Read Chasing the Red Queen Page 19

  A shudder of some intensity rocked her from head to toe. Ripped to a reality she was not ready to accept, she peeled herself away from Torin, horrified eyes locked on the couple.

  This is wrong…terribly wrong, we’re just a body to be used, fed on.

  Torin followed her gaze, then scooped her into his arms and headed across the dance floor to a glass door, which didn’t open easily, so he kicked it wide with his foot. It opened begrudgingly and then he marched onto an enclosed terrace. He marched down a stone path that curved beyond a fountain, before unfolding into a beautiful garden. Finding an ornate bench beside a fish pond, he sat down in the shimmering glow of solar lights. He pulled her into his lap. He caressed her hair, rocking her back and forth.

  Donja, who just moments ago, thought she was brave and even offered her soul to the devil, felt her facade crumble. She pulled her hands under her chin, closed her eyes and buried her face to his chest. The battle of her mind, Iridescents, fangs, Becky’s murder, death to her family, blood and gore, it all came crashing upon her, the story book romance fading to a brutal reality. She fought her tears.

  I can’t do this. I thought I could, but I can’t.

  “I’m sorry you had to see that,” he whispered, stroking her hair, “but please, listen, it’s not what you think. It’s natural, as natural as a kiss. It’s love Donja, my kind of love, it’s sharing, and it’s not forced…but desired.”


  She grimaced.

  How could a bite be desired? I would have to be mindless and that’s where you’re taking me, isn’t it? Your incredible good looks, your voice, those hypnotic eyes, luring me in, making me think it’s love when really…I’m just being used for my blood.

  Her heart battled her mind. She wanted him, desired him but she was scared. This might be wrong…very, very wrong.

  She began to sob and she felt him tense. He held her tight, caressing her hair and she could feel his corded muscles contracting as he rocked her. Later, with time a blur she found a bit of composure and wiped at her face.

  “Better now?” he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

  “I think so, this is just overwhelming, and I’m so confused. It’s so hard to have everything you’ve believed your entire life suddenly ripped away in forty-eight hours.” She sat up in his lap as the storm within in her dissipated.

  He pitched back, watching her with tears still shimmering in her eyes. “I would never hurt you.”

  “Maybe not, but I’m scared, Torin. I feel trapped and though I know what must be done to save myself and my family, I’m terrified.”

  He wiped at her face. “I’m sorry, but it can’t be changed, and I…” he paused, “lied.”

  “Lied?” she whispered hauntingly.

  “Yes, I led you to believe you had a choice in this, but you don’t. I must have you, Donja, your scent resides within me, the taste of your skin, and I need you—like the air that I breathe, I fought it, I really tried,” he whispered, his mysterious eyes revealing an inner conflict. He shuddered, violently.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, believe me it’s right, but more than that, it’s shocking to hear from my own mouth.”


  “That I need you. I’ve waited so long,” he whispered, his dark eyes sparkling, “and to be honest, I’m afraid to say…I’m scared.”

  “You’re scared?” she whispered, staring into his eyes.

  “Yes, terrified of getting what’s left of my heart, shattered.”

  “Are you saying that you need me, not just for a child, but for me?”

  “Yes, just for your heart, nothing more. “There, I’ve said it again, said what I never thought I would. I need you, Donja.”

  “But you just met me. How can you know that?”

  “I’ve known you forever…I just couldn’t find you.” He wiped at her cheek, smoothing her hair and then he moved in, with the overhead orb illuminating his face and softly brushed her lips. He pulled back and they shared a look. Donja blinked, an intense warmth teasing her senses. She held her breath as if terrified of losing the moment, then finally exhaled, her heartbeat pounding her temples. He didn’t move, he just sat there.

