Read Checkmate Page 8


  Stillwell stood looking over St James Park from his Westminster high rise office. "So George Hollis just vanished today, just like that."

  Reichmann squirmed nervously in the seat beyond Stillwell's desk. "Yes, his car and chauffeur was involved in a fatal accident in Buckinghamshire."

  "Not far from the newly named Greywolf Manor."

  Reichmann lowered his voice to just audible. "Yes."

  Stillwell folded his arms. "Not a coincidence you think." Reichmann said nothing. "Why have you been unable to arrange a meeting with Stanton, you've had weeks."

  "We believe something is blocking our correspondence."

  "Why would Stanton block our communication channels, was probably he who took out George Hollis."

  "That's not possible."

  Stillwell turned and lent on the window ledge. "Explain."

  "Stanton is gone back to Australia, he left hours ago, long before Hollis disappeared."

  Stillwell folded his arms with a look of scorn. "Then who are we dealing with."

  "What little intelligence we can gather suggests an agent called Greywolf."

  Stillwell sat down, he played with a pipe on his desk loading it with tobacco as he spoke. "Intelligence has also suggested this to be a dead end set up by Stanton."

  "It also suggests this is John Stanton yes, his son, also son of Bella Elizabeth Fonteyn."

  "I detest that woman's name."

  "Look, get real." Reichmann's German accent broadened as he became angry. "These people are running the show, Forbes, Ludlow's son, Lovington, all missing presumed dead. Brenda Fleming burnt to death in her own home in Portsmouth this morning."

  Stillwell looked up with a start. "Are you sure."

  "A body was recovered from the ruins."

  "Two bodies."

  "No one."

  "We assume she was alone."

  "Her personal effects were taken from the charred remains."

  "I don't buy it, Brenda Fleming has more protection up her arse than the pope."

  Reichmann threw his hands in the air. "We believe it's true, a customer left and the place was hit by the elite."

  Stillwell scratched his shoulder. "Makes no sense."

  "If you consider George Hollis was taken out by the elite as well makes perfect sense."

  "Mmm, agreed. Our people have penetrated Greywolf Manor, it's the first open day."

  "Reports suggest all cleared security, there's no sign of Rose Cavendish or her off cohorts Bella Fonteyn and Louise Legrande."

  "The French under our very feet, god damn man what next."

  "Legrande has been part of the elite for years."

  "We have no evidence at all to suggest that."

  "Then how an earth did she get there."

  "Her father."

  "Should she find out about her father kiss our arses good bye."

  Stillwell again went to the window and puffed on his pipe as he took in the view. "Should we release Legrande's father we're all dead. It's the one thing that holds an ace."

  "They don't call her the lethal autumn leaf for nothing, she could drop into your bedroom and you wouldn't know she was there."

  "Stanton has tried twice to extract Legrande, his failures seem a little out of character, if Stanton had wanted to extract him he would. What is it that hounds his attempts to failure?"

  "I'm telling you Stanton is the least of our worries, you have to believe Greywolf is real. Strange vehicles involved in the procession protecting Rose Cavendish, one bore the emblem of a horse, the other a wolf, they vanished in the forest. Every agent we have sent to the area has not returned."

  Stillwell again sat down with a nervous twitch, puffing on his pipe. "I've seen the pictures, we don't even know what powers these silent symbols of authority. Again only Stanton showed himself, makes me think this Greywolf is merely a myth."

  "Myths that blow holes in people are far more dangerous than weak belief."

  "I'm not saying you're wrong, just looking for answers."

  "We have no answers, we are loosing our agents and unable to replace them, no one will work with us no matter how much money you offer."

  "Yes, things are changing, during change only information is of any use, we then can work out a plan of rectification."

  "If we live that long."

  "We are still alive, does that not say something."

  "They would know I'm here."

  "Of course, and without us they have little to zero contact with our allies."

  "We are fast running out of allies."

  "Then it will be us whom take the reins."

  Reichmann thought for a few seconds. "I will contact the agents that toured the Manor and get back to you." Reichmann walked to the door.

  Stillwell puffed smoke into the air, he walked to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a brandy. "Of course."