family was given land and equipment under the Home Stead Rules. The difference was that these families could not quit and return home like some colonists could in the older days. They must remain here for ten years. If they could create a viable community, they might be deemed to be rehabilitated and brought back into the Commonwealth as a full member planet.