Read Checkmate Page 4


  The stock market crashed, as the rich ran for cover they left the poor to put the bill, the rich for no other reasons than wealth rather than purpose, were hunted down. Greywolf unlike Stanton was not confined by matters of state, but by matters of servitude. He lived by the gun, the gun of his father; he served the righteous, in the name of his mother. The Bill of Rights Act, 1689 allowed for Protestant citizenry to 'have Arms for their Defence suitable to their Conditions and as allowed by Law,' it also established that regulating the right to bear arms was one of the powers of Parliament and not of the monarch. In the broadest sense, 'arms' are any device used in order to inflict damage or harm to living beings, structures, or systems. Use of these arms with regard to the right to keep and bear arms is predicated on the concepts of the right of self defence, defence of property, and defence of state. Since the initial use of this term in the 1600s, armament technology has evolved and advanced. By the 17th century, firearm technology was a relatively new device for warfare or practical use such as hunting. Swords, spears, and other manual devices were more prevalent until the 18th century. Since the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries firearms had come to the forefront of this concept. If the public had been robbed of their rights, and stricken with servitude, Greywolf loomed. Educated by the sword of the cross, armed with the power of technology, authoritative information far beyond the gun, loyal to none but servant to all, even Stanton struggled to understand his creation, his mother, a ruthless assassin was horrified.

  A stately manor in Buckinghamshire once the dominant symbol of aristocracy would never be the same, dug into the very foundations of the icon, supporter of monarchs, purveyor of the Tudor banking system, hidden beneath its very foundations would rise, Greywolf. Grey by the hair of his father, a lone wolf by virtue of his mother, if the courts failed be it military or civil, none were safe from Greywolf.

  Rose, Bella and Louise were held back from moving to the manor for a month beyond settlement, ancient extended cellar caverns once the wine cellars of landed gentry, became the operational lair and impregnable fortress of Greywolf. The ladies of the manor used the front door, Stanton and his son used the rear entrance, some two miles of tunnel traversable by vehicle, the entrance hidden in a creek bed among ancient oak trees, it had been planned for years, inch by inch.

  The judicial system was in upheaval, the rich lost power, piles of money failed to guarantee outcome or life, Stanton and his network continued to strike as he forced dominance in Europe. In a few short weeks the evil and misguided lived in fear. MI6, the CIA, French Secret Service and The FBI had all tracked recent reference to a code operator from the realms of the elite called Greywolf. Politicians supporting the Cavendish dynasty planned revolt behind closed doors, they expected support from the general public, a mandate to rid the planet of Stanton, they lobbied the public for support, the outcome was unpredictable, confronted with backlash, they were forced to change their tact.

  At Pimlico the three girls were picked up by a cavalcade of black Range Rovers, the stately Bentley and the mystic white Rolls Royce. To the front of the convoy a strange looking black sleek vehicle, wheels the size of a light truck with menacing looking tyres, bullet proof, fire proof, able to sustain speeds of over three hundred miles an hour on the tarmac and traverse the roughest of mud, snow or rock terrain with ease. The body was low and wide, carbon fibre, powered by a whisper quiet propulsion system it was built to menace and intimidate. The styling was based on the sixties e-type jaguar but four times the size and wore the emblem of a prancing horse upon the front, sides and rear of its sleek lines. The car vehicle appeared totally black, its windows adjusting to light conditions, vision from inside was clear, vision from outside blocked. The doors opened upwards in an arc from the front, from the drives seat stepped Stanton, from the passengers seat Bruce Hurst. They surveyed the transfer of the three girls from the access tunnel to the white Rolls, once aboard the Stanton and Hurst returned to their seats and the doors closed with a hiss. The cavalcade set off for Buckinghamshire, to the rear an identical vehicle to Stanton's, the only difference the etching of a lone running grey wolf on the front, sides and rear, the vehicle remained silent and sealed during its journey.