  She raised her hand and with her fingers, caressed his beard, so soft, so masculine. A moan escaped her and with fluttering eyes she imagined it brushing her skin. She trailed a finger to his mustache, gently tracing the dark line that framed his curvaceous lips. She felt herself gravitating, something in his eyes, something more powerful than before and though part of her screamed of danger, an even bigger part of her no longer cared. She kissed him gently, the feel of his lips, soft and sensuous. She felt his hands on her shoulders, caution thrown to the wind as she kissed him again, then pulled back shaking with desire. She searched his face for resistance, but none existed. She searched harder and everything about him, every detail pulled her in. She kissed him harder, melting upon him. She felt him tremble and as his lips parted and she tasted him, her hands found his face.

  He shuddered, then moaned in her mouth as if a little was not enough. His hands found her waist. He tightened his grip, his tongue like liquid fire as he cupped her hips, pulling her tighter.

  Her body blazed with an intense yearning so powerful, that she tangled her fingers in his hair, meeting him stroke for stroke. Her breaths came in hurried pants, the extreme warmth of his skin fusing their bodies.

  Suddenly, he pulled back, peeling her hands from his hair. “Look at me,” he said. You’ve got me on fire and I can no longer control what I am.”

  She opened her eyes, then froze in awe of his transformation.

  “This is the real me,” he said, his voice innately deeper. “This is the part of me that needs your blood, it’s what I am…a beast.”

  Donja dropped her head.

  “Look at me,” he growled. “I’m a Predator, Donja…a deadly Iridescent predator.”

  Donja raised her head. “I don’t believe that…you’re not evil.”

  “But I could be, I’m inches away from it right now.”

  “I don’t understand,” she whispered.

  “Just look at you,” he groaned with trembling lips, “innocent eyes beneath those sweeping lashes, welcoming me in.”

  Donja’s eyes narrowed, her heart stampeding.

  “You won’t—”

  “Are you sure?” he snapped. “This male body you’re toying with wants you, my God that side of me wants you desperately, but not near as much as my Iridescent side wants your blood. The desire is intertwined, I can’t control it, it’s primal and I can’t have one without the other.”

  Shocked by his confession, she raised her hand and softly touched his face which was far exceeding human warmth. She swallowed hard, a finger trailing over his lips to his fangs. She held her breath as she placed her palm flat to his chest and she could literally feel and hear his heart drumming. She searched for words, direction, her mind racing. Finally, she whispered. “I understand.”

  “Do you? Because I’m one hungry Iridescent,” he said with an urgency in his voice that made her shiver. “I don’t want to force you…I want you to submit, it needs to be consensual, but I must mark you soon,” he paused, “because if I don’t, another Iridescent or even Scarface could take you from me.” He cocked his head a bit unnaturally. Don’t take too long, my love, else we both lose.”

  Donja couldn’t find her voice, she could only stare at his golden eyes which were completely mesmerizing. She wandered his face down to his fangs, sharp and curved beneath his partially open lips. She closed her eyes, terrified of being bitten, but more horrified that another, like Scarface, might take her. Summoning strength now motivated by fear, she found her voice. “So, once you bite me, I will be safe from the others.”


  “That’s the consequence you spoke of.”

  “It’s the only thing that can save you…save us both.”

  She closed her eyes and she wanted to
believe him.

  “Then do it.”

  “Are you sure? Once I taste the blood, there’s no stopping the beast within me. I will mark you.”

  “No, I’m not sure, but if this is my fate let it be you. I only ask for your word that my family will be safe from all this. Promise me, Torin. Give me your word that even if it is hopeless that you will try, fight the Council…for me, for my family if it comes to it. Look me in the eyes and tell me it’s so.”

  “You have my word as long as they don’t find out and try to expose us, but hear me, Donja. If that happens, I may fight for you, but there is no force on earth that can save us, so you need to be diligent and you must keep their suspicions at bay.”

  “I will…I promise.”