  Rose Bella and Louise were oblivious to the impregnable fortress they were about to take up. Media attention had been focused on Roselyn Victoria Cavendish, rightful heir to the aristocratic estate, her pictures had been dominating media and women's magazines. Those in the know remained hidden and silent, elevated to constant attention by public and media, she handled the turnabout with glowing embrace. Stanton had long been planting background information on Rose far removed from reality, Rose and her two ladies in waiting were the toast of tinsel town and beyond, she was compared to princess and women of nobility. The truth was Stanton worked furiously to cover Roses tracks, and Rose still had a habit to service, but things were not as hapless as they appeared, Stanton now had access to lines of nobility never before studied. Rose's habit would continue to supply information, she would have an endless throng of nobility and business contacts come and go. The burden of payment had been removed, and she could choose whom she wished to indulge. The one pornographic film circulating was deemed a fake, Rose had so much plastic surgery she bore little resemblance to the films star character and it added to the mystic of this ravishing beauty.

  As the cavalcade approached the manor, the lead and tail vehicles suddenly turned into the forest and vanished. Bella was the only one interested. "Those things, they've turned off and straight into the forest." She studied one thorough the crystal clear window of the Rolls as it morphed into the foliage of ancient oaks and ash. She noticed the grey wolf on the vehicles rear, she muttered. "Greywolf."

  Louise spun to look but missed it. "A wolf here in the forest."

  Bella held a look of stern resolution. "Yes."

  "The wolf is not native to the English countryside."

  "Nor the wild mustang, but they run here."

  Rose lifted one side of her mouth in a half pout. "Speak English Bell." She looked out the window in the direction of Bella's gaze. "Bit too much of the monster jelly, we have to get out more."

  Bella sneered at Rose and sat back in her seat, she looked down in concentration and thought. "Louise, you remember the brief a couple of year's back we couldn't work out, mentioned Greywolf."

  "You saw it too."

  "The weird vehicle, with the wolf."


  "The elite have been looking for the reference to Greywolf, they have found nothing. You look terrified Bell."

  "No, it's just a thought."

  Rose took to the window in an unladylike fashion with great excitement. "Oh look the manor entrance." The cavalcade turned passing through the impregnable open gates, Rose caught sight of the manors nameplate. "Greywolf Manor, I thought this place was called Waddesdon."

  Bella muttered under her breath, her face in her hands. "Oh my god."

  Rose sat back down next to Bella. "You want to share your concern."

  "How an earth was this part of the Cavendish estate."

  "I have no idea, John organised everything."

  "Or did he?"

  "What do you mean Bell?"

  "This place is crawling with the public, it's a bloody museum."

  "Relax Bell, John arranged a manager, everything continues on as it always has here for hundreds of years."

  "Last time I came here those gates were not there, look, look at the electric fence, this place is run by the national trust, belongs to the people."

  Louise looked at Bella with a half smile and raised eyebrows. "Can you make a bigger statement?"

  Rose looked about the grounds and out buildings as they progressed through the estate toward the manor. "The place is deserted, if this is open to the public they've had enough."

  Bella looked around. "The place has been closed since the signing of the transfer, will open again soon with its darling patron Rose Cavendish."

/>   Louise smiled at Bella with her arms folded. "You think they'll buy it."

  "Don't laugh Louise, you've been branded the French flower overseeing the gardens, with an expected spring change to romantic amour about the grounds."

  Louise referred to the morning paper that had been passed around during the journey. "And what do I read of you, the dark haired raven resident of the tower and protector of the very bosom of domain adds an irresistible quality to the fabric of the now resident trio of Bella's. Fonteyn, a former government security officer will add a touch of class as she takes up her position as head of security."

  They passed the stable grounds, from the forest thicket they heard a cry Bella was familiar with, a screaming cry of a horse, some had referred to as the cry of the banshee. Into view thundered three galloping horses, they ran past the cavalcade along a new wooden fence line gaining ground, the slowed and a massive black stallion reared up and cried out, they thundered back into the wood. Bella picked up the newspaper from the seat beside her. "Anyone read the back page."

  "Just has bloody soccer players on it." Replied Rose.

  Bella studied the back page then held a picture of a black horse racing past the finishing line at Ascot up for all to see, she then read the accompanying news report. "Visitors to the renovated Greywolf Manor when it reopens will have an extra treat especially lovers of thoroughbred horse flesh. Unbeaten world champion Australian sprint and distance runner 'Flaxmead' is now resident of the sprawling Greywolf Manor grounds along with Scottish champion Celtic Storm, and Australian counterpart Flushing Meadow. Known as the untouchables, along with Brazen Heart, the only horse that has ever challenged Flaxmead in the Australian Classic Melbourne, Cup premier event of the Australian spring racing carnival, are now stabled at the Greywolf Manor stabling complex. Roselyn Victoria Cavendish, a long time lover of horse's managed to successfully negotiate the residency for what she described as a chance for the European public to experience close up the worlds fastest, most powerful and magnificent undefeated horse's. Flaxmead has recently broken another record becoming the world's best race horse for five years in a row. Security at Greywolf Manor has been extensively strengthened to accommodate the new equine residence. Roland Stillwell, CEO of the British horse racing association, and head of the Ascot management committee, confirmed he was in negotiations with Anna and Dylan Fields, Flaxmead's teenage owners, regarding another run for the champ at Ascot. Winston Blake Flaxmead's manager also confirmed negotiations were underway for Flaxmead to run in the UK. John Stanton Flaxmead's security manager called a private press conference in the grounds of Greywolf Manor to apologise for the increased security measures visually present. He stated the public were of no threat to Flaxmead but attempts on Flaxmead's life continued to be uncovered. Wilson Hornswaddle and Bartholomew Fothrington, the world's biggest owners of thoroughbred race horses present at the press conference, claimed after searching for years they had finally found a horse that could challenge Flaxmead. When questioned further on the claim they were forced to leave due to ailing health problems plaguing the powerful pair of retired merchant bankers. Wilson Blake wished the pair well but brushed off claims a horse existed that could run with Flaxmead." She looked up from the page. "Written by Terry Whistler, he's the Australian sports reporter." Bella shook her head, but chuckled. "Covering the security upgrade and rallying the public."

  Rose wore a face of inquisition. "I wished he had told us we would have a bigger draw card than the pope running around the garden, place will be bloody crawling with good knows who."

  Bella continued to wear a firm look of deep thought. "John would never move us here unless the place was foolproof."

  Rose snapped back. "Well it doesn't look to foolproof to me."

  Bella looked around as the cavalcade crept on approaching the main driveway leading to the manor. "It's not what we can see, it's what we can't see."

  Rose caught site of the manor. "Oh my god, have a look at that. I was happy with a bedroom and a kitchen."

  Bella entered Roses space peering into her face. "Remember your training, you are a lady, loved by men."

  "Well we know that."

  "Louise!" Bella looked back at Rose. "Adored by women, butter wouldn't melt in your mouth."

  Louise looked at Rose, she sniggered with a smile. "John was right, her pure innocence makes her so appealing, regardless of her background, women would love to be her. Men would walk over hell to get to her, John's pawn is now the queen, checkmate."

  The cavalcade pulled up in front of the main entrance. A line of staff awaited them, men they had never seen before opened the door and helped them out. Hidden behind gold ray ban sunglasses, wearing crisp grey tweed suits and with shaven heads they showed no emotion or facial expression. At last Stanton's face wilted their concern, just clear of the staff's earshot he gestured with a wave of this head to the grey men and they took positions of prevalence around the cavalcade. Bella scanned the building and grounds, as Rose chatted to Stanton she butted in. "John, snipers on the ramparts."