  His lips trembled, something building within. Suddenly, he pulled her to him so fast that she gasped and before she could as much as protest, she felt a prick on her neck that forced her body to stiffen. Her heart drummed mercilessly, and she felt him tighten his bite, clamping down as he pulled her to his rock-hard body. She grasped his shoulders, shackled, digging in with her nails, fighting the urge to scream. A sudden fire coursed through her veins. The heat within intensified and with terror mounting, she pelted his shoulders with her fist, and in her mind, the word ‘predator’ echoed. She struggled, carelessly beating him with her fist, but he held firm. Suddenly a moan escaped her lips and as a searing heat settled in her pelvis, her eyes rolled back, then fluttered. Her fist relaxed. She raised her hands to his head and tangled her fingers in his hair. She moaned again and arched her neck offering her life for it no longer mattered.

  He released her and pulled back, satiated with blood dripping on his chin.

  She grabbed his face, primal desire overriding anything previously felt. “I need you,” she pleaded with a sultry tone.

  He pulled back. “No, baby no,” he whispered, “I know you’re hot, I can smell you dripping and I want to taste it so bad it’s killing me, but it’s not the way of my kind. We have to wait.”

  “For what? I’m on fire,” she moaned fighting for his lips.

  He held her back. “We must wait, it’s our way.”

  “I don’t care of your way,” she mused, fingers entwined in his hair. “I need you,” she pleaded.

  “No, you’re not thinking clearly, it’s the fire of the antigens binding your cells.”

  “I don’t care,” she moaned and as her breaths increased to a fevered pitch, she fought harder, the need within intensifying.

  “But I do,” he said grasping her hands, “I must petition the Council. You deserve their blessing, rose petals, wine, a blood sacrifice and protection for life, should I ever be killed.”

  She pulled free of his grasp. “Blood, is that all that’s important to your kind? You do function as a man, don’t you?”

  He took her hand and pressed it to his groin. “Does that answer your question?”

  She pulled her hand away but not before feeling enough of him that she gasped.

  “Any doubts?” he whispered.

  “No, none,” she whimpered, desire squelched by his size which had her second guessing the possibility. She swallowed hard and raised a hand to her neck, then checked her fingers which were clean.

  “You’re not bleeding,” he said. “Iridescent fangs are coated with a toxin which numbs the skin and nerve beds and when I withdraw, antigens seal the site instantly.”

  “Amazing,” she said, a bit more composed though deep inside, her need of him lingered. She shivered, and her eyes trailed to the dark hair on his chest. She bit her lip. “Why did you bite my neck, Gage bites Makayla’s groin?”

  “You’re not supposed to know that.”

  “She didn’t tell me,” she lied, fearful he could read her, “I saw it when she took a bath.”

  “I know you’re trying to protect her, but your pulse gives you away. It’s admirable that you care so deeply for her, but this is me, Donja. I can read you so please, no more lies.”

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “But you admitted that you lied, so I guess we’ve both lied, at least once.”

  “You’re right and I promise you from this day forward, no more lies.”

  “Okay, I promise the same.”

  “Good. Now to your question. Gage does bite her groin to feed, but when he bound her to him, he bit her neck. Marking must occur on the neck, so just keep your hair down for a few days and no mortal will be the wiser.”

  “But what about other Iridescents, you said one might try and take me?”

  “Not anymore for you bear my internal marking.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Your blood, which is Rh-null, is the only human blood with no antigens. Iridescents have double antigens on the red cells. I have shared them with you and they instantly attach to your cells. Now, we are one, forever sharing the exact antigens. It’s kinda like a fingerprint.”

  “And all your kind will know.”

  “Yes, with a single glance they will know, not only that you’re taken and that there is no chance of reproduction with anyone but me, but that to be caught even lusting after you is death. It is the law of our clan. You’re safe, my love.”

  Donja breathed relief and then it occurred to her that he said, my love.

  She faced him.

  Did you mean that?