  "Yes, their ours."

  "Flaxmead, electric fences."

  "Bell we're about to take charge of Tudor central, does it look like this was concocted overnight."

  "Greywolf Manor, we need to talk."

  "Bell, you didn't need to know till now."

  "There's and awful lot of didn't need to know here."

  Rose was walking the line of staff in the sunshine, her briefings and training did little to dampen her character, she called to Stanton half way along the line. "John."

  Stanton took the request to get clear of Bella, and briskly walked to Rose smiling at the staff. "You called."

  "These people are bowing and curtsying to me, I want it stopped now."

  "They've done it for hundreds of years."

  "If these people work around here looking after the place I need know them better than having them bow and scrape all over the place like I was some kind of monarch."

  "You are lady of the estate."

  "Who looks after the kitchen." Stanton looked at a young woman in the line, he nodded with a smile. The young women approached her looking down and curtseyed. "What's your name?"

  "Mary milady."

  "I'm starving Mary, where's the kitchen."

  "Am I to understand milady wishes to inspect the kitchen?"

  "No, milady otherwise known as Rose, wants to make a ham salad sandwich, doesn't anyone know its lunch time."

  A tall well dressed distinguished gent approached from the head of the line by the entrance, greying hair, long thing nose, an ornate doyley draped across his right forearm. His crisp white shirt cuffs were adorned with cuff links bearing the Cavendish coat of arms. He stepped in front of Mary to talk to Rose. Stanton growled at him. "You were not summoned Carruthers."

  He turned to Stanton. "Begging your pardon sir, milady's conduct is rather out of order."

  "You appear to have forgotten that milady, otherwise known as Rose, runs the place, not only that, she is the correct heir to the emblem you have on your cufflinks."

  "I find this highly disturbing and object to bohemian depravity taking up residence in the manor of the land. I also object to the renaming of this establishment to Greywolf Manor." As if from nowhere Hurst in black and two grey operatives flanked Carruthers, he looked around with a look of distain. "How dare you man."

  "If you don't like what's happening, leave."

  "My family has been butler to the Cavendish family for generations, we are part of this establishment. I wish to consult with the previous heir to discuss my authority."

  "Half of them can't be found and the other half are dead."

  "I warn you Stanton, I have as much authority as part of the committee as others."

  "The trust through the high court has recognised Rose Cavendish as the inherent heir, you're sacked."

  "I beg your pardon."

  "We know where you went last night, the night before the day before, we know more about y
ou than you know about yourself. Perhaps you have forgotten how you attained your position and what kept you there. Transfer is complete, you're of no use to us, in fact your no use to anyone, George Smith."

  "My name is Edwin Carruthers."

  Stanton turned toward the line of staff, his hands behind his back he raised his voice. "George Smith, held to ransom by members of the national trust committee for very serious crimes, murder, embezzlement, blackmail of members of the staff gathered here. Assisted in changing his family name by members of the Cavendish family now deceased." Stanton walked up to Smiths face and invaded his space in an aggressive whisper. "I consider your actions chicken shit, but others feel stronger about your past and present conduct. Over the past two months listening in on your calls and private conversations within these very walls, I tend to agree with them." Stanton turned back to the line of staff. "Mr Carruthers will be leaving us," he turned to Mary standing beside him, Rose listened and studied the faces with intrigue. "You wish to press charges regarding Mr Carruthers and his past treatment of you, we are aware and have evidence of the details."

  Mary continued to look down. "No, I hate the man."

  "I could understand that."

  "I never want to see him again."

  Stanton began to walk up and down the line of staff, he looked in their faces as he past, smiling and continuing to talk with his hands behind his back. Bella lifted one side of her mouth in a half pout, she whispered over Roses shoulder. "Cant bloody help himself can he, thinks he's on the parade ground."

  Stanton raised his voice looking sideways at Bella. "Mr Carruthers is leaving to assist members of the British government with enquiries into many financial and procedural discrepancies that go far beyond Greywolf Manor." Stanton gestured with his head with a quick nod to one side, Hurst took Carruthers by the arm and led him away toward a waiting black Range Rover. "He is the last link to pompous ratbags recently brought down by the discovery of Rose Victoria Cavendish. Should you wish to leave us then by all means do, but I cannot protect you when walking the pavements of Europe in when held in comparison to the grounds of this manor. You may of late read or watched media reports of a character called Greywolf, I can assure you its not me, in fact its not anyone, just a ploy by Fabian remnants to panic the public and stir the pot. This establishment has been renamed to antagonise, demoralise and bring to the surface any remaining members of a system that has fallen just as the Roman Empire fell without the support of its populous. Should Greywolf Manor fall, it would not be the end, but as bigger blow as suffered by the bastards who believe they are born to rule. This very belief has been their own downfall, Rose will..."

  Rose interrupted. "John I'm bloody starving, you going to be all day or what."

  Members of the staff chuckled under their breath and a senior male member put his fist to his lips and coughed. Stanton's held a poker face, the line watched his lips waiting. "You will notice Rose bears the manor of you and I, she would not understand being waited on hand and foot, nor would she tolerate it. This may take some time to get..."

  Rose picked her dress up above her ankles and walked toward the main door. "Where's the kitchen, I'll make a nice ham salad sandwich for everyone." She stopped at Mary. "Can you show me where the kitchen is, tell me someone here knows where it is."

  "Yes M' lady."

  "M' lady, boy have you got a lot to pick up princess, my names Rose."

  "Of course, sorry."

  "And don't ever apologise to anyone ever again, especially me."

  "Yes sorry."

  "Oh god, you got a lot to learn." Rose took her by the hand. "Come on where's the bloody kitchen."

  "This way m.. Rose."

  They headed for the door. "Come on you lot, its lunch time." The line followed Rose and Mary toward the door.

  Bella stopped by Stanton, Louise stood by her wearing a smirk. "That didn't go exactly as you had planed did it."

  Stanton rubbed his cropped hair with his right hand as he watched the line file into the manor, he shook his head. "No."

  "Well you set it up sunshine, I wouldn't miss this for the world." She walked toward the manor door, Louise followed.

  "Bell." Shouted Stanton.

  She turned back to him with a cheeky smile. "Get hold of it for us will you, I have to go for an hour or so, the press were here, Lola will be after my arse."

  Bella shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. "Rose has the reins, I'm a spectator."

  "Bell, they will come after her."

  Bella strutted back and entered Stanton's space nose to nose. "You did this, you don't think we know. Where is our boy?"

  Stanton was silent, he wore his poker face, and he slowly looked down at the ground. Bella followed his eyes and looked down, the penny dropped. "Oh my god, our boy as well. He's Greywolf isn't he?" Stanton turned away, Bella moved and blocked his way, she looked daggers in his face. She whispered her nose touching his, her arms crossed in rage. "Our boy is Greywolf isn't he." Stanton showed no emotion, he tried to walk away but Bella held her ground. She shouted. "John!"

  Stanton remained calm. "Move to one side Bell."

  Tears welled in her eyes. "You bastard, you promised me. He wasn't in uni at all was he, he was with you, you lied to me."

  "Bell, your emotions are affecting your discipline."

  "Well I'm just all cut up about that, we have a son, what have you done to him, you promised me."

  Stanton looked down. "He's fine; you Rose and Louise are safer than you have ever been." He looked back up.

  Bella turned around and began to walk away with her head down. "Bell." She turned back. "I love you too much to do anything else, we both do."

  "I'm a mother John."

  "And I'm a father."

  "Has he killed?"

  Stanton held face. "I'll be about an hour Bell."

  "There's a fortress under this manor isn't there?"

  Stanton walked away, Bella gathered herself and walked toward the manor entrance.