  She gazed deeply into his eyes searching for answers and then by no will of her own, took a dive, warmth washing over her, the promise of…

  He leaned in and kissed her, gently, rocking her in flames. He pulled back. “Let’s get out of here and grab a bite to eat. We need to meet Gage and Makayla in less than an hour. Are you hungry?”


  “What do you want?”

  She met his eyes which held her captive.

  For you to tell me that you love me, instead of just need me.

  Realizing that wasn’t going to happen, she forced a smile. “Well, if you must know, my body wants you, all of you, but my mind,” she whispered, dropping her eyes to his groin, “is a little scared of that venture.” She raised her eyes. “So how about Italian?”

  “That’s right up my alley. Good choice, but don’t worry about size. There’s ways to get you so hot, you won’t even notice.”

  “Do you promise?” she asked with a hushed whisper.

  His lips curled into smile as he gently stroked her cheek with his bent finger. “Yes, I promise and furthermore, I’m going to enjoy watching you squirm Donja Bellanger.”


  “One day soon, I’m going to kiss every inch of you, from the inside out.”

  Moving On

  Anna Bellanger stepped off the plane at O’Hare International in Chicago. Inside the terminal she walked in a tight queue among people with baggage in tow. Minutes later, following the ground level exit signs, she made her way to the glass doors of the terminal. She stepped outside, the smell of exhaust fumes wafting and hailed a cab.

  “Downtown,” she said to the cabdriver. “2960 State Street.”

  The yellow and black cab merged onto the busy interstate, the skyscrapers of Chicago looming. Anna’s conversation with Lisa replayed in her mind, again and again; her worst nightmares had come true. Donja had met a man, wealthy, and older though she didn’t have the heart to tell Lisa how much older she suspected this Torin Mancini might be. Twenty minutes later, they hit the busy influx of traffic. She opened her purse and glanced at the paperwork from her attorney in Kalamazoo, detailing her life savings, which were slim to say the least. She closed her eyes, secure in her mind that it was only money, her money, and spending every red cent to save Donja was worth it.

  “Radiant Iridescents,” she mumbled under their breath. She closed her eyes.

  Blood sucking demons, every…

  The sudden swerve of the cab followed by the honking of a car horn beside them, yanked Anna from the past into the present. Her purse went flying, her legal papers strewn upon the back seat. She gathered her things
while the cab driver shouted with a raised fist to the car beside them and though it was in his native tongue, the sentiment was easily read.

  Minutes later, the cab screeched to a halt in the heart of city. Anna paid the driver, then escaped the back seat, instantly consumed by fumes from the heavy traffic. She glanced at the mayhem, sidewalks packed, a man with a cardboard sign begging for coins, pigeons swooping in amid a tempest of voices as tourist snapped pictures of the Willis/Sears building.

  She exhaled, wandering through a maze of bodies, her destination, the double glass doors of ‘Joseph Miguel’s,’ a high-end salon. She eased through the door, a cacophony of cars, trucks and horns silenced behind.

  During a thirty-minute wait while sipping coffee, she thumbed through magazines, Donja on her mind. She was just certain this Torin was…

  “They’re ready for you,” the receptionist said, drawing her from thought. Anna got up and walked away.

  Just hold on baby girl…grandma’s coming.

  After a color clinician transformed her salt and pepper hair into an ebony shimmer, Anna found herself seated before Nate, a young stylist. She whipped out a picture of a model with a modern, shoulder-length style.

  Nate quickly got to work, scissors in one hand, tresses falling like rain. After a blow dry and big barrel curling iron, he spun her to view his masterpiece. She spiked her brows, eyes wide as total stranger stared back from the mirror.

  “Very nice,” he said as he ushered her back to the makeup counter.

  Hours later under the guidance of Nicole, a dual makeup/tattoo artist she had her lips, eyes and brows permanently lined. When the artist turned her to gaze up on herself, she could only stare. “Now let’s teach you to apply magnetic lashes, it’s a finishing touch that will have your partner begging.”